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New Hacks in WvW? Seen Something New


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1 hour ago, SteelEclipse.3614 said:

It's my turn now ! I mean we should share these findings fellow Tyrians.



Good catch. The second video is called a Resurrection hack. This been happening for 10 years+ and has been used by all Professions with Elementalist Profession being the worse offenders.

"The mind and body are not separate. what affects one, affects the other"

PvE+PvP+WvW Community Are Not Seperated. What Anet Allows and Permits To One Community, Effects The Other Community"

Until Anet acknowledges and understand this; Guild Wars 2 Community will continue to depopulate in record number.


(Here is the 'kicker', Anet is dumping so much money in marketing the game and hiring Marketers to cover-up the exploits, hacking and cheating in the game and there it is, still standing, Truth; exposing 10 years of lies that 'we care about the players', 'we are listening to you')

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, SteelEclipse.3614 said:

It's my turn now ! I mean we should share these findings fellow Tyrians.


That first video is hilarious!

The second video is weird.  Looks like a desync.  You eventually do additional damage to him as he seemingly falls out of the air after appearing in the wrong spot on your client.  Teleport hacks don't look like desyncs where the server understands the player to be in a different position than what your client is showing.  They look like your first video.

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Oh, in that case

I didn't report it as I have no faith in their reporting system and I *literally* don't care enough to report anymore.

Not "new" hack necessarily is it, but if it's a show and tell 😄

Find him, verify no entrance in, kill him - 20s later, he's back. 


Oh, and people flying is old too 😛 The timestamp link below is part of a "silly" video of stuff playing wvw, it's years old, and at that point I'm playing it backwards so the Harry Potter on-a-broom is going forward. But that player was indeed flying and going through the wall 🙂 Linked rather than let it embed, the soundtrack is also appropriately silly, so if that offends turn volume down before clicking the link. Or don't. Who cares 😉



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3 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

I didn't report it as I have no faith in their reporting system and I *literally* don't care enough to report anymore.

But you cared enough to take a video and post about it here which takes longer than simply reporting in-game?

100% chance that no action will be taken because you didn't bother reporting.  It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Shame.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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37 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

But you cared enough to take a video and post about it here which takes longer than simply reporting in-game?

100% chance that no action will be taken because you didn't bother reporting.  It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Shame.


Chaba, I Discourage you from shaming Chips.


Here is my defense for Chips 



"They were pretty well thought out, unfortunately ANet GMs are more triggered by language filters than hacks so to summon a GM you have to say the magic words repeating the phrase Candyman 3 times while staring in a mirror in a dark room. Hacking is a major problem in GW2 PVP, that’s a big reason why no one does it because ANet won’t fix it, say some bad words though and the GMs descend on you like bees including the community.

Taken out of context Woodenpotatoes was in the wrong, but taken within context from a person familiar with GW2, and how ANet responds to things WP did something pretty smart."





"I made a whole video with timestamps when the cheat was used for the support.
The cheater is still playing. Anyway i got burnout about too much cheaters in the game. Took a break of the game and i came back it's fine. But the saddest part is Anet doesn't care about hackers or cheaters.

And you shouldn't talk about it you will end up banned by anet, and the cheaters/hackers can still roam in the game freely.

It's better to ban honest players than cheaters and hackers"



"I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them."

"It's not new, thieves have long used stealth as a method of hiding hacks.. this is one of the reasons I've hated the mechanic in competitive play for so many years.

One of the most common hacks is the movement hack or teleport hack..Thieves can use teleport hacks to essentially give themselves unlimited shadowstep's with no cooldown restriction or initiative cost.. nor do they need to sacrifice any utility slots for mobility skills either."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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24 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


Chaba, I Discourage you from shaming Chips.


Here is my defense for Chips 



"They were pretty well thought out, unfortunately ANet GMs are more triggered by language filters than hacks so to summon a GM you have to say the magic words repeating the phrase Candyman 3 times while staring in a mirror in a dark room. Hacking is a major problem in GW2 PVP, that’s a big reason why no one does it because ANet won’t fix it, say some bad words though and the GMs descend on you like bees including the community.

Taken out of context Woodenpotatoes was in the wrong, but taken within context from a person familiar with GW2, and how ANet responds to things WP did something pretty smart."





"I made a whole video with timestamps when the cheat was used for the support.
The cheater is still playing. Anyway i got burnout about too much cheaters in the game. Took a break of the game and i came back it's fine. But the saddest part is Anet doesn't care about hackers or cheaters.

And you shouldn't talk about it you will end up banned by anet, and the cheaters/hackers can still roam in the game freely.

It's better to ban honest players than cheaters and hackers"



"I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them."

Again, 100% chance no action will be taken if not reported.


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4 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

But you cared enough to take a video and post about it here which takes longer than simply reporting in-game?

100% chance that no action will be taken because you didn't bother reporting.  It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Shame.

No, I recorded it so i could show it to the guildies for amusement. I record and post a lot of stuff - most of it is hidden. Simply reporting in game does nothing. You have to raise a ticket, provide the player's in game name, provide the video and more for something to happen. I've done that a fair number of times. One video was watched. A few more went *unwatched* (uploaded unlisted and link only shared with support). So my efforts were wasted. 

So empirical evidence of my efforts being wasted, with zero evidence they're not. I still choose to record and upload vids - that's *my* choice. 

It's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiculous that I'm being criticised for deciding to stop bothering. The entire player base is required to endlessly report players and submit evidence to combat exploits, rather than they just *fix the damned exploit locations that have been reported ad nauseum*. But continue to criticise me for failing to "do my bit" instead of criticising the one entity that can *has the power to stop it in the first place*.

Cheats/hacks are different though. Maybe I should have reported that player because it was an absolute cheat. Oh well. 

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6 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

It's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiculous that I'm being criticised for deciding to stop bothering

To be clear, when you post here about it, it doesn't look like you truly stopped bothering.

It's bothersome all around that Anet doesn't take more action. I still report ingame at least though knowing that zero reports will result always in zero action.

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The only reason I ever post exploits public is the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, Anet will be publicly humbled/humiliated into doing something as others join in, contribute, raise the profile, make it into *something* they can't ignore.


Instead, literally the majority of the time, you find yourself under criticism by other posters. If I seem defensive, it's because this entire circumstance of being criticised is insane. It is *insane* we're defending ourselves for showing an issue.



@ anyone criticising people for posting or highlighting or anything - take a look in the damned mirror. Who's at fault. Tired of it. 

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9 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

@ anyone criticising people for posting or highlighting or anything - take a look in the damned mirror. Who's at fault. Tired of it.

I get frustrated too when no fixes appear.  It's also frustrating when no reports are made at all while "highlighting" on the forum because others have given up the ghost.  Take a look in the mirror indeed.  Tired of people complaining without taking the steps that actually lead to something - posting here on the forum is literally nothing.  It doesn't create a ticket in their system.  This forum doesn't mark in-game any data they can look up.  There's no metrics that can be analyzed here.  Flood their inboxes with reports instead.

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11 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Take a look in the mirror indeed. 

Yeah, you're right. I think you finally got through to me.

It's my fault. I'm the one to blame here. I can change it all if I just report things again; 10 years of reporting just not pressing the button hard enough.

Thank you.

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On 11/18/2023 at 8:16 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

I get frustrated too when no fixes appear.  It's also frustrating when no reports are made at all while "highlighting" on the forum because others have given up the ghost.  Take a look in the mirror indeed.  Tired of people complaining without taking the steps that actually lead to something - posting here on the forum is literally nothing.  It doesn't create a ticket in their system.  This forum doesn't mark in-game any data they can look up.  There's no metrics that can be analyzed here.  Flood their inboxes with reports instead.

The thing is: even if you report stuff, nothing seems to happen. I reported a bunch of exploits/hacks using the ticket system (including video-evidence on YouTube) and the videos were never watched (YouTube shows 0 views).

Combine this with ArenaNet's default reply of "Yeah, thanks for your ticket but for privacy reasons we can't actually tell you if we did anything about it" (which is utter BS as there is literally ZERO private data involved that needs to be protected if they tell you "Yeah, we found that person guilty of cheating and banned them for 3 weeks") and you know why people are frustated and stop reporting stuff.

(( Don't get me wrong - i still report people who are using Teleport-Hacks, etc. but i honestly don't expect that ANet actually does anything about these players - and that's a really sh*tty feeling ))

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 the acceptance of all the newbies into wvw is truly created havoc on particular servers.   They are using ALL the supply to build 10 or more golems and 10 or more trebs everywhere in the keep;.   The squads have very little to no supply to help them in whatever their Gen Patton plans are.  Furthermore, I tried to tell them that the golems are difficult to travel from the keep to the other side of the map yet they continue to build them.  Arena Net or their particular guilds should teach them the do and don't of wvw.   Trebs on hill outside SMC is not the way to go.   Golems are build by the commanders as they are needed due to their slow nature in their traveling.  

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The Truth Is Under Attack!!

Anet War aganst The Community 11 years+ concerns and going after every threads that mentions Thief Profession and Stealth Mechanic and closing them

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it.....but in the end, there it is." 

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1 hour ago, Londyn.3210 said:

 the acceptance of all the newbies into wvw is truly created havoc on particular servers.   They are using ALL the supply to build 10 or more golems and 10 or more trebs everywhere in the keep;.   The squads have very little to no supply to help them in whatever their Gen Patton plans are.  Furthermore, I tried to tell them that the golems are difficult to travel from the keep to the other side of the map yet they continue to build them.  Arena Net or their particular guilds should teach them the do and don't of wvw.   Trebs on hill outside SMC is not the way to go.   Golems are build by the commanders as they are needed due to their slow nature in their traveling.  

Using all the supply is never a good idea. I don't think I would recommend any one set of players defining how one should play WvW since it is a sandbox. And different tactics are a valid thing since there is no one way to do a thing. Different server, as seen by links, develop their own tactics and placements. I am not saying they all work but there are noticeable differences, some good and some bad as seen by the eye of the beholder.

Take Golems. Can they be used to attack, yes. Can they be used to defend, yes. Can they be used to burn out supply from a camp that you know is going to be overrun and you want to quickly drain the supply from to prevent the other side from supply, yes. Can they used in a reset joke to line a trail from spawn to Garri with since the week in scoring was over by Thursday night? Absolutely yes. 

That's without even factoring differences in scale of play be that a Zerg/Warband/Havoc/Roamer usage.

Now mind you, you will get troll play as well, but still I wouldn't want the building of things restricted. Unless you want your entire server running everyone as a tag in order to deploy siege. Mind you all tags up hours of play are always a good time to be had on a map. 

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6 hours ago, Londyn.3210 said:

 the acceptance of all the newbies into wvw is truly created havoc on particular servers.   They are using ALL the supply to build 10 or more golems and 10 or more trebs everywhere in the keep;.   The squads have very little to no supply to help them in whatever their Gen Patton plans are.  Furthermore, I tried to tell them that the golems are difficult to travel from the keep to the other side of the map yet they continue to build them.  Arena Net or their particular guilds should teach them the do and don't of wvw.   Trebs on hill outside SMC is not the way to go.   Golems are build by the commanders as they are needed due to their slow nature in their traveling.  

There is at least one troll who does this. I've entered into a map with something like 15-20 golems at spawn - not for ages, though.

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