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everything should be "automated"


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New patch is out and ... ohhhh we can toggle auto launch skills for pets .

Funny enough now mech ( who is already broken op) can also do that to all mech skills 

So my opinion here is to make all skills , utiltys , healing skills , special action keys etc etc etc ...being able to be also toggle automated , so we can basically let our character do everything for us ...yayyyy

Why even bother playing the game , let the game play for u !  Guys , welcome in 2022... 




"For those who didnt noticed it was sarcasm "

If you took the time to read my crap , ty and have a nice day

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Sure, make everything auto castable.

All this will lead to is skills being used suboptimally. Don't know about you, but I usually don't burn my healing skill when I am missing just 50 hp.

If you don't like the feature, don't use it. I know I won't, since mechanist is already playing easy mode for me as it was as an engineer main for years. And I think I will use my skills better than my mech auto casting them.

But having the option to put them on auto cast is not a bad thing. Also I don't think you want to take the feature away from rangers who were asking for it for years for the low impact spammable pet skills they have.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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I think they are planning to let you leave your character to roam open world on its own while you work or sleep for map completion, folks.

Good change!

kitten, I just realised probably mech will be able to solo champions and world bosses in this afk mode.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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Honestly, I don’t think this is a bad feature. For skills which require timing, spamming them off cooldown is not going to be useful; For skills which we just want to spam off cooldown, this is a tool to help us. No points to do this manually, it’s not fun anyway.

If anything, the problem is more that why there are skills that we would ever want to spam off cooldown? That’s a separate question we should ask Anet why designing skills that way.

There are no actual difference between pet skills or player skills, too. It’s more that there are more pet skills we want to spam off cooldown, so I think we can go ahead and make this available for player skills as well. Even ground target skills can just target the same target we have right now. Players can choose not to use auto-casting if they want to cast them in better timing or targeting a different ground.

If this happens, I can foresee I won’t use this for most of the skills, but it’s not bad to have another option or when I am just doing Tyria map completion (everything just melts when I hit any buttons, so no points for timing at all)

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I was an ele player (not anymore as the class is trash tier now) so i know what button spamming is .

According thats a good feature (even only an option) , is litteraly nonsense to me . Pressing buttons isnt fun ? Dont play vidéo games then , it's all about pressing buttons ( i know the thing about the iboga skill on a 3secs cd was pretty annoying ,...)

And the point i want to make by my sarcasm is not that the game get easier , it's literally let the game fall in an automated mode like disgusting mobile phone games.

You thought mecha player were all around the world ? Well good for you , you gonna see more of them, till they represent 50% of the meta.

You will like playing an actual class , who require skill to do damage , get overrun by a mech player basically at 1 action per hour ?

I sure not !

Thats my opinion , but that patch is stupid and shows that the game is literraly falling in a black hole.

Thats a basic rule for me in vidéo games : You press a button -> something happen , you press nothing -> nothing happen.

And again if you think it's annoying to press button (even the same every 3 secs) , i literally dont know what to say .

It's like saying i am a fervent vegan but i work in a butchery...

But everyone has his vision and opinion of the game , for me it shows a dark future  . And if for some of you it seems bright , well good for you then .



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22 minutes ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

With the patch, Mecha power dps just lost around 2k dps flat, and you are talking about a feature that was done for ranger?


Dude i just test it out iam at 28k rifle mecha with autos toggle on mech skill , just doing launching the AA rifle and then afk , i literally fell asleep in front of my monitor . Dont know with what you are playing to loss 2 k damage .. maybe mace ? Dont forget auto rockety thingy work only on projectiles now , and your mech trigger it only every 6secs instead of 3 . There are your 2k loss.

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You don't activare Autopet option for a test about dps as a function that wasn't in game before and was implemented mostly for Ranger; the results come out invalid.

And as i wrote in another post, you use skills that are your CC or your boons randomly with that active, when you need to use them during precise fight moment for them to be usefull and not wasted and in cooldown when you really need them. (is a Golem immovable that don't react, is for testing purpose, in the real game, you literally never reach that damage if you don't play "smart").

You are literally sayng automating skills give you more dps........ well, i think is totally normal, for every class, no?

And if possible, please, write the traits and equip you use, so i can do the test too, for reference, thx.


PS. Will test it with the build i use normally so i get some number too (extra work to do).

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This was likely an accessibility and QOL change.
The pets often have abilities that are best used off cooldown and don't require special timing. E.g. the core pet skills accessible on Untamed are often just "your pet deals more damage". Same goes for some of the Mech abilities.

Some players with disabilities have a hard time accessing too many buttons and for those of us without disabilities it's an annoyance to mindlessly spam those buttons. 

You don't have to take personal offense to a change that likely doesn't affect or target you at all.

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The annoying thing about automated is when the automated person out classes you it feels....



I agree that it makes it more accessible but it belittles people of skill


People who press 1 and then sit back are good and fine but the people who put in effort should get rewarded more for it


Gw2 is not Clash of clans

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I love the autocast so far i just hope they fix the bug for fire wyvern. the flame circle doesnt stick to where wyvern is it moves to you. Everything else so far makes Untamed just way easier. I am autistic and in pve i often ignored pets skills after Untamed. Now it makes my prefered class far easier to use.

Edited by Kaenaydar.5631
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24 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:

This was likely an accessibility and QOL change.
The pets often have abilities that are best used off cooldown and don't require special timing. E.g. the core pet skills accessible on Untamed are often just "your pet deals more damage". Same goes for some of the Mech abilities.

Some players with disabilities have a hard time accessing too many buttons and for those of us without disabilities it's an annoyance to mindlessly spam those buttons. 

You don't have to take personal offense to a change that likely doesn't affect or target you at all.

I am one such person i often forget own rotation to do pets stuff or forget the pet to do own stuff. For me in fractals and raids with a auto it makes it i can focus on own stuff. Without neglecting my pets stuff i am a ranger main and for me it just gives me more ease of use given i have autism and a learning disability. I might get made fun of for saying that but the auto function really made Untamed more fun for me.

Edited by Kaenaydar.5631
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27 minutes ago, Infinity.2876 said:

The annoying thing about automated is when the automated person out classes you it feels....



I agree that it makes it more accessible but it belittles people of skill


People who press 1 and then sit back are good and fine but the people who put in effort should get rewarded more for it


Gw2 is not Clash of clans

The change does nothing to improve how pet classes perform. The worst you could say about this change is that it makes pet classes easier to use and play.

The real reason people are upset about this is because Mechanist currently performs really well and is also very easy to use, while some other specs currently perform worse.

The proper response here should be to call for other specs to be made more viable and useful, instead of tearing others down for playing a spec that you deem to be too easy.

Edited by GWstinkt.6094
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Tested........ a classic scam like with the amazing 30k dps Mecha rifle with 11111 or the 25k rifle 11111 without boons on you and no malus condis on the golem, the 28k dps is the usual SCAM number (and i lost 30 minutes and changing equipment for nothing) that pop around.

With the skill on Autopet on, with the equip i used for the other tests, as i thought, you do like 23k.

So with the skill in auto, you do around 2k extra dps if you get all the things right, but normally, the dps was more 1.5k extra (always under 23k) in many rounds, so i think it depend on the reset of Orbital Strike between the round as a counter.

No 28k at all, a simple 1.5k extra dps as a constant with sometimes, spike at 2k if all is good.

And you lose precious CC and in other cases boons casted "smart" for it.



Testing extra time, i noticed that i can increase the burst damage of the first check (200k hp golem) literally by an extra 3k if i set "Orbital strike" to tick from the golem and the char after the start of the combat (literally timing it perfectly from a previous fight ready in the barrel (queue) to be casted), so i think the big number was really up artificially just for doing it (like people did with Bladesworn 55k or higher bench), the classic scam test to get hype on the numbers.

Edited by ThunderX.6591
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57 minutes ago, Infinity.2876 said:

The annoying thing about automated is when the automated person out classes you it feels....



I agree that it makes it more accessible but it belittles people of skill


People who press 1 and then sit back are good and fine but the people who put in effort should get rewarded more for it


Gw2 is not Clash of clans

Ty , thats literally my thoughts .

You can be ok with this patch , but as i said this is "leveling down" skill floor.

If that's ok with you , then complicated classes should do 50k damage average . 

I am not amazed or horryfied when i see a catalyst at 45k, when i look at all the button pressing in a specific order.

I am speechless (in the bad way) when i see a guy around 30k literally afk .

And thats what we gonna get if anet continues in this way , a bot "game" !

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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34 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:

The real reason people are upset about this is because Mechanist currently performs really well and is also very easy to use, while some other specs currently perform worse.

Yeah , thats my initial feeling.

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47 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:


The real reason people are upset about this is because Mechanist currently performs really well and is also very easy to use, while some other specs currently perform worse.


Um, isn't that obvious?  Easy, yeah I'd say literally going afk and letting the game auto attack for you is easy.

50 minutes ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:


The proper response here should be to call for other specs to be made more viable and useful, instead of tearing others down for playing a spec that you deem to be too easy.

The proper response would be to revert having a spec's auto-attack do that much damage.  No one should ever be able to do that much damage when they're making a cup of tea or taking a dump.  They're not even playing, it's almost comical.  

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4 hours ago, godfat.2604 said:

If anything, the problem is more that why there are skills that we would ever want to spam off cooldown? That’s a separate question we should ask Anet why designing skills that way.

Finally, someone asking the real questions.


I’ve looked into this particular issue for a very long time, and it comes down to lack of dynamic, scale free tradeoffs on individual skills. We tend to use skills off cooldown because in most cases it actually is optimal to just press yours skills off cooldown.


Aside from just mindless spam behavior, the lack of dynamic scale free tradeoffs is central to many of the core issues of balance. The reason we don’t have useful or powerful skills is because the devs don’t want to over-buff them…and we end up with skills that have effectively neutered ability to have impact on a fight. With a scale free tradeoffs you can have a powerful effect because the tradeoff will always self balance that skills power at any scale.


Just an example… Frenzy is a skill from Guild Wars 1 with a scale free, dynamic tradeoff. It is the equivalent to Guild Wars 2’s quickness boon as it boosts attack speed by 33%. It can also be perma’d with an 8 second duration and 4 second cooldown…


Without a tradeoff, Frenzy would be like any other busted mechanic in Guild Wars 2… where it’s most optimal usage is to be used off cooldown. However Frenzy has a dynamic scale free tradeoff in which the player takes double damage while the skills effect is active. It is scale free because the more players that enter the fight the more dangerous the skill becomes to use. It is dynamic in the sense that it’s usage is dependent on the autonomy of the player…you choose when you want to make that exchange during a fight…rather than anet deciding for you simply because you take a certain spec. That autonomy is an important reason why their current instantiation of static “opportunity cost tradeoffs” are garbage.


The slogan I use to advertise this problem is : “You should be punished for playing bad, not for playing what you want to play.” 



Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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23 minutes ago, Treacy.4067 said:

The proper response would be to revert having a spec's auto-attack do that much damage.  No one should ever be able to do that much damage when they're making a cup of tea or taking a dump.  They're not even playing, it's almost comical.  

100% Agree with that .

And for the sorry excuse that they are ppl with disabilties : well they already are low intensity build . What else , cause of that every game in the world should be easy piece of cake ? why not add a freaking rainbow in elden ring showing u the way 100% of the time ? Or a "boldeness" mode who increase your damage everytime you get beaten by a boss (oh wait thats sounds familiar, ...).

What i will say can be rough but thats my feeling , people who wants things to be so easy can go play my little poney friendship is amazing or animal crossing.... Plz raise the bar ! Stop lowering it down! Skills need to be rewarded and lackluster lazyness should have peanuts ! I dont want that game to become a fusion between "demolition man" future world and "idiocracy".


Edited by zeyeti.8347
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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

And for the sorry excuse that they are ppl with disabilties : well they already are low intensity build . What else , cause of that every game in the world should be easy piece of cake ? why not add a freaking rainbow in elden ring showing u the way 100% of the time ? Or a "boldeness" mode who increase your damage everytime you get beaten by a boss (oh wait thats sounds familiar, ...).

Being angry and elitist towards other players is not going to improve your enjoyment of those games. I wonder how you would feel about these changes if you were suddenly unable to "properly" play games. Maybe try some other points of view from time to time.

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1 minute ago, GWstinkt.6094 said:

Being angry and elitist towards other players is not going to improve your enjoyment of those games. I wonder how you would feel about these changes if you were suddenly unable to "properly" play games. Maybe try some other points of view from time to time.

Thats not being elitist (angry , sure i am , atm) but if for you being elitist is just stating that harder classes should be rewarded by more heals more boons or more dps , then yes i am elitist ! You do a freaking hard rotation to do damage , and get ripped apart by an afk build , how is that fair ? tell me ! And if i had a disabilty , i surely would play a low intensity build ! As for your information i sometimes have a a black out ( like 0,5 secs ) due to headwound , then what , i will ask anet to freeze the game for 0,5 secs ?

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