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SICK of pvp bladesworns already...


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16 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

By definition, if you can opt out then its not fundamental.

You can opt out of using any of the new utilities or new weapons of any elite spec in the game,  and if you do almost all of them become unviable


Its almost like the new toys are what make elite specs good and enable them to function as intended 

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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4 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

No, cause, Unyielding Dragon aims to band-aid fix all the problems of Core warrior, without touching core warrior and it's other specs, by allowing an Unblindable, Unblockable, nigh evasion denying, scaling stun that deals damage be part of the kit. 

As shown in other threads, for this to be 'balanced' and according to the elite spec rules, Spellbreaker's Full counter should have it's full damage back and Berserk Mode with Primals should ignore blind and be unblockable. But they ain't. Obvious marketing towards selling BsW. Sure we have seen it before. Does not justify anything. Anet simply not undoing their mistakes or learning from them. 

Abuse of self-healing via Shouts, MM and MMR. That's no intelligent synergy. That's anet abusing the single synergy they are aware about warrior because the rest of the kit cannot function with overhealing itself. That's why there is a barrier trait, an increased healing trait, might abuse that got halved from UD, shout abuse via TR which anet particularly aimed against with Lush Forest and proceeded to rebuff via other means etc. 

You can do that in a variety of different ways, namely Burst Tiers and associated traits, or by simply improving some (not all), some QoL for Core warr via the spec. This spec, removes adrenaline as we knew it, removes weapon swap, forces a weapon kit, removes F1 bursts and weapon bursts and is basically anti-synergizing. 

It doesn't. It does only after 3 shouts buffs and 2 reworks of the spec to increase TR potency and falsely 'nerf' UD with the might gen decrease which is in line with what happened to Magebane Tether. And the high stab uptime ofc which without, the spec would never work, since mechanically it's fundamentally against the principles of modern GW2 combat. 

Wow, so its like anet specifically designed and updated bladesworns traits and abilities to account for its weaknesses and flaws, and its currently performing well in both pve and pvp


How dare anet make a spec that works

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3 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Wow, so its like anet specifically designed and updated bladesworns traits and abilities to account for its weaknesses and flaws, and its currently performing well in both pve and pvp


How dare anet make a spec that works

No it's Anet propping up a spec entirely to make it easily facetank damage whilst having one of the most unforgiving weapon bursts that counters all gameplay, whilst core and 2 more specs of warrior are left to rot, with 2 core traitlines that don't focus on might generation (Arms and Defense) being entirely abandoned instead of remade when even people in this forum (you can check the main page rn) have been helpful enough to propose suggestions talked out in consensus about reaching a firm conclusion on what said lines should do. 

But since it doesn't involve might and healing, Anet simply guts the options and tunnel-visions into this horrendous might spam, shoutspam facetanking, instead of say:

Promoting skilled gameplay by rewarding with healing on burst use via adrenal health (immortal dragon is not being used at all either with a similar principle) or introduce unique ways of re-sustaining such as applications of bleeding in Arms life-stealing etc. 

It's simple to understand really. It's expansioncreep and BsW being the warrior sacrifice for the cool, japanese, mechanical samurai used in advertisements to make people think Gunbreaker is a thing here. 

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11 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

You can opt out of using any of the new utilities or new weapons of any elite spec in the game,  and if you did almost all of them become unviable


Its almost like the new toys are what make elite specs good

Rage skills, meditations and 3rd iteration Armaments say hi

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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23 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

You can opt out of using any of the new utilities or new weapons of any elite spec in the game,  and if you do almost all of them become unviable


Its almost like the new toys are what make elite specs good and enable them to function as intended 

Then they are not fundamental. They are optional. Why do you get so confused by this? Its not that hard

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13 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Then they are not fundamental. They are optional. Why do you get so confused by this? Its not that hard

It doesn't matter if its optional, dragon hunter traps are optional too but if you dont use traps on dragon hunter its garbage.

The argument that "its only good because of its elite skill or this one trait" is idiotic. Thats how most viable builds work, they rely on specific skills and traits that were intentionally designed to synergize

Thats how elite specs work, they give you access to new abilities that are intentionally designed to work with the spec. 

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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So to those of you familiar posters who deliberately and purposely miss the POINT.

It's worthless. It's badly designed. It has an overpowered gimmick build(shouts) that carry the entire specialization on its back. That does not magically absolve it from being junk. Period.

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

WoW ... just a month ago people were saying BsW was worthless as an espec for any game mode. There's a pile of crows to eat around here somewhere. 

obviously you would WoW, because clearly you don't understand a thing, you can't even press skill properly.

this is so predicatable long ago.


the spec is useless, only played because over the top self healing with 0 reactive game play which is incredibly gimmick way to stay relevant. no game would actually design a character that can just spam heal and heal through everything while face tanking.


with healing being in a more balanced level, this spec would be deleted from the game so fast.

as it is garbage and useless in every degree.

and is  not playable without being able to face tank everything.


and also the only reason it is even played in MAT to begin with, is that thief is so OP, that's it, nobody can live against a thief, so people just play bladesworn, because while it does nothing, it lives, better then every other spec because they just die to thief.


i already predicted the healing number is going to make people stack bladesworn in ranked eventually.

and i'll also predict that if ever anet decided to nerf healing number, eventually, this spec is going to crumble into nothingness. unlike spellbreaker, and become even more worthless then berserker. just watch lol.


a class with only auto attack that does only 1k damage would be played with this amount of self healing.

and this is exactly what bladesworn is now. a tank bot that cap points.




Edited by Lighter.5631
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4 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

So to those of you familiar posters who deliberately and purposely miss the POINT.

It's worthless. It's badly designed. It has an overpowered gimmick build(shouts) that carry the entire specialization on its back. That does not magically absolve it from being junk. Period.

So "worthless" that it farms you in pvp to the point where you cry about it on the forums and is one of the top performing dps in pve with a build that doesn't even use the shouts that you claim "carrys the entire specialization"


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8 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

You are so simple minded it's insane.

You just look at damage number and determine if a class is complete or not.

anet can make a single skill auto attack class that only press 1 and does 40k damage, and you would call this a brilliant class design.

what a sheep.



PvP farms? it is just a tank bot that cap point while thief farms everybody else.

it is only played because it's healing has no counter play, so it lives against thieves.

it is bad design, no class should be face tanking and healing through all the damage.

the spec is flawed. 0 game play, you are not actively avoid damage, nor are you doing anything other then skill spamming, which is bad and stupid. without the healing number which basically make it invulnerable, the spec is weak and badly designed and 2/3 grand master trait are useless in all modes, clunky in game play and has minimum build craft, even vindicator has more build craft potential then this garbage.

give this amount of healing to any other spec in this game, and they would be 2x better then what bladesworn is right now.





Must hurt to have all your emotional kneejerk arguments be dissolved by the objective reality around you

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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11 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

So "worthless" that it farms you in pvp to the point where you cry about it on the forums and is one of the top performing dps in pve with a build that doesn't even use the shouts that you claim "carrys the entire specialization"


See...you have ZERO arguments other than personal attacks because you know I'm correct. Everything I've said is true. But whatever..keep doubling down. You'll get tired eventually defending this.

And dps in pve? Who cares? Warrior now has a new boon support option that they can try out and play (new banners). They don't have to just settle for power dps or the old clunky, badly designed banner "support".

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9 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

See...you have ZERO arguments other than personal attacks because you know I'm correct. Everything I've said is true. But whatever..keep doubling down. You'll get tired eventually defending this.

And dps in pve? Who cares? Warrior now has a new boon support option that they can try out and play (new banners). They don't have to just settle for power dps or the old clunky, badly designed banner "support".

The irony

its funny how the narrative pivoted from "its trash and borderline unplayable" after a few months into  "its overpowered" once they could no longer deny its performance in the meta in both pvp and pve

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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Ah I believe there is a misunderstanding. 

In realizing that an unplayable spec can be overpowered. In the sense that current BsW, or better yet, older iterations of the spec, were and still are incredibly clunky to use, sacrificing important aspects of the warrior kit and making up for the entire unplayable part, with broken interaction with the healing, so peoplw believe they are actually doing something when facetanking dmg. 

I have yet to see, even 1 guy in arena, experiment with non-tactics BsW. I have tried Arms/Disc BsW with no shouts and it goes without saying, that the thing is just lacking in all departments. Like legit, the damage is bad if no crits and might, playing without UD is a next level of difficulty and timing bursts while being immobile and susceptible to all enemy dmg (with no shouts, you basically need to facetank with smart aegis and flicker step or endure pain if you run that) to possibly land a blow. 

Whilst, I can even play Core warr even better with the same lines and gamestyle, cause at least Core warr is versatile and not forced into shouthealing. Same for SpB and even Zerker, which is actually the most punishing spec to equip. Even zerker is more fluid than BsW. 

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51 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

obviously you would WoW, because clearly you don't understand a thing,

No I wow because I'm not yelling inside an echo chamber about how terrible BsW is for all game modes when it never was. I guess everyone's mileage varies though. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

 Core warr is versatile and not forced into shouthealing. Same for SpB and even Zerker, which is actually the most punishing spec to equip. Even zerker is more fluid than BsW. 

There. It's that simple. Grand Marshal spells it out clearly. Bladesworn is a one-trick pony. Warrior, on the other hand, is much more versatile, even at its worst.

I expect nothing less out of the so-called "big-brained analysts" who attempt to defend this lipstick on a pig.

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It's a completely weird take that BsW is 'forced' into shouthealing as a claim that BsW is a one-trick pony, especially considering of all the specs, it's the most sustainable WITHOUT shoutheals and that the whole class is a one-trick pony and that BsW gives you the most options/variety on it's version of the pony.

 ... but that's the kind of thinking I expect from a crowd that complains their complaints about BsW being a waste of spec are completely invalidated by how it's being used in the game. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

It doesn't matter if its optional, dragon hunter traps are optional too but if you dont use traps on dragon hunter its garbage.

Yes it does matter. It is the very nature of this discussion. It is part of the balance team's job to make options close to each other, thus, balanced. In terms of classes against each other, specs against each other, traits against each other, everything should be trying to achieve certain level of parity. If not, then its not properly balanced. Period. It doesn't matter which game, its always like this. We judge the balance team by how close are options against each other. The further away one build is from the other, the worst the balance is. If one class depends on one trait or else is evidently worst, then the class needs work because it is not balanced.
Of course, we are talking about options that makes sense, you won't expect condi trait to work good with healing skills. We are not retards (but for some reason I think I needed to clarify this...)

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13 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

Yes it does matter. It is the very nature of this discussion. It is part of the balance team's job to make options close to each other, thus, balanced. In terms of classes against each other, specs against each other, traits against each other, everything should be trying to achieve certain level of parity. If not, then its not properly balanced. Period. It doesn't matter which game, its always like this. We judge the balance team by how close are options against each other. The further away one build is from the other, the worst the balance is. If one class depends on one trait or else is evidently worst, then the class needs work because it is not balanced.
Of course, we are talking about options that makes sense, you won't expect condi trait to work good with healing skills. We are not retards (but for some reason I think I needed to clarify this...)

Literally every build in the game relies on specific traits or abilities to be considered viable

And the way anet designed elite specs ensures that even if a specific ability is "better" than its alternatives while playing that elite spec it doesn't effect other elite specs or the core class, because you HAVE  to use that spec to even equip it, and with that spec comes other tradeoffs.

You all keep complaining about bladesworn removing weapon swap and core burst skills, yet at the same time cry about its traits and elite skill being a "crutch"

Huh, Its almost like anet specifically designed bladesworn around the fact that it has certain tradeoffs and thus compensated for those by giving it powerful traits and abilities in return.

"It wouldn't be good if they removed this" well its a good thing they haven't done that then 🤪

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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4 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Literally every build in the game relies on specific traits or abilities to be considered viable

And the way anet designed elite specs ensures that even if a specific ability is "better" than its alternatives while playing that elite spec it doesn't effect other elite specs or the core class, because you HAVE  to use that spec to even equip it, and with that spec comes other tradeoffs.

You all keep complaining about bladesworn removing weapon swap and core burst skills, yet at the same time cry about its traits and elite skill being a "crutch"

Huh, Its almost like anet specifically designed bladesworn around the fact that it has certain tradeoffs and thus compensated for those by giving it powerful traits and abilities in return.

"It wouldn't be good if they removed this" well its a good thing they haven't done that then 🤪


LOL where's your basic logic.

other builds in the game relies on specific ability to be considered viable.

and self sustain should not be one of them.

as it is base line to be viable across all meta builds, as they are able to live.



self sustain should be base line for viable builds, and not the only reason why this class is ever played.

because if one is clearly over sustaining then clearly it would be automatically better then everybody else and nerfed so quick and complaint for.

or it is not sustaining enough or only sustaining equally yet unable to perform in any other way, then it would never be played.

that's why warrior suck and is so bad with the lowest meta up time

and it has been warrior's common design flaw for so long, only having spellbreaker being slightly better, because it can also lock down, on top of only self sustaining. but only being able to lock down result in CC spam which is also gimmicky, while classes which can do a lot of things, but just in a lesser extend shines endlessly in meta games.

.because everybody else can sustain, if warrior over sustain then it wouldn't be fair and would get nerfed so quick, let alone the sustain being skill spam.


we literally actually care about the actual viability of warrior and the well being of the game and people fighting the spec.

unlike you who's just being salty and unable to use your brain

Edited by felix.2386
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