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State of ranger


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While ranger isn't the best, it's not useless.
-Healer Druid and Power Soulbeast is still used in PvE.
-I had no issues with WvW roaming (except for thieves, but that's a skill issue) for the past 3 months.
-You can even get a spot in WvW squad with cleanse Druid.

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Ranger and useless in PvE?

Did you really call the class with the highest dps benchmark of all classes, beating the second place by whole 3k dps, useless? Untamed is a godly dps elite spec. Alacrity untamed is the best dps alacrity provider in the game currently.

At this point, you probably can't get pleased anyway.

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6 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

It is usless in pve , usless in wvw even roming as atleast 5 other builds are better roamers only place it is ok is in spvp

BRR Soulbeast is a staple of Roaming since the dawn of time.... idk what your on about....

Ranger in WvW roaming is in a wayy better spot than ranger in pvp.... 

Just the fact that you have 24 Cd on protect me and 30 on dolyakstance in WvW makes it a incredibly slippery and sustainable roamer even on full glass....

What build are you running? what are we talking about? do you mind sharing your build?`maybe we can help you.

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7 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

It is usless in pve , usless in wvw even roming as atleast 5 other builds are better roamers only place it is ok is in spvp

I get where your comming from I do struggle to make it relevant to play especially Soulbeast. Even with all the downsides I prefer Untamed in most environments.

Honestly the entire class in general is tricky to play and really requires alot of patience especially when using the pet. Soulbeast is ment to play without it but you lose alot of survivability when you don't unmerge especially for PvP. 

Ranger can achive great thing but you need a window of opportunity or create one. Many of Ranger's skills require set up and have long cast times. Even druid has a small window to heal alot of damage. As a ranger you need to find the best time to do utilise your skills. 

A perfect example is the primary source of damage for Soulbeast is when the enemy is exposed after a stun while for Untamed is right before when there is a break bar so you can trigger Fervent Force. 


Edited by Mell.4873
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3 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Ranger and useless in PvE?

Did you really call the class with the highest dps benchmark of all classes, beating the second place by whole 3k dps, useless? Untamed is a godly dps elite spec. Alacrity untamed is the best dps alacrity provider in the game currently.

At this point, you probably can't get pleased anyway.

Untamed is a godly DPS spec.


With an APM to rival cweaver and axe mirage.


Sure, its very good if you can pull it off. But can most people pull it off?

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High golem benchmark =/= good for PvE. According to wingman stats untamed is one of the least played elite specs - for good reasons. And it is not just a matter of "being good enough to pull it off" - it is not good in many fights even if played perfectly, because movement/mechanics often make it impossible to regulary land all cc and without consistent FF procs the spec falls appart, both in terms of dps as well as alac uptime.

It does work fairly well for open world PvE tho, due to great self buffing capabilities and innate tankyness, but even there other specs have a much easier time.

That being said, even if not nearly as dominating as certain other specs, ranger is still far from useless in instanced PvE, with both soulbeast (power dps) and druid (alac healer) as decent options. And even Untamed can work to some extent, it just isn't as great as benchmarks might suggest. And for roaming in WvW ranger (slb in particular) is also still very good. Arguably (competitive) PvP is where the class tends to struggle the most, but ofc for ranked it works just fine.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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7 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

While ranger isn't the best, it's not useless.
-Healer Druid and Power Soulbeast is still used in PvE.
-I had no issues with WvW roaming (except for thieves, but that's a skill issue) for the past 3 months.
-You can even get a spot in WvW squad with cleanse Druid.

Don't think a ranger should have any problem vs thieves,  there are other classes that are way more powerful 

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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

BRR Soulbeast is a staple of Roaming since the dawn of time.... idk what your on about....

Ranger in WvW roaming is in a wayy better spot than ranger in pvp.... 

Just the fact that you have 24 Cd on protect me and 30 on dolyakstance in WvW makes it a incredibly slippery and sustainable roamer even on full glass....

What build are you running? what are we talking about? do you mind sharing your build?`maybe we can help you.

LOL what game are you playing? ,  have not been killed by a soul beast on my core ranger for well over a year.  Soul beast is good vs thives and that's it sadly


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It's easy to not die, just means you are taking easy fights and aren't pushing your limits. Doesn't say anything about balance tho. And (sic'em) soulbeast isn't really that great vs good thieves, unless you are ganking them when they are outnumbered and have already burned cds. But well, nothing is good vs good thieves i guess.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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As long term core ranger player who eventually swapped to soulbeast (with some untamed here and there) i'd say core is the worst of all ranger specs by far. Especially as soon a fight isn't a strict 1vs1. But w/e, if it works fo you, that's great. Just don't base the overall class performance on core only.

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27 minutes ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

As long term core ranger player who eventually swapped to soulbeast (with some untamed here and there) i'd say core is the worst of all ranger specs by far. Especially as soon a fight isn't a strict 1vs1. But w/e, if it works fo you, that's great. Just don't base the overall class performance on core only.

I dont , used to  mostly play soul beast but now these days i think core outpreform it as a solo roamer by far( it still have a few good match upps like vs thives)

Soul beast have better burst due to sic em and one wolf pack, but it makes you toatal glass with very few cleanses and stun breakers.

The cds on the burst skills ( sic em and one wolf pack ) is so long that if they are negated ( witch are super easy )you most likely fold and die realy fast.

Edited by Sansar.1302
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9 minutes ago, Aikon.6140 said:

Literally the most braindead class for WvW (soulbeast oneshot and perma immob Druid) and you dare to say it's useless? ahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahah

Yes that is exactly what I am saying,  those builds are only good at killig grp build that run alone back to their zerg( all classes can build to cheese grp builds and it don't really require much to do it) 

Edited by Sansar.1302
Bad spelling
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7 minutes ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Yes that is exactly what I am saying,  those builds are only good at killig grp build that run alone back to their zerg( all classes can build to cheese grp builds and it don't really require much to do it) 

No, those builds are good to kill every single kittening roamer in the game, only scrapper and thief can probably fight you back, every single other class has to flee. Soulbest is a kitten to this game mode, same for condi pistol thief. 

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2 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

I dont , used to  mostly play soul beast but now these days i think core outpreform it as a solo roamer by far( it still have a few good match upps like vs thives)

Soul beast have better burst due to sic em and one wolf pack, but it makes you toatal glass with very few cleanses and stun breakers.

The cds on the burst skills ( sic em and one wolf pack ) is so long that if they are negated ( witch are super easy )you most likely fold and die realy fast.

Glass sic'em isn't the only way to play soulbeast. Gotta abuse cele ...

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13 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

LOL what game are you playing? ,  have not been killed by a soul beast on my core ranger for well over a year.


haha 😄 add me ingame, we can change that.

There is no way on earth a Core ranger can beat a CeleBoonbeast... not happening...

Core ranger as a whole is kind of lacking, especially in WvW. Good players will focus the pet and thus stealing your ability to petswap and profit from the boons it gives for 50 seconds.  Simply wait till the core range has switched and then focus the pet. From that point on, its GG. Sadly Druid is suffering from the same Couter-mechanic. Especially in the WvW setting, where damage is on average higher... the pets melt to fast.

Against a Soubeast this doesnt work, as he can revive the pet at any time.

If you are talking about spvp... yeah core can perform... but i still think that Soubleast is in a better spot, if we are looking at the role it has to perform in in the setting of Conquest. You are a roamer / dps for midfights. The Coreranger cant fill the role of the Middps, as his pets will wipe instantly in the mids of all the AoE-vomit in midfight. So you are pushed to the sidenode/roamer, but here you are competing with specters/Heralds/Bladesworns for the spot....

Core Ranger might win a actual 1v1 in the FFA, but sadly it has no spot in a well thoughtout teamcomp for higher elo.


/add me ingame! i want to see whats goin on with your Ranger. If you can reliably beat Soulbeast... mayybe you know more than me. Are you playing with Traps? whats the deal?




Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

haha 😄 add me ingame, we can change that.

There is no way on earth a Core ranger can beat a CeleBoonbeast... not happening...

Core ranger as a whole is kind of lacking, especially in WvW. Good players will focus the pet and thus stealing your ability to petswap and profit from the boons it gives for 50 seconds.  Simply wait till the core range has switched and then focus the pet. From that point on, its GG. Sadly Druid is suffering from the same Couter-mechanic. Especially in the WvW setting, where damage is on average higher... the pets melt to fast.

Against a Soubeast this doesnt work, as he can revive the pet at any time.

If you are talking about spvp... yeah core can perform... but i still think that Soubleast is in a better spot, if we are looking at the role it has to perform in in the setting of Conquest. You are a roamer / dps for midfights. The Coreranger cant fill the role of the Middps, as his pets will wipe instantly in the mids of all the AoE-vomit in midfight. So you are pushed to the sidenode/roamer, but here you are competing with specters/Heralds/Bladesworns for the spot....

Core Ranger might win a actual 1v1 in the FFA, but sadly it has no spot in a well thoughtout teamcomp for higher elo.


/add me ingame! i want to see whats goin on with your Ranger. If you can reliably beat Soulbeast... mayybe you know more than me. Are you playing with Traps? whats the deal?




i am on eu you?

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