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Holy Scrapper Buffs


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It may not mean much since I pug but thank you for buffing power scrapper! It feels good to compete with mechs and other classes. 



I know the buffs recently came out so there hasn't been an optimized build yet, but for those who are interested I tested out Throw mine + it's toolbelt ability and it hits like a truck now.


This is the damage for Throw Mine: 22,706 on a 15 sec CD pre-alac



This is the damage for the toolbelt skill: 46,950 (9390x5hits) on a 17 sec CD pre-alac



This is the build I'm using:



The mines count as explosions as well so that's just extra ferocity. I was using Blast Gyro when I swapped the throw mine for boon removal in T4 fractals. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I did so now I think I'm sticking to Throw Mine until I need to swap to blast for CC. 


Anyways, rejoice fellow Scrapper mains. It feels good. 🙂



Edited by nikelaus.9745
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Tested hammer in pvp, the aftercast delay adjustments to both hammer 3 and hammer 5 are amazing. Definitely one of the better changes to have come.

Using this knowledge, and I hope someone at Anet at least glances this over, if this small of a change (aftercast delay reduction) makes such a big impact, what's stopping them from changing main hand pistol autos to actually be .5s total cast time instead of the current .9?

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11 hours ago, Ghos.1326 said:

Tested hammer in pvp, the aftercast delay adjustments to both hammer 3 and hammer 5 are amazing. Definitely one of the better changes to have come.

Using this knowledge, and I hope someone at Anet at least glances this over, if this small of a change (aftercast delay reduction) makes such a big impact, what's stopping them from changing main hand pistol autos to actually be .5s total cast time instead of the current .9?

I didn't see an aftercast reduction on hammer 5. Was there an undocumented change?

Edit: Not sure if placebo or remembering wrong, but it does seem a lot faster. 

I'm also pretty sure they made the aftercast on the hammer swing faster at the same time they sped up catalyst's (they use the exact same animation) without listing that they did. 

Hammer feels very smooth now. 🙂

Edited by Kuma.1503
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