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Recharging TP to Friend Recharge is too long (gripes about other CD's as well)

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7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

See my thing is, they shouldn't sell it in the first place then. If they feel they have to nerf it so bad that it's actually more complicated and worse to use than a single charge of Teleport to Friend, then how is it even a convenience item at that point.

Weird point. Nothing wrong with selling it, the item description clearly tells you what the cooldown is. If you think it's bad/useless/not worth it then simply don't buy it. It doesn't mean the item is bad/useless/not worth it for others.

How is it a convenience item? See, if you're actually using regular teleports to a friend, you can run out of them. You can't run out of this one. You just can't spam it one after another without breaks -so it really does what it says: endlessly teleports you on 1h cooldown, not sure how it could be any clearer than that.


That said, even halving the cooldown would probably still be easly fine.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I think it's a really, really great item? I even bought it for my alt, it's one of the 4 items in my shared inventory slots.


It especially helps the more characters you have, of if you actually use teleports a lot. I use it a lot to teleport alt chars to jumping puzzles, or to maps where I need a specific class for an achievement.


I'd have gone through literally hundreds and hundreds of TP2Friend without it (well, not literally as I wouldn't have bought them). It's a huge QoL item, and I can still use some of the ones I get from birthday gifts if the cooldown is too annoying on a char.



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7 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

I do agree one hour is too long. I was just pointing out it’s there for a reason. If they changed it to 20-30 min I would definitely use it more. Now I’m almost reluctant to use it sometimes incase I need it urgently while cd is there. I still find the item useful though. 

Ok, you keep claiming there is a reason and that the cd prevents abuse, but what is the reason and/or abuse? besides you trying to excuse anet with info you don't have.

I don't have a trouble with the 1hr cd since I don't have the item, but I got curious how you defended the reason without valid justification.

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10 minutes ago, Wolfb.7025 said:

Ok, you keep claiming there is a reason and that the cd prevents abuse, but what is the reason and/or abuse? besides you trying to excuse anet with info you don't have.

I don't have a trouble with the 1hr cd since I don't have the item, but I got curious how you defended the reason without valid justification.

You can see in other posts about the abuse for them. I also stated all we can do is speculate. It’s logical they prevent abuse of the teleport with a cd. What other reasons would they have one?  And I’m not making excuses. I’m even saying I think it’s too long. 

Edited by Freya.9075
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For me its one of the most useful gem items I have.

One hour is fine. You use it when travelling would be inconvenient or you're in a hurry but you cant just use it all the time which would greatly diminish other means of transportation.  Basically if you play the game and want to conveniently or fast travel somewhere from time to time, its great and you dont even notice the CD. If you want to cheese it, its limited. Which is good.

Also the CD is per character.

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11 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

See my thing is, they shouldn't sell it in the first place then. If they feel they have to nerf it so bad that it's actually more complicated and worse to use than a single charge of Teleport to Friend, then how is it even a convenience item at that point.

By the time you get through figuring out if you can use it on who for what and/or waiting on a timer, you might as well have just used the single charge type. Something that you can amass quite a few of over time from birthdays and opening the occasional black lion chest from key farm or the rare map completion, so it's not as though this recharging version is the only way to be able to "cheese content" as you put it anyway. If the reason is some kind of botting/farming that screws with their in-game economy, then I understand them nerfing it, but that leads me back to my first point.

Idk the reason for the timer not recharging while logged out, if that ties into it being abused somehow, but I think removing that part would drastically improve it. Cause then you know you can get a charge out of it when you go to log in for a session. Whereas as it is now, you'd have to pay attention to who and how you play just to make sure you got it available when you need it most.

It says what it is right on it, including the bit about the 1 hour cooldown.  Why not sell something some people find useful?  I don't buy lots of stuff I don't find useful. I just don't assume that that it speaks to everyone. It's not a scam, it's not hidden. It's still a useful item to those that need it and those that don't don't have to buy it.  I feel that way about the world boss portal scroll. It's no use to me, but others use it.

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13 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I'm in agreement that the timer's too much, especially considering that this is a gem store item, and may have been bought with cash by the user. 10 minutes seems fine to me.


It's a similar argument for the copper / silver-fed and Runecrafter's salvage-o-matics. It rankles that even though you may have spent cash to buy the thing, there's still an in-game fee associated with its use.

It just seems a bit... seedy.


ANet effectively get you coming and going.

Part of it is the need to balance pay to win. Make an item too convenient and people yell pay to win. It happens everywhere. If you could buy something in the cash shop that stopped charging you every time it salvaged, it would pretty much be pay to win.

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6 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

and then the cool down doesn't go down when not logged in so if you do this across 12 characters, have fun waiting 12 hours to use it on them all again.

But why would you want to be moving around 12 characters without playtime in between if not for cheesing the rewards (JP chests, meta chests...)?

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Good news take them into wvw and buy toh to unlock any hp you will ever need.

That requires actually playing wvw and ranking up.  Which, while nice if you're farming passively on another character, but testimonies don't come fast at all and you need about 250 of them per elite spec.  This isn't easy for a new player to do at all.  It'd only take about maybe two hours to get 250 hero  points doing a hero point train  vs doing wvw.

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4 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

That requires actually playing wvw and ranking up.  Which, while nice if you're farming passively on another character, but testimonies don't come fast at all and you need about 250 of them per elite spec.  This isn't easy for a new player to do at all.  It'd only take about maybe two hours to get 250 hero  points doing a hero point train  vs doing wvw.

And who said skipping gameplay is somehow supposed to be easy for a new player?

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10 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And who said skipping gameplay is somehow supposed to be easy for a new player?

My brother, it takes about 1 hour to get two ranks with boosters and karma training.  This is about two, maybe three hero points.

A teleport to friend to VB when the HP squad is up takes about two hours to get all 25 you'd need for an elite spec.

The two are not comparable.

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Just now, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

My brother, it takes about 1 hour to get two ranks with boosters and karma training.  This is about two, maybe three hero points.

A teleport to friend to VB when the HP squad is up takes about two hours to get all 25 you'd need for an elite spec.

The two are not comparable.

So, after the TTF, your brother can use it again since he's spent 2 hours on the HP train?

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5 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

My brother, it takes about 1 hour to get two ranks with boosters and karma training.  This is about two, maybe three hero points.

A teleport to friend to VB when the HP squad is up takes about two hours to get all 25 you'd need for an elite spec.

The two are not comparable.

Exactly, you want to spam the infinite tp to a friend in order to bypass gameplay. But again: who said skipping gameplay is somehow supposed to be easy for a new player?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

So, after the TTF, your brother can use it again since he's spent 2 hours on the HP train?

If you park them all there all at once you'll still have to wait out 11 hours on your alts. 

I think the biggest problem here is that the hour cooldown isn't counting down when not actively playing that character.

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5 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Getting most or all of your characters to a spot where they can farm HPs.

While thats valid I also think 1h CD for such a skip is just fine. Besides you can also just run to VB. Its not even a long way from DR. Pof is maybe a better case. I would prefer more teleport tomes for alts which I guess is a direction Anet is going. Teleport to friend is more than that. It can get you anywhere even places you arent suppose to just auto run to as long as someone is already there. 

In the end it is a convenient skip. Its nice to have occasionally but having an ability to just teleport all characters around the maps without CD would be super strong for measly 600 gems.

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29 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

If you park them all there all at once you'll still have to wait out 11 hours on your alts. 

I think the biggest problem here is that the hour cooldown isn't counting down when not actively playing that character.

Oh now I actually have full picture. You intend to teleport all alts to each HP, not just to starting point in VB? Well thats definitely not intended. Thats a huge skip.

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52 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

If you park them all there all at once you'll still have to wait out 11 hours on your alts. 

I think the biggest problem here is that the hour cooldown isn't counting down when not actively playing that character.

No you dont since it takes them 2 hours each to do the hp trains so all recharge would be done on every alt.

Edited by Linken.6345
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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

No you dont since it takes them 2 hours each to do the hp trains so all recharge would be done on every alt.

Yes you do, because you can't play all 12 at once, so the scenario would be

Someone buys this item not understanding that the cooldown only goes down when logged into the character, decides to park alts at one of the maps to get hero points, does it on their main, unlocks the elite spec they're after, then logs off, assuming the cooldown will continue on the alts.  Come the next time the HP train is on, they log onto their alt, see they're a bit behind, go to use their teleport to friend on their alt to catch up, and then it's still on cooldown.

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