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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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So far, pretty much all the objections center around there being a PvE options already (Raids). Saying it's not difficult to get into Raids, etc., is hardly addressing the request for an OW Legendary armor route. The same people keeps repeating the same thing: "you want an easy mode", "you choose not to do Raids, WvW, PvP", etc. And all those has been responded to.

However, the question of how it'll impact negatively on those who already have Legendary armors had been ignored. Met with complete silence. How had it diminish your efforts in obtaining them through the current methods? The real question is why are you so against an alternative for those who only prefer OpenWorld. Is it self-serving because if more people have them, then your stature of being the mighty few will be lessened.

This is a game. It's supposed to be entertaining. Enjoy your journey as you strive for the ultimate prize. Not be forced into  game modes you do not enjoy? Legendary armors are QoL items. Everyone wants them for the convenience they offer, regardless of the often-used argument that "you don't need it in OpenWorld". No, you don't need them. And by the same token, you don't need them anywhere. Be it Raids, WvW or PvP. 

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15 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

So far, pretty much all the objections center around there being a PvE options already (Raids). Saying it's not difficult to get into Raids, etc., is hardly addressing the request for an OW Legendary armor route. The same people keeps repeating the same thing: "you want an easy mode", "you choose not to do Raids, WvW, PvP", etc. And all those has been responded to.

So far the same people being for it keep saying it's somehow needed to try out builds or that there's no long term goals without it. All of it was already addressed multiple times and then it reverts into the equivalent of "but why not?!" or silence to soon start the cicle again. Meanwhile parts like rewarding players with those optional rewards for playing more of the content the game offers are skipped over. Basically the chain of comments reaches dead end, it starts getting ignored and then same people start writing same things which already were responded to.

15 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

This is a game. It's supposed to be entertaining.

Yeah and not being full leggy has nothing to do with the player's ability to be entertained in gw2. Another thing consistently met with silence.

15 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Not be forced into  game modes you do not enjoy?

And another typical repetition of somehow "being forced" to do anything. The whole thing about these optional aspirational rewards is that they're optional and if you want to close yourself off from the rest of the game the replay whatever you want, you're perfectly fine to do it. No amount of skipping over that will change it.

15 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Everyone wants them for the convenience they offer, regardless of the often-used argument that "you don't need it in OpenWorld". No, you don't need them. And by the same token, you don't need them anywhere. Be it Raids, WvW or PvP. 

Talk about ignoring what is being written, when what is being repeated and actually true is that it indeed is not needed anywhere. It's been already said many times before.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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11 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So far the same people being for it keep saying it's somehow needed to try out builds or that there's no long term goals without it. All of it was already addressed multiple times and then it reverts into the equivalent of "but why not?!" or silence to soon start the cicle again. Meanwhile parts like rewarding players with those optional rewards for playing more of the content the game offers are skipped over. Basically the chain of comments reaches dead end, it starts getting ignored and then same people start writing same things which already were responded to.


for me, wanting it had always been about QoL. grinding out 1 set of armor and then not having to craft/find/grind out additional sets for 2 more characters (or various builds in one character).  That's it.
I play pretty much every day. for about an hour after kids go to bed. As such, there is zero way for me to realistically have access to any of the legendary armors. WvW and PvP aren't my preferred game modes, and even if they were it would take 100% of my game time for months on end. I'm not playing a game I enjoy to play in a game mode that isn't my preferred 100% of the time. That ask is ridiculous to me.
Raids are more accessible than they used to be granted. My schedule still doesn't allow for it. And the idea of needing to use an out of game resource to even approach getting into them is frankly a bit dumb to me.
I've been playing off and on for 10 years now. For my playstyle, there is zero avenue to a QoL improvement. I'm not demanding hand outs or EZ mode. If Anet decides to implement something along these lines, I could work at it an hour or 2 here and there and have some pieces or a set after a few months. That doesn't seem in any way unacceptable. Have it be jumping puzzles and metas and map completions. None of these are "show up and hit 1 once". There are ways to implement an idea like this without in any way devaluing what has come before.


That's it. I think the concept is fairly straight forward.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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16 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

for me, wanting it had always been about QoL. grinding out 1 set of armor and then not having to craft/find/grind out additional sets for 2 more characters (or various builds in one character).  That's it.

And for me they were always an optional long term reward for players playing more than the base ow instead of being a way to skip the entire tier or two of gear. And when you say "always" you mean what time again? 😄

16 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I play pretty much every day. for about an hour after kids go to bed. As such, there is zero way for me to realistically have access to any of the legendary armors. WvW and PvP aren't my preferred game modes, and even if they were it would take 100% of my game time for months on end. I'm not playing a game I enjoy to play in a game mode that isn't my preferred 100% of the time. That ask is ridiculous to me.

Raids are more accessible than they used to be granted. My schedule still doesn't allow for it.

No, playing an hour daily is realistically still enough to make reasonable progress for the armor, not sure why you think otherwise.

And if your schedule is playing for an hour after your kids go to bed then tbh I don't see how is it somehow not allowing you to raid.

16 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Have it be jumping puzzles and metas and map completions. None of these are "show up and hit 1 once"

Yes, they are. Some even less, if you count getting ported to jp which at this point is more or less a daily defualt (or parking at the end chests) or simply showing up to AB after meta and looting a chest.

Edited by Sobx.1758
missed a word
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I suppose with 1 hour/day concentrated on a specific task, one could make some progress - one could get around 500-700 wvw pips in that time (varies based on your worlds placement) - that gets you through gold (lowside) or platinum (high side) chests.  Gold gets you 132 claim tickets, platinum 192 - so somewhere between 6 and 8 weeks/piece (this presuming all of my math is correct).  However, that presumes 100% focus on that, which may not be very realistic.

I'd actually be happier if there was just a wvw reward track that gave out claim tickets or something.  I've done the occasional minor wvw tasks to get gifts of battle - in that case, actually playing the game (doing wvw dailies, etc) can get you rewards, vs just spending hours in wvw.  I can take wvw in small doses (10-15 minutes/day), but not the dedication needed to get wvw claim tickets in any realistic way.  Now if I actually enjoyed WvW, it would of course be a different matter.  But in that case, I'd probably also have a higher wvw level, which then means one gets more pips, which means one can buy those rewards.  Something of a vicious cycle here - this is probably one reason while those who like WvW have more than enough pips - high level + high play time = max rewards.

I'm not sure one could realistically pop in at the end of a battle of a world boss and get credit.  First, timing of that can be pretty hard (some go down pretty quickly).  But you could also run into the case of the map you join is not the active map, and thus, you and one or two other players are the only ones their.  I know I've tried a few times (wasn't paying attention to time) and found myself in that state.


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  • Solvar.7953 changed the title to Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor
4 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I'm not sure one could realistically pop in at the end of a battle of a world boss and get credit.

That is one of the points I made early on in the thread. Something like that should never count. All events should require 100% participations. It should be similar to Dragon's Stand. You can get over 100% if you do extra pre-events, for example, but the base requirements has to be 100%. No shortcuts whatsoever, be it mesmer portals for JPs, Map Metas, World Bosses, Instanced events such as Strikes, etc. It should take long enough to acquire to fit its legendary status. New players, or anyone who desire them, should realize that they're the best armor obtainable and expect to grind hard for them.


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On 9/16/2022 at 3:48 PM, Caliboom.3218 said:

I find this "all OW players do is 11111" stereotype funny.

Its faster to say "press 1" than "not recognizing their main damages, bumping mobs out of aoes, interupting their animations, casting cc when there's none, ...", all of which result in something that's actually even worse than just pressing 1 with some classes - and that was true before the current state of engi. Like all these Reapers spamming every shroud spell 😥

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As i said in the past , the root problems of each node are still there , limiting the pool of new players in that mode.

So limiting  a qol effect for the rest of the community  is not a good thing . Prestigious skins should always be motivator to allure them,  just like Strikes.


As far as Instance content there are some people that know how the LFG works and others don't . And there are many more that don't go in the forums . So the real issue here , is the "entry level" that creates the problem . It would be best if people from said content could come up with an idea . Regardless of views or opposition , Devs will read it .


While for PvP , their opinions fluctuate . The major concern  i can see , is either from lack of new modes , or getting obliterated .

About the "getting obliterated" part they could make Un-ranked , have a global debuff that reduces damage/healing/toughness by 30% and with each passing min , the de-buff is reduced .

Or newer persons (have completed some Living Stories and not jump through pvp with an alt) starts at 18% debuff , while the UI says otherwise .

Or problematic specs (most likely Condition Mesmers and Specters) start at 40% . Edit: Or they reduce the debuff at slower pace



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7 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Have it be jumping puzzles and metas and map completions. None of these are "show up and hit 1 once".

To be honest, meta events are just that. Press 1 while 50% of players are afk. And jumping puzzles? You can just let a Mesmer port you to the chest. 

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19 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

To be honest, meta events are just that. Press 1 while 50% of players are afk. And jumping puzzles? You can just let a Mesmer port you to the chest. 

To address your comment:


That is one of the points I made early on in the thread. Something like that should never count. All events should require 100% participations. It should be similar to Dragon's Stand. You can get over 100% if you do extra pre-events, for example, but the base requirements has to be 100%. No shortcuts whatsoever, be it mesmer portals for JPs, Map Metas, World Bosses, Instanced events such as Strikes, etc. It should take long enough to acquire to fit its legendary status. New players, or anyone who desire them, should realize that they're the best armor obtainable and expect to grind hard for them.


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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You can also get carried in a raid. Or (currently) play mech, Which doesn't make raids an afk content.

And? That doesn’t invalidate the fact that meta events are basically just auto attack while watching Netflix. If every meta event were like the DE meta, time consuming and a chance to fail, then maybe I could understand that they offer a path to legendary armor. 

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9 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

And? That doesn’t invalidate the fact that meta events are basically just auto attack while watching Netflix. If every meta event were like the DE meta, time consuming and a chance to fail, then maybe I could understand that they offer a path to legendary armor. 

The good part is that the Raiding Skin , reflects that mastery over the game .

The OW set can have a monotonous skin like the WvW

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33 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

And? That doesn’t invalidate the fact that meta events are basically just auto attack while watching Netflix. If every meta event were like the DE meta, time consuming and a chance to fail, then maybe I could understand that they offer a path to legendary armor. 

That's because you seem to attach a meaning to legendaries (and their acquisition) they never really had. Personally i feel that a legendary armor set that would be in line with things like legendary weapons (well. maybe without the "buy them directly off TP" part), Aurora or Vision would be perfectly fine and completely in line with what "legendary" prefix means so far. In fact, some of my ideas for potential new legendary armor set i have mentioned in my past would have been much harder than that, and require far more effort than for those already existing. But since that would not fit the narrative, those are always ignored in lieu of the cheap "it's all about instant gimme gratification" arguments.

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Those who advocate for OW legendary armour- be careful what you wish for. Would you feel comfortable if you had to do a Prismatic Champions' Regalia-type quest (for the precursor) as well as 1 gift of exploration (in place of the gift of dedication) and the other normal parts of each piece?

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2 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

Those who advocate for OW legendary armour- be careful what you wish for. Would you feel comfortable if you had to do a Prismatic Champions' Regalia-type quest (for the precursor) as well as 1 gift of exploration (in place of the gift of dedication) and the other normal parts of each piece?

They wouldn’t. They would be the first to complain about the implementation. 

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7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

Those who advocate for OW legendary armour- be careful what you wish for. Would you feel comfortable if you had to do a Prismatic Champions' Regalia-type quest (for the precursor) as well as 1 gift of exploration (in place of the gift of dedication) and the other normal parts of each piece?

For each piece? No. But a single such quest to unlock crafting at the start would be completely fine. Notice, that, as you yourself mentioned, unlike Prismatic Regalia, armor would not be cost-free and would require a ton of other materials and gold sink.

And as for gift of exploration - sure, as long as it could be acquired repeatedly on the same character in some way and would not require character deletion/recreation (or buying a new character slot) to get more. Perhaps in a way similar to EoD's lanterns.

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24 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

Those who advocate for OW legendary armour- be careful what you wish for. Would you feel comfortable if you had to do a Prismatic Champions' Regalia-type quest (for the precursor) as well as 1 gift of exploration (in place of the gift of dedication) and the other normal parts of each piece?

Some would complain, that is what some people will do anyway (we have a nice example on this very thread). The same way people complain about the Skimirsh Claim Tickets and PIP reward system.
Most would gladly start working on it now that they finally have the option. Including some of those who were against it in the first place, if they add new legendary skins.

Also, I'm not sure how a Gift of Dedication can compare to a Gift of Exploration.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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6 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

For each piece? No. But a single such quest to unlock crafting at the start would be completely fine. Notice, that, as you yourself mentioned, unlike Prismatic Regalia, armor would not be cost-free and would require a ton of other materials and gold sink.

And as for gift of exploration - sure, as long as it could be acquired repeatedly on the same character in some way and would not require character deletion/recreation (or buying a new character slot) to get more. Perhaps in a way similar to EoD's lanterns.

If you need a gift of dedication for each piece of the raid armour, you will need a gift of exploration for each piece of the OW armour. No repeats on the same character.

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1 hour ago, Funky.4861 said:

If you need a gift of dedication for each piece of the raid armour, you will need a gift of exploration for each piece of the OW armour. No repeats on the same character.

Gift of Dedication needs :

Kill 1x HoT open world boss for  boss multiply times , for 10x Chak Egg

Do Tanir(HoT open world event)  for the Auric Ingot , multiply times .

Buy reclaimed Gear from the Action House and salvage them for Reclaimed Metal Plate.

Collect 1500 airship parts/Ley Line Crystals/Aurilium for 6 Gift of the Pact.


But , i am ok with  collecting gift of exploration with 6x different characters , if it's mean it  will have the aura effect like the  Prismatic Champion's Regalia



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22 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

Well, no- you'll get the aura effect from the lege trinket, should you choose to do it. It's been stated multiple times in this thread that the OW lege armour would be plain.

Cheapskate !

But as long as  it will be the same as Regalia , where the latest expansion is not needed , i am still fine

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