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Rock Gazelle Gender


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It's a rock.


...for a more serious answer - and probably still a crazy one, bear with me - the mini Rock Gazelle is called a Rock Deer. It sports the same rock antlers as the version encountered as a juvenile pet or an animal in-game. Given that, in real life, only male deer have antlers, it may be that the rock gazelle model is male.

Either that or rock gazelles are like caribou (or some species of gazelle in real life) and both the males and females have antlers - which seems to be supported by the in-game description when taming one. Acht kindly informs rangers that "[the] elegant rock gazelle grazes on rocky outcroppings over its lifetime to enhance its impressive antlers" and makes no distinction between male or female...which brings us right back around to "I have absolutely no idea, so be prepared in case your gazelle named George winds up with fawns." 😜

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10 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Sorry, but this kind of puerile humor has no place in an adult gaming community.

Idk not everyone in GW2 is childish of course, but this community is unfortunately pretty childish compared to most I've seen.


That's off topic though. Is the rock gazelle a boy or girl in your eyes lezbefriends

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