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Reworking Vindicator's traits for patch in 4th October


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Arenanet pls change traits for Vindi now we are going to have two dodges, so we don't need vigor and endurance gain traits which uses all major master traits (2 tier traits). Also two adept traits are meh for me. Energy Meld is irrelevant now, rework is needed.

My proposition is this:

Major Adept

Leviathan Strength- You deal increased damage(5%) with melee weapons, you deal more damage with two-handed weapons(7,5%)

Redemptor's Sermon- You heal and cleanse conditions when using elite skill(20s)

Major Masters:

Reaver's Curse- Grant quickness and might to yourself and nearby allies when critically struck target or damaging enemy with dodge.
Angsiyan's Trust- Grant barrier to you and allies when swapping legends or activating Alliance Tactics. While you have barrier in Alliance Stance you gain quickness(Luxon) or resistance(Kurzick) otherwise you grant might. Reduced barrier effect in PvP/WvW.
 Song of Arboreum- Grant resistance and stability to yourself and nearby allies after dodging.  


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I agree and I had already said a possible change even if it is only a proposal

I would like for the vindicator that it fixes the bugs that date from the first beta on the GS already in the first place. I'd like to see the archetype changed, like removing the "Balance in Discord" trait and applying it directly to the "Alliance Tactics" skill. Instead of "Balance in Discord" only the trait "Song of Arboreum".
These are only suggestions for ideas.
This allows you to redo all the traits "Master"(intermediate). We could replace for example:
-a trait to increase DPS
-a trait to share buffs or to be able to put more alteration with the legend or the GS (because a little bit of frost is not crazy when you look at it well)
-a trait to give more buffs to share other than regeneration.

The more the Alliance skill has been increased on both sides, the more it looks like an assembly of 2 legends without any link between them.

Edited by Angesombre.4630
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Vindicator needs all of its stun break to be instant. If there is a cast time on a stun break that does damage then it has bad interaction with things such as Shocking that cancels the stunbreak. A class shouldn't be punished for using it stun break to live longer. Fix the Red stances stun break please. Don't nerf down the grandmaster traits to much such as the 15%+ damage it is good and if you nerf that then it will be bad and people will just run the one to increase duration on boons the same thing happen with draconic echo on herald there is no other good grandmaster trait. just nerf the coefficants on the damage currently in does around 1,800 damage so just bring it down by half since we are getting a second dodge. As well as the elite on blue stance in allaince i understand it is a strong ability but have the ability to not be able to heal is hard enough already get rid of the damage you do to yourself already not healing is strong enough debuff to not have it up all the time or reduce the cast time on the elite because 1 second is to long to be able to get any real use out of it. You just get cc'd so you have to swap legends just to be able to get out of it. The heals take way to long to cast after nerfing the fact you heal more for allies near you or enemies being hit it is not good to have a 1 1/2 seconds cast time on a heal that only heals for 5k. You have to stack stability or use quickness just to use you heal skill which is over kill since the heal isn't even that good. Buff the healing on it or reduced the cast time. Please rework the F2 increased dodge maybe make it into a leap or something similar to the one herald uses becauses having it as it is will be useless espically since things like sigil of energy exist. Rework the middle traits in vindicator again since we have two dodges we don't need all that to dodge anymore just slap on sigil of energy and you good otherwise we just have perma dodge theif all over again. 

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This suggestion would only make sense if they were getting rid of Vinds core mechanic: Tenacious Ruin.

But I don't see anything mentioning this, suggesting TR is here to stay and is simply being split from one cast at 1.6s duration to two casts at 0.8 duration. Vind will still have most of the benefits on the trailine come entirely from on-dodge effects. So vigor/endurance traits remaining is as it should be

Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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On 10/2/2022 at 3:58 AM, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

This suggestion would only make sense if they were getting rid of Vinds core mechanic: Tenacious Ruin.

But I don't see anything mentioning this, suggesting TR is here to stay and is simply being split from one cast at 1.6s duration to two casts at 0.8 duration. Vind will still have most of the benefits on the trailine come entirely from on-dodge effects. So vigor/endurance traits remaining is as it should be

Well the 10% bonus relies on having less than full endurance, so from a certain perspective you want endurance regeneration to be as slow as possible to match the 15% buff timer(15sec iirc). And with the change we are going to want to run at between 50-100 endurance most of the time to keep a dodge handy. So I can definitely see an argument for nuking all the endurance traits and putting in other options(dps/boon/heal).

Edited by Jthug.9506
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1 hour ago, Jthug.9506 said:

Well the 10% bonus relies on having less than full endurance, so from a certain perspective you want endurance regeneration to be as slow as possible to match the 15% buff timer(15sec iirc). And with the change we are going to want to run at between 50-100 endurance most of the time to keep a dodge handy. So I can definitely see an argument for nuking all the endurance traits and putting in other options(dps/boon/heal).

not realy, before you wanted to stay on low end regen because the dodge just made us loose too much time, but now the dodge is much faster, and, for example, the dps dodge gives a temporary dps increase, so maintaining the endurance traits makes it so maintaining that buff and dodging is faster and prob stronger than before, on wvw for example think that a trait gives you endurance per enemy hit, and you give shields or heal(i dont remember now exactly), plus as its faster it will be less buggy, so i can see wvw vindis jumping like springers all the time healing or doing dmg, maybe it will be nerfed, but in the end its wait and see

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3 hours ago, Jthug.9506 said:

Well the 10% bonus relies on having less than full endurance, so from a certain perspective you want endurance regeneration to be as slow as possible to match the 15% buff timer(15sec iirc). And with the change we are going to want to run at between 50-100 endurance most of the time to keep a dodge handy. So I can definitely see an argument for nuking all the endurance traits and putting in other options(dps/boon/heal).

No reason.

Before you would have dodged as soon as you reached 100.

Then you'll dodge as soon as you reach 100 or a threat you need to absolutely dodge.

The uptime will not change much.

And you did not want endurance regeneration to be as slow as possible. You wanted it to be as fast as possible so you could dodge more often unless you did not care about dodging anything.

That's about the only trait that won't change.

Edited by Kulvar.1239
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2 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

Why do we need to recreate the wheel? Just give Vindicator some stability sharing, consistent damage against all enemies and we are good. And is not giving Vindicator quickness sharing redundant? Herald already does that.

It has stab sharing, you take dwarf. In fact dwarf and shiro is what you are suppose to run. The issue is alliance is not that great in PvE.

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