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Halloween 2022 [Merged]

Solomon Darkfury.3729

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7 hours ago, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

Each year you started it earlier to the joy of the player base. It hasn't started this late since 2016...

While technically correct, you're framing it in a very misleading way.  With the exception of last year, which was an anomaly from how the festival usually is released, the release dates are all within 5 days of the 18th.

Edited by mythical.6315
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6 hours ago, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

Halloween is EASILY the most looked forward to festival by the player base... by a long shot... The last time they started it so late in the month the player base nearly rioted. It's why every single year they let it trend earlier. First or second Tuesday of the month was the sweet spot. Pushing to the third week is just an absolute trash decision and honestly sucks a lot of the fun out of GW2 Halloween...

Source (for both claims)?

Edited by mythical.6315
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Just a quick note, from a rabid horror and Halloween girl...  I have to take a minute to say how bummed I am that this year's Shadow of the Mad King Festival is a full 14 days shorter than last year's Festival!


I may be the only one (though I don't think so) but I look forward to Halloween all year. For years when I wasn't playing anymore I would come back for Halloween. I've been antsy for The Shadow of the Mad King to begin, but now only 2 days before it began last year, we get an announcement listing the dates as being a full 2 weeks less than last year's Festival. 


That makes me feel so sad!

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  ...Halloween 2022...

(In the Mad Labyrinth)

The Horror of the Labyrinth: (grabs  the chainsaw and stares at a target)

Me: Uh-oh. Are you going to play hide and seek with me? 

The Horror of the Labyrinth: Of course, I am! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! (activates  the chainsaw)

Me: (kites the Horror, fights the Horror and runs around the corridors in the map as  evasive tactics)

The Horror of the Labyrinth: Your strategy won't be useful against me! (grabs the target)

Me: Oh no! (tries to escape from the Horror's attacks)

The Horror of the Labyrinth:(slashes, chops, slices, screeches for inflicting torment damage)

Me: I'm bleeding and I can't stand still. I've got to move all the time. By the Gods of Tyria!

The Horror of the Labyrinth:(activates  the Ultra-Violence mode) Game over!

Me: Nooooooo! (enters  the downstate status  and  the defeated one in the process)

The Horror of the Labyrinth: Thanks  for the fun! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! 





Edited by Sylvia.4870
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Totally the same sentiment. What gives for this short period of time ??? A new expac is coming on 24 of December or what?
Another MEGA GIGA HYPER epic decisions. Make less fun and also make sure to shorten the less fun that remained in the game. WAY to go ANet 🙂 way to go 🙂

The roadmap, i'ts a MEEEH, it all resolves now around PVP and big PVP  maps ( yeah you can call it world versus world, but we all know that these maps are just one big pvp arenas for try hards). The game was way more fun 3 years ago when Anet didn't "care for the players" and messing up all boons and numbers in traits.

Just give us more mad king ANET, cuz the more changes you make the less fun you introduce. How about not touch the fun parts in game he ???

But I actually think it’s good that it starts on the 18th. Otherwise it would collide with the WvW beta weekend." A person said earlier. People who want to play MAD king do give 0 EFs about your WvW beta. Also i tried the last wvw beta, as soon as i saw the inventory... nah anet can find other ginipigs for this stuff.

Edited by yMpuu.8762
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21 minutes ago, yMpuu.8762 said:

"But I actually think it’s good that it starts on the 18th. Otherwise it would collide with the WvW beta weekend." A person said earlier. People who want to play MAD king do give 0 EFs about your WvW beta. Also i tried the last wvw beta, as soon as i saw the inventory... nah anet can find other ginipigs for this stuff.

Other players maybe want to play both. 

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11 hours ago, ThemeVS.2958 said:

Isn't the beta just another re-run of the same bloody thing they've been doing a few times now? The kind that only just rebalances server population, decimating some and prospering others? So people can do literally the same thing except with their guildmates? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm here in a bad mood. 


I think it's funny that anet let it get to this-- while I understand Halloween normally started later in previous years, how is it that they managed to get in such a tight corner where they have to finesse the beta and halloween around one another? 

You seem to be under a massive misunderstanding. The beta and Halloween are not finessed around each other.

Halloween this year is returning at the same time it has for 9 years, from 2012 to 2020.

Last year, that OP is claiming to be the gold standard, was an anomaly done so that Halloween could coincide Return To and experience bonus events to facilitate the lack of new content during the drought before End of Dragons, and in all honesty probably also because End of Dragons itself was delayed (originally intended to release in November, got pushed back to the following February).



If anything, the beta is finessed around Halloween, which is in its usual position of 9 years.

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4 hours ago, Lilith The Fallen.1590 said:

Just a quick note, from a rabid horror and Halloween girl...  I have to take a minute to say how bummed I am that this year's Shadow of the Mad King Festival is a full 14 days shorter than last year's Festival!


I may be the only one (though I don't think so) but I look forward to Halloween all year. For years when I wasn't playing anymore I would come back for Halloween. I've been antsy for The Shadow of the Mad King to begin, but now only 2 days before it began last year, we get an announcement listing the dates as being a full 2 weeks less than last year's Festival. 


That makes me feel so sad!

It isn't that this year is shorter than last year.

It's that last year was longer than the 8 years before it in every single festival ever.

3 weeks is the standard of GW2 festivals, always has been. Last year was an anomaly because of various other stuff happening at the same time.

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8 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

This year, it’s him being hunted. By a squad of a dozen giant turtles..

    The Horror of the Labyrinth: Oh dear. How can I-? Nevermind. Oh my! My Defiant Bar will be broken faster than it was, won't it? *painfully screams, sobs, laughs sadistically*

    Also the Horror of the Labyrinth: Alright, Commander! Show me all you've got. Don't hold back! *Rawr!*



Edited by Sylvia.4870
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5 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

You seem to be under a massive misunderstanding. The beta and Halloween are not finessed around each other.

Halloween this year is returning at the same time it has for 9 years, from 2012 to 2020.

Last year, that OP is claiming to be the gold standard, was an anomaly done so that Halloween could coincide Return To and experience bonus events to facilitate the lack of new content during the drought before End of Dragons, and in all honesty probably also because End of Dragons itself was delayed (originally intended to release in November, got pushed back to the following February).



If anything, the beta is finessed around Halloween, which is in its usual position of 9 years.

And I think you have a massive misunderstanding. Anet should not have had to finesse anything at all, period.


Though it's a bummer for me, I'm not calling a date change to action. I said it was funny that Anet got in such a tight spot where they felt it was right to make the announcement literally the day before. 


New things have been coming to the game. Last year set a standard for many of us, and coming into this year's festival we believed it was going to be just as long and awesome. Because again, I did play for every week of it, and it was priceless. Many others did too. 


We all know this wasn't a conflicting event issue, just some sadly high expectations and terrible communication on Anet's side. I wish they announced even a few days sooner. 

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1 hour ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Wow are they really starting the best holiday in the game that late! The 18th , wasnt it like around the 13th in past years? This makes me very unhappy, this event imo is bigger than any other, it takes a lot more time to complete. 

It’s always been mid October ish prior to last year (and was usually around the 18th for GW1), but progressively went back a day each year for a while. The actual length of the event is the same except for 2021, it just goes on for longer into November

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4 hours ago, ThemeVS.2958 said:

And I think you have a massive misunderstanding. Anet should not have had to finesse anything at all, period.

And my point, since you missed it, was that ArenaNet did not finesse anything at all.


There was no "tight spot". There was no "felt it was right". There was no "last year set a standard". And there was no "terrible communication".
I cannot fathom why people think this year's event would be 5 weeks long, when even Wintersday last year, immediately after Halloween, wasn't extended beyond the usual 3 week duration.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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2 hours ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Cant people relate their displeasure with the Mad King release date this year, without the usual anet white knights butting in to tell them how wrong they are?

I don't think this is about right or wrong. It's merely about facts. Last year was a tough year for everyone, so they prolonged the festival.

If it was up to me, all the fun festivals (SAB and Wintersday first and foremost) would last 5 weeks instead of just 3. 😉 I don't think anyone would have raised an objection about them extending Halloween again.

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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't think this is about right or wrong. It's merely about facts. Last year was a tough year for everyone, so they prolonged the festival.

If it was up to me, all the fun festivals (SAB and Wintersday first and foremost) would last 5 weeks instead of just 3. 😉 I don't think anyone would have raised an objection about them extending Halloween again.

Given you anti-confuse token for being spot on

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11 hours ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Cant people relate their displeasure with the Mad King release date this year, without the usual anet white knights butting in to tell them how wrong they are?

There's nothing white knighting about disproving the false notion that Halloween this year is late or delayed or whatever.


Anyone who knows my posting history knows full well that when ArenaNet is in the wrong I call them out on their kitten, and when they're not in the wrong I call the blamers out on their kitten. ANet has messed up plenty of times, including with how they fumbled over the Thunder Ridge Camp NPCs this past update. Hell, I call ANet out on their mistakes far more often than I praise them, especially in the past few years - honestly it's gotten to the point where I sometimes ask myself why I still play the game, because despite loving the franchise I find myself with things to complain about in nearly every release since mid-Season 3, and only things to praise half as much it feels like.

But regardless of whether you wish Halloween to be longer or not, that's not the same as "ANet set a new standard last year" or "this year is delayed/short" and those two claims (and many of the other similar ones) are blatantly false.

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Everyone loves the Halloween festival. More so than the others that GW2 has to offer. I've read as to why Anet made the decision to "return to normalcy" and make it shorter than last year, but the overall disappointment from players is understandable. Last year having it run so long was bliss. Very disappointed about this.

Edited by BlackIDove.7510
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