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Where is Zojja


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Yeah guys, it's unrealistic for smart people to thrive in more than one discipline as the need arises.

Imagine if in school, the people getting the highest grades were able to do that across the board in every subject. That just wouldn't make sens...oh, wait...

Now that I think about it, that is how smart people work. Huh.

Isn't it just so interesting when art reflects life?

On 5/10/2023 at 11:22 AM, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

No matter how far fetched! Taimi here, Taimi there, Taimi everywhere. Taimi ex machina. She can figure out everything, fix every 'machine', outthink everyone. Taimi is Mary Sue. On steroids.

Also, where in EoD main story did Taimi fix anything and save the day? Her most valuable contribution was being able to convince Joon to help us.

In fact, the entire plot of EoD revolves around Taimi and Gorrik not being able to figure out the solution to the dragon problem on their own, then getting swept up in trying to get information from an Asura that they thought had the answers they were looking for; ultimately having to rely on the genius visionary from another continent to fix the tech only she knew well enough repair.

And at the end of the day, the science didn't save anything. We had to use Aurene rainbow light magic to win. The egg-heads just gave Aurene time to do that.

14 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

These kind of outcries have been going on for a while and, initially, I disagreed because they felt hyperbolic.

But not lately, and what's more, the latest Gorrik dialogue even lampshades this oh so heavily:

Gorrik: While I was there, Taimi showed me something exciting: a prototype for a device that she, Joon, and Yao are working on!
Gorrik: It's designed to control the stress responses the demon seems to feast on, then channel that power back at it!
Gorrik: It's based on my research findings. Paired with Yao and Joon's jade tech knowledge, and Taimi's...everything knowledge...
Gorrik: We just might have a solution to our demon problem!

In the Gorrik logs, we're seeing Taimi through his lens. He sees her as being great at everything becomes he's in love with her, not because she's actually perfect in everyway. She simply is that to Gorrik.

Read the room, people.

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2 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

Isn't it just so interesting when art reflects life?

Because school is such a good reflection of life, yes /s.

I fully agree it's not unusual to see someone excel in a school setting at all subjects, but to have actual expertise in several fields - expertise that truly solves problems that non experts cannot hope to tackle without such expertise - is extremely rare and highly celebrated when it appears. Most 'smart' people spend their entire adult lives getting decent at just one thing. Even within the licensed professions (like doctors and lawyers) people further sub-specialize.

That said, I actually agree with your perspective on Taimi's shrinking Taimi ex machina role in EoD, and Gorrik growing into the space she left behind.

2 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

Also, where in EoD main story did Taimi fix anything and save the day? Her most valuable contribution was being able to convince Joon to help us.

I would agree with this in particular. Yes, she did work on the device that we ultimately used to solve things, but there was a pretty clear indication that Joon was a big (maybe even indispensable) part of that effort. It wasn't just business as usual where Taimi is sitting in a lab alone hammering out the solution.

A small nitpick I have with Gorrik's development is that I think Anet could have leaned into Gorrik's bug background to have him talk about emergent phenomena. I believe it would be more scientifically reasonable to have Gorrik continue to help us through that route, rather than just having the story make him better at more things outside of his original specialization. But I'll be the very first one to admit this is an incredibly minor thing, and I don't think it would benefit the overall direction of the story enough to matter.

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8 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

Its weird how players act like Zojja didn't do the exact same thing as Taimi. "I can fix this", "I got this", and so on all throughout the Personal Story (Asura) and dungeons.

They act that way because she largely didn't, since the bulk of her involvement in the PS is in Asura portion, which I recall involves other Asura fixing or contributing to kitten getting solved. And then she disappeared from the PS until 'Victory or Death'.  And then disappears again until the end of LW season 2.

The I'll freely admit that dungeons might be closer since it's been years I've done a lot of the stories paths. Might.

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6 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

The I'll freely admit that dungeons might be closer since it's been years I've done a lot of the stories paths. Might.

You're striking such a bold tone while admitting you actually don't know if what you're saying is true or not. 🤣

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Just now, The Greyhawk.9107 said:


You're right. It is unsurprising that you don't actually have an example.

Unless you do? That's why I asked. If you could point me toward an actual example, I'd be more than happy to address it. But I'm starting to think you don't have one and are just trying to be inflammatory.

Feel free to share with with the class if I'm wrong in my thinking here.

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On 10/8/2022 at 11:28 PM, Doggie.3184 said:

EZ, they can just change her voice to Trahearne's because being in that pod allowed parts of his body and soul to seep into her braindead body and eventually revive as a Tree-Zombie Asura hybrid. 🙃

Oh my that is not the Trahearne Lives AU I want to happen.

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On 10/18/2022 at 11:34 AM, ancientoak.4258 said:

I personally only knew her from Eureka many years ago, and more recently the netflix tudum event interviews, but looking at her imdb i see that she has done a lot more since 2012. So probably too busy with other things acting/voiceacting/podcasts and interviewer for netflix. Could she be replaced by another VA? Ofcourse. But it seems that Taimy is the Golden Child of the writers since LS1.

Personally I don't really mind that Taimi has stepped in. She was Zojja's apprentice/foster daughter practically. I don't blame Zojja if she is taking it easy after the loss of HER mentor and her nearly dire mental and physical injuries in HoT. It also gives the notable Asuran characters almost a Star Wars-y sith kinda sci-fi feel (Blish and Gorrick, even), which is interesting because they have the Inquest. Both the fantasy and sci-fi narratives are an important part of GW2.

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1 hour ago, FiveBunnies.5730 said:

Yes!!! Zojja is coming back! Thank you, thank you very much!
(I mean, the picture of the Zojja is on the official secrets-of-the-obscure page https://www.guildwars2.com/en/secrets-of-the-obscure/. That definitely means she will be back!)

I don't say to hype it as she is for sure back, but it'd fit into her being MIA if she joined this wizard group.

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Before I even realized she was in the key art for the expansion, I was thinking “oh man, Zojja is absolutely the apprentice of the wizard in the tower!” after watching the trailer.

Super excited for this reason alone! Rest of the expansion sounds great too so far. Wonder if they got Felicia Day back to voice her?

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Seeing Zojja in this art got me more excited than anything in this expanision. I really hope this art means she will be back. It was way too long since we got some quality humor in gw2. Also I hope that if she really will come back, the devs still have this writing skills that made her our fav character.

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On 6/28/2023 at 10:22 AM, Biziut.3594 said:

Seeing Zojja in this art got me more excited than anything in this expanision. I really hope this art means she will be back. It was way too long since we got some quality humor in gw2. Also I hope that if she really will come back, the devs still have this writing skills that made her our fav character.

She's definitely back! If you go to the link someone a few comments above us linked and scroll down, you can see Zojja in her new Astral outfit! 😃

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12 minutes ago, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

She's definitely back! If you go to the link someone a few comments above us linked and scroll down, you can see Zojja in her new Astral outfit! 😃

Hah! Your right! Thanks for pinging me about this. I can barely hold up a hype. Xd

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