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Where is Zojja


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She's in a coma, and we know her mind/spirit has some presence in the Mists, so its probably pretty bad. At this point we don't know if she'll ever wake up, or what state she'll be in if she does.


The real answer, her voice actor is pretty famous and simply isn't available anymore. This game is probably too small-time for her now, and the best we can hope for is ArenaNet will replace Zojja's voice actor with an in-house VA so we can see her again someday soon (like Rox and Canach).

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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30 minutes ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The real answer, her voice actor is pretty famous and simply isn't available anymore. This game is probably too small-time for her now, and the best we can hope for is ArenaNet will replace Zojja's voice actor with an in-house VA so we can see her again someday soon (like Rox and Canach).

Felicia Day voiced Zojja. She is pretty famous? Never even heard of her until I checked. From Wikipedia, it seems she may just be busy on other voice acting projects.

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3 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Felicia Day voiced Zojja. She is pretty famous? Never even heard of her until I checked. From Wikipedia, it seems she may just be busy on other voice acting projects.

So drop her for someone else, like Mariyuuna suggested. Its been seven years, Day's not so famous or important to wait anywhere near that long for.


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Imagine being a main cast member for half a decade in one of the longest running and most easily-recognised shows of all time and no one even knowing who you are.



Oh, and you know, all that other insignificant stuff in the past like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Apparently just being a guest star in major series and one of the most iconic voice actors of all time doesn't make you famous anymore, because you didn't star in a hundred episodes of some bad sitcom. 😛

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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9 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The real answer, her voice actor is pretty famous and simply isn't available anymore. This game is probably too small-time for her now, and the best we can hope for is ArenaNet will replace Zojja's voice actor with an in-house VA so we can see her again someday soon (like Rox and Canach).

Felicia Day has publicly gone on the record and said that she would love to reprise her role as Zojja. So, the ball is fully in ANet's court.

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41 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Never even heard of that show. Is that some American thing?

American and very, very niche. Probably not a lot of people outside the "Nerd-sphere" that know much about it, much less know that Day spent a few years on it. Its a bit like Dr. Who in its had a long run with a lot of different people in and out of it and even a gap of several years when no episodes were being made (and incidentally started out as a local show in my town, the Twin Cities).

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Never even heard of that show. Is that some American thing?

It has more of a loyal cult following, not a primetime, mainstream show.  Like something you find playing late at night and it's funny to watch and you then actively start looking for it.  Felicia Day is also not a household name for most people, more in the nerd circle and comic con set, for those who enjoyed The Guild and her voice acting. 

I really have no emotional attachment to Zojja but they should either get the shovel out or recast (I mean they recast Canach....) so players aren't left annoyed.


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43 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

I really have no emotional attachment to Zojja but they should either get the shovel out or recast (I mean they recast Canach....) so players aren't left annoyed.


Matt Mercer's first voice for Canach was attrocious, you can hear it during the Caledon Forest DRM. He only got an appropriate one in EoD.

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10 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

The real answer, her voice actor is pretty famous and simply isn't available anymore. This game is probably too small-time for her now, and the best we can hope for is ArenaNet will replace Zojja's voice actor with an in-house VA so we can see her again someday soon (like Rox and Canach).

She's said a few times she's open to doing it. Zojja's simply another story thread abandoned to the ether by Anet. When it's not vogue for the current writer, there's 2 options that get picked: 1) ignore it, 2) wrap it up.

At this point, it'd have been better if they'd chosen option 2 and just killed her off.

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9 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

Matt Mercer's first voice for Canach was attrocious, you can hear it during the Caledon Forest DRM. He only got an appropriate one in EoD.

Completely agree.  Went from loveably snarky and droll to just arrogant and bored with life.

Edited by Farohna.6247
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10 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Felicia Day voiced Zojja. She is pretty famous? Never even heard of her until I checked.

Woot? 😂

Her web show "The Guild" about a group of RPG nerds doesn't ring a bell?
She also guest starred on many popular tv shows, like "Supernatural" (recurring role) or "The Rookie".

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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13 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Woot? 😂

Her web show "The Guild" about a group of RPG nerds doesn't ring a bell?
She also guest starred on many popular tv shows, like "Supernatural" (recurring role) or "The Rookie".

I think a few of you are taking for granted how niche even the most popular Web-series are relative to the general population (plus take into account how long its been since The Guild ended). 

Can't explain the likes of Supernatural or the Rookie, I've never had an interest in either show and didn't know Day was in either.
Maybe some people just aren't pay close attention to who the actors are.

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52 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Woot? 😂

Her web show "The Guild" about a group of RPG nerds doesn't ring a bell?
She also guest starred on many popular tv shows, like "Supernatural" (recurring role) or "The Rookie".

In their defense, a lot of people weren't watching web shows when that came out.  And some of our fellow players were like 10 years old.   Also it really has more of an rpg nerd fan base and not something that would appeal to the majority of people.

Edited by Farohna.6247
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I think that there is no good reason to get Zojia back into the spotlight for Anet's story team after so many years. That's why she is out of the picture in 2022.

When Felicia Day had a baby back in 2017, she reduced her activities for voice acting and little projects, most likely for more family time and who can blame here for that.

Other voice actors like the "new Canach", Mathew Mercer are very buys with Critical Role (weekly DnD show, animated series Kickstarter and Amazon deal), which also applies to Sam Riegel, our "Braham", so I assume it is more grounded in what story the Anet team wants to tell, instead of voice actor scheduling,

Edited by Gorani.7205
horrible grammar that made no sense
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6 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

...which also applies to Sam Riegel, our "Braham", so I assume it is more grounded in what story the Anet team wants to tell, which which characters instead of voice actor scheduling,

The less Braham the better, it took seven years for him to get any actual character. Just fridge him, then he'll at least have something in common with Eir. Preferably fridged off-screen as he's a waste of space that should have no time wasted on his character animation.

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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Woot? 😂

Her web show "The Guild" about a group of RPG nerds doesn't ring a bell?
She also guest starred on many popular tv shows, like "Supernatural" (recurring role) or "The Rookie".

Never even knew the Guild existed until yesterday. Was too busy playing MMOs and joining guilds back then. Although tbh, I'd have watched it back then if I knew about it. Followed The Noob webcomics for years.

As for Felicia Day, you don't really pay attention to names of guest stars. I probably would recognize her face as having seen her somewhere on a TV Show.

To the original comment stating that she is pretty famous and this game is too small-time for her now, I just don't see it. She's not a major star and is still very actively involved in voice acting. And none of her current voice roles are for any major roles in any major projects. Not reprising Zojja is probably due to lack of content, rather than being too famous for it.

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ok, serious answer.

this person is unknow to 99.99% of the GW2 players. She seems to have a career tho. That mean she must be (very) expensive to hire.

now, is it worth to spend that much money on someone to cater 0.01% of the players? Zojja is neither popular nor iconic. No one plays the game for her and much less for her voice actress.

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22 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

ok, serious answer.

this person is unknow to 99.99% of the GW2 players. She seems to have a career tho. That mean she must be (very) expensive to hire.

now, is it worth to spend that much money on someone to cater 0.01% of the players? Zojja is neither popular nor iconic. No one plays the game for her and much less for her voice actress.

I highly doubt she’s that expensive to hire. They use Debi derryberry for taimis voice actor afterall. To me she’s more famous since she’s the voice of so many cartoons I used to watch when younger. I mean, you can hear she’s jimmy neutron. She got quite the career with voice acting. 

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23 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:


She's in a coma, and we know her mind/spirit has some presence in the Mists, so its probably pretty bad. At this point we don't know if she'll ever wake up, or what state she'll be in if she does.


The real answer, her voice actor is pretty famous and simply isn't available anymore. This game is probably too small-time for her now, and the best we can hope for is ArenaNet will replace Zojja's voice actor with an in-house VA so we can see her again someday soon (like Rox and Canach).

EZ, they can just change her voice to Trahearne's because being in that pod allowed parts of his body and soul to seep into her braindead body and eventually revive as a Tree-Zombie Asura hybrid. 🙃

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