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Improve Warrior Gap Closers


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Warrior has no teleports and is primarily melee. As such, warrior relies on leaps and the like to get into combat. As such, warrior should have the best gap closers. I believe there is room for improvement in this area. Here are some suggested changes.


Mace Mainhand

  1. Give Skullcrack a 300 range leap.

Mace Offhand

  1. Give Crushing Blow a 450 range leap.

Sword Mainhand

  1. Reduced Savage Leap cooldown to 6 seconds.

Sword Offhand

  1. Make Rip a 600 range leap attack.


  1. Make Shield Bash 600 range.

Dagger Main Hand

  1. Give aura slicer 450 range.

Axe Main Hand

  1. Make Eviscerate 450 range.


  1. Speed up rush and fix its pathing.



War could also use more reliable swiftness. I suggest making fast hands baseline and replacing with 3 seconds of swiftness on weapon swap.


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Leaps are broken anyway, half the time you'll be jumping in place because you forgot the leap doesn't work in situation XYZ (of which there are like 50). And considering the teleportfest that is pvp, why limit yourself with leaps (even if they weren't dysfunctional).

I was chasing a berserker that was actually good in conquest today, I wasn't landing most of my "gap closers" because the berserker was essentially doing about face and/or just running. I don't think adding more range will do anything for war, until animations are fixed (or better, replaced with teleports, since everyone else has them anyway).

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1 minute ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Leaps are broken anyway, half the time you'll be jumping in place because you forgot the leap doesn't work in situation XYZ (of which there are like 50). And considering the teleportfest that is pvp, why limit yourself with leaps (even if they weren't dysfunctional).

I was chasing a berserker that was actually good in conquest today, I wasn't landing most of my "gap closers" because the berserker was essentially doing about face and/or just running. I don't think adding more range will do anything for war, until animations are fixed (or better, replaced with teleports, since everyone else has them anyway).

Well, we got one right?


Oh wait it was 300 range...


And a pistol!


Oh wait, it was offhand only and melee range...

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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I once suggested a trait to add 150 range to every leap and movement skill. Several other warriors 💩 💩'd all over the idea, and yet here we are still with mobility issues.


I think it should definitely just be baseline as opposed to having to spec into it and losing out on something else. Also that unfortunately wouldn't help stuff like skullcrack that isn't a leap yet. However, I will take any increased mobility that is viable to run.

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4 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Leaps are broken anyway, half the time you'll be jumping in place because you forgot the leap doesn't work in situation XYZ (of which there are like 50). And considering the teleportfest that is pvp, why limit yourself with leaps (even if they weren't dysfunctional).

I was chasing a berserker that was actually good in conquest today, I wasn't landing most of my "gap closers" because the berserker was essentially doing about face and/or just running. I don't think adding more range will do anything for war, until animations are fixed (or better, replaced with teleports, since everyone else has them anyway).

The animation thing is a real problem. They do need to be reworked to be reliable.

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One of the problems with warriors is that most of its gap closers have a short pre skill and post skill animation which slows it down and literally makes walking faster. Weaponswap removes the second animation but the first is still annoying. (I tested this with Skullgrinder and savage leap. I vaguely remember the Whirlwind attack has one too. However, I am not sure if rush has one)

Edited by Infinity.2876
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How about we just knock insta-gap closers down a peg instead?  I really enjoy the "weightiness" of warrior closers, which tbh are pretty plentiful.  Yes, they objectively are inferior as a biproduct, but they feel right.  Insta-anything is lazy design.  See Specter for my point.

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1 hour ago, Infinity.2876 said:

One of the problems with warriors is that most of its gap closers have a short pre skill and post skill animation which slows it down and literally makes walking faster. Weaponswap removes the second animation but the first is still annoying. (I tested this with Skullgrinder and savage leap. I vaguely remember the Whirlwind attack has one too. However, I am not sure if rush has one)

That is REALLY apparent on Earthshaker btw.

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Well remember spellbreaker used to be quite often used in PVP before February 2020. The gap closers such as Bull's Charge, Whirlwind Attack, Shield Bash, and Rush haven't changed much. Skills such as Savage Leap on sword are 600 range, which is about what Arenanet considers "ranged" so ultimately I would say the main changes that would be needed are to Breaching Strike or Aura Slicer (which is 300 range now). The problem with warrior is mostly due to the CC nerfs in that since CC doesn't do damage you need to do more damage with damage skills to capitalize on the small window of melee damage you normally have unless fighting a fully melee build (unlikely).

I remember one of the major issues on warrior back when core necro/scourges , TWO dodge mirages, sword thieves, and rangers were common was actually getting to the target without melting to sheer condis. With EoD you're looking at condi harbingers , specters, and ranged mechanists. As far as I know most virtuosos in PVP are using some condi variations.

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4 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

One of the problems with warriors is that most of its gap closers have a short pre skill and post skill animation which slows it down and literally makes walking faster. Weaponswap removes the second animation but the first is still annoying. (I tested this with Skullgrinder and savage leap. I vaguely remember the Whirlwind attack has one too. However, I am not sure if rush has one)

a good fix for the animation problems is actually to increase their range past 600 and maybe a faster cast time. short leaps contributes so little to mobility, you end up stutter stepping instead, its faster walking.


other classes are loaded with mobility options nowadays, and not just leaps, actual ports with no animation lag or after cast, that cleanse and/or stun break to boot.

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Too many keep away skills from the other classes and let's not talk about the free getaway cards willbender has. Warrior skills need auto targeting to guide every hit onto the target besides GS 3 whirlwind attack. There also is a case for very short gap closers on every skill.

And the animation critique is correct. The wind up on our skills is 2012 worthy. They've been outdated for 10 years. And GS Rush at this point must be an ongoing joke in the office at anet. One anet worker to another, "Hey, you going to fix [Rush]?". The other anet worker, "What's the Rush?" And they both laugh while they both forget about the skill entirely.

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I would like a spammable Superspeed that lasts for 3 seconds at least. 
It can be similar to Dash skill in Guild Wars 1 - Dash: Stance. For 3 seconds, you run 50% faster. 8 seconds cooldown


But our version would be: Dash: Gain Superspeed for 3 seconds. 8 seconds cooldown. 


Something like that. It could be stance skill, it could be trait effect, it could be gain Superspeed on weapon swap, it could be Superspeed on using a Burst skill.


Featherfoot Grace sounds nice on a paper, but it has too long of a cooldown to be really useful. Maybe if it had 2 charges, or 20 seconds cooldown, or even both but removing breaks stun effect it would be too strong at that point. 


I don't like leaps too much, they are slow, they are telegraphed, I wouldn't add more of them. The longer the range, slower it is. Lessening the windup animation speed would be more beneficial to us. 

Teleports are better cuz they are instant, though I doubt they would ever give Warrior one.


Getting Evade effect on most of the leap skills would be nice, I really want Savage Leap to have Evade component to it, even Eviscerate

Edited by Mikali.9651
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