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Pinata suggestion


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Since the Casino Blitz has become the most piked content since Dragonstorm was changed to require participation, I'm suggesting a change to pinata:

1) a buff from participation in each of the casino blitz rounds that lets you do increasing damage to pinata - no participation, no damage. Ideally the buff would scale such that one round would let you get bronze on pinata, two rounds silver, and three rounds gold. I suggest a minimum of 10 coins required per round to get the buff for each round.
2) 1% magic find for each coin collected.

That should alleviate somewhat the squads with, for example, 47 pikers and 3 collectors.

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1 hour ago, Metaljaw.6437 said:

Since the Casino Blitz has become the most piked content since Dragonstorm was changed to require participation, I'm suggesting a change to pinata:

1) a buff from participation in each of the casino blitz rounds that lets you do increasing damage to pinata - no participation, no damage. Ideally the buff would scale such that one round would let you get bronze on pinata, two rounds silver, and three rounds gold. I suggest a minimum of 10 coins required per round to get the buff for each round.
2) 1% magic find for each coin collected.

That should alleviate somewhat the squads with, for example, 47 pikers and 3 collectors.

Make it so you have to have collected a set amount of coins per round prior in order to even have a chance at the confetti infusion.

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What problem is this trying to solve? Are there not enough people participating in the coin collection, so sometimes the piñata doesn't spawn? Are people doing too much damage/it doesn't have enough health so it dies before everyone can tag it? Something else?

I've not done the piñata for a while but whenever I did it was killed very quickly so I'm not sure increased damage would do anything useful. But I'm also not sure what the current problem/s with it are, so I don't know what could be a good solution.

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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

What problem is this trying to solve? Are there not enough people participating in the coin collection, so sometimes the piñata doesn't spawn? Are people doing too much damage/it doesn't have enough health so it dies before everyone can tag it? Something else?

I've not done the piñata for a while but whenever I did it was killed very quickly so I'm not sure increased damage would do anything useful. But I'm also not sure what the current problem/s with it are, so I don't know what could be a good solution.

Sometimes not enough coins collected to complete all 3 rounds in time. So giving some participation bonus would be good to encourage more players to do the pre-events.

But that bonus effect should rather give more rewards from the Piñata or just magnify Luck.

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1 hour ago, DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49 said:

Sometimes not enough coins collected to complete all 3 rounds in time. So giving some participation bonus would be good to encourage more players to do the pre-events.

But that bonus effect should rather give more rewards from the Piñata or just magnify Luck.

And that is usualy the 3 or 4th overflow map where 90% refuse to gather coin and instead trying to taxi into the full ones.

Try to tag up or just  lfg for more people.

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The problem I am trying to address is ANet rewarding people for non-participative behaviors the same as those that do participate.  Either incentivize participation (add magic find bonus, better rewards, etc.) or punish non-participation (can't get rewards if don't participate, lower rewards, etc.). There have been several maps I've been on where people just park and go afk assuming people will complete the event, and no one does.

Additionally, I'm not really keen on collecting 10%+ of the coins per round when there are 50+ people in the map.  All it takes is everyone collecting between 3 and 5 coins per round (even less if you count the people on map not in squad) and people are too lazy to do that. I say, they shouldn't be rewarded for laziness as those that do participate.

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I know what you mean and I agree fully, but I really do not want anet to modify the event. For these kind of changes, they usually make things worse in some way or other. 


Unless all that they do is just increase either the coins' post-meta value or the rewards per pre-stage ONLY. 

Edited by casualkenny.9817
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, you mean that if i arrive a bit late i should not bother helping because i would get nothing. Yes, i'm sure that would be perfectly fine.

Well... don't arrive late then 😄 A lot of the time coming late will get you full or nearly full maps or instances where the event is no longer active. At that point deciding whether or not you'll help is kind of irrelevant anyways.

Not only that, but from what I understand you're trying to use the argument of "but what if I come late and still want full reward for doing less?" in a thread that... basically complains about that exact thing.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, you mean that if i arrive a bit late i should not bother helping because i would get nothing. Yes, i'm sure that would be perfectly fine.

I think that's exactly what they're aiming for: that the event would only be worth doing if you arrive in time for the start of the coin collection.

I know some people go out of their way to schedule this event into their day and I suppose for them it would work well (especially since the incentive seems to be farming the infusion for gold and with fewer participants the overall availability goes down without affecting individual drop rates, so any they do get will be more valuable). For me it would pretty much guarantee I never do the event because I only join in if I'm not in the middle of something else and I see it's started.

Again I think that's the intention, that people like me won't do the event and it will be restricted to those who go out of their way to be there before it starts, like the major meta events. It wouldn't really bother me if that was the case because it's not something I do frequently or really care if I miss, but I'm not sure if it would be better for the game or for the people who do make an effort to participate if no one else was able to join in.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think that's exactly what they're aiming for: that the event would only be worth doing if you arrive in time for the start of the coin collection.

Wouldn't this go against the game's initial design where players could roam around and join in on events when and where they find them rather than having to schedule being there?

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Wouldn't this go against the game's initial design where players could roam around and join in on events when and where they find them rather than having to schedule being there?

Precisely so. I vastly prefer being able to join events in-progress when i see them going on, instead of working according to some predetermined schedule (i have enough of that one during my work hours). The suggested change is based on an idea that, if more widely applied, would make most events into deadzones because noone would bother joining unless they were there the moment it started.

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19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Precisely so. I vastly prefer being able to join events in-progress when i see them going on, instead of working according to some predetermined schedule (i have enough of that one during my work hours). The suggested change is based on an idea that, if more widely applied, would make most events into deadzones because noone would bother joining unless they were there the moment it started.

For meta events you're going on-schedule anyways and it's in no way anything new (similarly to core world bosses).

Nothing about having actual participation in events goes against the idea of being able to join the events you just happen to see.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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44 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nothing about having actual participation in events goes against the idea of being able to join the events you just happen to see.

The whole idea revolves around having to participate from the very beginning, or getting nothing. In that idea, there's no point joining the event midway. If you miss the start, you might as well ignore the remainder.

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26 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The whole idea revolves around having to participate from the very beginning, or getting nothing. In that idea, there's no point joining the event midway. If you miss the start, you might as well ignore the remainder.

Maybe you should re-read what it says since neither of the OP's ideas somehow mean "you need to participate from the very beginning or get nothing". I don't know where you got that from?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Does this count as proof of extra terrestrial aliens visiting Earth? Why do I see people writing as if they don't understand typical human behavior?

The coins are worthless after clearing out all the unlocks. Anyone who routinely does the event is going to have them cleared out. Heck even someone like me who doesn't routinely do the event will have most of it cleared out. Doing minimal effort for maximum result is something any decently intelligent human is going to tend towards. Make the suggested changes and people will continue doing what they have been doing. This will lead to the event failing and probably OP shifting over to complaining about scaling up the event while also not admitting that it was their own suggestion which lead to the problem in the first place. Will it actually lead to people participating more? No, it will just move people to some other high RoI content.

Magic Find is worthless for the event drops so that is a pointless suggestion as well.


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12 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, you mean that if i arrive a bit late i should not bother helping because i would get nothing. Yes, i'm sure that would be perfectly fine.

If you notice, I proposed decreasing reward for limited participation. Not nothing.  I only suggested nothing for those that didn't participate at all.  Additionally, I proposed a second alternative in that those that participate get increased magic find.  Neither of those options lead to the conclusion that you should not bother. In fact both options would suggest you participate to the extent you can to maximize your gains, even if it isn't what those that maximally participated get. Which is as it should be.


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6 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

What does "piked" mean in this context?

Someone who doesn't participate but takes up space in an event to get a reward. For example, people who just sat in Dragonstorm without actually attacking the bosses and waited until the end of the event to swoop down and get the reward. Or someone who just parks at the beginning of a dungeon/fractal and lets everyone else complete for him so they get the reward. Generally, the second isn't as common as we can kick those individuals from the instance in GW2, but the term would still apply.

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4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

This will lead to the event failing and probably OP shifting over to complaining about scaling up the event while also not admitting that it was their own suggestion which lead to the problem in the first place. Will it actually lead to people participating more? No, it will just move people to some other high RoI content.

Actually, I'd be fine with the event failing if people didn't collect. Also, this event doesn't scale, so not an issue.


4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

The coins are worthless after clearing out all the unlocks.

Actually, the coins always provide experience, and thus spirit shards with enough, so they are not completely worthless. 


4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Magic Find is worthless for the event drops so that is a pointless suggestion as well.

They do it for the silverwastes meta so they can do it for this one as well. So wrong again.

Edited by Metaljaw.6437
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As someone who has been on both sides of the issue, both trying desperately to collect coins as well as being an AFKer (usually just crafting in the Lily lounge when "AFKing") there have been instances where even when a map does get to the pinata event, the DPS wasn't high enough to actually kill the pinata. It's rare when that happens, yes, but putting a chokehold on damage sources will only increase the odds of failed pinatas. 


Perhaps the solution is as simple as offering better rewards in exchange for coins at the casino vendor. Specifically offering essences of luck instead of green unid gear. Considering the increase in uses for luck with the Gen3 leggy weapons, folks who don't need it for account luck can save it for crafting or for New Year's. Or heck, everyone loves a box of mystery trophies, just offer that as a reward.


Anyway long story short that coins need better rewards for people to want to collect them. Consuming them for PoF exp is fine honestly to help new players, but after unlocking all the casino toys vet players need more incentive to collect coins than a single green unid gear piece.

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3 hours ago, Dualumina.1760 said:

Perhaps the solution is as simple as offering better rewards in exchange for coins at the casino vendor.

Yes. If the preevents won't be rewarding by themselves (and they aren't rewarding at all), people will keep skipping them.

3 hours ago, Dualumina.1760 said:

Specifically offering essences of luck instead of green unid gear.

Oh, please, no... essences of luck are pretty much worthless. Even with gen3 weapons and Canthan New Year you will be swimming in those as soon as you cap MF. The new reward (whatever it is) should be more generally desirable. I mean, it could just be another chance at pinata loot drop (capped at one buy per day) similar to how the EoD map meta statuette chests work. Or perhaps some more valuable stuff (amalgamates, etc) on a weekly vendor.

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