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spellbreaker op


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9 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

All of these are far worse and significantly more annoying to play against than Spellbreaker is, especially if Arenanet finally fixes the bugged CD reduction on Full Counter.

Idk dude, I think it is a worse experience for new players to spend literally the entire fight on the ground not being allowed to cast a single spell.

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11 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I think it is a worse experience to spend literally the entire fight on the ground not being allowed to cast a single spell.

It's going to be a worse experience for new players not to be able to see what is going to burst them down from Stealth.

It's going to be a worse experience for new players to spend literally the entire fight not being able to move because the Druid decided to spam Immobilize.

It's going to be a worse experience for new players to spend literally the entire fight not being able to fight in melee because too much AoE vomit is everywhere.

It's going to be a worse experience for new players to spend literally the entire fight not being able to even get into melee range, because they are being killed off from afar.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Ancient Seeds

On 1/9/2023 at 3:11 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

When are we going to get rid of Thieves? All that Stealth and shadow-stepping is problematic for many people.

Next patch ? stealth is problem.

On 1/9/2023 at 3:11 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

When are we going to get rid of Rangers? All that ranged damage and Immobilize is problematic for many people.

Ancient Seeds should be nerf.

On 1/9/2023 at 3:11 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

When are we going to get rid of Necromancer and Elementalist? All that AoE vomit all over the floors is problematic for many people.

Nerf necro boonstrip will solve the problem.


 There are always is skill matter to fight a elementalist.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I totally agree with this. Spellbreaker is toooooooooo OP in 1vs2 situation at least. he never die and hit damage opponent too strong. The 1vs1 situation is not worth mentioning. In 1vs1, nobody can beat him. 


The Ele is also OP, but the Ele is hard to control. So I understand it. However, Spellbreaker is easy to control, damage is strong, and do not die easily. This is the big problem.

Edited by ZenMa.3976
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16 minutes ago, ZenMa.3976 said:

I totally agree with this. Spellbreaker is toooooooooo OP in 1vs2 situation at least. he never die and hit damage opponent too strong. The 1vs1 situation is not worth mentioning. In 1vs1, nobody can beat him. 


The Ele is also OP, but the Ele is hard to control. So I understand it. However, Spellbreaker is easy to control, damage is strong, and do not die easily. This is the big problem.


Man really said "war have less button to press so war should be weaker, ele have many button to press so I understand instant dying to it" like the fact that having less buttons to throw out often makes you easier to anticipate and avoid, and thus less effective vs skilled players didn't even cross his mind.


War does need scaling down on the spellbreaker side, but never take balance advice from people who think simple kits shouldn't also be effective.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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15 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Man really said "war have less button to press so war should be weaker, ele have many button to press so I understand instant dying to it" 


War does need scaling down, but never take balance advice from people who think simple shouldnt be effective. 

I understand what you mean. In any case, the current situation is that the spellbreaker is easy to control and strong. On average, if you are the same-skilled users, there is no class that can withstand 2-1 above the platinum rank except spellbreaker and Ele. It's already out of balance. (I'm talking about SPvP not WvW)


Oh, I forgot to say. Spellbreaker builds also have too many CC skills, and if the opponent's breakstun is cool-down, he often dies by Spellbreaker's one-combo.

Edited by ZenMa.3976
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19 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

I posted this dec 10, they've have 50+ days to hot fix spellbreaker and catalyst and they refuse to. anet trush. 

Oh yeah dude, we've had at least two patches go through at this point that didn't contain anything to even attempt to dowse these problems.

I just don't understand the marketing tact behind it. You'd think they actually wanted people to stop playing their game.

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16 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh yeah dude, we've had at least two patches go through at this point that didn't contain anything to even attempt to dowse these problems.

I just don't understand the marketing tact behind it. You'd think they actually wanted people to stop playing their game.

I remember you laughing at people pointing out the issue with Full Counter even before any change, calling them noobs as wars were easy to deal with....a little buff later and your little pewpew druid tactic stopping at being effective...that was enough to send you lot in a frenzy against warrior and ele.

Realistically both warrior and ele have never been this accessible and effective since Oct 2015 pre-HoT launch....and people like you are mad as hell. It has been 7 years since ele and warrior were so widespread in use and feared to go against.....and you people are so graciously mad about this. You don't get to laugh at scepter eles anymore....and you are mad....you don't get to pewpew and outsustain wars from 1200 range...and you're mad. Elementalist and Warrior have finally brought up to the same faceroll, monkey skill level of the professions you lot have always enjoyed like condi mirage, immobilize druid, boonbeast, core necro etc etc etc etc..all faceroll gameplay options since 2015....2-3 buttons low effort trash with absurd rewards. Elementalist and Warrior finally have low effort builds like the rest of the other trash....and people are mad....I love the chaos, paranoia and flamboyant hypocrisy of this joke of the so called "competitive" community.  So it's dishonorable to play ele or warrior now? Where was it your so called "honour" when playing double bird ranger? Immobilize druid? Boonbeast? Stealth dragon hunter? Scourge and reaper at launch? Scrapper or holo? Condi mirage? Renegade pewpew? ....I ask you lot where was your "honourable" gameplay?....ha wait...that was pure skill....isn'it?

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"I am platinum and play AT...I know what I am talking about".....really 80% of you got out of bronze playing some aoe condi kitten tank or some boonspamming monstrosity for the last 5-6 years...in duo most likely. So much that even the idea of actively dodging attacks is considered heresy.

Skilled gameplay? Competitive community?....this is GW2...and this is just a glorified roulette mode, and the only time they tried to implement an actual matchmaking......most of you cried they were unable to leave bronze league, you cried so much...they changed the matchmaking(2014) to what it is now....

If they have kept the same approach as in past games...the majority would have even failed to unlock the pvp mode....let alone join it, only to spout some non sense about their right to leave the bottom league just because they show up to play. 

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16 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Elementalist and Warrior have finally brought up to the same faceroll, monkey skill level of the professions you lot have always enjoyed like condi mirage, immobilize druid, boonbeast, core necro etc etc etc etc..all faceroll gameplay options since 2015....2-3 buttons low effort trash with absurd rewards.

To me this is nothing good though. I used to enjoy 1v1ing mirror spb; it was actuallly skillful. Now I see adrenal health and I just roll my eyes. On the str gs/dagger build I drop endure pain for resistance from featherfoot grace, that feels like I play with a hand behind my back cause I can get nuked in 2 seconds and thats that. Defense just gives it for free on a dodge. Whole thing is just absurd.

And ele is no better. A FA ele was either skilled or instantly deleted, now it has 10 years of block, invuln, blind and superspeed. And bigger, easier to land dmg.

Sure, other builds are low effort high reward too, no doubt. But thats no reason to add more such builds.

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On 1/31/2023 at 2:14 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

I posted this dec 10, they've have 50+ days to hot fix spellbreaker and catalyst and they refuse to. anet trush. 

*sips tea in waiting actual years for berserker to be balanced and not a mesmer/thief punching bag and watching people unable to tolerate spellbreaker for more than two months, just like every time warrior is playable* 

@Arheundel.6451 has the villain take, but he's right. people have been facerolling for years and justifying it every which way they can, while doting on those "skillful plays" made by the odd warrior or ele that is trying their butt off with effort to match their opponent's automation.  

Now that the effort requirement is the same it's a problem. Either everyone gets to faceroll or nobody does. I don't mind either one, just be consistent with your principles. 

Yes spellbreaker needs balancing. Yes cata needs balancing. That's not where it stops though. Every class that has a faceroll build that kept spellbreaker/warrior and more direct damage elementalists out of viability until they were buffed to this degree need to be looked at, because this is what it felt like to fight the other faceroll flavors for years on end with no kit to do it. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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