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We don't quit PVP, we quit the game


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3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 well this Mastermind called CmC does the febr. 2020 patch back them simply cause of 2 reasons. 

First Reason:

He was only allowed to change numbers back then and not mechanical things.

Even now that he is supposedly, he isn't changing hardly anything mechanically. Not for the competitive modes at least. That or literally just reverting things back to how they were before the doodoo update.

3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

Second Reason:

He does the February patch to get somewhat handle over the Power creep that Was going on back then. (Even while it killed some classes it was a right and needed step but I gues we could call this a Personal opinion)

Absolute trash update btw. Imo it made the game so boring that the bad taste from it still lingers, even now when I can admit they're going a relatively decent direction. But the only reason that is is because they're undoing a very significant portion of the 2020 update, which was a terrible, game-killing update.

If you think i'm lying, go read through all the patch notes since then. Very few of the balance changes to classes in the past 2 years have been very original. Its just reverting the horrid changes from the 2020 patch because it was bad and they know it was bad.

Heck, just take a look at some of your examples:

3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

3. Some cc skills gain some dmg back: this made room for more build options overall (abit late but still a good thing)

They had their damage in the first place up until Feb 2020

3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

4. Rework of Berserker: You can not tell me that this was not meant to be a pvp focused one. Since the core burst skill Was not even close needed in pve but pretty mutch in pvp. ( also there might need to be some nerfs and buffs on the right skills here aswell but we will see what future bring)

It was hardly a rework at all. It went back to how zerker started out basically, which was a lot better than what it turned into due to bad balance and incompetence.

3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

Actually he now is just the lead (with roy if im right) from the balance team so of course he also is now allowed to rework skills mechanicly and not only in terms of numbers. And yes I would call most of the latest patches pvp focused. Let's see what those changes does to letz say warr? (Im warr Main so this is the class i know the most)

I don't really care about balance personally so I don't really have an opinion there. Looking at it purely factually, not a single one of these changes was exclusively designed for PvP, otherwise it wouldn't bleed over into PvE and vice-versa. I am a PvP player and I don't like PvE-focused updates bleeding into my PvP. I assume a PvE player wouldn't want PvP-focused updates bleeding into PvE either.

And tbh with you bro I just don't care about balance, definitely don't have your enthusiasm there. I wish they'd bring on an intern who cares more about addressing the abysmal state of PvP in general. Tackling issues like the lack of PvP content(no balance patches are not content), the straight-up removal of build options in favor of balancing them(non-hyperbolic), match manipulation, and archaically designed existing PvP systems like the lack of tutorials, class-swapping, the FFA arena, matchmaking, ranked rating, I could go on and on. The point being I physically cannot give a kitten about balance when the game itself has become a chore to play with no reward for getting good at, or for people like the OP said that just play solely for PvP. 

Sure balance can play a part, but its the chicken. PvP itself is the egg. The egg comes first regardless of what radical redditors say.

3 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

Just to not make it longer. To me yes this is 100% pvp focused at least in the last big patches. The list of different pvp meta builds just speak for itself when you compare it to the meta build from 1,5 years ago ^^.

And no way i'm letting that slide. That's because 1.5 years ago we were stuck in CmC's nerfpocalypse which brought the time of ending to build diversity. There was a period between 2/25/2020 and EoD where like 3 or 4 entire professions just did not exist in the meta at all. They were made that weak.

Not hard to beat that so long as a few professions don't completely suck, and the way they mended the situation was mostly by undoing the patch that made them all suck in the first place. 😂

And get this, there are still clowns that will defend the Feb patch as a good patch. 🤣

 🤡's the lot of em, I hope they're all watchin' 🤹‍♂️🎪

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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@Multicolorhipster.9751 well I mean this is juuust your opinion xd. As said I see just the Overall game not just pvp alone. Cause yes you get it its just an MMO it will never be 100% pvp focused ^^. 


I mean I see and get your points. Yes PvP is in a bad state. The Matchmaking is absolute trash. No new real content since years. Some guys are Ruin it even more by just made the leader Board and sometimes even the mATs a pay2win thing (tho this is a community thing and since they even made this while get their accs into ban state does not realy help). Conquest ranked is still duo que while it is just a 5v5 Mode. There is no area to learn how to play in Conquest and your classes. (Well they removed it back then with new map ..... Still don't get why .... lmao). They go for straigth pve only focused Updates for years and made pvp Power creep af..... ends up in New devs going for hard Overall nerfs to make room for handle this issue over time (this was even a hard Desaster since corona and new Expansion at that time made it hard to follow up this hard nerfs)


Sooo yea there are things that are realy bad.... but at least now they seem to care a bit more for the balance between classes a bit more. So yes many things to fix. Buuut still they need some time for fix it ^^

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17 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

well I mean this is juuust your opinion xd.

What part? It was a long post. Some of it is opinion, some of it fact to support those opinions.

Also this is an online video game forum, i'd argue that its filled almost exclusively with opinions.

17 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

As said I see just the Overall game not just pvp alone. Cause yes you get it its just an MMO it will never be 100% pvp focused ^^. 

If it was even 10% pvp focused I would be happy. Even with incredibly low expectations it still manages to disappoint.

17 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

I mean I see and get your points. Yes PvP is in a bad state. The Matchmaking is absolute trash. No new real content since years. Some guys are Ruin it even more by just made the leader Board and sometimes even the mATs a pay2win thing (tho this is a community thing and since they even made this while get their accs into ban state does not realy help). Conquest ranked is still duo que while it is just a 5v5 Mode. There is no area to learn how to play in Conquest and your classes. (Well they removed it back then with new map ..... Still don't get why .... lmao).

Exactly, and none of those issues are unfixable, yetsome of them have been around since PvP's very inception, over 10 years. A whole decade. Most the people playing Gw2 right now have only lived through 1 singular decade in their entire lifetimes. Consider that.

17 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

They go for straigth pve only focused Updates for years and made pvp Power creep af..... ends up in New devs going for hard Overall nerfs to make room for handle this issue over time (this was even a hard Desaster since corona and new Expansion at that time made it hard to follow up this hard nerfs)

Call me a monster, but I don't buy the corona/new expansion excuse at all.

These are both obstacles that should have been considered before releasing such a game-changing and game-breaking update. They could have delayed the update(and have gotten more time to work on it in doing so) or polled the community for what we think they should do based on the patch preview. If given a chance, I would have easily voted to postpone it. Even big AAA games do this time-to-time, its not unheard of for the sake of quality assurance.


We were promised follow-up patches to go with such hard nerfs, and more commitment to balance after the fact. Did we get either? Nop. Instead they dumped a terribad update on us and then mostly vanished without a word, leaving us to stew in the mess for 2 entire years.

17 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

Sooo yea there are things that are realy bad.... but at least now they seem to care a bit more for the balance between classes a bit more. So yes many things to fix. Buuut still they need some time for fix it ^^

And resources, like more of this blind optimism. Which I respect, I think its beautiful really.

But blind optimism completely ignores the fact that they've had years, over a decade to fix some of this crap and they've historically either never done anything, or gone back on any decision they made to address them.

How much time do they need exactly? And for what? Something meaningful, or is it just going to be the same cycle of sub-annual balance patches until the game's dead? They sure won't tell us, and i'd like to know myself whether or not its worth sticking around for, or if its well and truly a waste of time. I'd post the skeleton sitting at PC meme, but I won't.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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@Multicolorhipster.9751 Let's be honest I don't have blind Optimism. I simply know that they maybe will never change those bad things we all know would need love and fixes.... simply cause this game is not pvp focused as back then before first Expansion Drops in. 

The best thing we could actually have is a somewhat good balance between the classes and not mutch more. Since we seem to actually get this one thing im just happy with it^^

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12 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

 simply cause this game is not pvp focused as back then before first Expansion Drops in. 

Well no, but that's when PvP was first taking off. There's an alibi there.

There isn't any good excuse as to why; in the 7 years that followed, very little was done to evolve or improve on that experience.

12 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

 Let's be honest I don't have blind Optimism. I simply know that they maybe will never change those bad things we all know would need love and fixes....

There's blind optimism and then there's unapologetic optimism. Blind optimism is the better of the two.

You're in a plane and its going down, who would you rather have with you?

The blind optimist who trusts with absolute faith and certainty that everything will be fine, in the grand scheme of things if not the immediate future.

Or the unapologetic optimist who will assure you that everything is fine; please, sit back down, and don't worry about it. Just some turbulence.

12 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

The best thing we could actually have is a somewhat good balance between the classes and not mutch more. Since we seem to actually get this one thing im just happy with it^^

This is definitely an example of at least one of those, but which I wonder?

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On 12/14/2022 at 6:57 PM, magickthief.6492 said:

Have you ever seen those pots with the dead, dry plants inside them? Like on a porch, a window, or perhaps the forgotten ones at the big box stores? That's pvp. I hope you are not insinuating that it is thriving...Neglect kills

Lol I never said it was thriving I know full well it's suffering.  But OP makes it sound like anet JUST made a patch to actively kill it or announced formally that they don't care anymore.  But as far as I know, the status hasn't changed in years which is itself the problem

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7 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:

But OP makes it sound like anet JUST made a patch to actively kill it or announced formally that they don't care anymore. 

If you release a new expansion without a single fart of PvP content... your openly admitting that you dont care.

change my mind.

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Want pvp to thrive?? Lighten ip in chat, i know several people who tried going to pvp area, played some matches and said never again… why?? Because the people can be so toxic there sometimes its disgusting. In game, in unranked especially you see it a lot. So e-hero going nuts because someone isnt rotating properly or fighting midfield…whatever. Be nice and teach them, not run them off back to wvw and pve

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On 12/14/2022 at 3:54 AM, Pati.2438 said:

@Saiyan.1704 you actually know that they just killed firebrand when it comes to pvp for the same reason they also killed scourge? Both specs mechanics are ways too unhealthy for pvp. They dominate the whole pvp scene for like 1 year even while both of them seen some nerfs. So they decided to kill them complete to make room for more classes/builds instead of let this 2 specs dominate pvp for ever.


Also the pvp now is in a better state than ever. Even while some builds are a bit too strong (see you condi tank spellbraker). Like back then the meta was dominated by 2 up to 4 builds. Now there are more or less every class in a meta state (or close to it) with at least one build.


@Multicolorhipster.9751 My friend seems to be not ub to date xd. Those 2 interns are now lead of the over all balance team and trying to made the balance mechanical wise more pvp Focused and number fine tuning for pve. This is how it should be done from the beginning but well... even Anet trys to learn from their mistakes i gues ^^.

I am late to this party. PvP is in better place than ever? What?! I would take the worst point of spvp anytime between 2016 till Feb 2020, than this kitten. There is a reason why the spvp population is semi dead.

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9 hours ago, Anaseth.5763 said:

Want pvp to thrive?? Lighten ip in chat, i know several people who tried going to pvp area, played some matches and said never again… why?? Because the people can be so toxic there sometimes its disgusting. In game, in unranked especially you see it a lot. So e-hero going nuts because someone isnt rotating properly or fighting midfield…whatever. Be nice and teach them, not run them off back to wvw and pve

You just ignore them, I often has spat with people and they end up blocking me because I troll them. 

I reckon most of US top 50 have blocked me since I don't listen to their marching orders. Sometimes we even Win and they are still PM me after due to not listening. 

It probably doesn't help I won't duel with my Ranger, I essentially won't side node ever due to this fact. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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On 12/14/2022 at 5:54 AM, Pati.2438 said:

Also the pvp now is in a better state than ever. Even while some builds are a bit too strong (see you condi tank spellbraker). Like back then the meta was dominated by 2 up to 4 builds. Now there are more or less every class in a meta state (or close to it) with at least one build.

Spellbreak is even worst.

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