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MAG: So what do they do differently that the rest of us arent doing?


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22 hours ago, Evenge.4067 said:

So many people saying that Mag players don't follow a tag. I would bet that [MAG] the guild is mostly always in coms with their people calling targets and directions.  Same as a tag would do. I'm sure other maggot guilds are grouped and in comms too.

Saying that there are no commanders is a little misleading. There's just hidden leaders on Discord. 

I was on mag for quite awhile. They don't need tags. They arent in discord 99% of the time. They just know how to play the game.

The fact that this is shocking to anyone is exactly why mag always wins

Play the game good and get good results, amazing who would've guessed

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8 hours ago, Richter.4892 said:

We don’t get baited by cheap tactics like choke point baiting,

You do.  Not all the time and not all of you, but you gotta move through chokes at some point to either push forward or move back.  The cloud can get baited, unfocused, distracted, herded, and counter-clouded too especially when focus gets split to multiple flanks.  Just requires your opponents to know what they are doing too.

I've been enjoying watching all the YB players and new accounts attempt to get carried and delivering me bags.  They'll yolo push and expect you all to back them up because they haven't quite yet learned the timing involved to be an opportunistic aggressor.

That's the problem with doing the same thing all the time.  It lulls both your opponent and you into a pattern of predictability.  Sun Tzu warned us about this.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 minute ago, Logan.4796 said:


So maybe this thread should have never been allowed to get 3 pages long and salty people should of just filed support tickets?

In the case of that WvW exploit thread.... The email Arena Net wants us to send reports to is broken so that thread is one of the only options we have

IDK.  Some of the accusations of cheating I've been reading are posts by Mag players trying to mock real complaints about cheating.  I agree if it's a real complaint there's a process for reporting that should be used instead.

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9 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:


let me step out of Rp for a sec,


It’s really simple.

Using multiple accounts to reply to same thread or replying for Lotus since I was replying to them? Agree it is simple, its more like paper rock scissors. We just get a lot of people that don't get that paper covers rock and others where scissors still thinks rock needs nerfed. Have seen larger groups ask roamers and havocs to get off of maps so they can get more of their own on map just to watch them lose everything since they didn't know how to subdivide their people or their people didn't know how to move in tandem with others via watching map activity. Mariyuuna's point that smaller groups can get more done with less coordination and be more efficient is valid if they are used to that play style, where as its takes more coordination if you have more players that are just used to following a tag. Now before I get people reading into things, to me, efficiency, strategy, knowing your build, skill and the numbers game are not the same things. A lot of these Mag threads mix these issues and try and paint these as the same thing. You can bring more numbers and not be more skillful, you can choose not to use tactics and face more numbers and its not the same. You can bring a support build to a roamer fight and then face what you will. If the WR project drops its going to a crazy mess out there with plenty of even more varied issues, people should practice now what just happened? How do we need to change up that last bit.

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29 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

You do.  Not all the time and not all of you, but you gotta move through chokes at some point to either push forward or move back.  The cloud can get baited, unfocused, distracted, herded, and counter-clouded too especially when focus gets split to multiple flanks.  Just requires your opponents to know what they are doing too.

I've been enjoying watching all the YB players and new accounts attempt to get carried and delivering me bags.  They'll yolo push and expect you all to back them up because they haven't quite yet learned the timing involved to be an opportunistic aggressor.

That's the problem with doing the same thing all the time.  It lulls both your opponent and you into a pattern of predictability.  Sun Tzu warned us about this.

Pretty much this. If people keep trying to play their own game and then not realizing they need to understand and then use the other sides game against them, its all good but it's on them. Don't ask ANet to have to do something. You actually need to treat Mag like a havoc treats a 50 man guild. Hit and move. Drag them around, jumps maps as you need to do so and know more will come. Don't fight where they want, fight where you want. General rule number #2, hit the side that owns SMC. Its not a time to side bicker, who ever owns SMC is target one across all the maps. At least until we potentially address the SMC to borderland issue overall, then rule #2 might change. Too many people ignore that and then you end up giving a stronger central base to any side, its a three way fight for a reason after all.

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1 minute ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

you’ll be lucky to sniff your own ebg keep by the look of things. Never mind hitting smc.

Maybe call up daddy BG to come help ?


seems they left you holding the bag. 🥸


Still trying to get to the part where you think I care about what happens on my server for things that are largely out of my individual control.

Thanks for your concern though, I guess.

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3 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

you’ll be lucky to sniff your own ebg keep by the look of things. Never mind hitting smc.

Maybe call up daddy BG to come help ?


seems they left you holding the bag. 🥸


Step outside of your server for a second. This is an overall issue with the game mechanics. In all tiers have seen too many times where people go for the easier fight. 1 & 2 will jump on 3. SMC's a single example of this. Sure no one wants to get double teamed but when the double teaming is just more rewarding to 1 &2 against 3, that's game mechanic and product of coverage. The three way server system is meant to balance out sides, but due to scoring, KDR, points, rewards you, whatever you name it doesn't. It just leads to more path of least resistance. That's another thing that might be stacked after WR, so lets get WR done already so we get to what's after.

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2 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Step outside of your server for a second. This is an overall issue with the game mechanics. In all tiers have seen too many times where people go for the easier fight. 1 & 2 will jump on 3. SMC's a single example of this. Sure no one wants to get double teamed but when the double teaming is just more rewarding to 1 &2 against 3, that's game mechanic and product of coverage. The three way server system is meant to balance out sides, but due to scoring, KDR, points, rewards you, whatever you name it doesn't. It just leads to more path of least resistance. That's another thing that might be stacked after WR, so lets get WR done already so we get to what's after.

I understand all double teams happen. It’s the game.


use your math on this and tell me what you think.


read the kills and deaths and add them up. 

you’ll see what how hard these 2 servers are teaming up.


go ahead.  Lol




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1 minute ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I understand all double teams happen. It’s the game.


use your math on this and tell me what you think.


read the kills and deaths and add them up. 

you’ll see what how hard these 2 servers are teaming up.


go ahead.  Lol




Outside of trying to prevent this from being a match up thread it would read more that people are not showing up for the fight, as the forums likewise often posts is their option to do so. So it would support more you are outnumbering others, not due to any population size but people not playing on that map on the other sides. It also doesn't show coverage differences, which again is not  an individual Mag issue and happens every where. I don't think any NA server has full queues on all maps at all time of the day. Would need EU people to speak for their region, so don't know there. So again, lets say you weren't on Mag, sticking to the point, in general tactics outside of tactical strike to paper a hardened target elsewhere when is it a good idea to leave SMC alone if you don't own it?

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5 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:


Whatever happened to Julian bragging here about how "small" Mag beats Full servers?  What's Mag's excuse now when they bragging about being Full and beating Very High/High servers?


Jul and numbers. lol. Again a more active population and a population of more people with less playtime are not the same thing. Population calculations really are not good ways to judge things.

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1 minute ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Isnt Mag t1 on US? In EU t1 is considered pve, ppt, karmatrain cloud clown fest and most are actively trying to avoid it. 


Mag is US/NA. I am not sure I wouldn't use that description in all tiers to be fair. That or we just need to move this thread to the sPvP subforums and have all of them tell us all to get out of PvE and come fight for real for once.

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4 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Isnt Mag t1 on US? In EU t1 is considered pve, ppt, karmatrain cloud clown fest and most are actively trying to avoid it. 

But I am curious from the EU side, are there any servers stacked enough that they queue 24x7? Its also ties into the whole full server status impression. 

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6 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Outside of trying to prevent this from being a match up thread it would read more that people are not showing up for the fight, as the forums likewise often posts is their option to do so. So it would support more you are outnumbering others, not due to any population size but people not playing on that map on the other sides. It also doesn't show coverage differences, which again is not  an individual Mag issue and happens every where. I don't think any NA server has full queues on all maps at all time of the day. Would need EU people to speak for their region, so don't know there. So again, lets say you weren't on Mag, sticking to the point, in general tactics outside of tactical strike to paper a hardened target elsewhere when is it a good idea to leave SMC alone if you don't own it?

It’s safe to say that math isn’t your thing. I’ll leave it at that.



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2 minutes ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

It’s safe to say that math isn’t your thing. I’ll leave it at that.



Based on your example, it would be easy to use that as you are over stacked. But since I have defended your not, and don't think you are, the next thing it would tell me all three sides are not bringing the same numbers. But you don't want to support Jul and that's their point of saying how you are always getting the outnumbered buff on EB. Not sure I can buy that after while linked with Mag I would see outnumbered on the borderlands maps at times and mass EB queues, that left all the more targets for the rest of us on the borderlands. Not saying it didn't make for good hunting mind you, though made me laugh when ANet kind of went that only people that are pip hunting go and AFK on outnumbered maps versus stubborn people that don't like losing their objectives.

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2 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

But I am curious from the EU side, are there any servers stacked enough that they queue 24x7? Its also ties into the whole full server status impression. 

EU has a twist. If you get too stacked you end up without a link. Largest servers reside in t5 and t4.

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On 1/15/2023 at 10:26 PM, Logan.4796 said:

I thought transferring off Tarnished coast to lower ranking servers would have less toxic teammates overall.. I was VERY VERY wrong.

What Mag is doing differently is.... Everyone who is truly serious about WvW stacks on Mag or their competition

Following is a true story.

Logan was running with a TC commander who asked him to join them for some wvw training.

In irl, Logan was eating some nuggets.

So the commander told him to forget about and his nuggets and join the training (which according to him lasted 4 hours, so i don;t know how much of this is true or if someone was really just trolling him. Come to think of it, @solemn.9670 sounds like a good candidate that would do something like this to a new person in wvw).

Logan got upset. He later joined our guild discord to ask who the commander was.

We had no idea cos we hardly do any sort of wvw training.

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4 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Based on your example, i

the right answer is. All of server A’s kills are server b and c. 

all of server b and c’s kills are of just server A.


same with the deaths. It’s extremely uncanny when you take the image and see where the kills/deaths are being generated from. 

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more concentrated effort. I think it’s great. It’s been super busy aswell.



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