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How is this possible?


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People have been glitching into keeps since day 0.  And some of the glitches are simply not fixable by anet.  In my opinion, it's long past time they should take a sledgehammer to the problem.


One idea if the walls of a keep/tower/inner keep have been up at least 10 minutes, an effect goes into place that just insta kills any enemy inside the perimeter.  Then you can glitch in all you like, but you'll just die.

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1 hour ago, Arya Whitefire.8423 said:

One idea if the walls of a keep/tower/inner keep have been up at least 10 minutes, an effect goes into place that just insta kills any enemy inside the perimeter.  Then you can glitch in all you like, but you'll just die.

I've been in fights where a blob is in a keep for 30+ min, walls are repaired and the blob keeps porting respawns in. So pass from me, seems like an overkill. Also a mesmer can hide for longer than 10 min after a failed attempt on a keep; to try to port players for another go.

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5 hours ago, DylanLucas.6058 said:

Maybe Anet should start looking for exploiters?


I would edit your post to remove references since it may violate ToS. Report in game where you can using botting (yes ANet we do need one that is actually called Exploit/Hacking please for QoL changes). If you have video footage you can also submit. Take a look at this for reference. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exploit Hope that helps. 

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25 minutes ago, Roboalf.2584 said:

That isn't the issue, maybe you should read a little bit better.

No walls broken or gate down, and that thief manages to port in by himself, then portal a whole guild in at once. 


Edited by DylanLucas.6058
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3 minutes ago, DylanLucas.6058 said:

That isn't the issue, maybe you should read a little bit better.

No walls broken or gate down, and that thief manages to port in by himself, then portal a whole guild in at once. 

It is the issue if we all know those exploits are never going to get fixed.



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1 hour ago, DylanLucas.6058 said:

That isn't the issue, maybe you should read a little bit better.

No walls broken or gate down, and that thief manages to port in by himself, then portal a whole guild in at once. 


Dude, he was already in inner. Thieves do it all the time. Just like mesmers hide and port. Thieves do it too.

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11 hours ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:

Not that exploiters aren't a problem, but I've had a couple thieves in my group that have stayed hidden for over an hour.  Patience is your friend.

100% some macro running. nobody can be that insane, ngl

and @ topic  .. i mean ur aware the thief can be either abuse one of the many glitches to jump into things or just have hidden during former attacks

then he ports in a mesmer which portals in a 2nd mesmer, and yet u have ported 40 ppl into the keep with huge range, takes like 5min at best.

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On 1/15/2023 at 4:09 AM, DylanLucas.6058 said:

There is a thief on Underworld server that just ported into our garrison without opening a single wall and he ported the whole Envy guild from Underworld inside?


Maybe Anet should start looking for exploiters?


A lot of times, an exploit isn't an exploit.  There are times when a wall or gate has already been broken, allowing an enemy thief or Mesmer to simply gain entry and hide.  And a lot of players no longer do, "Mesmer Sweeps", checking to see if there is anything hiding within after a breach.  I have seen both thieves and Mesmer's break in, and then disappear, while our team would repair a gate or wall to 100%.  Then the enemy opponent just waits and hides, until a majority of allies have left.  Afterwards, they port in more enemy. 


Failure to sweep after a breach falls upon you or your allies to respond to.  If you are near, there are telltale signs.  One is auditory sound effects.  Thief or Mesmer skills that have unique sound effects, detailing that they are stealthing.  NPC's firing towards a specific location without a visual enemy or target to be seen.  That's a big clue.  A lot of times, the location comes under assault, there's been a breech, enemy leaves, and one Mesmer or Thief stays behind hidden.  You'll repair the damage, and most will just jump out and move on.  Again, failure to sweep for enemies taking hiding positions.

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On 1/15/2023 at 7:09 AM, DylanLucas.6058 said:

There is a thief on Underworld server that just ported into our garrison without opening a single wall and he ported the whole Envy guild from Underworld inside?


Maybe Anet should start looking for exploiters?

To me this is an easy fix. All Towers and keeps that get captured should activate a mass reveal (like hitting a thief or mesmer with a reveal trap) on the entire structures inner. Problem solved.

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There are ways to seriously just jump into most structures. And no, they are not outside of anets ability to fix them, most exist because of simple shapes that could be changed in no time, the others can be fixed by just extending the gates up to close off the gap at the top, matter of fact a few towers have invisible gate extensions that prevent jumping in, OR the little lamp posts that are next to most gates? Remove them or make it so that they have no mesh/collision and are just a 3D model like many plants or bushes you can just pass through, yes, 80% of these issues are THAT simple to fix.

These have been reported by myself and many others (with videos that show how its done), so they 100% have known about these for many, MANY years. An anet employee got in trouble some time back because someone recorded them with the anet guild tag up using one of these issues to get into NWT and the community got mad about it, otherwise anet didn't care. And the overall response from the devs has been that they don't care or its not a priority to fix.

They could give me the tools and I could teach myself how to edit the structures and fix all these issues faster than anet, because these have existed since BETA! Lots of them were exposed even more when warclaw was released because anyone could then jump inside structures and not just DD's, so guess what? Those "simply not fixable by anet" issues were patched in a few days, imagine that...People seem to think that some program or hack is used for this, but it's not, you can just JUMP IN.


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On 1/17/2023 at 10:48 PM, Logan.4796 said:

Then proceed to wait for over a hour with rotating their stealth abilities.... Just waiting.... Waiting and stealth spamming.... Waiting... Then eventually... 

THIS 100%


Patience can be an amazing thing. Before I first quit years ago, I had a massive amount of patience with ny condition thief. Because of that patience I was able to solo every keep and Stone Mist itself. Portal for thieves did not exist when I initially quit the game.


Did This One Twice with my thief but on off hours. 

We lost SM castle but I remained on inner sneaking and hiding. Eventually I would come out and tag NPC's upper floor. Get the white swords on the castle.  It was off time, so rarely would anyone venture to inner SM. They'd circle the outside walls and since they would see no attackers, they'd assume it was a tap. I kept doing that over and over to make them complacent. 


Eventually, I made my way down to the lord's room. I was able to kill every guard then the Lord while their few defenders were only running the outside wall while SM was now permanent white swords. 


Only 1 person (a buddy of mine) ever knew what I was doing.  I remember map chat that time. When I flipped SM, people were going "wtf just happened?".  


Same with Hills one day on our BL. Enemy took hills then went straight to our garrison.  Massive battle going on. Orange swords....

I flipped hills and again people on map chat were "wtf just happened?'. 


Patience is a virtue. Too bad I don't have any left. 


Edited by Jitters.9401
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