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Skirmish Tickets


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5 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Was there much of a discussion? Or were you just given the 22+ week path and since there was no other choice, it had to be good enough? This is a genuine question.

This is a good point. I wasn't even aware they ever take user feedback at all regarding that in particular; doesn't really make any sense to accept the status quo as necessarily proper. The way I remember it people wanted more options than raids and so they slapped these legendary armors on wvw/pvp. And much like everything else in WvW, a few extra changes were slapped onto it and forgotten about.

Like I know they reduced the wvw rank requirement for the sublime skin twice, so these things aren't set in stone and that skin isn't required anyways so very pointless.

I'm not really sure how people can accept that the majority of WvW things are in disrepair at best but this is infallible, especially given the rest of the reward system is bad and they think 8 gold a week  can solve it.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I remember back in the day we were asking for better ways to obtain ascended, and the vendor was discussed. I don't remember how much talk went into wvw legendaries after HoT released the raids and their version, but I do know anet had a desire to somehow have easier stat changing in wvw but not through the spvp templates way and legendaries still felt a clunky way to do it, Raymond  Lukes actually talked about this on one of their weekly wvw streams back then. I was happy to see them take that step and upgrade the ascended to legendary.


Also 8 gold/35 tickets a week doesn't solve rewards obviously, not in comparison to other parts of the game, but it's an additional step at the very least. If you want more gold than that, then go run fractals, if you want faster legendaries, go run raids, the other options are always there. Most people aren't going to be happen either way unless liquid gold is pouring into their pockets every second. 🤷‍♂️

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Just now, Xenesis.6389 said:

I remember back in the day we were asking for better ways to obtain ascended, and the vendor was discussed. I don't remember how much talk went into wvw legendaries after HoT released the raids and their version, but I do know anet had a desire to somehow have easier stat changing in wvw but not through the spvp templates way and legendaries still felt a clunky way to do it, Raymond  Lukes actually talked about this on one of their weekly wvw streams back then. I was happy to see them take that step and upgrade the ascended to legendary.

Thanks for the background.  I do wonder what the actual time difference (in time played, not minimum weeks) is between the different game modes.


1 minute ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Also 8 gold/35 tickets a week doesn't solve rewards obviously, not in comparison to other parts of the game, but it's an additional step at the very least. If you want more gold than that, then go run fractals, if you want faster legendaries, go run raids, the other options are always there. Most people aren't going to be happen either way unless liquid gold is pouring into their pockets every second. 🤷‍♂️

I agree with the first part. I think the possibility of an additional 8g/35 tickets is a step in the right direction.
I don't agree with the final sentence though. I think plenty of players will be happy just having an even remotely comparable game mode. Right now, WvW is way behind on rewards (compared to PvE. I don't know about PvP). Now, I don't think just throwing gold at players is the overall solution. But some needs to happen, if only because WvW gives so little right now. 

I think it remains to be seen how much of a difference the possible 35 tickets will make. I've been playing WvW pretty consistently for a few months now. And I've only completed diamonds chests twice. Most weeks, it just takes too much time. For the much higher ranked players, I imagine they have quite the opposite problem. They may not have any use for tickets at this point and the extra does them no good. But then they also hit the diamonds chests much faster. So all in all, I'm not sure this "solution" really makes anyone happy. Though again, I do think it's a step in the right direction. Just a very small one.

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4 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I agree with the first part. I think the possibility of an additional 8g/35 tickets is a step in the right direction.
I don't agree with the final sentence though. I think plenty of players will be happy just having an even remotely comparable game mode. Right now, WvW is way behind on rewards (compared to PvE. I don't know about PvP). Now, I don't think just throwing gold at players is the overall solution. But some needs to happen, if only because WvW gives so little right now. 

Yes we can all agree, for years, that wvw is the lowest area for rewards. But every time there's a discussion about rewards it's always about gold comparisons, it always breaks right back down to making more gold, even exchanging the useless currencies to sell for more gold, selling gob for more gold. So is anet really wrong in offering more gold? when that's all we every talk about wanting for rewards? 🤷‍♂️ In any case I see this as another step to add more rewards, maybe it will get tweaked, maybe other things will be tweaked in the future, but I'm sure they want to see how it works out before implementing a change that would just flood the market with gold.

Wvw legendary accessories/amulet still do need to be implemented some day too, people are starting to finish up their current wvw legendaries and need something else to chase, the other long term stuff like the 10k title is absolutely not appealing at all.


4 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I think it remains to be seen how much of a difference the possible 35 tickets will make. I've been playing WvW pretty consistently for a few months now. And I've only completed diamonds chests twice. Most weeks, it just takes too much time. For the much higher ranked players, I imagine they have quite the opposite problem. They may not have any use for tickets at this point and the extra does them no good. But then they also hit the diamonds chests much faster. So all in all, I'm not sure this "solution" really makes anyone happy. Though again, I do think it's a step in the right direction. Just a very small one.

The 35 tickets seem a small amount, but it's about 10% of what we current get for the week at 365. It will shave about 2 weeks off from the time to obtain the sets, so about 19.5 weeks instead for the regular triumphant set, about 26.5 for the mistforged. From gold onwards chests you get 40+ tickets in comparison. But look at it from this pov, it's a bonus that could possibly be obtained at the same time you put in from going silver/gold chest, if you're smart and not lazy about it, instead of having to put in extra time to finish gold/platinum to get those extra tickets.

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25 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Yes we can all agree, for years, that wvw is the lowest area for rewards. But every time there's a discussion about rewards it's always about gold comparisons, it always breaks right back down to making more gold, even exchanging the useless currencies to sell for more gold, selling gob for more gold. So is anet really wrong in offering more gold? when that's all we every talk about wanting for rewards? 🤷‍♂️ In any case I see this as another step to add more rewards, maybe it will get tweaked, maybe other things will be tweaked in the future, but I'm sure they want to see how it works out before implementing a change that would just flood the market with gold.

Wvw legendary accessories/amulet still do need to be implemented some day too, people are starting to finish up their current wvw legendaries and need something else to chase, the other long term stuff like the 10k title is absolutely not appealing at all.


The 35 tickets seem a small amount, but it's about 10% of what we current get for the week at 365. It will shave about 2 weeks off from the time to obtain the sets, so about 19.5 weeks instead for the regular triumphant set, about 26.5 for the mistforged. From gold onwards chests you get 40+ tickets in comparison. But look at it from this pov, it's a bonus that could possibly be obtained at the same time you put in from going silver/gold chest, if you're smart and not lazy about it, instead of having to put in extra time to finish gold/platinum to get those extra tickets.

I don't disagree with any points made here.
I would like to see them be more creative with rewards. Everything shouldn't boil down to just g/hr.
And I don't know for sure, but my guess is most players don't hit the 365 ticket limit per week. So the possible extra 35 ticket will certainly help in any case.
I think for most people it won't be an either/or choice (chests vs achievements). If they're close on one or the other they'll go for it. Otherwise, it will be a non issue.
I look forward to seeing more changes in the future. But I think the pre-announcement to this announcement set expectations too high. And that's our (the player's fault) for assuming anet was really going to try and fix any of the bigger problems WvW has atm.
They flat out said that this wasn't a priority, but they had some extra  time/resources, so they went ahead and made this changes.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

remember back in the day we were asking for better ways to obtain ascended, and the vendor was discussed. I don't remember how much talk went into wvw legendaries after HoT released the raids and their version, but I do know anet had a desire to somehow have easier stat changing in wvw but not through the spvp templates way and legendaries still felt a clunky way to do it, Raymond  Lukes actually talked about this on one of their weekly wvw streams back then. I was happy to see them take that step and upgrade the ascended to legendary.

Kinda ironic since WvW is so bad for getting ascended-- that's actually probably why people want to aim for legendary lol.

IMO it should be easier to get generic ascended weapons; most veterans won't need armor but some don't have that many legendary weapons.

1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

if you want faster legendaries, go run raids

To be fair, that's why a lot of people end up here xD
Part of it may not be the raid difficulty but the difficulty of finding groups; high end pve culture can be somewhat problematic at times, though yes exaggerations everywhere.

To get WvW legendary armor, you are not bound by really any social interaction; nobody can boot you just because they don't like the way you play. But then again this is an MMO, so ymmv.

And so in many ways this is the most free game mode.

1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Most people aren't going to be happen either way unless liquid gold is pouring into their pockets every second.

Well I wouldn't say no to that tbh.

But it's not really about the gold to me. More about cornerstone, etc. There are definitely a lot of players in this game mode that could probably use some extra gold income I think. A lot of them freak out over like playing a support and not getting borderline worthless 2s bags. I feel like that should just not be a thing where people worry about that.

I just don't believe in aiming for less, I guess. At the end of the day, yes WvW will never be profitable relative to pve, but I also think one should remember that success is often not guaranteed in WvW where most of pve success is more or less expected.

A lot of the rage from the EoD  pve meta events comes from the fact that failure is very possible, and that's just not on people's minds most of the time for this game.

And in no other game mode, can your success be limited by factors completely out of your control like it can be in WvW.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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13 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I don't disagree with any points made here.
I would like to see them be more creative with rewards. Everything shouldn't boil down to just g/hr.
And I don't know for sure, but my guess is most players don't hit the 365 ticket limit per week. So the possible extra 35 ticket will certainly help in any case.
I think for most people it won't be an either/or choice (chests vs achievements). If they're close on one or the other they'll go for it. Otherwise, it will be a non issue.
I look forward to seeing more changes in the future. But I think the pre-announcement to this announcement set expectations too high. And that's our (the player's fault) for assuming anet was really going to try and fix any of the bigger problems WvW has atm.
They flat out said that this wasn't a priority, but they had some extra  time/resources, so they went ahead and made this changes.


I did tell people to keep their expectations low last thursday. 🙂


We have a lot of potential to add more wvw exclusives, like finishers(spvp has them), or titles(kinda pointless in wvw but it's something to show off in pve), or cosmetics(usually wvw ones aren't that great although I love the cloth mistforged armor), or siege skins, or guild emblems, etc.

End of the day though most will want straight gold because you can just buy whatever you need with it, or convert to gems to buy the nice stuff. 🤷‍♂️

I'm not going to say no to rewards, just that they keep it as active rewards, and more personal based than group/guild/server based performances.


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18 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

They don't. They're looking at WvW as the easiest method by which to attain legendary armor (although it may take longer, it only requires simple participation by flipping a camp every 10 minutes). Watch Team chat long enough and you'll come across several players who announce that they hate WvW and pvp in general and are only playing the game mode for their legendary armor.

This is stupid as "f".


Some people may sit and flip camps but the reality on wvw is that the vast majority actively participate. This means they put in far far more effort for much much less rewards than pve. 


Nerf pve rewards to match wvw andxsee how much you complain. 

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17 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You have to actually play for PvE Raid Armor. 

Wvw Armor is gaining via Tickets who are 100% passiv income right now

 Aka you can Afk to Legy armor. 

Again. Totally ridiculous answer.


Most people in wvw actively participate just like most people in pve participate. 


They need to nerf pve rewards to wvw levels so people like you have a clue. 


Like seriously.... how many people just sit in wvw spawn all day just to try and stay at level 3 participation for pips? Very very few. The vast majority work harder than the pve heros who dis wvw. 


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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

We have a lot of potential to add more wvw exclusives, like finishers(spvp has them), or titles(kinda pointless in wvw but it's something to show off in pve), or cosmetics(usually wvw ones aren't that great although I love the cloth mistforged armor), or siege skins, or guild emblems, etc.

End of the day though most will want straight gold because you can just buy whatever you need with it, or convert to gems to buy the nice stuff.

Yea, I suppose exclusives >>> gold rewards. But people kitten about that so much lol. Anytime there's a unique thing people get so mad.

But I do think exclusives are needed. Just hard to think of something imaginative and realistic for people to get.

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2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

This is stupid as "f".


Some people may sit and flip camps but the reality on wvw is that the vast majority actively participate. This means they put in far far more effort for much much less rewards than pve. 


Nerf pve rewards to match wvw andxsee how much you complain. 

See how much I complain? I play WvW because I enjoy WvW, not because I'm in it for the rewards. And I don't play PvE so I could really care less if they nerfed PvE rewards.

And it depends entirely on what server you're on as to whether or not the vast majority actively participate. I finally gave up on my previous server after 10 years there because you'd have 10-15 players sitting in spawn waiting for an enemy to flip spawn camp so they could flip it back, meanwhile you'd be lucky to find 5 active players across the rest of the map.

If you happen to be on a server where this isn't an issue, consider yourself lucky.

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6 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Again. Totally ridiculous answer.


Most people in wvw actively participate just like most people in pve participate. 


They need to nerf pve rewards to wvw levels so people like you have a clue. 


Like seriously.... how many people just sit in wvw spawn all day just to try and stay at level 3 participation for pips? Very very few. The vast majority work harder than the pve heros who dis wvw. 


You are correct. The Legendary Armor in WvW is a participation trophy. You can be in spawn 99% of the time or just run behind a Commander and press 11111.  Nothing here takes skill or thought.

Meanwhile, in Raids, you actually have to do something. You have to join groups, talk to people. Do good Dps.

You simply cant AFK die Raid Armor (Unless you pay for it but thats a different point)


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3 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

See how much I complain? I play WvW because I enjoy WvW, not because I'm in it for the rewards. And I don't play PvE so I could really care less if they nerfed PvE rewards.

And it depends entirely on what server you're on as to whether or not the vast majority actively participate. I finally gave up on my previous server after 10 years there because you'd have 10-15 players sitting in spawn waiting for an enemy to flip spawn camp so they could flip it back, meanwhile you'd be lucky to find 5 active players across the rest of the map.

If you happen to be on a server where this isn't an issue, consider yourself lucky.

Your original answer insulted those who play hard for the Legendary armors.


Many prefer tier 6 participation over tier 3 complacency. 


The higher your tier the more points you receive towards your reward tracks. The same reward tracks that where you get your Triumphant Armor chests, Heroic weapons, Memories of Battle, Gift 's of Battle.... and all sorts of other goodies.


Some people may have all the free time in the world to just socialize and do the bare minimum. Maybe that is their enjoyment and that is fine as it is their time do as they please.... but don't just assume that bare minimum is what everyone in wvw strives for. And do not assume that because some people are happy for the bare minimum that everyone should be satisfied with it.


Let new people "Gun" for tier 6 if it makes them happy to earn points quicker. 

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18 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Your original answer insulted those who play hard for the Legendary armors.

Stating facts is no insult.


WvW legendary armor IS a mere participation trophy.

18 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Many prefer tier 6 participation over tier 3 complacency. 

Flipping camps every 10 minutes is more than capable to upkeep tier 6 participation.

18 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:


The higher your tier the more points you receive towards your reward tracks. The same reward tracks that where you get your Triumphant Armor chests, Heroic weapons, Memories of Battle, Gift 's of Battle.... and all sorts of other goodies.


None of which has ANYTHING to do with the only factor relevant for acquiring skirmish tickets, pips, which are merely time based.

18 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Some people may have all the free time in the world to just socialize and do the bare minimum. Maybe that is their enjoyment and that is fine as it is their time do as they please.... but don't just assume that bare minimum is what everyone in wvw strives for. And do not assume that because some people are happy for the bare minimum that everyone should be satisfied with it.


Let new people "Gun" for tier 6 if it makes them happy to earn points quicker. 


For someone as invested in WvW as you claim to be you sure are misunderstanding how the pip system works.


Again, participation tier has 0 effect on pip gain (besides requiring being above rank 3, which as stated is easily doable with minimal interaction).


The only 3 factors relevant, which players can manipulate are:

- bonus pip from the week before

- ranking of the server per skirmish

- personal WvW rank

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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4 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You are correct. The Legendary Armor in WvW is a participation trophy. You can be in spawn 99% of the time or just run behind a Commander and press 11111.  Nothing here takes skill or thought.

Meanwhile, in Raids, you actually have to do something. You have to join groups, talk to people. Do good Dps.

You simply cant AFK die Raid Armor (Unless you pay for it but thats a different point)



Spoken like someone who has little clue on the aspects of WvW. 


In a raid you follow a preset plan of movements and actions discovered by those who went before. Sometimes you do it properly. Sometimes you do not, but it is still an NPC (or NPC's) that is (are) pretty programmed. 

Following a commander is far different. The only time people press "11111" is pve'ing a gate. In actual fights, everything is so incredibly random you need to be wary of everything.  

Guaranteed.... if the raid bosses were operated by a human instead of  code, then maybe you'd work as hard as people do in 1v1, 2v2, 1v2" 2v5, 7v7, 7v10..... and blob fights.  

You get where i am going with this yes? The variables and randomness in WvW is so vast that pve pales in real difficulty by comparison. 




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1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Stating facts is no insult.


WvW legendary armor IS a merr participation trophy.

Flipping camps every 10 minutes is.more than capable to upkeep tier 6 participation.


None of which has ANYTHING to do with the only factor relevant for acquiring skirmish tickets, which are merely time based.


For someone as invested in WvW as you claim to be you sure are misunderstanding how the pip system works.


Again, participation tier has 0 effect on pip gain.


The only 3 factors relevant, which players can manipulate are:

- bonus pip from the week before

- ranking of the server per skirmish

- personal WvW rank

You make me chuckle at every turn.


Go to this link. Scoot down to WvW legendary armor. Check the costs. If you think you can earn all that by doing just the basic take 1 camp every 10 minutes then lolololololol   not sure what game you are playing but it is not GW2.




PVE legendary is quicker and you are only required to do pve. You are NOT forced to do wvw.


WvW legendary takes much longer and you are forced to do pve to collect what you need.  It is so much much much much much much much much much much more than simple skirmish claim tickets. 


You literally have to be involved in more of the GW2 game to obtain WvW legendary armor.


But!!!! I can break it down for you to an even more simplified form as pertains to game involvement. 


Legendary WvW = PvE+WvW.

Legendary PvE = PvE. 


PvE+WvE > PvE.



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57 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

You make me chuckle at every turn.


Go to this link. Scoot down to WvW legendary armor. Check the costs. If you think you can earn all that by doing just the basic take 1 camp every 10 minutes then lolololololol   not sure what game you are playing but it is not GW2.




PVE legendary is quicker and you are only required to do pve. You are NOT forced to do wvw.


WvW legendary takes much longer and you are forced to do pve to collect what you need.  It is so much much much much much much much much much much more than simple skirmish claim tickets. 


You literally have to be involved in more of the GW2 game to obtain WvW legendary armor.


But!!!! I can break it down for you to an even more simplified form as pertains to game involvement. 


Legendary WvW = PvE+WvW.

Legendary PvE = PvE. 


PvE+WvE > PvE.




None of which disclaims what I said OR explains your vague understanding of skirmish tickets and pip gain.


You are comparing apples to oranges. Yes, the PvE legendary armor requires PvE. Mostly open world content on top of the raid items.


If you are comparing only the time gated materials (LI and skirmish tickets, which all these 6/12 week claims do), WvW is purely participation based. It's not that hard a concept to understand.

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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

None of which disclaims what I said OR explains your vague understanding of skirmish tickets and pip gain



You try so hard yet fail so epically.


(1)  Lol

Pve + WvW > Pve

If you do not understand that being forced to do both wvw and pve takes more time and effort than just pve, well, that is a "you issue."


(2)  Lol

Obviously you are a total genius on this and you know a method to earning ALLLLLLLL the reward tracks needed (you know....  like 6 times you need to do the Triumphant Reward Track) all the pve materials... all the wvw materials (Memories of Battle and more) by sitting at spawn and taking a camp every 10 minutes then please share with the rest of us. 


(3)  LOL

I said that a higher participation tier earns you more reward tracks points.  If you did not understand that simple statement the that is also a "you issue". But to be nice I grabbed a copy/paste for you.


From scoutwarband.com 

How WVW Reward Track Participation Works

To complete a WVW reward track, you need to earn 20,000 points. Your points are awarded at the end of each five minute tick in WVW.

The number of points you earn is affected by your participation tier. The higher your participation tier, the more points you earn.


If you are going to argue  a point at least have some basic knowledge.  👌 


Game Set Match. 


Pointless to read anything else you post unless I need a hearty laugh. I've already defeated any weak argument you can ever come back with. 



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10 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:



You try so hard yet fail so epically.


(1)  Lol

Pve + WvW > Pve

If you do not understand that being forced to do both wvw and pve takes more time and effort than just pve, well, that is a "you issue."


(2)  Lol

Obviously you are a total genius on this and you know a method to earning ALLLLLLLL the reward tracks needed (you know....  like 6 times you need to do the Triumphant Reward Track) all the pve materials... all the wvw materials (Memories of Battle and more) by sitting at spawn and taking a camp every 10 minutes then please share with the rest of us. 


(3)  LOL

I said that a higher participation tier earns you more reward tracks points.  If you did not understand that simple statement the that is also a "you issue". But to be nice I grabbed a copy/paste for you.


From scoutwarband.com 

How WVW Reward Track Participation Works

To complete a WVW reward track, you need to earn 20,000 points. Your points are awarded at the end of each five minute tick in WVW.

The number of points you earn is affected by your participation tier. The higher your participation tier, the more points you earn.


If you are going to argue  a point at least have some basic knowledge.  👌 


Game Set Match. 


Pointless to read anything else you post unless I need a hearty laugh. I've already defeated any weak argument you can ever come back with. 



Which part of skirmish tickets are not tied to reward tracks are you struggling with exactly? Which this entire argument and this thread are based around. It's even in the title of the thread. You even inferred to the length of time required to acquire the skirmish tickets/LI yourself.

The reward tracks are absolutely irrelevant in regards to the total time commitment required for the skirmish tickets. Even at 0 boosters and only tier 3 participation, finishing those 6 reward tracks required takes around 12 hours each, so 72-80 hours. That's not even 8 weeks worth of diamond chest for a rank 1 WvW player (and I am being REALLY generous here. The actual time for someone who uses booster and keeps his participation at rank 6 with flipping camps comes out to around 30 hours. Not even 2 weeks worth of diamond chest).

You are correct though, not worth discussing this any further. You seem a bit confused about what the main time gates for most players are in regards to legendary armor or even in what thread you are posting.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I got nearly 4k skirmish tickets and 8k badges of honor

Updates like the recent one makes me only angry. There are no new items, vendors, skins, infusions, anything at all that I could spend my currencies at. Nothing new at alL! Not to mention reward tracks, achievements, titles, events, etc.

8g for weekly achievement? I make 8g just logging in for 10-15min everyday, making just daily activities...

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6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Again, participation tier has 0 effect on pip gain (besides requiring being above rank 3, which as stated is easily doable with minimal interaction).


The only 3 factors relevant, which players can manipulate are:

- bonus pip from the week before

- ranking of the server per skirmish

- personal WvW rank

Yes, that is a fact.

With a small addition:  You get also bonus Pips for playing as a commander (public with at least 10 players or closed with at least 5 players in squad)


2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

I said that a higher participation tier earns you more reward tracks points.  If you did not understand that simple statement the that is also a "you issue". But to be nice I grabbed a copy/paste for you.

This thread is about the time gated and non sellable WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets that are required for the WvW legy armor. At the time you have enough tickets you should usually have gotten all other things (besides gold value) that you require from WvW for the armor.

It seems you are confusing the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track with the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track 

The WvW reward track has the participation tiers and the reward track points you mentioned, but you don't get WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets repeatingly from the WvW reward track.

You can get repeatingly WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets from the Skimish reward track. As long as your particiption tier is at least Tier 3 you earn Pips and you progress in the Skirmish reward track. It does not matter for this track if your participation tier is above 3, because you don't get more Pips per tick with a higher participation tier.

There is no (real) skill involved for getting to participation tier 3 and staying there. You could semi-afk at spawn and flip a camp every few minutes (or leech and tag guards and let others do it) for days.


3 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

You try so hard yet fail so epically.

lol. That is a bold statement. Have you recently looked in a mirror? 😉


8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Your original answer insulted those who play hard for the Legendary armors.


The higher your tier the more points you receive towards your reward tracks. The same reward tracks that where you get your Triumphant Armor chests, Heroic weapons, Memories of Battle, Gift 's of Battle.... and all sorts of other goodies.


Let new people "Gun" for tier 6 if it makes them happy to earn points quicker. 

By the time you have enough WvW skirmish tickets for the legy armor, you've gotten all the reward tracks you've mentioned several times.

If you want to "play hard for legy armor" or "gun for tier 6", that's fine, just do it. Nobody wants to take that away from you. But you won't get more/faster WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets from the Skimish reward track than someone who is just doing the bare minimum semi-afk-participation.

And: I wouldn't classify the aim of Tier 6 participation as "hard play".

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7 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

WvW legendary takes much longer and you are forced to do pve to collect what you need.  It is so much much much much much much much much much much more than simple skirmish claim tickets. 

Well, the last time I checked (it's been some time since I got my 3 sets of legy wvw armor) I don't remember to be forced to do PvE for the WvW legy armor.  You can get all items that are required from WvW or from NPC or Trading Post.

Sure, all legies cost a lot of gold and nobody will deny that WvW isn't the fastest way to farm gold. But you don't have to go into PvE to farm gold. This is your decision. The thing you need most for wvw legies is time, not skill.

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5 hours ago, Nivelis.8763 said:

I got nearly 4k skirmish tickets and 8k badges of honor

Updates like the recent one makes me only angry. There are no new items, vendors, skins, infusions, anything at all that I could spend my currencies at. Nothing new at alL! Not to mention reward tracks, achievements, titles, events, etc.

8g for weekly achievement? I make 8g just logging in for 10-15min everyday, making just daily activities...

Just wait until you have 10s of thousands of both! However, you can turn Badges of Honor into Badges of Tribute and sell those on the TP.

As for the 8g for the weekly achievement, think of it as a bonus for playing the game mode. If Anet were to make it much higher, you would start to see more gold farmer types showing up in WvW and ruining the game mode similar to what happened in the SPvP Tournaments which became infested with bots farming for the Tournament rewards.

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I've got so many skirmish tickets I have run out of stuff to spend them on except maybe the occasional 20 use ascended salvage kite every couple of months or so.

We need more stuff to spend the tickets on and a use for all these conqueror/avenger emblems that are stacking up.

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