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New Class Tier List is Out On Metabattle!


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4 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Holosmith now in B tier.

To think that not long ago, people were screaming on the Forum about holosmith being bonkers broken.

Edit: Just noticing, engineer is the only class without a single A tier build. Sad.

Naw, they just don't have it labeled correctly.

If you were to delete Cata/Spell/Vindi from the current metagame, Tools Holo would very easily be one of top classes/builds in their absence. 100% guarantee you.

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21 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Holosmith now in B tier.

To think that not long ago, people were screaming on the Forum about holosmith being bonkers broken.

Edit: Just noticing, engineer is the only class without a single A tier build. Sad.

Holo is still A+ tier, it just feels B tier because we have so many S+ tier specs atm. Engineer is the only class atm that has access to every mechanic in the game. I think maybe Ele might come close when talking about access to mechanics only, but off the top of my head ele's don't get stealth AFAIK while engi's do.


By mechanics I mean:

Stealth, invul, different types of CC, an AI pet, etc.

Simply because of that, Holo will always be A tier or above unless heavily nerfed numbers wise. It's still pretty insane what some pros can do with Holo in pvp tbh.

The problem is the gap between A tier and S tier specs atm is the size of the grand canyon. I literally picked up Vindicator in a day and within 25 matches I was getting 3+ medals every match. Versus Power Mirage (which is what I usually play) it's night and day.

The amount of effort required to be "good" with some EoD specs is just way too low. The most extreme example being the afk zero button 30kdps mechanist spec (before that got nerfed)

People aren't playing holo now simply because there are other specs atm that can not only do more, but also require significantly less effort and skill to be effective with.


To give an example

4k-6k is a medium to big hit.

Anything over 8k is definitely a "big" hit.

If you factor all classes, the average HP sits between 15k-20k

For a Mesmer to do 4k-10k, that's like at least 60%-80% of their skills used and a lot of prep work involving setting up clones, etc. A lot of people think Mes takes no skill, but it's one of the hardest classes to both learn, and be effective with. We are talking, in this scenario alone, Mes is pressing at least 5 buttons in a specific order.....



.... Meanwhile, Vindi gets GS2 which is a 4-6k frontal cone AOE on a 7sec CD

Alongside GS3 which is not only a gap closer, but it also hits for 4-6k AOE. 15 sec CD

Then we have GS5, another AOE that hits for ~5k.

GS4 can hit for ~5k as well, especially if fully charged ( does more damage the more attacks you block)

GS1 auto attack can hit for ~3k per hit, literally just surviving someone's burst and then autoing them can net you a win in duels and such as it does so much damage for what it is (an auto attack)


Vindi can combo the above skills in any way they deem fit. They can open with GS5 to force evade/block, then still hit with GS3+GS2 combo for the same or more damage as GS5. If they miss it doesn't matter because the skills will be back up within the same team fight.


This is just greatsword. We're not even talking legend skills or the sustain vindi has either, or the fact that Vindi can self buff with it's own quickness and keep that quickness sustained thru it's dodges. This effectively means Vindi has perma quickness btw. An example:

Can cast scavenger burst for 2sec quickness, then dodge for another 2 secs of quickness, then swap to assassin for more quickness. All that compared to the mesmer trait which only gives quickness on a SUCCESSFUL interrupt for 2secs with a 3sec ICD. This means even when the mesmer is playing at their absolute best, perfect play, they still have less duration and less access to quickness than vindi just spamming abilities.


Vindi also has infinite chase potential between


-Nomad's advance ( another ~5k AOE that's also a gap closer) 

- Assasssin's stance (which has a targeted blink so if you think you're safe, you're not, oh and this skill gives the vindicator.....more quickness! LOL)

- Perma Swiftness if they trait for it


So now, imagine this:

Vindi buffs itself with quickness, uses spear of archermorus ( a ranged and delayed 6k+ hit, single target)

Vindi then rushes in, spamming it's GS skills, and during the later part of their spamming, Spear of Archermous launches.

All of these skills can roughly hit at the same time. Comboing for 10-20k+ damage in a matter of seconds. Vindi can repeat this every single team fight. I have literally used some form of combo from the above abilities, secured kills, roamed to far, and all of the skills are up again for me to do the exact same thing.

This is what I mean. One class is putting in so much more effort to achieve at best, the SAME results as another class that can literally just spam abilities and have the sheer numbers carry them. Vindi GS2 hitting as hard as it does, while being on low CD and low energy cost and being AOE it's like, choose something to sacrifice at least.



Also I used vindi, but cata is the same, mecha is(or was) the same. Even virtu suffers from this philosophy of "let's make the classes play themselves instead of making players learn the class"

With EoD specs you don't need to think too hard tbh, just press skills in a somewhat organized and tactical manner and you will win most of your fights. Since Holo needs more skill, less players, especially now, are willing to play it. I mean why put effort into something when your time and skill are going to be disrespected to such a degree as this current pvp meta.

Edited by Waffles.5632
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I take exception to that list. How is the mighty Gunzerker not considered meta? We're the only ones that can shoot down the Catas and Bladesworns in 2 micro milliseconds. Do you know how many of these sweaty porkers tried to step to me these past few days thinking they were invincible only to leave the battlefield in a double wide body bag? Probably about a billion. PVP is EZ mode when yer Gunzerkin yer gherkin like true chad. 😎😎

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21 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yeah, I imagined CMC looking at a PC screen spectating GW2 matches for 3 months straight in complete silence, but for some reason, choosing to do nothing about what is happening.

He's probably too busy trying to convince the rest on moving dragon tooth from scepter over to dagger.

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