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Dear Devs, could we please, please have the old Meteor Shower & Phoenix animation back?


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I mean, just look these gorgeous animation 10 years ago!

Meteor Shower


And compared with what we have...Meteor Shower drops burning debris from the sky instead of actual meteors, and Phoenix is just a bird accidentally caught on fire. Both feel so unimpactful right now. 

Shouldn't the visual effect, at least to some extent, reflect how powerful a skill effect is?

Also, if you are interested in improving Staff performance, join our discussion in anther thread here!

Edited by Virtuality.8351
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23 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Well, those are demo videos. Perhaps the animations were too complex and caused severe lag during world boss events, so they simplified them for the actual gameplay?

Nope, in the vanilla game those 2 animations looked exactly like in the animations of those links. They didn't change the animations, they just sped them up and reduced visual clusters. The main reason behind the change being WvW not PvE world boss (WvW was hell in the early day, for more than 80% of the players it was unplayable due to severe lags. Curiously PvE world boss were mostly fine).

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Nope, in the vanilla game those 2 animations looked exactly like in the animations of those links. They didn't change the animations, they just sped them up and reduced visual clusters. The main reason behind the change being WvW not PvE world boss (WvW was hell in the early day, for more than 80% of the players it was unplayable due to severe lags. Curiously PvE world boss were mostly fine).

Yes i remember those two being like that , maybe they changed it because it was too big and interfere with mechanic vision ingame.

Also if they rework the animation , they could add a bit more damage to meteor shower , it doesnt feel like a meteor shower , more like meatballs shower , damage wise.

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On 3/25/2023 at 2:25 AM, Virtuality.8351 said:

Shouldn't the visual effect, at least to some extent, reflect how powerful a skill effect is?


good point!


so it should not be called meteor shower anymore because it just doesn't have that impact anyways.


maybe 'firey pebble rain' or perhaps 'mildly spicy rain'.

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13 minutes ago, SinisterSeven.2781 said:


good point!


so it should not be called meteor shower anymore because it just doesn't have that impact anyways.


maybe 'firey pebble rain' or perhaps 'mildly spicy rain'.


Ash Fall—A "Hard Rain" of Abrasive Particles | USGS Volcano Fact Sheet. U.S. Geological Survey. Fact Sheet 027-00 Online Version 1.0. Volcanic Ash Fall–A "Hard Rain" of Abrasive Particles. Volcanic ash consists of tiny jagged particles of rock and natural glass blasted into the air by a volcano.

My suggestion not sure if it should be an bleed or burn or maybe both but it should be an blind.

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I decided to re-download the game again since I left in 2015,
I then decided to look in the forums and see this thread.
My disappointment for how Arena Net have always treated the Ele Class, even in GW1 the class became a non damage dealing Emo spamming weakling that I still need a Finger splint for.
From what i remember Ele's Fire line was nerfed during beta/release but to hear they a even reduced the visuals depresses me.
Fire / Staff should have always been the highest dealing damage to single/multiple targets full stop, you stand in MS expect death. its also the reason the cast time was 5 seconds, if MS cant 1 shot a target i will stop the DL.

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I have a friend that quitted Gw2 because of those Ele animation changes due to the lag in competitive WvW, lol.

What probably is, is that ANet is reducing skills appeal, year by year, because of lag/issues in WvW.

I can understand the frustration of those, like me, doesn't give a kitten about WvW and care instead about pve/roleplay/FashionWars2/generalgoodlooking, because we see stuff we like being ruined without getting absolutely anything in return.

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7 hours ago, Coldtart.4785 said:

I think I'd prioritise meteor shower being genuinely powerful again over the animation. Really sucks to be full glass and use this super slow, super easy to avoid attack only for it to barely tickle the enemy.

Pretty sad when it takes Fire 2+4+5 + Glyph of Storms + Fiery Greatsword 5 to even come close to the glory that was beta and early release Meteor Shower...

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9 hours ago, WhimsicalPacifist.2943 said:

If you look at that video, Meteor Shower had knockdowns.  You know, like it did in GW1.

It did in the early days and man did it break people. If I remember correctly it was 8ne of the first things to be adjusted together with the frequency and number of individual meteors that dropped - was totally worth exposing your kitten for.

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On 3/29/2023 at 12:24 PM, WhimsicalPacifist.2943 said:

If you look at that video, Meteor Shower had knockdowns.  You know, like it did in GW1.

Nice catch! I totally missed that!

19 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

It did in the early days and man did it break people. If I remember correctly it was 8ne of the first things to be adjusted together with the frequency and number of individual meteors that dropped - was totally worth exposing your kitten for.

Since now the developers embrace the possibility to split PvE skills from PvP/WvW completely—not just changes in numbers such as duration and power coefficient, but also the way skill functions, I think it would be a good thing to bring the knockdown feature back to PvE.

I have also added this to my proposal in another post.

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38 minutes ago, Virtuality.8351 said:

Nice catch! I totally missed that!

Since now the developers embrace the possibility to split PvE skills from PvP/WvW completely—not just changes in numbers such as duration and power coefficient, but also the way skill functions, I think it would be a good thing to bring the knockdown feature back to PvE.

I have also added this to my proposal in another post.

But I want it back in WvW too! Ag kitten man, one can dream. Here's my issue with their approach, prefaced with some gratitude that they've at least done a parse of our weapons recently: they do everything half-arsed. Great that Scepter got buffs - it only took ten years, what about focus and war horn? I'm not even going to mention the abortion that are the dagger changes. Their recent staff changes (which I like) addressed only basic support and did nothing from an offensive perspective. Again it only took what? 10 years. So if that's the benchmark then I'd rather they look at a weapon in its entirety and address all the skills in one go.

It is a double edged sword because if their track record is anything to go by then we face a real risk of having an entire weapon set go from functional to shite in one patch.

I've given up on expecting well reasoned and justified changes from them after ten years of playing though.

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On 3/26/2023 at 9:22 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Well, those are demo videos. Perhaps the animations were too complex and caused severe lag during world boss events, so they simplified them for the actual gameplay?

So they delete the cool animations to reduce lag and then create the dumb flashy skins like vermillion wings and so on that crashes the game.

I've been asking the option to disable other players glowy skins for years, and anet does nothing...

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