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Any new events?

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31 minutes ago, Rumpus.1234 said:

You can leave Queensdale.


I wonder if anyone has leveled to 80 in Queensdale?

I briefly was in a guild where I one person never left Queensdale.  Not sure if they leveled there or just hung out there but they had almost no waypoints otherwise.   It was... different.  

What kind of events, OP?  Festival, open world, other?  You've done everything in game?  I always find something to do, and if I am not interested I go do something else.  I have yet to run out of things.


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1 hour ago, Rumpus.1234 said:


I wonder if anyone has leveled to 80 in Queensdale?

There was a guy in WoW who leveled all the way to max in the section before choosing horde/alliance.  There's probably 1-2 people in gw2 that have done the same thing in QD.

Not my thing but each to their own.

Edited by Tic Tac Toe.1482
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2 hours ago, DylanLucas.6058 said:

Every year the same boring events for the last 10 years.

When will we get something fresh Anet?

They added Season 1 and a mini-release over the last year. When you say "events" what are you asking for specifically? Or do you mean only festivals?

Does another MMO do an annual festival different each year? Like, "Wintersday" in WoW/FF14  is new every time? Wouldn't be much of a tradition if so.

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26 minutes ago, Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:

There was a guy in WoW who leveled all the way to max in the section before choosing horde/alliance.  There's probably 1-2 people in gw2 that have done the same thing in QD.

Not my thing but each to their own.

There was a Guild Wars 1 equivalent which was quite popular: people would get to the max level in the tutorial area (pre-searing Ascalon). You could leave there at level 2, and if you did all the tutorial quests it would get you to about level 8-9, but people would stay there until they got to level 20.

Originally you'd run out of things which gave XP at about level 15 and had to resort to a crazy process where lured enemies to a resurrection shrine, let them kill you over and over so they levelled up, then killed them. Eventually Anet added some daily quests which let you skip that process.

2 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

They added Season 1 and a mini-release over the last year. When you say "events" what are you asking for specifically? Or do you mean only festivals?

Does another MMO do an annual festival different each year? Like, "Wintersday" in WoW/FF14  is new every time? Wouldn't be much of a tradition if so.

The nearest I know of is Elder Scrolls Online where they'd have "events" to celebrate each of the expansions and it got to the point where there were too many to do them all annually so now they're on an irregular schedule so there's different ones each year. But most of them don't have any event content, you get double drops and some bonus items for doing the daily quests in the expansion map, but it's the same quests which are available all year round.

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