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May 2nd Balance patch for Ele

Mini Crinny.6190

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Fresh Air catalyst is a build that we've been addressing over the last few updates in PvP, but it's still a strong build in WvW. We've brought over a few more of the recent PvP adjustments to bring down its power.

We've also updated Stone Heart to introduce a window of vulnerability and make earth-based tempest builds slightly easier to bring down in PvP.


  • Signet of Water: Increased healing attribute scaling from 0.7 to 1.3.
  • Dragon's Tooth: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.33 in WvW only.
  • Stone Heart: Critical-hit immunity is now granted for a period of time when entering and exiting Earth Attunement, instead of always while attuned to earth.


  • The effects of channeling tempest's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness.


  • Fortified Earth: Reduced base barrier from 3,000 to 1,254 in WvW only. Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in WvW only.
  • Elemental Celerity: Adjusted recharge amount from 100% recharge to 25 seconds of recharge in WvW only.

Bug Fixes

  • Wildfire: Fixed an issue that prevented projectiles from interacting properly with the combo field created by this skill.
  • Undercurrent: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from sinking enemies as intended.
  • Static Field (Lightning Hammer): Fixed an issue that caused this skill to occasionally stun noncombatants.
  • Overload Fire: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from creating Combo Finisher: Whirl the correct number of times.
  • Fiery Whirl: Fixed an issue that prevented this skill from creating Combo Finisher: Whirl the correct number of times.
  • Soothing Mist: Fixed an issue that prevented the elementalist from being healed when the effect was refreshed.
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On 4/21/2023 at 9:09 PM, Stallic.2397 said:

So signet of water now almost doubles it's heal when triggered? 

nah, currently it's 1940 base heal+0.7 heal coefficient. The buff to 1.3 heal coefficient will result in anywhere between 0-33% increased healing output depending on healing power (0 when not running healing power, 33% when on full minstrel 1530 healing power)


overall i quite like the changes. Small nerf to wvw cata seems fair. The nerf on fortified earth was also really needed, the skill is way to powerfull in its current state. I would've prefered if they added some cd reductions on mist form, twist of faith and lightning flash alongside it.


patch looks solid for pve aswell. correctly proccing the alac on overloads will help HAT quite abit. Only real downside is its dependancy on a quickdps (or other party membs) with good might generation. Ramp up time on might is still relatively slow and can easily drop during cb aswell if you're forced into other elements. Really would've liked them to change fire overload to 360 radius instead for better might uptime on staff (especially when tanking). 


Apart from that the lack of nerfs on ele is probably even the best feature for PvE. Overall the top performing boonsupport dps got slaughtered (especially alacdps). This means that healalac+quickdps will become relatively better.  Qcata is probably gonna be one of (if not the) highest qdps builds out there and has great boon uptime. HAT will get less competition from hfb/hq herald. CFB and untamed seem to have gotten big nerfs dropping them in the 36-38k range probably. In terms of raw power output weaver, willbender and DE will be the easy top picks by far. I really don't understand the lack of nerfs on virtuoso and SPB however. These builds have been very OP for a while now. I wouldn't be surprised if reaper would join that list due to their surviveability, ease of use and access to CC 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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42 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

That’s most likely a typo. It prob went from .07 to .13. So with 500 healing power it heals an extra 15.

Wiki has the scaling as 0.7 right now.  So I don't think its a mistake. 

1940+ 0.7 * Healing Power  

is what I pulled from wiki. 


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anet hit fortified earth more than needed. there is no better use than armor of earth, the cantrip skill. it gives barrier, stunbreak, stability, protection on 40s cd in addition you dont need to deploy earth jade sphere, i mean it is very straightforward.

Edited by RaveOnYou.2819
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Was scepter overprofoming in wvw?

Faster overloads seems nice if it dose not mess up the puls effects.

The stone hart maybe an buff for some builds but its an major nerf to one build. I wish they would update the other 2 earth GM that ppl dont use.

Mostly bug fixes though not realty an balance patch update maybe there more to come?

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Stone Heart in its current state is nuts though. The ability to tank, push and hard res (plus be in chat box) while being hard-targeted by 37 people in wvw is stupid. Add the prot, stab and Magnetic Aura spam plus your hard and soft CC in staff earth. 


I enjoyed it for several hours. It seemed like the lowest intensity ele build available. 


The change will be interesting/rage-inducing, as I think it will be abused by bursty, hit-and-run builds. Can't wait. 

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3 hours ago, andrewlcl.8176 said:

Stone Heart in its current state is nuts though. The ability to tank, push and hard res (plus be in chat box) while being hard-targeted by 37 people in wvw is stupid. Add the prot, stab and Magnetic Aura spam plus your hard and soft CC in staff earth. 


I enjoyed it for several hours. It seemed like the lowest intensity ele build available. 


The change will be interesting/rage-inducing, as I think it will be abused by bursty, hit-and-run builds. Can't wait. 

The issues with stone heart is that all the earth line has going for it every thing else is kind of meh at best and only taken because some one wants to run stone heart.

I think the new stone hart is going to be a buff to some builds for sure but the earth line is so incomplete as an line that its just not worth taking. Maybe if protection did something else when applied form the earth line or you where able to give real stab support or even have good barrier gestation for an support OR let bleed from the earth line have a far more significant effect then just +5% power dmg from an condi base trait line.... (i want to see poision apply from earth line some how and maybe "deep wonds" like bleeds that weeken other players support whom your targeting with your bleed skills).

Earth trait line realty should be the counter magic trait line for the ele class that is missing any real counter magic to start with.

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stone earth was really strong but it brings nothing beside tankiness in one attunement, all earth trait is chosen for only stone heart. other than that earth is really weak and its all benefits are tight to being in earth attunement. in optimal situation 25% of combat time due to elementalist mechanics. so earth should be revised i think.

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17 hours ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

stone earth was really strong but it brings nothing beside tankiness in one attunement, all earth trait is chosen for only stone heart. other than that earth is really weak and its all benefits are tight to being in earth attunement. in optimal situation 25% of combat time due to elementalist mechanics. so earth should be revised i think.

honestly one of my fan rework ideas of that trait would have it active while you have a certain threshold of barrier. with earth trait line having more access to barrier. i do not like ele traits that only work while in a specific attunement or when swapping into specific attunement.
then again i don't pvp so i don't have the slightest idea of how effective that trait actually is there in general.

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22 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Nothing for HAT ... great , just a  bug fixes ... better than nothing i guess , i ll stick to my druid , Ham and hfb forever !

I don't think that's a bug fix. It's says your channeling will be faster. It probably fixes the bug but should also make your overloads faster so you can use other stuff.

Edited by Esoteric.7263
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"The effects of channeling tempesst's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness."


I think it will not cast faster , it is just that the effect will follow the curves of quickness cast time modificator , but i hope i am wrong and that you are true Esoteric.7263 , if tempest can cast his overloads in 2 secondes instead of 3 with quikness , that would be a huge +

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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

"The effects of channeling tempesst's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness."


I think it will not cast faster , it is just that the effect will follow the curves of quickness cast time modificator , but i hope i am wrong and that you are true Esoteric.7263 , if tempest can cast his overloads in 2 secondes instead of 3 with quikness , that would be a huge +

No, I'm sure it's still the 3s, but the overloads actually tick faster and do their alac properly. Hopefully.

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8 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

"The effects of channeling tempesst's overload skills now occur more quickly if the elementalist also has quickness."


I think it will not cast faster , it is just that the effect will follow the curves of quickness cast time modificator , but i hope i am wrong and that you are true Esoteric.7263 , if tempest can cast his overloads in 2 secondes instead of 3 with quikness , that would be a huge +


6 hours ago, Markus.6415 said:

No, I'm sure it's still the 3s, but the overloads actually tick faster and do their alac properly. Hopefully.

I don't get how it could be faster without shortening the channel time. Part of the alacrity generation is for completing the channel. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying. If I'm reading what you are saying correctly you would channel the same duration but the effects would occur quicker. That would mean there would just be dead time at the end of the overload. Why would they do that? Other abilities affected by quickness cast quicker don't they?

Also, the bug was just for earth and water overloads. If it was purely just a bug fix why would they say all your overloads instead of specifying earth and water

Edited by Esoteric.7263
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23 minutes ago, Esoteric.7263 said:


I don't get how it could be faster without shortening the channel time. Part of the alacrity generation is for completing the channel. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying. If I'm reading what you are saying correctly you would channel the same duration but the effects would occur quicker. That would mean there would just be dead time at the end of the overload. Why would they do that? Other abilities affected by quickness cast quicker don't they?

Also, the bug was just for earth and water overloads. If it was purely just a bug fix why would they say all your overloads instead of specifying earth and water

It's actually traducing in a bug fix for the alac pulses , i think we misses 1 alac tic in earth and water cause the animation was maybe too fast with quickness resulting in that loss pulse , thats what i think . But as i said i really hope your conclusion will be the good one , Hat and even tempest is an e-spec who need some work done on it , it is not good as alac provider , not good as dps and is a lackluster healer.

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On 4/24/2023 at 7:08 PM, Esoteric.7263 said:


I don't get how it could be faster without shortening the channel time. Part of the alacrity generation is for completing the channel. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying. If I'm reading what you are saying correctly you would channel the same duration but the effects would occur quicker. That would mean there would just be dead time at the end of the overload. Why would they do that? Other abilities affected by quickness cast quicker don't they?

Also, the bug was just for earth and water overloads. If it was purely just a bug fix why would they say all your overloads instead of specifying earth and water

It is a bug fix, no actual change. With quickness there was a bug where overload water and earth did miss 1 tick of their effects while channeling. This resultet in too low alac output and a healtempest with nearly 100% boon duration was struggling to keep the alac up.

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