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I don't believe there is any forum content organized by any demographic category... though I do recall a previous post in which the user was looking for like-minded single mothers for starting a guild... Similarly, I am guessing there are probably guilds that limit themselves to older players... though my own personal experience is that maturity, not age, is a more useful gauge for determining compatibility with prospective players... tough to vet in advance, I admit. 

For the record, I grew up on the Atari 2600, so... 😉 

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There is afaik not a forum or something like that.  There are guilds that have age reuirements. some just starting at 22+, others indeed going up to 40+. The guild recruitment section might be helpfull finding one.

And as we are comparing our age. In my first videogame I got chewed on by a T-rex multiple times while looking for a piece of the atlantian scion in a cave in Peru 😉 (I'm not ancient, but old enough to have seen some great times on the PC)

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My first game was a Star Trek based combat game where you had to calculate what angles to fire your photon torpedoes to hit the Warbirds. I typed it into a Commodore Pet from a BASIC listing in a computer magazine. For whatever reason, at that time the publishers couldn't seem to print a working version of the code, so the first few hours were spent debugging (aka teach yourself BASIC). 3 years later I was studying Maths & Computer Science at university. At my last job interview, my MD even had the cheek to query if Computing degrees were available back then 🙂

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4 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

My first game was a Star Trek based combat game where you had to calculate what angles to fire your photon torpedoes to hit the Warbirds. I typed it into a Commodore Pet from a BASIC listing in a computer magazine. For whatever reason, at that time the publishers couldn't seem to print a working version of the code, so the first few hours were spent debugging (aka teach yourself BASIC). 3 years later I was studying Maths & Computer Science at university. At my last job interview, my MD even had the cheek to query if Computing degrees were available back then 🙂

Had the same game on my Radio Shack TRS-80  🙂

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I'm 61, and I'm not the oldest guy in my guild by a long way. I think the oldest is 80.  Several people in their 60s and 70s. And a bunch of younger people as well, but it's a pretty good group, particularly the ones that come into voice.  Plenty of us out here.

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One of my guilds has people of all ages. The youngest I know of is in their mid-20s and the oldest is about 70. I seem to find there's loads of people in my age bracket (60+) playing the game and playing it well too.

I'm kind of curious why the OP is interested. I rarely see anyone asking how old anyone else is, and anytime I try to say "I'm too old to do <x>" people usually brush it off as really stupid. 

I guess what I'm getting at is that I see very, v-e-r-y, little evidence of ageism in the game 🙂

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There's quite a few older GW2 players. I know of at least 2 who play with their grandkids.

15 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Pong was my first video game...as an adult in my 20s.  :classic_dry:

That could be true even if you're in your 20's now. Lots of people don't start off with brand new games.

My first computer was a ZX Spectrum and the first game I remember playing on it was Hungry Horace. But saying that can make me sound older than I am, a lot older if people assume I bought it myself. It was already old by the time I got to use it, but that's what my parents had. (The ZX Spectrum we had came out in 1982, I was born in 1985 and pushing those squishy rubber buttons and the dawning realisation that they could control what was happening on the TV is one of my earliest memories.)

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My mum says that's why she doesn't understand why other people her age have so much trouble with new technology. Compared to the computers she used at university in the 70's setting up a new smart phone is easy. I keep pointing out that it's unlikely the rest of her weaving club used computers in the 70's.

I think my first programming language was Logo, my school had a 'robot' which for some reason was called a turtle, which you could program to move in different directions and with a pen attached to the bottom draw pictures. I remember the teachers insisting that by the time we left school this would be an important skill. 😄

The first programming language I learned which was actually useful was DOS, which I was largely self-taught in because it was usually the only way to get games running on our PCs. (My dad upgraded from the ZX Spectrum to a 386 laptop someone at his work was throwing out, later getting a 486 desktop that could run Doom was amazing.)

Like most millennials I think the only useful things I learned in school IT classes were how to make a PowerPoint Presentation (and that there can be too many effects) and that just because someone is appointed to be the expert in the room doesn't mean they know everything. Seeing the IT teacher flip out because I switched from Windows to DOS briefly to fix a problem and they had no idea what had happened to the computer was a revelation.

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  • 10 months later...

Old thread, but... 76 in two months. Play daily since beta (with a couple of year-long hiatuses for health, etc).

Wish there was a handicap of some sort so people of my age could be more competitive in PVP & roaming, but still catch a few by surprise.

Started with this PVP arcade dogfighter in 1974. Three goes for a quarter. Had the good fortune to have a friend who enjoyed it as much as me.  We kind of became entertainers there for a while. Once you got how to use gravity to arc and array weapon spreads, accelerate/decelerate to bait etc. it could be somewhat sophisticated, at least in its day.

Enjoy your youth while you can. 🙂

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26 minutes ago, innocens.1582 said:

there used to be a group of guilds called 'Mara', that was for old peeps like you and me (allmost 63 myself)

I dont know if they still exist.

Wow, memories. I was in Mara in GW 1.  It feels like ages.

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On 5/17/2023 at 7:09 PM, KerryTT.4792 said:

Just turned 60 end of last month. Got a late start on the whole computer gaming thing, spent a lot of time with pencil, paper and dice. 🙂

ironically most modern games are like that under the hood

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The other day I saw a guild that was called something like Pensioners' Troop and I thought it was great, this humor in old age and thought, I'm not there yet but I would probably join them in some years. Someone on voice then said that they weren't old people, but young players who thought it was funny to walk around with such a guild name.

I no longer liked that.

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