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anet is on a good direction.

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12 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I love the Officer Remnant weapons. Are those going to be black lion weapons or obtainable with in game currency? I didn't check yet.

For now, they are WvW-only. They are a rare drop from the newly added Mist-Hardened Lockboxes, which (as I understand it) are earned via weeklies, dailies and are potential drops from Tower, Keep and Stonemist Castle Lords.

But I don't know, if they will eventually be purchasable on the Trading Post.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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6 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

For now, they are WvW-only. They are a rare drop from the newly added Mist-Hardened Lockboxes, which (as I understand it) are earned via weeklies, dailies and are potential drops from Tower, Keep and Stonemist Castle Lords.

But I don't know, if they will eventually be purchasable on the Trading Post.

Ah nice. Time to stack up on those boxes. 🙂 Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Glad you are happy with the game's direction OP. Wish I could say the same.


1 hour ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

I'm happy to see that I'm not alone on this, I'm with you here...not really excited for the games current direction myself. 

Care to elaborate?

I'm not calling you out or anything, I'm just curious why you say that.

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28 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

The direction the game is going, is just a direction that doesn't please me at all. Different horses for different courses. 

Oh don't be a smartkitten, you know what I asked. If you don't want to answer, just say you don't feel like debating this. Yes, i know that you meant you don't like the direction the game is going, i got that, i asked specifically what you don't like.

If you don't want to reply that's fine.

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6 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:


Care to elaborate?

I'm not calling you out or anything, I'm just curious why you say that.

Fair enough.

Let me start by saying that its not all bad. The hide other player effects option (for example) is something Ive wanted since launch and I am grateful for its addition. I love the tattooed armor skin as well as a number of other recent(ish) cosmetic additions to the game. I have very much enjoyed some of the strikes added to the game as well.


As much as I really did enjoy IBS in its earlier releases, its culmination felt rushed and anticlimatic. 

The EoD story was some of the worst Ive ever seen in an RPG. I was more invested in Pacman as a character with a history back in the early 80's than the characters in EoD. The emphasis on tell dont show and unimpactful character moments are such that this is the first bit of story that I have been unable to play through with more than one character.

I said, "some of the worst," to describe EoD's story because I reserve, "the worst," for what comes after...I have been unable to convince myself to even try the second chapter after the pitiful first.

I have almost 10,000 hours played on my ranger. The new elite spec and the balance changes for the class since EoD launch have led to his retirement. Overall the balance of the game, the elimination of class fantasy in favor of every class being meant to do everything and the ever greater emphasis on boon spam have greatly diminished the combat system that I would once have described as far and away the best I had ever seen.

Most recently, the reward patch for WvW (about all I play any more as the story in PvE has become ever more painful to even consider) that I have waited for so long is underwhelming. A box that has limited drop possibilities that also requires buying keys with multie currencies..and then contains less value than the cost of the key (as an example).


So, yes there have been positives, largely centered around some very nice cosmetics an environmental visuals (I think Gyala is a fantastic map visually). Anet's artists are top notch! But if the content is poorly conceived and executed then how my character looks while playing it only goes so far.

I am holding out for the next expansion, hopeful that the quality of storytelling improves, that perhaps we will move beyond writing that I would consider subpar by saturday morning cartoon standards, that Anet will iterate on the WvW reward system, and that the truly fantastic art direction will continue.

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4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

And what direction is that then?

The pay each year going forward?

I don't think people have problem with paying more often. We just don't believe we will get our moneys worth. It's the quality of the content we are worried about. 

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11 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

I don't think people have problem with paying more often. We just don't believe we will get our moneys worth. It's the quality of the content we are worried about. 

Yup. If someone were to tell me they'd sell me a car for $100,000.00 dollars, my frist question would be "Well...what car?" If their answer was a 2008 Nissan Altima I'd laugh in their face and say no thanks. But if they said it was for a Maclaren Elva, well now we're talking right? $100k for a 2 million dollar car? That's a steal! That value is there. But $100k for a $6k car? The value is not there at all. 

So the issue isn't that people don't want to pay for things, it is that the value consumers get in return for the exchange of their money needs to make sense to them. The point is, right now, the value some of us are getting back isn't really making a lot of sense.

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56 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yup. If someone were to tell me they'd sell me a car for $100,000.00 dollars, my frist question would be "Well...what car?" If their answer was a 2008 Nissan Altima I'd laugh in their face and say no thanks. But if they said it was for a Maclaren Elva, well now we're talking right? $100k for a 2 million dollar car? That's a steal! That value is there. But $100k for a $6k car? The value is not there at all. 

So the issue isn't that people don't want to pay for things, it is that the value consumers get in return for the exchange of their money needs to make sense to them. The point is, right now, the value some of us are getting back isn't really making a lot of sense.

Well gw2 is still the cheapest mmo out there in term of cost. Arenanet mistake was giving way too much content for free for way too long. It does not help that the free content was super good in general. Ill gladly pay for more content to support the existence of this game and this fictionnal univers.

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I worry that there will be too many maps with too few players and people will be stuck waiting for dailies if they need an achievement on a specific map.

I would hope Guild Wars 3 is being talked about and developed. Overall they've done a lot of good and interesting things with Guild Wars 2 but the combat system is not good and the flaws to it have been papered over in PvE. And PvP has been practically dead for many years outside of reward farmers and a miniscule hardcore playerbase. Just read the WvW or sPvP forums. For better or worse if you want people to play your game the combat has to be relatively simple and straightforward. Guild Wars 2 mixes action combat with elemental zones with a skillbar that rivals and often exceeds most other MMOs that drop the action part of combat or were developed before action combat. It's a terrible design choice if you want people to play your game and play your pvp.

I think there is too much bloat of currencies and map currencies and dungeon currencies and black lion currencies and gold and gems and karma and several different magics and the list goes on and on and on. They have been working to simplify this over the years by adding more currencies that can be used in lieu of the original unique currencies.

I'm sure others can think of other problems.

One other thing that has me worried while I generally think Arena Net has taken the right direction - the Gyala Delve meta event has the complexity and time requirement of Dragon's End or Dragonfall. I worried long event chains like Gyala Delve will get abandoned relatively quickly unless it's the daily map and even then... the people required for something like Gyala Delve is fairly significant. The map being a daily might not be enough.

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8 hours ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yup. If someone were to tell me they'd sell me a car for $100,000.00 dollars, my frist question would be "Well...what car?" If their answer was a 2008 Nissan Altima I'd laugh in their face and say no thanks. But if they said it was for a Maclaren Elva, well now we're talking right? $100k for a 2 million dollar car? That's a steal! That value is there. But $100k for a $6k car? The value is not there at all. 

So the issue isn't that people don't want to pay for things, it is that the value consumers get in return for the exchange of their money needs to make sense to them. The point is, right now, the value some of us are getting back isn't really making a lot of sense.

Some people. Of course, some people are still having fun. And not every map has always been the best map. There were plenty of complaints about Domain of Kourna when it came out, and to this day many don't like it. I didn't like Lake Doric. But at the end of the day, Season 4 was considered over all one of the best seasons.

I did pay for EoD and I certainly felt like I got $30 worth of entertainment, since I still run strikes. I like DE, and I liked the story.

Your car analagy is so flawed. People won't drop 2 million dollars on anything without knowing a lot about it. But people spend $30 all the time, on movies, on books, on all sorts of stuff, without really knowing. Look at how many people bought New World.

The fact is, this is the best value game I've played and I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. There are a bunch of people like me out there, who'll preorder the next expansion. And I get that you're unhappy with the game. I get other people are unhappy with the game. But this sort of misleading analogy is just that, a misleading analogy.

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On 6/7/2023 at 11:27 AM, Veprovina.4876 said:

I love the Officer Remnant weapons. Are those going to be black lion weapons or obtainable with in game currency? I didn't check yet.

i loved the greatsword, we finally have a classy, medieval-like , free(i mean pve/wvw obtained) weapon set thats not memey or too cartoonish. very good for a knight like style.

I think they changed direction.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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On 6/7/2023 at 10:54 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

It's rare that I like a new weapon set, but the Officer's Remnant set looks nice for my Guardian. But it still is plagued by the omission of aquatic variants.

I don't like the Dragonrender ones though.

I don't like them much, but at least, they're a serious themed weaponset. problably someone whos like "norm" style will like them.

In the "old ways" of Anet, they not only make uglier weapons, but also comical... to me seems theres a intent to purposely make free/open world weapons undesirable.

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22 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Fair enough.

Let me start by saying that its not all bad. The hide other player effects option (for example) is something Ive wanted since launch and I am grateful for its addition. I love the tattooed armor skin as well as a number of other recent(ish) cosmetic additions to the game. I have very much enjoyed some of the strikes added to the game as well.


As much as I really did enjoy IBS in its earlier releases, its culmination felt rushed and anticlimatic. 

The EoD story was some of the worst Ive ever seen in an RPG. I was more invested in Pacman as a character with a history back in the early 80's than the characters in EoD. The emphasis on tell dont show and unimpactful character moments are such that this is the first bit of story that I have been unable to play through with more than one character.

I said, "some of the worst," to describe EoD's story because I reserve, "the worst," for what comes after...I have been unable to convince myself to even try the second chapter after the pitiful first.

I have almost 10,000 hours played on my ranger. The new elite spec and the balance changes for the class since EoD launch have led to his retirement. Overall the balance of the game, the elimination of class fantasy in favor of every class being meant to do everything and the ever greater emphasis on boon spam have greatly diminished the combat system that I would once have described as far and away the best I had ever seen.

Most recently, the reward patch for WvW (about all I play any more as the story in PvE has become ever more painful to even consider) that I have waited for so long is underwhelming. A box that has limited drop possibilities that also requires buying keys with multie currencies..and then contains less value than the cost of the key (as an example).


So, yes there have been positives, largely centered around some very nice cosmetics an environmental visuals (I think Gyala is a fantastic map visually). Anet's artists are top notch! But if the content is poorly conceived and executed then how my character looks while playing it only goes so far.

I am holding out for the next expansion, hopeful that the quality of storytelling improves, that perhaps we will move beyond writing that I would consider subpar by saturday morning cartoon standards, that Anet will iterate on the WvW reward system, and that the truly fantastic art direction will continue.

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, EoD did have a bit of a "tone" to it, but i enjoyed it for what it is. There's some good moments in it. Some of it feels very out of place, and some of it rushed but eh, i guess they can iterate on it further later.

To me it always felt that the "full story" doesn't come in only the expansion, but in the following LS episodes. So let's see how it goes with this. Do they call those Living world anymore though? Idk... But PoF was a great example for me. That whole story from start of PoF to the end of LS4 is wow, what a journey!

I hope EoD ends up being that.

I know how you feel about class balancing. I main a Mesmer and well, we are the only class that has an elite with below minimum number of dodges AND with split functionality. Why i say minimum? Because they gave Vindincator - an elite that was designed around 1 dodge - 2 dodges. So clearly no class can function below 2 because the whole game was designed around the minimum of 2. And Mirage still only has one in WvW.

They i guess teased mirage in the upcoming balance stream so we'll see. But yeah, it's not good so far.

As for the WvW patch, to me it felt like an experiment that they'll "tweak" later. I like that my emblems aren't useless anymore but they need to add vendor junk to the boxes, that's just an extremely bad design. Doesn't need to be like fractal boxes amounts of gold, but at least let us break even.

I'm holding my judgment for the new "pay less more often model" until i see it, but as far as the techinical aspect of the game goes, i mean, it's never better. The art team is amazing, the coders as well, QoL features finally getting implemented slowly... I mean, i'm playing GW2 on Linux through Steam, i never thought that'd be possible! Yet, they made it happen! And it's so smooth!

So all in all, while there's still some things that can be done better, for me, it's a net positive if looked at globally. 🙂

But of course, to each their own. 🙂 And of course, this could all go downhill really fast, so who knows what'll happen. I just hope the trend continues to be a positive one.

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20 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Thanks for the reply!

Yes, EoD did have a bit of a "tone" to it, but i enjoyed it for what it is. There's some good moments in it. Some of it feels very out of place, and some of it rushed but eh, i guess they can iterate on it further later.

To me it always felt that the "full story" doesn't come in only the expansion, but in the following LS episodes. So let's see how it goes with this. Do they call those Living world anymore though? Idk... But PoF was a great example for me. That whole story from start of PoF to the end of LS4 is wow, what a journey!

I hope EoD ends up being that.


You do know that EoD is done now after the last addition to Gyala Delve right?

So no EoD wont end up being that.

We do however got new paid expac to look forward to with their own short Gyala Delve maps added to them before the next expansion tho.

Edited by Linken.6345
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