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Housing System

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12 hours ago, Marshall Sed.8643 said:

[…]I have personal housing.  It's called a Guild Hall.  I can fill it with the gains from my ventures around Tyria.  I can fill it with crafted  stuffs.....if I could be bothered levelling my scribing.  It's also got storage for my materials overflow.

Why would I want a house when I have a, pretty, large "estate" to play in? 🥴

It's also a gold and materials sink!  Woohoo!! 😆

Not sure if you're serious. There're 4 Guild Hall themes and no matter how well or different a player decorates it/puts the objects, it always looks the same. Obviously, it's made for Guilds with most features built on that idea.



6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Housing is boring. We already have home instances and guild halls, that’s more than enough. They shouldn’t waste time and resources on housing. 

6 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

[…]decorated it a bit, and soon got bored with the whole thing. As for my home instance, the only times I go there are to harvest the nodes. There are plenty of other things I'd rather see Anet do than develop a housing system I would barely even use.

[…] I have three sisters and two brothers though, and out of the six of us, only those two sisters love games like that. The other four of us aren't interested in them.

It's because you're players who build your opinions on what was handed to you so far. It doesn't matter if housing seems boring to you, it doesn't matter if housing seems boring to the entire world – what I'm asking for is a highly personified housing system you build up for years with some in-game advantages. The reason why you mainly go to your so-called Home Instance or Guild Hall for their nodes is because it's designed this way. You're not looking at this from the perspective of game design.

I feel the need to request this because I'm unhappy with the story. If they let some developers continue the story to save money on actual writers, at least let us build our own universe in Tyria.

And if it's really the case the Game client would crash to the ground and it's impossible, I'd say lock this thread and let us all demand Guild Wars 3.

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1 minute ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

It's because you're players who build your opinions on what was handed to you so far. It doesn't matter if housing seems boring to you, it doesn't matter if housing seems boring to the entire world – what I'm asking for is a highly personified housing system you build up for years with some in-game advantages.

No it’s because housing is boring and I got no time for boring. I don’t want to waste my time decorating a house in Guild Wars 2, we already have home instances and guild halls. I never spent time there. I would never spend time in my house, and definitely not decorating it. 


4 minutes ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

And if it's really the case the Game client would crash to the ground and it's impossible, I'd say lock this thread and let us all demand Guild Wars 3.

No thanks. 


5 minutes ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

I feel the need to request this because I'm unhappy with the story.

The game has more to offer than story. If you are unhappy with the story try raids, strikes or WvW. 

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15 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

I never spent time there. I would never spend time in my house, and definitely not decorating it.

The game has more to offer than story. If you are unhappy with the story try raids, strikes or WvW. 

It's less about spending time and more about the overall feeling, something stories provide if they're not failing. And you would "decorate" it the same way you work towards placing nodes in your home instance. If it somehow makes sense gameplay-wise, you will do it.

Yes, the game has something else to offer. So what's the point? Guild Wars 2 cannot be developed for the next 50 years, except when the developers assure us so.

Edited by Nethertale.9301
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10 minutes ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

And you would "decorate" it the same way you work towards placing nodes in your home instance.

I don’t have any nodes in my home instance. That’s a waste of my time in game. I want to spend my time in raids or WvW not decorating a  house. 

Edited by vares.8457
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To me, housing would be like any other cosmetic system in the game.  Some would engage with it, and some won't.  I believe it would be very successful financially, since it could be used to add a new layer to existing crafting or new crafting skills all together.

There could be rare drops and recipes tied to associate with the system.  This would add economic incentives to the system, and some players would only do it for the gold.  This has been the case in every game I've played that has a customizable housing system.

I do think it's also okay if they make a system that adds a new kind of content.  Not all players play all kinds of content, and housing would be no different.

That said, I wouldn't want a cheap system like wow's garrison system.  It would need to be customizable and tied to crafting.  Preferably, there would be drops and recipes to get from all content.  It might even be able to get more of us into the dungeons.

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2 hours ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

...It's because you're players who build your opinions on what was handed to you so far. It doesn't matter if housing seems boring to you, it doesn't matter if housing seems boring to the entire world – what I'm asking for is a highly personified housing system you build up for years with some in-game advantages. The reason why you mainly go to your so-called Home Instance or Guild Hall for their nodes is because it's designed this way. You're not looking at this from the perspective of game design...

Well, I can't speak for anyone else but speaking for myself, you're wrong about why I find housing boring. It's not because of what GW2 offers or doesn't offer. There are games out there where custom designing your house is a big part of the gameplay. I have no interest in such games. Getting leggy gear interests me. Running in WvW interests me. Trying out new elite specs and builds interests me. Interior design doesn't. I know some folks love that and  that's fine. It's  just not my thing and it's not where I'd like to see Anet putting resources. Would I quit the game if they  introduced custom housing like you asking for? Nope, there's too much stuff in this  game I  do like. I just wouldn't bother with it, nor would I spend  any time or money on it.

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3 hours ago, Nethertale.9301 said:

, it doesn't matter if housing seems boring to the entire world

Yes it does. In order for the feature to pay for itself it would need people to engage with it and be willing to pay for it. If it doesn't monetize well, directly via housing oriented gemstore purchases, or indirectly via increased player retention and population growth, then it is DOA. 

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I like my home.  There are my cats. There are my krew doing research while I save the world.  I imagine that when I'm not in the game, my azura doing research there too. 

I will support you if you want to improv this home.  But if you want another house, then I don't.  I just don't need a second home. 

Edited by FiveBunnies.5730
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This whole debate reminds me of same stuff that happened in the past with mounts. No we do not want mounts, game is not designed for that, we have waypoints! Mounts were introduced anyway.. turned out to be one of the most popular feature despite the forum minority being against them. And most likely they use them these days anyway which is ironic.

If you find housing boring/unnecesary thats cool, but why you wanna push your agenta on others and restrict their gameplay options? Don't like it, don't do it. Simple as

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7 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

This whole debate reminds me of same stuff that happened in the past with mounts. No we do not want mounts, game is not designed for that, we have waypoints! Mounts were introduced anyway.. turned out to be one of the most popular feature despite the forum minority being against them. And most likely they use them these days anyway which is ironic.

If you find housing boring/unnecesary thats cool, but why you wanna push your agenta on others and restrict their gameplay options? Don't like it, don't do it. Simple as

Because many of us would rather see resources spent elsewhere on things that would impact more players and actual game play rather than this.  It's not the nay-sayers that are pushing an agenda, it's those in favor who continually ask for housing that have an agenda.  And not having housing isn't restricting anyone's game play.

Mounts did bring something very new to GW2 (and to MMO in general) by enabling a game feature that brought a major impact to how players interact with the game and move about the various maps across the game world.  Housing would not do so.  There are already instances which can be customized that, seemingly, aren't seeing as much use which is why many of us who are against this idea would rather Anet use what limited resources that they have on things that would be more beneficial to the player-base as a whole.

Reviewing the many threads that already exist on this topic show all of these same arguments.  Please feel free to use the forums search feature to read them.

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51 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Because many of us would rather see resources spent elsewhere on things that would impact more players and actual game play rather than this.  It's not the nay-sayers that are pushing an agenda, it's those in favor who continually ask for housing that have an agenda.  And not having housing isn't restricting anyone's game play.

Mounts did bring something very new to GW2 (and to MMO in general) by enabling a game feature that brought a major impact to how players interact with the game and move about the various maps across the game world.  Housing would not do so.  There are already instances which can be customized that, seemingly, aren't seeing as much use which is why many of us who are against this idea would rather Anet use what limited resources that they have on things that would be more beneficial to the player-base as a whole.

Reviewing the many threads that already exist on this topic show all of these same arguments.  Please feel free to use the forums search feature to read them.

You do realize the same was said about mounts literally 1:1? Take your advice and feel free to search for the old mount topics. The current instances you talk about are nowhere near what features housing is. Hideouts in POE are highly popular and they even run contest for "build of the month"

House system can impact gameplay as well by various buffs along many things but then those who dont like the house system will moan about being forced into it

In theory we do already have personal instanced which act as "home". What is needed is a way to actually allow players to customize it

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8 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

You do realize the same was said about mounts literally 1:1? Take your advice and feel free to search for the old mount topics. The current instances you talk about are nowhere near what features housing is. Hideouts in POE are highly popular and they even run contest for "build of the month"

You do realize it's irrelevant what you think was said about mounts, this is an idea people are commenting on, meanwhile all you seem to have is "someone didn't like x and yet it was implemented!". It has no relevance here, repeating it makes no sesne nor does it address anything said in this thread -or in any other thread about this proposed addition.

8 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

House system can impact gameplay as well by various buffs along many things but then those who dont like the house system will moan about being forced into it

Whatever "buffs" we could potentially get, I'd rather see them as results of casted skills. Not that I think we need more buffs in the first place. Turning "housing" into "housing+powercreep" just makes this idea even worse for me. And no, I did not like offensive/defensive buffs when entering combat EoD brought.

8 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

In theory we do already have personal instanced which act as "home".

Yup, people keep saying this whenver this idea comes up and it's true.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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They won't add housing because everyone else has already done it better and ArenaNet always has to have their own unique twist. It's practically already implemented however, so they'll add it if they need money, because it's definitely going to flood the store.

They definitely wouldn't allow you to build in the open world. The closest they could manage is something like WvW, where your instanced house is stitched to a few others. They'd probably do something like a floating islands expansions and use that as a basis, or personal air ships that could double as housing and a movable waypoint.

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On 6/7/2023 at 5:30 PM, Nethertale.9301 said:

So running thousand things over and over again everyday for you to reach the ultimate goal of this game: QoL improvements or the next big skin, I'd suggest more reasons to just log in and do nothing.

Since everything is layered, what if we implemented a housing system in Guild Wars 2, and not only that, but one where you can place your home everywhere you like apart from event zones and cities, building it up slowly in the course of years with slight benefits. It would be a great way to boost the community, the RP, immersion and create gold/material sinks. Of course, this would require a lot of work. Good luck!

Did you even look at the many multiple discussions that have been going on for years about housing before revisiting this topic???????

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4 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

This whole debate reminds me of same stuff that happened in the past with mounts. No we do not want mounts, game is not designed for that, we have waypoints! Mounts were introduced anyway.. turned out to be one of the most popular feature despite the forum minority being against them. And most likely they use them these days anyway which is ironic.

If you find housing boring/unnecesary thats cool, but why you wanna push your agenta on others and restrict their gameplay options? Don't like it, don't do it. Simple as

You mean like pushing a personal agenda that many don't like and has been discussed many times in the past and then starting a new thread revisiting all the old pros and cons.??? 

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