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I'm tired of people messaging me after blocking me to troll

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18 hours ago, CAA.9653 said:

But why would anybody message a person and immediately block said person? Most talking in PvP happens in map chat except for the rare person who sends PM. Moreover, why even reply to those troll PMs? I play PvP every so often, and have never received a PM I felt needed a response.

He's probably talking about WvW. I've had had it happen a few times but none in recent months. It's pretty rare.

In WvW you cannot talk to your opponents. You do not see their names either you see a generic name depending on how many levels out of 10,000 they have grinded in WvW and the server they play for. For example "Tarnished Coast Bronze Invader", "Sanctum of Rall Diamond Knight"

The way people get around this is they will block that person when they see them, use the block list information to get the person's name and PM them.

Hope that explains things for those who don't pvp or know much about it.

There should be a cool down on blocking/unblocking as well as an "are you sure you want to block this person?" warning to confirm you want to block them. The blocklist should not be a tool to get information on someone to message them. But at the same time it's so rare in my experience it's probably not worth Arena Net's effort.

Edited by Leger.3724
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16 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

No what the op is saying is that they received a whisper, presumably a great big meanie whisper, but when they went to reply they discovered the whisperer had blocked them. They are advocating for changes to the system that would discourage this practice and encourage ppl to block, report and move on instead . . .

I see. Thank you for clarifying it. It was confusing at first, but I get it now.

I don't think this specific change will discourage this kind of behavior though. Retaliation is not the solution here. It will only create more toxicity, and competition modes do not need that.

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2 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

I see. Thank you for clarifying it. It was confusing at first, but I get it now.

I don't think this specific change will discourage this kind of behavior though. Retaliation is not the solution here. It will only create more toxicity, and competition modes do not need that.

I agree the op's third proposal isn't a great solution, but the problem described is real and I'm not sure I have a better solution than the one proposed. The first two proposals are no-brainers. Blocking someone indicates a desire to stop communication. A system that allows communications to be sent to a blocked player or immediately before blocking a player is flawed . . .

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On 6/22/2023 at 10:36 AM, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

especially from pvp but it can happen anywhere, this community in particular has a problem with people blocking and sending mail/ wispers to people they have just blocked. is the gw2 community more cowardly than other games? yes. I blame horizontal progression attracting people who hate competition...


On 6/22/2023 at 11:16 AM, costepj.5120 said:

I have 17,000+ hours in game and no-one I don't know has ever whispered me, barring the occasional request to party up for a TTF or to share fishing buffs. Are you sure the problem isn't you? In your post you've just insulted the whole community and made it clear you want to retaliate against any imagined slight.

My initial reaction is very similar to Costepj's. As an old, retired guy, I've played for 10,960 hours over the last 2029 days. That's about  5.4 hours a day. In all that time I only remember getting one angry whisper. It was from someone I didn't know and they were raging with anger. I had no idea why they were so upset but when I tried to whisper them back to  ask  why they were so mad, it said they were offline. I sent them a mail asking what they were so angry about but all I got  back  was a mail saying, "Don't you ever contact me again!" So I didn't and that was the end of it.

One angry whisper in 5 1/2 years does not sound to me like a "community more cowardly than other games". Like Costeppj, I'm wondering if the OP is doing things ingame to provoke such reactions?

8 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

This only happens me when I go into WvW...

I've been playing WvW since 2019 and these days I'm in that game mode for two hours a day, 5-7 days a week. In all my  WvW time I don't recall ever getting whispers or mail from people who blocked me. Now I have seen toxicity in WvW but that was in map or team chat, not in private interactions. Generally, I ignore such map chat stuff unless it gets really toxic. In those cases I'll block someone so I don't have to listen to their toxicity and I just move on.

Oh, one other thing occurred to me that I should add here. Generally, I don't post a lot in map chat so I don't tend to get into arguments or fights there. That may be why I don't get the kinds of responses the OP is talking about.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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1 hour ago, costepj.5120 said:

How exactly is the system supposed to know that after you finish sending the message you plan to hit block?

There would be a lockout timer after you send a message to someone. In order to block someone, you have to have at least a 10 minute period where you did not whisper that person. The reality is that if you REALLY want to block someone, you wouldn't be whispering them in the first place. 

So if you whisper someone, and try to immediately block, it would give a message that you have 9 minutes and 50 seconds left before you can block them. Any time you whisper back, it restarts that timer, unless you actually wait the full 10 minutes....then it lets you block them. 

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5 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If that 10 minute suggestion was implemented, let's hope no player had to endure 10 minutes of toxic chat.  🤦‍♂️

Just don't read your chats....? Throw all your whispers into one single chat tab, so no other chat tab can view whispers, and then....don't click that tab. Now you can continue living your life!

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Not to mention they are using an exploit to message you at all in the first place in WvW. You're not supposed to talk to your enemies there but there's a workaround. I get random dumb pre-blocked messages every now and then (or get mailed a weird junk item) since I'm one of the few left still playing the most hated class in the game and my very existance evokes nerdrage when fighting/dying to me and nerdeuphoria when they kill me.

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20 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If that 10 minute suggestion was implemented, let's hope no player had to endure 10 minutes of toxic chat.  🤦‍♂️

The risk of which is exactly what the op is arguing would prevent the kind of toxicity they're enduring now lol ; p

If you don't want to hear a negative reply, don't be an kitten in the first place. Just like any other human interaction . . .

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On 6/23/2023 at 6:10 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

It's happened to me a few times.  I'll get an angry DM from somebody that doesn't make sense, and when I try to send a message back I find that they've blocked me.  I do think it is weird that you can send messages to somebody you've blocked.  

That problem is not isolated to blocking, some people ask questions and when you answer in chat then you get an in game message that they are offline.

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On 6/23/2023 at 5:20 AM, Sentaz.1649 said:

What? Just set it to current account cant contact with current's account block list, no need to "acces another player block list".

No seperate system, not added to anothers acount block list and why would you need to know if someone blocks you?

What he is asking (the no contact if added on a block list) is a basic feature that every game that i played has.

exactly, the other poster was in complete bad faith, intentionally over complicating my simple suggestion

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7 hours ago, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

exactly, the other poster was in complete bad faith, intentionally over complicating my simple suggestion

Yes, absolutely bad faith by looking at how the current system works and questioning your desire to retaliat against people starting toxic interactions.

You are the exact type of player who should be happy he doesn't get a chance to engage in toxic exchanges. 

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4 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Yes, absolutely bad faith by looking at how the current system works and questioning your desire to retaliat against people starting toxic interactions.

You are the exact type of player who should be happy he doesn't get a chance to engage in toxic exchanges. 

Hard agree, they should bring their toxic exchanges here to the forums like everyone else ; p

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11 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Yes, absolutely bad faith by looking at how the current system works and questioning your desire to retaliat against people starting toxic interactions.

You are the exact type of player who should be happy he doesn't get a chance to engage in toxic exchanges. 

i stopped reading on the first line. you have no idea how the current system works, you're not a dev, plenty of games do this

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5 hours ago, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

i stopped reading on the first line. you have no idea how the current system works, you're not a dev, plenty of games do this

True, but I am not the one making claims as to how simple or easy a change is.

My assumption is backed by what is visible and the way the current system works. Yours is pure speculation.

The fact that "plenty of games do this" has absolutely no bearing on how easy or difficult it might be to change (plenty of games have no shared block and friend lost, this one does for example), because that is entirely dependant on how different the system here is versus other games.

And again, ultimately that still does NOTHING in regards to that the best approach remains: block, report, ignore.

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"iVe pLaYed fOr yEarS anD iT neVEr haPPenEd tO ME!" pls, have some self awareness at how cringe you sound. This is very common in pvp if you have online status on, but it's also generally the product of a follow up after you interacted with a toxic player during the match in team chat while they're flaming for x,y,z reasons. 

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Regardless of what anyone might assume about the OP, the suggestion makes sense.  It shouldn't be possible for anyone to whisper/PM/DM if the other person can't whisper/PM/DM back.   If you're offline you can't whisper others.  If you want to then you have to mark yourself online.  If you whisper someone then there's a reasonable cooldown before you can block someone you whispered or mark yourself offline.

On 6/23/2023 at 12:26 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If that 10 minute suggestion was implemented, let's hope no player had to endure 10 minutes of toxic chat.  🤦‍♂️

Why would they?  As long as they don't whisper back they can always block. 

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1 hour ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

Regardless of what anyone might assume about the OP, the suggestion makes sense.  It shouldn't be possible for anyone to whisper/PM/DM if the other person can't whisper/PM/DM back.   If you're offline you can't whisper others.  If you want to then you have to mark yourself online.  If you whisper someone then there's a reasonable cooldown before you can block someone you whispered or mark yourself offline.

Why would they?  As long as they don't whisper back they can always block. 

No they can just block because according to the OP it should be a lockout timer of 10 min were the person can retaliate.

Since that is apparently the only way to deal with toxisity in their mind.

So what Inculpatus cedo.9234 wrote is what can happen if OP get their wish.

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

No they can just block because according to the OP it should be a lockout timer of 10 min were the person can retaliate.

Since that is apparently the only way to deal with toxisity in their mind.

So what Inculpatus cedo.9234 wrote is what can happen if OP get their wish.

Not sure you worded that they way you want.

Here's how it works:
Person A sends a toxic whisper to person B
Person A can't block Person B for x minutes
Person B can immediately block Person A (If B hasn't whispered A then there would be nothing stopping them from blocking)
So, if Person B doesn't whisper back they can block any time and not have to be subjected to 10 minutes of toxic whispers.  The cooldown applies to the person who sent the whisper, not the person who received the whisper.

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Thousands of hours, only whispers I get are compliments on fashion, or asking to share buffs. Never even gotten hate mail, and I live in WvW and some pvp. I agree on block and whispers, but the idea of retaliation seems so childish in a pixelated game, nothing imaginary people in a fantasy world could ever get me that riled up.

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