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There are like 7 posts (or more) complaining about Arc Divider, and seems like people is ignoring the fact that the Strength traitline is unironically being nerfed.

20s Mending, gotta accept that 16s is really good, but this trait CDR was mostly used for builds that doesn't even have strong sustain, this really hurts the strength spellbreaker.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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27 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

You have to consider that 4s reduction baseline would be a buff for everyone not running strength though.

Yeah, but that's not what im asking for, at least they should find a way to compensate that nerf for builds like strength spellbreaker that struggles in sustain.

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I'd say....

Just reduce the the CD to 16s.

Defense is the way to go for most war builds in competitive modes, and none of warrior's builds, while good, are truly at meta level. I really don't think making mending 16s would suddenly make warrior OP. Reaper's heal skill is on a 16s CD and they have 2 health bars with built in damage reduction...

Or, if you're really worried about it, split the difference and make it an 18s CD.


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2 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Just make strength line do more damage so we have a reason to pick it other than defaulting to defense.

You can start with having peak performance increase the strike damage you deal by a greater amount for a  longer duration, since it no longer interacts with mending on a 16 second cd.

Or make Berserker's Power proc on use rather than hit.

I also think our damage boost for not having full endurance should be returned.

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Its actually going to hurt yeah. There are ways to fix it, but the most simple one is to go defense and have yet again only 1 build to play in competitive. The str and defense ones are only marginally different anyway.

I'll give str spb a go with the 20 sec mending, maybe like that it just needs more forethought to play... but likely its on the too weak side of things, like it is in wvw already.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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I made a post about this a few weeks ago. Would giving Mending a 16s cooldown baseline break Def SB? No lol. The build is mediocre as is and far from meta.

Regardless, something should be done or this is just a straight up nerf to the already dead Str builds. The easiest solution would be to buff either Restorative Strength, which is is a laughably underpowered trait, or increase the healing of MMR, which is probably still a bit undertuned. 

Two easy solutions. I suspect Anet will do neither and instead continue to destroy the build diversity of Warrior.


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34 minutes ago, Girth.9731 said:

I made a post about this a few weeks ago. Would giving Mending a 16s cooldown baseline break Def SB? No lol. The build is mediocre as is and far from meta.

Regardless, something should be done or this is just a straight up nerf to the already dead Str builds. The easiest solution would be to buff either Restorative Strength, which is is a laughably underpowered trait, or increase the healing of MMR, which is probably still a bit undertuned. 

Two easy solutions. I suspect Anet will do neither and instead continue to destroy the build diversity of Warrior.


I was already stalemating vs defense spellbreaker on power builds.

2 minutes ago, Downstate.4697 said:

Defense spellbreaker now gets rampage and bulls charge cd for free. 

Not to mention Shake it off.

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