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"We ruined your class, come back in a month"


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Alacrity Mirage isn't the entire class, and they are making changes soon.

Until then, you'll be able to enjoy a buffed Chronomancer, a buffed(pve)/reworked dagger Virtuoso and a buffed Power Mirage (pvp/wvw).

Edited by Skyroar.2974
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23 minutes ago, Skyroar.2974 said:

Alacrity Mirage isn't the entire class, and they are making changes soon.

Until then, you'll be able to enjoy a buffed Chronomancer, a buffed(pve)/reworked dagger Virtuoso and a buffed Power Mirage (pvp/wvw).

Chrono is bad in open world. As Hizen said, you go either full boon or full dps.

Virtuoso wasnt buffed. In fact, its sustain got gutted.

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35 minutes ago, Skyroar.2974 said:

Alacrity Mirage isn't the entire class, and they are making changes soon.

Until then, you'll be able to enjoy a buffed Chronomancer, a buffed(pve)/reworked dagger Virtuoso and a buffed Power Mirage (pvp/wvw).

power mirage got nerfed in pvp and wvw

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On 6/27/2023 at 2:21 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

It's that bad huh? Still haven't logged in to try it.

I am pretty sure it's the exact same patch notes as the preview. I could be wrong, haven't read fully yet, but I can't see any changes to anything yet. Unless I'm missing something it seems atm like Anet literally ignored all feedback lmfao.

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14 minutes ago, Waffles.5632 said:

I am pretty sure it's the exact same patch notes as the preview. I could be wrong, haven't read fully yet, but I can't see any changes to anything yet. Unless I'm missing something it seems atm like Anet literally ignored all feedback lmfao.

Well i didn't think they'd listen to feedback, the "previews" are just useless fluff anyway since nothing ever gets changed. Why can't they just slap the patch notes at release if they weren't going to change it is beyond me, but whatever...

If it's just like the previews then yea, 2nd dodge back - with 15 nerfs that make it unplayable.

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ANet right now:

- Guys, we've rolled out a patch that gathered 50 pages of purely negative feedback (try to understand us, please, - we don't care about your opinion), and we also announced a new DLC with a bunch of new mechanics, which we also won't be able to sort out, so prepare for even more whining, because we'll break everything that wasn't broken in this patch.

P.S. Buy our new DLC please, preferably the Ultimate edition. We're very sorry about the last patch (no, we're not, lol).

Edited by Antrix.4512
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8 minutes ago, Antrix.4512 said:

ANet right now:

- Guys, we've rolled out a patch that gathered 50 pages of purely negative feedback (try to understand us, please, - we don't care about your opinion), and we also announced a new DLC with a bunch of new mechanics, which we also won't be able to sort out, so prepare for even more whining, because we'll break everything that wasn't broken in this patch.

P.S. Buy our new DLC please, preferably the Ultimate edition. We're very sorry about the last patch (no, we're not, lol).

It was indeed poor timing and in poor taste, to release the most controversial "balance" patch (without listening to any of their player base feedback) on the same day they announced the expansion.

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Just now, Narrenwinter.2637 said:

It was indeed poor timing and in poor taste, to release the most controversial "balance" patch (without listening to any of their player base feedback) on the same day they announced the expansion.

I don't even know whether to buy the new DLC or not. I have strange and conflicting emotions right now. On the one hand, I love this game. On the other hand, why should I pay money to people who don't care about me as a player and customer? Do they want to be like Blizzard? Well, I can say that they're mostly succeeding.. 

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What's most frustrating is that to the playerbase, the things that need and don't need "balancing" are so obvious, yet the devs, who are PAID by us for their job, seem completely clueless.

Even worse, we TELL them what they should do and they IGNORE it. Making the game less and less enjoyable for everyone.

Like, who decided to put superspeed on Well of Action back then? It's a Well skill, people are not going to root themselves in its radius and WAIT for a SPEED BUFF. This made no sense whatsoever, yet the skill remains in the game unchanged. Same with Bladeturn Requiem, this skill is as close to "this skill does nothing" as you can get.

Edited by Narrenwinter.2637
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It’s me or Psychic Riposte on Virtuoso only get the unblockable with dodge but not with bock or evade as before? 

because that is a big nerf to the trait … it hurt almost as much as Bladesong Rewuiem 😰

Edited by ApaWanka.2698
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15 minutes ago, ApaWanka.2698 said:

It’s me or Psychic Riposte on Virtuoso only get the unblockable with dodge but not with bock or evade as before? 

because that is a big nerf to the trait … it hurt almost as much as Bladesong Rewuiem 😰

Cant be more dead than it was without unblockable bladesongs. Worst class imaginable, even core ele/core engi seems much stronger than virtuoso in every possible way

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