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Is it time to give Engi a weapon swap?


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45 minutes ago, Calen.8945 said:

Engi and Elementalist both. It's time to release the swap!

No Ele shouldn't get a weapon swap, I know it sounds unfair, but Elementalists have access to 4 weapon skill bars with 0 compermises to their utility bar, for each weapon skill bar we give up 1 utility slot, to even out with Ele we need pretty much all our utilities as kits.

So no, Elementalists don't deserve a second weapon set. They have enough skills as it is.

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It would make sense to allow weapon swap if no kit utilities are equipped.

I hate the kits, mainly for aesthetic reasons. Especially the bomb kit, when everyone else is doing cool stuff, I'm over here plopping down bomb turds. No thanks.


I foresee a lot of issues if weapon swap was allowed across-the-board, but if no kit abilities are equipped, then it should be allowed.

Edited by Kiro Kobra.6478
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8 hours ago, Calen.8945 said:

Engi and Elementalist both. It's time to release the swap!

I disagree with elementalist, waaaaaaay to much skill tied to weapon. That said engi would be pretty nice and not really game breaking, it only give us the same acces of skill as putting another kit on the utility. So yeah weapon swap on engi!

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32 minutes ago, Kiro Kobra.6478 said:

It would make sense to allow weapon swap if no kit utilities are equipped.

I hate the kits, mainly for aesthetic reasons. Especially the bomb kit, when everyone else is doing cool stuff, I'm over here plopping down bomb turds. No thanks.


I foresee a lot of issues if weapon swap was allowed across-the-board, but if no kit abilities are equipped, then it should be allowed.

Best of both world I second this idea!

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Leaning towards "no" as well, I do like that feature/identity.

But will say that restriction used to come with some sort of competitive fairness or edge (at a cost) many moons ago w/core specs.

As things have changed other professions having essentially more utility/shear number of options on their "toolbelt", all the trait/runes/sigils got internal cool downs that are effectively the same as a weapon swap, general heal cd, or general elite cd, engineer does feel a bit at a disadvantage comparatively. 

Edited by foxtrot.6902
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Most kits don't fit in most engineer builds anymore.  I've gone from 3 kits to 1 kit as GW2 has grown.  Other utilities are just too important to elites.  This focus on weapon diversity is welcome but it leaves engineer further and further behind.  Giving Engineer in-combat weapon swap would not make engineer unbalanced, it would just reduce the depth of the hole engineers have been left in.

Give engineers in-combat weapon swap... or give engineer elites access to all utility skills of all elites.  Okay, the second bit is a joke, but it contains a point, whenever GW2 does something good for weapons, it affects classes asymmetrically.  Do kits ever get boosted or reworked, so engies don't have to choose kits over utility skills?  That leaves a bad taste for engie devotees.

Okay, that is the answer... Give Engineers in-combat weapon swap OR rework Kits so they all can be selected (Hit weapon swap, and the weapon skills are replaced by a list of kits, and then any kit can be selected... THUS engineers don't lose any utility skill slots to use kits.)

Edited by Random Wax Orc.7695
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9 minutes ago, Random Wax Orc.7695 said:

Okay, that is the answer... Give Engineers in-combat weapon swap OR rework Kits so they all can be selected (Hit weapon swap, and the weapon skills are replaced by a list of kits, and then any kit can be selected... THUS engineers don't lose any utility skill slots to use kits.)

Forgive me for replying to my own post.  But Anet could give engineers in-combat weapon swap, and remove the kits from the utilities slots, then re-add kits by giving engineers a kit selector "weapon" that could be placed in the second weapon slot.

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15 minutes ago, Random Wax Orc.7695 said:

Forgive me for replying to my own post.  But Anet could give engineers in-combat weapon swap, and remove the kits from the utilities slots, then re-add kits by giving engineers a kit selector "weapon" that could be placed in the second weapon slot.

But then we can only have one kit at a time...

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On 6/28/2023 at 12:15 PM, jason.1083 said:

No Ele shouldn't get a weapon swap, I know it sounds unfair, but Elementalists have access to 4 weapon skill bars with 0 compermises to their utility bar, for each weapon skill bar we give up 1 utility slot, to even out with Ele we need pretty much all our utilities as kits.

So no, Elementalists don't deserve a second weapon set. They have enough skills as it is.

No, just two of them. You also have your tool belt/mech.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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20 minutes ago, Teletric.3821 said:

But then we can only have one kit at a time...

There are 5 weapon skills and 5 kits (not including healing kit and mortar kit which would have to remain utility slots).  Each of the 5 standard utility slot kits would be selected from one of the 5 dumby kit weapon skills.  The Con:  It takes two clicks to get to a kit.  The Pro:  Engineers can choose between having all kits available OR swapped weapons... plus the engineer standard utility slots would not be lost to kits.

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Our identity (before being an AFK jade bot babysitter) is kits - I would sooner have them re-evaluate the lesser used kits and bring them back as a viable choice - We don't need an in-combat weapon swap when we could have viable kits besides flamethrower/grenade in general content.

Personally I LOVE bomb kit thematically - it just can't put out enough damage to warrant its use.

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On 6/28/2023 at 10:58 PM, revolucion.3864 said:

We currently have a situation where kits need to be shoehorned into builds, that neither want or need them, in order to utilise valuable sigils such as Cleansing.

Uniquely, the Engineer is alone in being unable to interact with weapon swap sigils inherently, for example, Elementalist will always have attunements with which to weapon swap.

Why should we be forced to equip kits?

Having kits and not having weapon swap is directly connected. Not only that, but whatever you equip on your utility bar -be it a regular utility skill or a kit- you get a "bonus skill" on your toolbelt. Everything here is rather clearly meant to compensate for no weapon swap, so keeping that compensation while demanding weapon swap makes no sense. Neither engie nor elementalist should suddenly get weapon swaps.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I like kits as is, ANET just needs to do a TLC pass on kits, particularly the least used. Tool Kit should be reworked to be turret focused, with abilities that synergize around turrets like repositioning them and maybe overcharging them too. 


Bomb kit needs a damage review, as well as a utility review. Also, I'd personally love to see bombs be reworked to look like Legend of Zelda bombs (maybe a bombchu ability for good measure?). But the big thing is utility and damage here. Bombs have neither

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Skipping over your weird unsubstantiated insults.

54 minutes ago, revolucion.3864 said:

It should NEVER be the case that a player is forced to equip utilities they do not want in order to make use of game mechanics that EVERY other class get access to. This is terrible design, plain and simple.

The differences between the classes are literally the point of having different classes. You somehow deciding that equiping different utilities (in this case in the form of kits) is not ok, because they're different from other classes is baseless and false. Kits are the additional weapon bars (which means 4-5 skills+1 on the toolbelt for the price of one utility skill slot) other classes access with the use of weapon swaps (or in case of elementalists, switching attunements). The additional skills basically doubling utility slots due to the existence of toolbelt skills, which change according to what utility you equip means you're not exactly losing utility keypresses here. If you don't want to play with kits, it's the equivalent of not using the weapon swap on other classes. It IS playable like that and you are free to do it, but if you lose performance because of this, you only have yourself to blame for it for not using the intended game/class mechanics.

54 minutes ago, revolucion.3864 said:

As an example, say you want to run as a Mechanist in WvW, you may want to take a Sigil of Cleansing to help handle conditions. How are you going to make that work? 

In the exact same way other classes manage it when they want to slot something: by making a choice. This example looks more like a "but I can't equip more!" complaint, but other classes also can't equip more.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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47 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Skipping over your weird unsubstantiated insults.

The differences between the classes are literally the point of having different classes. You somehow deciding that equiping different utilities (in this case in the form of kits) is not ok, because they're different from other classes is baseless and false. Kits are the additional weapon bars (which means 4-5 skills+1 on the toolbelt for the price of one utility skill slot) other classes access with the use of weapon swaps (or in case of elementalists, switching attunements). The additional skills basically doubling utility slots due to the existence of toolbelt skills, which change according to what utility you equip means you're not exactly losing utility keypresses here. If you don't want to play with kits, it's the equivalent of not using the weapon swap on other classes. It IS playable like that and you are free to do it, but if you lose performance because of this, you only have yourself to blame for it for not using the intended game/class mechanics.

In the exact same way other classes manage it when they want to slot something: by making a choice. This example looks more like a "but I can't equip more!" complaint, but other classes also can't equip more.

I'm not for a weapon swap, but would say engi has fallen behind a bit compared with the addition of new elite professions and their "toolbelts" and the addition of lengthy cds to on swap sigils/runes that (most) equal about a normal swap/use length for other professions anyways.

Some examples being stuff like firebrand, professions w/shroud, etc that essentially get a weapon swap and 1+ kit while leaving utilities open.

Again not for having a weapon swap but with core GW2 it was a drawback that came with bonuses. In the current state of kits and what other professions have to work with it does feel like a little bit of a handicap. I think becomes more prevalent in wvw/pvp where certain things turn into a must have ex) stab/stun break/condi removal/etc etc 

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