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ANET hates Mesmers - Show your dissatisfaction


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1 hour ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

I certainly don't like to play mesmer, or better, gw2.
What do you want? People saying that mesmer is good and fun when it isn't not one nor the other?
I've made a list twice with the entire mesmer forum community at the time, of stuff that needed to get buffed, nerfed or simply QoL. Wanna know how many of suggestions got actually on the game? 1 and it was later deleted (not nerfed, deleted).
Jazz made a list with the mesmer community aswell and mailed it directly to 🤡M🤡. Wanna know how many suggestions got actually on the game? 0.
Bugs that are on game since the beginning of times got reported here multiple times, none got fixed. Heck a simple tooltip error got like 4 years to get fixed.

Mesmer community isn't listened. The clown already stated that mesmer is to stay at the bottom. So all that's left is to meme the forums.


That bozo is worse than Solar.

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On 7/5/2023 at 6:57 PM, Mell.4873 said:

The reality is It was very broken back when it had this feature and the 2nd dodge.

It was also a commonly suggested fix for bringing back the second dodge by lots of players. This game is not only played by Mesmers so it makes sense to nerfs something that had no counter play. 

You can call the feature broken, but DD and Ranger's access to on demand evasion at the time was compared at the time and was considered more viable. The issue was the condi's damage application method, and just a general issue with condis for competitive modes. This is proven by Power Mirage having the same level of evasion and not over performing by any metric. The ability to cast while evading was far less impactful when you were relying on phantasms which are slow, only 2 damaging shatters which have their usual quirks and are manipulated by opponents actions. While things like Blurred Frenzy was a evasion/doge/invuln uptime loss, and sword auto converted into a leap that you may not want to use at the time. To pretend a "feature" is simply "broken" we can look at other aspects of the game. Dead Eye invisibility duration and burst with no real tell in a crazy long window. Or Thief's general ability to port in and out of ranges or out from behind walls. Ranger's endurance or HP regeneration (sometimes both), The theoretical 15 second cooldown stealth (especially against any class with AI). I could go on with things like engie and gaurd and ele over the years; but just because a feature is "Strong" doesn't make it broken. It's not that there was no counter play; there was just "different" counter play. "No counter play" is when 'all (except maybe one) classes have no option' except to just lose, or it is mechnically impossible to shut you down merely within a rotation (as in not skill based). Examples of this would be Petting zoo, OG Chrono Bunk, Hambow, OG Cele ele, etc.

Also Mirage (and in some cases mesmer as a core) had massive nerfs to justify the strength of the evasion, to the point where they took 1 away. Well if the problematic part is gone; and the thing people complained about "not wanting to have to play around" has been removed: Where is the restoration of the rest of it? Clearly, the nerfs and changes to everything else over the years has not culled the other classes to sufficiently put mes/mirage on par. Things like Jaunt, Blinding dissipation (and sperate blind confusion interaction if OP), Blurred frenzy, among other traits, should be restored.

Sure the game is not only played by Mesmers, but it doesn't make sense to neglect the entire class; and again it's not "no counter play" it's just "different counter play."

On 7/5/2023 at 11:51 PM, Mell.4873 said:

The only contradictuon is Mesmers expectation that they should be left alone while the rest of the players base suffer.

Even if some of the nerfs are unjustified and the balance team had a discord that vilified Mesmers players. Doesn't stop the fact that people did not like playing against Mesmer, even the fact that the recent Virtuoso nerfs were pulled directly from the Invulnerability complaints on the PvP forum.

Some suggestions were much harsher nerfs so be thankful we don't have a repeat with the second dodge nerf on Virtuoso. 

It's not about leaving the mes alone while the rest of the players suffer. It's about having competitive balance standards (as in the mutual viability and effectiveness and matchup outcomes and options) that are objective, correct, and fair; The player base should then adapt to this. The LACK of this; is why GW2 failed as an e-sport or having any serious competitive value in the broader gaming space and led to some pretty stupid balance over the years not just for mesmer. The "vilification" is actually really huge because that creates a massive double standard, and one that can be swung any direction; and should not be catered to. If people don't like fighting against something in a game they should play a different game instead of the game gutting itself to suit those players. The barrier to entry was not that high, demanding only a relative minutiae of 'pvp game sense', the absolute lowest bar really didn't need to be catered to. And to make something unviable at a higher levels, just so that spoiled bads will maybe make it to gold is not a reasonable cost of competitive integrity.


Edited by Daishi.6027
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4 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

But you did use the chance to dunk on everyone here who has been active over the years trying to get our issues fixed by saying everyone here enjoys to be a victim.

When in reality, those people have been giving a lot of their free time trying to get Anet to fix the class they LOVE not hate. But you just had to use the opportunity to spin things around. At least you're consistent i guess...

Yeah true, that is fair. 

3 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

I certainly don't like to play mesmer, or better, gw2.
What do you want? People saying that mesmer is good and fun when it isn't not one nor the other?
I've made a list twice with the entire mesmer forum community at the time, of stuff that needed to get buffed, nerfed or simply QoL. Wanna know how many of suggestions got actually on the game? 1 and it was later deleted (not nerfed, deleted).
Jazz made a list with the mesmer community aswell and mailed it directly to 🤡M🤡. Wanna know how many suggestions got actually on the game? 0.
Bugs that are on game since the beginning of times got reported here multiple times, none got fixed. Heck a simple tooltip error got like 4 years to get fixed.

Mesmer community isn't listened. The clown already stated that mesmer is to stay at the bottom. So all that's left is to meme the forums.


The Mesmer community isn't listened to becouse there is more than just the Mesmer profession in the game. If your logic holds true should we leave Elementalist being able to solo Zergs of people and at the end have full health? 

I have lost many 1v1 recently to a class who can pretty much do everything with little to no downside. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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6 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

You can call the feature broken, but DD and Ranger's access to on demand evasion at the time was compared at the time and was considered more viable. The issue was the condi's damage application method, and just a general issue with condis for competitive modes. This is proven by Power Mirage having the same level of evasion and not over performing by any metric. The ability to cast while evading was far less impactful when you were relying on phantasms which are slow, only 2 damaging shatters which have their usual quirks and are manipulated by opponents actions. While things like Blurred Frenzy was a evasion/doge/invuln uptime loss, and sword auto converted into a leap that you may not want to use at the time. To pretend a "feature" is simply "broken" we can look at other aspects of the game. Dead Eye invisibility duration and burst with no real tell in a crazy long window. Or Thief's general ability to port in and out of ranges or out from behind walls. Ranger's endurance or HP regeneration (sometimes both), The theoretical 15 second cooldown stealth (especially against any class with AI). I could go on with things like engie and gaurd and ele over the years; but just because a feature is "Strong" doesn't make it broken. It's not that there was no counter play; there was just "different" counter play. "No counter play" is when 'all (except maybe one) classes have no option' except to just lose, or it is mechnically impossible to shut you down merely within a rotation (as in not skill based). Examples of this would be Petting zoo, OG Chrono Bunk, Hambow, OG Cele ele, etc.

Also Mirage (and in some cases mesmer as a core) had massive nerfs to justify the strength of the evasion, to the point where they took 1 away. Well if the problematic part is gone; and the thing people complained about "not wanting to have to play around" has been removed: Where is the restoration of the rest of it? Clearly, the nerfs and changes to everything else over the years has not culled the other classes to sufficiently put mes/mirage on par. Things like Jaunt, Blinding dissipation (and sperate blind confusion interaction if OP), Blurred frenzy, among other traits, should be restored.

Sure the game is not only played by Mesmers, but it doesn't make sense to neglect the entire class; and again it's not "no counter play" it's just "different counter play."

It's not about leaving the mes alone while the rest of the players suffer. It's about having competitive balance standards (as in the mutual viability and effectiveness and matchup outcomes and options) that are objective, correct, and fair; The player base should then adapt to this. The LACK of this; is why GW2 failed as an e-sport or having any serious competitive value in the broader gaming space and led to some pretty stupid balance over the years not just for mesmer. The "vilification" is actually really huge because that creates a massive double standard, and one that can be swung any direction; and should not be catered to. If people don't like fighting against something in a game they should play a different game instead of the game gutting itself to suit those players. The barrier to entry was not that high, demanding only a relative minutiae of 'pvp game sense', it didn't need to be catered to. And to make something unviable at a higher levels, just so that spoiled bads will maybe make it to gold is not a reasonable cost of competitive integrity.


That I only have one +1 to give ... So well said.

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15 hours ago, Daishi.6027 said:

You can call the feature broken, but DD and Ranger's access to on demand evasion at the time was compared at the time and was considered more viable. The issue was the condi's damage application method, and just a general issue with condis for competitive modes. This is proven by Power Mirage having the same level of evasion and not over performing by any metric. The ability to cast while evading was far less impactful when you were relying on phantasms which are slow, only 2 damaging shatters which have their usual quirks and are manipulated by opponents actions. While things like Blurred Frenzy was a evasion/doge/invuln uptime loss, and sword auto converted into a leap that you may not want to use at the time. To pretend a "feature" is simply "broken" we can look at other aspects of the game. Dead Eye invisibility duration and burst with no real tell in a crazy long window. Or Thief's general ability to port in and out of ranges or out from behind walls. Ranger's endurance or HP regeneration (sometimes both), The theoretical 15 second cooldown stealth (especially against any class with AI). I could go on with things like engie and gaurd and ele over the years; but just because a feature is "Strong" doesn't make it broken. It's not that there was no counter play; there was just "different" counter play. "No counter play" is when 'all (except maybe one) classes have no option' except to just lose, or it is mechnically impossible to shut you down merely within a rotation (as in not skill based). Examples of this would be Petting zoo, OG Chrono Bunk, Hambow, OG Cele ele, etc.

Also Mirage (and in some cases mesmer as a core) had massive nerfs to justify the strength of the evasion, to the point where they took 1 away. Well if the problematic part is gone; and the thing people complained about "not wanting to have to play around" has been removed: Where is the restoration of the rest of it? Clearly, the nerfs and changes to everything else over the years has not culled the other classes to sufficiently put mes/mirage on par. Things like Jaunt, Blinding dissipation (and sperate blind confusion interaction if OP), Blurred frenzy, among other traits, should be restored.

Sure the game is not only played by Mesmers, but it doesn't make sense to neglect the entire class; and again it's not "no counter play" it's just "different counter play."

It's not about leaving the mes alone while the rest of the players suffer. It's about having competitive balance standards (as in the mutual viability and effectiveness and matchup outcomes and options) that are objective, correct, and fair; The player base should then adapt to this. The LACK of this; is why GW2 failed as an e-sport or having any serious competitive value in the broader gaming space and led to some pretty stupid balance over the years not just for mesmer. The "vilification" is actually really huge because that creates a massive double standard, and one that can be swung any direction; and should not be catered to. If people don't like fighting against something in a game they should play a different game instead of the game gutting itself to suit those players. The barrier to entry was not that high, demanding only a relative minutiae of 'pvp game sense', the absolute lowest bar really didn't need to be catered to. And to make something unviable at a higher levels, just so that spoiled bads will maybe make it to gold is not a reasonable cost of competitive integrity.


I pretty much agree with everything you said. 

I mean now we are suffering from the tyranny of the Elementalist which is even worse becouse no one thing makes them strong unlike Thief or Mirage. 

The problem really comes down to how casual player understand the balance. If they can't figure out for example when to not attack a Virtuoso while it is immune to damage then it's bound to get nerfed. 

Elementalist for the longest time was a pretty poor PvP class with Necromancer being the default OP class. Nothing really stands out as to why Elementalist is currently so strong but I seems like they have consistently been changing/fixing alot of their weapons. Once something becomes easier to aim and use all of the other OP elements of Elementalist come online too. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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The most telling part of this entire thread is that despite being tagged twice not one mod or dev has felt the need to address the 4 pages of complaints and concerns here.  They don't care.  The only thing that will wake them up is if people stop giving them money.  I used to spend a couple hundred a month on this game for years and was glad to help support it because it was a great game.  Then between the hatred for mesmer that started a couple of years ago and the devs balancing for them and their friends instead of what benefits the game the most I closed my wallet and haven't spent a dime since.  If everyone did that and listed why both in the forums and game it might actually get it through their heads that the behavior isn't acceptable.  I'm not buying the next expansion unless something gives. 

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15 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Yeah true, that is fair. 

The Mesmer community isn't listened to becouse there is more than just the Mesmer profession in the game. If your logic holds true should we leave Elementalist being able to solo Zergs of people and at the end have full health? 

I have lost many 1v1 recently to a class who can pretty much do everything with little to no downside. 

Do you even read?
I said buffs, nerfs and QoL.
Mesmer might be the only community who actually suggest nerfs to their own profession.

But since you are new to the game let me give you an history lesson.

Mesmer players played mirage on beta and suggested that mirage cloak shouldn't dodge while stunned.
Did ANerf care? No.
PoF released, mirage kept dodging while stunned. And had some really good condi pressure (People didn't even used IH at the beginning.)
Some mesmer players suggested changing some conditions to lower the pressure, did ANerf care? No. Instead they listened to people that never touched mesmer before, and of course all wrong stuff got nerfed and the problems still persisted.

Mesmer players suggested IH to be made baseline so ambushes could be easier to balance since ambushes are either trash or good depending if you have IH equiped or not.
ANerf never gave a kitten and instead nerfed ambushes and traits that synergyze with ambushes.

And here we're after 6 years of constant nerfs...

Bonus: Exhaustion was actually a suggestion by a mesmer player, to be inflicted by some skills by mesmer. They made it the way it is now and made EM inflict exhaustion on mesmer itself.

ANerf is actually proud of mocking mesmer players.


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I've played mes since the beta in PvP, WvW, and PvE; ANet has indeed nerfed mesmer quite a bit, of course if we're looking at other professions we can say the same, but here's just a bit of what I've noticed in the years I've played.

- Glamours no longer apply confusion, this was removed quite a while ago.

-Mimic was changed, to be fair it's more like GW1 now.

-Onto the topic of alacrity and quickness, ANet saw Mesmer was king in raids for Chrono tank so rather than implement a system to allow multiple classes to do the same, they just nerfed Mesmer to the ground. 

-Now confusion, ANet straight up nerfed confusion in PvE, they must've figured that NPCs attack to slowly too benefit from the % damage on attack, but then what's the point of using confusion at all if it does the same effect as bleeding? Especially if bleeding is stronger. 

-Also Bladestorm Requiem block remove? What's the point of the ability now? 


Edited by Kruzis.7419
Bad grammar !
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8 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Do you even read?
I said buffs, nerfs and QoL.
Mesmer might be the only community who actually suggest nerfs to their own profession.

But since you are new to the game let me give you an history lesson.

Mesmer players played mirage on beta and suggested that mirage cloak shouldn't dodge while stunned.
Did ANerf care? No.
PoF released, mirage kept dodging while stunned. And had some really good condi pressure (People didn't even used IH at the beginning.)
Some mesmer players suggested changing some conditions to lower the pressure, did ANerf care? No. Instead they listened to people that never touched mesmer before, and of course all wrong stuff got nerfed and the problems still persisted.

Mesmer players suggested IH to be made baseline so ambushes could be easier to balance since ambushes are either trash or good depending if you have IH equiped or not.
ANerf never gave a kitten and instead nerfed ambushes and traits that synergyze with ambushes.

And here we're after 6 years of constant nerfs...

Bonus: Exhaustion was actually a suggestion by a mesmer player, to be inflicted by some skills by mesmer. They made it the way it is now and made EM inflict exhaustion on mesmer itself.

ANerf is actually proud of mocking mesmer players.


Didn't I just say that the suggested fix for Mirage was not being able to dodge while stunned and rooted like every other class. I guess i did say it in regard to bringing back the second dodge. 

It does seem like the nerf was out of spit, but it more comes down to incompetence since of course people would leave after you remove a core mechanic from an Elite. I think at the time the second dodge nerf was well received which is odd to look back on. 

This was primary reason I switched to Ranger as my main PvP class. While Mesmer has full agony and is only used for PvE. I can't wait for Mirage Staff to unnerfed to. 

Anyway it seems like the Devs team has finally got some sort of balance model or ethos so we should not see to many harsh nerfs maybe just for Elementalist. Seems like sword/scepter are the main culprits so fingers crossed we get some sustain removed for PVP. 

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35 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Didn't I just say that the suggested fix for Mirage was not being able to dodge while stunned and rooted like every other class. I guess i did say it in regard to bringing back the second dodge. 

It does seem like the nerf was out of spit, but it more comes down to incompetence since of course people would leave after you remove a core mechanic from an Elite. I think at the time the second dodge nerf was well received which is odd to look back on. 

This was primary reason I switched to Ranger as my main PvP class. While Mesmer has full agony and is only used for PvE. I can't wait for Mirage Staff to unnerfed to. 

Anyway it seems like the Devs team has finally got some sort of balance model or ethos so we should not see to many harsh nerfs maybe just for Elementalist. Seems like sword/scepter are the main culprits so fingers crossed we get some sustain removed for PVP. 

Now? After six years of constant nerfs? Now it's too late for the dodge "fix", it would make sense if they revert all the nerfs to vigor, mirage cloak, ambushes.
The second dodge nerf was not well received.

Devs do not have any balance model. 🤡M🤡 is beyond awful balancewise and doesn't even know what other professions apart from ele do.

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10 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Now? After six years of constant nerfs? Now it's too late for the dodge "fix", it would make sense if they revert all the nerfs to vigor, mirage cloak, ambushes.
The second dodge nerf was not well received.

Devs do not have any balance model. 🤡M🤡 is beyond awful balancewise and doesn't even know what other professions apart from ele do.

Yeah, and they nerfed Vigor again before it dropped.

10 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

He knows what he hates losing to, that's for sure. 😛

True, well at least we have a Dev playing the game they are employed to work on. Most game companies that is not the case, I think I remember one of the Warframe developers playing the game a realizing how god awful the balance was.

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15 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

True, well at least we have a Dev playing the game they are employed to work on. Most game companies that is not the case, I think I remember one of the Warframe developers playing the game a realizing how god awful the balance was.

Yeah, that's not a point in the devs favor if the dev playing the game is making the balance worse by only buffing his class. 

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7 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Yeah, that's not a point in the devs favor if the dev playing the game is making the balance worse by only buffing his class. 

It will probably will get him fired if he doesn't nerf Elementalist soon. Almost half the PvP team is Elementalist so far. 

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you guys work under false impression that they give a kitten.
devs work from paycheck to paycheck.
its not a passion for them, its a job. they are not going to give extra effort or give a crap that something is disfunctional, maybe they fix it within a month maybe they will not.
mesmer has been kitten for the past 3 years and they dont seem to be in a rush to change it.

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Any devs that were passionate about the job left the game because they could see the direction the game is heading. As I said when GW2 first was released they heavily focused on WvW being a unique feature and how the combat system was more dynamic. I still recall the days when dailies when you needed to do combos with your skills with combo fields etc. Now classes can just kitten out boons with a press of a button.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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4 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you guys work under false impression that they give a kitten.
devs work from paycheck to paycheck.
its not a passion for them, its a job. they are not going to give extra effort or give a crap that something is disfunctional, maybe they fix it within a month maybe they will not.
mesmer has been kitten for the past 3 years and they dont seem to be in a rush to change it.

I tell them this all the time but no the discord where the Devs said they hated Mesmer exists (probably the Mesmer players more).

And like I have been saying it's extremely rare for someone from the balance team to even play the game. They normally just nerf things based on feedback and Mesmer had alot of negative feedback in PvP hense all the nerfs. 

Virtuoso being the new example where I created many posts here about them calling for nerfs to the invulnerability on the PvP forums. 

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On 7/11/2023 at 8:20 AM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you guys work under false impression that they give a kitten.
devs work from paycheck to paycheck.
its not a passion for them, its a job. they are not going to give extra effort or give a crap that something is disfunctional, maybe they fix it within a month maybe they will not.
mesmer has been kitten for the past 3 years and they dont seem to be in a rush to change it.

This is the correct perspective. Current devs weren't hired to innovate and make the game, they were hired to maintain and monetize it in the absence of the game's actual creators.

Thing with these "balance patches" is, ultimately the aims and quality don't matter. In fact, the more devs arbitrarily screw the system up, the more secure their jobs are because that just gives them reason to "develop" and "balance" more things down the line.

Maybe if they had more of a clearer, overarching goal and philosophy I would be less inclined to think so, but let's be honest. Aside from tuning up a lot of core weapon numbers--which only sometimes opened up more viable builds but more often than not just power crept the game--most of these balance changes have been quite terrible and underconsidered. Fervent Force Untamed, then no Fervent Force. Mech rifle, then Mechanical Genius 2.0, then Mechanical Genius 3.0. Finally taking away FB/Scourge DPS support utility, but instead of just nerfing numbers messing with the entire internal mechanics. Non-concentration DPS boon builds. Virtually no changes to Virt since launch, and then this half-finished shielding nerf that didn't replace what was deleted. All of these things had very simple, elegant solutions and instead of taking those routes, the "balance team" has chosen to implement the most random, convoluted "solutions" to each of them.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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I played WvW 6 days a week for two years. Not long after Cal took over he started nerfing boonstrip Chrono - not once - but in every consecutive patch. It got so bad I quit the game. I've been lurking on the forums and guess what? After I quit, he nerfed boonstrip Chrono again and again. If you count, he nerfed boonstrip Chrono in every single patch since EoD came out. Today, it is no longer viable. The guy killed WvW for so many real people who truly enjoyed WvW. Now even TeaTime is making videos about the balance apocalypse. I agree with TeaTime - Cal and his team balanced fun out of the game

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8 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

I played WvW 6 days a week for two years. Not long after Cal took over he started nerfing boonstrip Chrono - not once - but in every consecutive patch. It got so bad I quit the game. I've been lurking on the forums and guess what? After I quit, he nerfed boonstrip Chrono again and again. If you count, he nerfed boonstrip Chrono in every single patch since EoD came out. Today, it is no longer viable. The guy killed WvW for so many real people who truly enjoyed WvW. Now even TeaTime is making videos about the balance apocalypse. I agree with TeaTime - Cal and his team balanced fun out of the game

I miss boonstrip Chrono so much... :( 

Now necros can boonstrip like crazy, even more than they could before, and it just feels like we weren't allowed to boonstrip because of reasons while others can. 

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11 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I miss boonstrip Chrono so much... 😞

Now necros can boonstrip like crazy, even more than they could before, and it just feels like we weren't allowed to boonstrip because of reasons while others can. 

Granted it has been nerfed a lot, but boon strip is literally the only thing Chrono can do in WvW zerg right now, besides command.  They are boon strip slaves especially now that they cannot provide much Alacrity.   Run Escape Artist with Chronophantasma and Phantasmal Disenchanter, Mimic and Null Field and Gravity Well. Signet of Ether for heal to recharge Disenchanter.  Take Shattered Concentration and Vicious Expression traits, Sword, Focus/Shield, with Sigils of Nullification and Absorption.  You are only effective at 900 range or less, and optimal effectiveness is melee range.

Edited by Pie.2167
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I'm curious to see how the Mirage Mantle change plays out next week, mainly for GS/sigil of stamina laser disco damage increase.

The comparisons to other classes regarding mirage cloak as others say don't take into account so many inequivalent things in the general umbrella of survival/sustain as well as damage and support (given mirage ambush incorporates all of this), that it's impossible to draw this blanket parity across dodge mechanics.

If ambush was on shatters, and mirage cloak was purely dodge only then it's easier to make a comparison, but given it is both offence and defence, on a class that does not have much in the way of resustain outside of specific niche builds, the dodge should be considered differently.

I could agree with one dodge being standard if there was another mechanism to perform a "normal dodge" such that mirage cloak dodge+ambush could be thought of as a standard ability with cooldown that happens to function on the endurance bar with dodge key. Kind of analogous to revenant originally having inverse weapon swap as utility swapping - mirage has a "skill" in place of dodge and "dodges" in place of something else - ie utilities if they all had an evade frame (ie sand through glass, illusionary ambush). Maybe there could be a minor trait that gave 0.75s evade on utilities, or on shatters, or illusion summoning skills etc - I don't know, just throwing out ideas. In some ways this would be preferable to the current 2 dodges.

From the brief amount I was able to play, immob is a problem for the game in general and maybe should be changed to a proper effect cc instead of a condition (therefore unaffected by expertise), and limited duration/access on all classes.

But otherwise I've neither the time nor will to care. Unable to play until a few weeks after Soto anyway, which is probably a good thing for peace of mind lol.

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