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Currently 30/06/2023 No Open World Builds for Untamed

Firebird Gomer.9563

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So I really think Anet have made a mistake reworking FF... As of today there are no open world Untamed builds on MetaBattle. Last week there was at least 2 on there. they have been removed. None of the other Untamed builds on MB have been updated.

Seems Untamed is dead in the water. This is a extreme pity I really enjoyed Untamed and in my less than stellar opinion (I am by no means close to being a medium skilled player let alone high class) it allowed for fun game play and good mechanics (simple ones I know) but anyone who played it with FF was always trying to see if they could get the Elite to reset before the timer ran out... You did admit it....

The "fixes" posted by CMC aint gonna fix it. I feel that removal of FF makes Untamed feel less of the Bunny Thumper is was originally based on. Fair enough I get it.... FF basically killed the other 2 GM traits... You only saw 1 or 2 other builds that didnt have FF. I know that Anet want people to play other traits.... But this isnt the way.

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Well I'm old..... 👴 I can't be bothered working it out myself any more.....😎 I did all that hard work in Guild Wars 1..... 🥵I made a build that still works today.... I only had to change 1 skill in 10 years... You'll get there one day too. 🤗

Ive tried "playing anything" and died a tonne..... 💀 I use the builds on MB and I die a tonne less.... 🤕 My reactions aren't what they were 30 years ago, heck they aren't what they were 10 years ago.... So pardon me if I like that some young whipper-snapper makes me a build..... And just remember in the future your reactions will go to.... You will want someone else to make a build for you so you can just play the game...... And then you will remember this post and silently apologize to me..... 😁And I mean that nicely 😃


Oh and I forgot.... Old remember.... I was in an open world map playing a made it myself build with a squad of people. I had people telling me my DPS was crap and I should get a better build and I should Get Gud..... I know toxic people. But I got a better build and everything was much better and I got less toxic crap.

Edited by Firebird Gomer.9563
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I was playing in fractals and strikes with quickness Untamed and was doing 20k-30k dps. Diviner A/A + Hammer. 

I was playing the same quickness trait on hybrid condi Untamed in open PvE and topping charts. Viper A/A + A/T

Edited by Krispera.5087
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2 hours ago, Firebird Gomer.9563 said:

I only had to change 1 skill in 10 years... You'll get there one day too. 🤗

Nope, most of the builds that I made in GW1 encountered multiple nerfs accross the years. And, no, I didn't bother looking for them on websites. I especially grieve some nasty bomber builds that I had on mesmer and necromancer. I also had a nice solo farming build on ranger that was nerfed 4-5 time consecutively in the space of a year to the point that I ended giving up. (If I remember well there used to be the equivalent of "metabattle" for GW1, the name was something like "Gamependium", now those builds are listed in the official wiki I believe)

Point is that, young or old (I'm not young anymore either) it's not really demanding to make a coherent build that produce result that are good enough. Making the build itself don't even ask anyone to have good reflexes. And, if one's reflexe lag behind I do believe that going for easier builds should be in order which beg to wonder why you struggle as the fervent force build was probably the most demanding thing that you could play on ranger.

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My Untamed can rip through large squads of enemies and solo elites without much trouble. I almost feel invincible in full zerkers. I dunno why there's not currently an Open World build on Metabattle, but I promise you that Untamed can very easily do Open World content.

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Dadnir.... 😃Didnt say I didnt struggle with FF. But what I meant was I super enjoyed the self competitive nature of the trait which was based mostly out of the Elite skill.. Will I manage to reset my Elite this time.... Oh dang it I ran out of enemies... That sort of thing 😋

People hated my Dervish. People wanted my Dervish build. I used (obviously) to go into missions/maps with pug's just because I wanted to help and they would be like show us your build blah blah. I'd say no. You can kick me or let me fight the first group of mobs and see but no one sees my build you can see my skills when I use them but not my attribute setup. By they time they had sorted themselves out at the beginning of the misson map I'd killed 2 set of mobs... LOL no one would say anything after that.

I was a bit naughty I would go all KillRoy StoneKin.... If you get the reference 😎 and people would panic and try to heal me and when they couldnt heal me they would panic more.... 😁

I logged back in to GW's 1 last year... Looked at my build changed 1 skill and then went out and tried a couple of maps in HM and went yep build still works. 

I miss Dervish. 😢

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@Firebird Gomer.9563

Give them some time. The removal of Fervent Force and the addition of Let it Loose will take some time for people to test what is good in Open World. 

For starters Duel weapons will be the way to go and probably Quick Draw. Right now I use Axe + Torch and Axe + Axe with Beastmastery and Nature Magic. 

My goal is to still run Stuns to trigger Enhancing Impact while not unleashed for Stability. With the new Spirit Trait I can trigger the Storm Spirit twice, Spike Trap, Path of Scars plus "We Heal as One"

This gives me more than enough stability and cycling Unleashed Axes means I can maintain my health via life steal. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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lol...well I am 62, so is that considered "old"? I use Meta and such as a reference, not a bible. Only source I tend to really lean on is Hizen's stuffs. But then again only to a point as what that man does with solo'ing I will never attempt. Many are using Untamed, just play what you like mate, old or not.  😉

Also, might add, I use Wingman ALOT as a reference as to what is being played, what is strong, etc. I will stop and look at logs and go oh snap, SB is pumping and topping every dang Boss fight...I want one now!!! Then I snap to and realize my butt aint gonna be doing any Raids (not any more) so what am I on about? Then I go back to playing what is fun, cuz after all isnt that the point?

Edited by Joxer.6024
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Yeah, just give it some time. GW2skills still isn't even up to date, there is a follow up soon and basically an Addon next month.

I personally have a blast running the Power Quickness variant of Untamed with Sword/Axe+Axe/Warhorn at the moment. And this build is going to be improved a lot in playability rather soon. It's pretty big.

Hammer+Sword/Axe Ferocious Symbiosis Untamed is basically almost Soulbeast, but with some extra defense and a punching bag ermm I mean pet. It's pretty dope.

Condi/Hybrid/Celestial variants aren't too shabby either, Dagger will hit soon and improve them. Staff is fun too.

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I miss Fervent Force. For me Untamed was not about Unleash to deal additional damage (if I want to achieve that, I go with Warrior). Untamed was all about this unique Fervent Force mechanic: Reduce your cooldowns by interrupting enemies. That was the gimmick of this class for me.  And Unleash was the frosting on top of that. But now it feels like the only thing this class has to offer is an adrenaline mechanic + Pet. 

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1 hour ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

I miss Fervent Force. For me Untamed was not about Unleash to deal additional damage (if I want to achieve that, I go with Warrior). Untamed was all about this unique Fervent Force mechanic: Reduce your cooldowns by interrupting enemies. That was the gimmick of this class for me.  And Unleash was the frosting on top of that. But now it feels like the only thing this class has to offer is an adrenaline mechanic + Pet. 

This..... This is me as well.... FF was the trait that made Untamed Fun.... The stupidest thing was to remove it and replace it with a trait that no one will really use until they completely fix the reset of the Ambush skills, but even then, I think it will be Niche times the trait will be used... I get why they removed FF no one wanted to use the other GM traits and rightly so FF was the best trait Ranger has ever had for an Elite Spec.... And so Anet decided that Ranger cant have a good trait that belongs to Ele, Necro or Guardian.... Watch one of those will get a modified version of FF in the future....

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