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4 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


*Desperately trying to devise situations where it could be considered unfair, rattling keyboard noises* 

For the warrior to have enough adrenaline to use Gunflame, they need to be in combat. That means you see them initially and will likely even see the stealth being applied to them. That's your cue to adapt to the situation that may unfold.

Even in a fringe case like that, there are things you can do that dont justify nerfing things you can dodge in most run of the mill situations.

Bro yall are FUNNY. "What if the warrior has help and gets stealthed and you're not paying attention, is it OP now?"

Give it up lmao

you know they can just hit once and then get instant max adrenaline right?

In the case of decapitate they can literally just run up to you and quickly doubletap for about 21k if they want

The reason gunflame is so powerful is that they can be nowhere near the combat and near instantly kill multiple people with next to no indication.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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5 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

you know they can just hit once and then get instant max adrenaline right?

This doesn't change anything I said. Theyll still need to be visible, and you will likely also see them disappear as well as whoever applied stealth to them on the minimap. Warrior should not be balanced around what they do not have access to, that can be applied to them from external sources. Adapt.💀


In the case of decapitate they can literally just run up to you and quickly doubletap for about 21k if they want

Show me footage 💀

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 minute ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This doesn't change anything I said. Theyll still need to be visible, and you will likely also see them disappear as well as whoever applied stealth to them on the minimap. 💀

Show me footage 💀

what do you mean show footage, it's common knowlege that decapitate can crit for 17k and the burst on activating berserk can crit for 4k

Edited by Stalima.5490
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9 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:






well simple, you've already seen gunflame gets this high and decapitate has a 30% higher power ratio


Realistically attacks should not be able to go beyond 5k given our base health pools because then they would easily be to cut the degenerate level of sustain, defenses and mobility in the game with ease

Edited by Stalima.5490
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2 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well simple, you've already seen gunflame gets this high and decapitate has a 30% higher power ratio


Go do it. Make the build and put yourself in a situation where you can land 21k Decap, then do it, then we can talk.


decapitate has a 30% higher power ratio

Gunflame builds and Decap builds arent the same. Mild base damage discrepancies don't matter. GO FORTH.

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3 hours ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

 If warriors are so good, they should be able to kill me with a succession of 4K hits rather than a singular unblockable 14K hit.

*hand on shoulder*

My brother in Grenth 

I don't feel that hurdle is enough to satisfy you given that you consumed an entire volley and were upset enough to make this thread about it. I could be wrong, if I am apologies but 💀

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Complaining about a meme build, and that build suddenly:

-Hits for 14k unblockable
-21k decapitate
-Can't get countered because also has stab

This post is a meme trying to cover every single aspect as excuse like there are no tradeoffs, stop it, you're hurting yourself 😭😭😭

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Help! An entire team coordinated to land a burst skill while blowing all of their utilities!

We had a Mesmer Mass Invis the whole team, 2 guardians use Empower to give 24 might, and a Thief to give Bassi Venom! The berserker hit me then, JUST ME, and that's overpowered!

This. Needs. Nerfed. Now. 💀💀💀


1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

so someone throws a stealth over that warrior making him completely untelegraphed but people deserve to get hit by the now invisible 14k unblockable?

If a teammate bothered to coordinate stealthing their BERSERKER to immediately get revealed just to hit POSSIBLY 2 people, I think they still deserve to be rewarded. Especially since the Berserker blew 3 cool downs just to land it. 💀

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21 minutes ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Help! An entire team coordinated to land a burst skill while blowing all of their utilities!

We had a Mesmer Mass Invis the whole team, 2 guardians use Empower to give 24 might, and a Thief to give Bassi Venom! The berserker hit me then, JUST ME, and that's overpowered!

This. Needs. Nerfed. Now. 💀💀💀


If a teammate bothered to coordinate stealthing their BERSERKER to immediately get revealed just to hit POSSIBLY 2 people, I think they still deserve to be rewarded. Especially since the Berserker blew 3 cool downs just to land it. 💀

This is kind of a common occurance now, and not just with berserker, people have started to realise that stealth bursts are kind just too strong since you can't reasonably avoid them alot of the time

why do you think scrappers came out of actual fighting and started stealth bombing.

Edited by Stalima.5490
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6 hours ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

So ignore Juggernaut, ignore Hundred Blades, ignore the Axe skills, ignore hammer's CC chain abilities, ignore Dagger skills being able to 5K crit with very high precision... you have options.  Do not downplay that.

I didn't know hundred blade could be such threat to anybody


Also didnt know warrior could use 4 weapon sets😆

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47 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

I didn't know hundred blade could be such threat to anybody


Also didnt know warrior could use 4 weapon sets😆

Says Lighter who AFKs in automated tournaments when his team is merely down 100 points O.o 

Also, the gunflame and Arc Divider can be used with just two weapon sets - the point was to show that warriors can do dmg with other skills and that warrior players intentionally downplay their options.... just like rangers downplay their huge options in terms of pets.

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1 hour ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

Says Lighter who AFKs in automated tournaments when his team is merely down 100 points O.o 

Also, the gunflame and Arc Divider can be used with just two weapon sets - the point was to show that warriors can do dmg with other skills and that warrior players intentionally downplay their options.... just like rangers downplay their huge options in terms of pets.

does it matter tho? any glass build from any class is better than this one, solely because they are not one hit, this build is not one hit ko either, needs 2 of these to kill one squishy.

did you at least try to play the build before posting this thread?

i wouldn't get hit by it for more than 2 times in a match.

other glass builds can do the same amount of damage with less risk and investment.

you can try and play this build and have your rating dropped by at least 200 points.

and personally, i wouldn't pair GS with rifle, it's just worse than it already is.

while you are at it, decapitate also hit for 13k.

you can basically hard nerf 50% of warrior skills because they all single hit that does big number, including rush.

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In the case of volley tho, it is a 2-and-a-half-second cast time skill

nade kit does more than 12k damage in 1 second( barrage+shrapnel = 1 second), which means nade kit has double the DPS of volley.

does it really matter if it's 1 skill or 4 skills, if you can execute 4 skills in the duration of one and achieve higher damage.

just like is it a skill still multiple hit if you can cast multiple single attack skills in the duration of the one multi hit skill 

if you break it down, one volley hit is 1/2 second and does 3k damage, that's basically nade auto attack DPS right there, but single target.

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I've been playing Gunflame Berseker in SPVP for a good bit now and wanted to put my two cents on this.

Yes, primal bursts can hit for 10+k damage, I've seen it happen myself. What isnt discussed though is the hoops that you have to go through to do that kind of damage. It required you to blow every offensive CD you have as well as requiring 25 stacks of vulnerability on a target.
Not to mention the plethora of projectile denial, aegis, evade options, etc... 

The only defence a berserker has avalible to itself is the chonky health pool and a short 4 second window of stability through active signets. Thats it, you have nothing else to work with besides evades.

While I understand it might be frustrating to play against this kind of damage at times you have to understand that many other professions have access to near, if not equal amounts of burst while being able to take defensive options as well. This kinds of build offer NO DEFENCE. It can only rely on teammates and great -> excellent positioning.
And with multiple classes having access to blink, the positioning issue is getting worse by the day.

Any kind of pressure applied on a rifle berserker melts it faster then an ice cube being tossed into magma. Rifle berserkers are also especially vulnerable to conditions, more then any other pvp playstyle id say. And if you have an enemy team that knows what they are doing you might as well not even play as they WILL focus you down the nanosecond the teamfight starts.

All to say that Rifle Berserker is a massive risk, high reward kind of playstyle.

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Someone pressing CTRL+T and a not completely braindead team are the hardcouter to berserker, but both is rare to find these days.

In 2012 people asked which spec should be targeted first to maximize winning chances (it was necro btw.). In 2023 people just ask for nerfs.

Like how much content (amulets, sigils, skill mechanics) PvP has lost since release because of that mindset? 50%? Or even more?

Edited by KrHome.1920
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15 hours ago, chromodynamix.2495 said:

Unblockables should only be reserved for elite skills as a RULE.  


Just like people saying that Acid Bomb was broken?  That's the abyss-tier level feedback some fools were throwing around a year ago.  Lowly Acid Bomb... which is stationary.  Sure, it's unblockable, but that's only against people who are really in downstate.

Here is the thing "Acid bomb" is a problem and needs to be fixed. Lets start at what acid bomb does.

1. There is no aoe indicator for opponents.

2. The tooltip doesn't reflect the dmg it does asnit uses an outdated notation describing its effect.

3. It can be canceld almost instantly reducing its cast time to something negligable and only losing the movement.

4. Its overloaded doing this much dmg being an explosion finisher and a fast movement skill and it is unblockable kinda like necro wells

5. Its cooldown is so low that when using the trait for extender duration you have an almost 100% uptime on the thing.


Now here are some differences between 100 blades and acid bomb.

100 blades is a channel that means you can only do things at instant speed while casting it 

Acid bomb however is an aoe an you can cast anything you want during its effect.

100 blades has less of an aoe effect than acid bomb. Acid bomb is circular 100 blades is a cone.

Although for both skills have its effect startet at your characters position warrior needs to stay place engineer does not.

100 blades does the dmg quicker but overall acid bomb and 100 blades have similar dmg.

If 100 blades is canceled it does no longer do dmg.

100blades has its strongest tick be its very last one while acid bomb has linear dmg


Now the only redeeming factor. 100 blade is a weapon skill on a good weapon while acid bomb is in a bundle on a utility slot. And utility slots are highly contested on any class. At the same time its annoying to swap to elixir gun and back to cast it as weapon swaps mess up the way skills are buffered/queued up in gw2 making it a pain when the game lags.



Acid bomb is the kind of skill that could be a utility skill on its own. However there are some parts of it that desperatly need fixing. Like aoe indicator for oponents aside for 2 orr like swamp explosions at the start and somwhere near the end ther is no effect for it mind you. As well as reworking the tooltip for the skill so ppl realise that it does more dmg than necromancer wells is sth that need to happen.

The funny thing its that your point is about single skills doing to much dmg in teamfight by randomly throwing them out when acis bomb could easily rack up 100k dmg in a rando teamfights and as you pointed out it exeptional for cleaving downstate and rezing players. It is unblockable.by default btw.

Befor you point it out if you stand outside the teamfight an use it it will most likely do no dmg but if you 100 blades next to the teamfight for full duration you also do 0 dmg but this would be equivalent to self stunning yourself for 2.5 seconds.


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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

I've been playing Gunflame Berseker in SPVP for a good bit now and wanted to put my two cents on this.

Yes, primal bursts can hit for 10+k damage, I've seen it happen myself. What isnt discussed though is the hoops that you have to go through to do that kind of damage. It required you to blow every offensive CD you have as well as requiring 25 stacks of vulnerability on a target.
Not to mention the plethora of projectile denial, aegis, evade options, etc... 

The only defence a berserker has avalible to itself is the chonky health pool and a short 4 second window of stability through active signets. Thats it, you have nothing else to work with besides evades.

While I understand it might be frustrating to play against this kind of damage at times you have to understand that many other professions have access to near, if not equal amounts of burst while being able to take defensive options as well. This kinds of build offer NO DEFENCE. It can only rely on teammates and great -> excellent positioning.
And with multiple classes having access to blink, the positioning issue is getting worse by the day.

Any kind of pressure applied on a rifle berserker melts it faster then an ice cube being tossed into magma. Rifle berserkers are also especially vulnerable to conditions, more then any other pvp playstyle id say. And if you have an enemy team that knows what they are doing you might as well not even play as they WILL focus you down the nanosecond the teamfight starts.

All to say that Rifle Berserker is a massive risk, high reward kind of playstyle.

Does berserker not offer a lot of defences after the lates buffa to it. You get superspeed on every primal burst you can saw out of berserker mode at will you get discount endure pain on entering and exiting and you can even have a discount heal skill too if you want.

Ofc you lose abit of dmg but you dont give up a lot much like these other classes you think about.

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2 minutes ago, Alabastrum.9361 said:

Does berserker not offer a lot of defences after the lates buffa to it. You get superspeed on every primal burst you can saw out of berserker mode at will you get discount endure pain on entering and exiting and you can even have a discount heal skill too if you want.

Ofc you lose abit of dmg but you dont give up a lot much like these other classes you think about.

If you are building rifle berserker for anything other then max damage you wont see any crits above 6-7k, and thats in the best of circumstances.

What makes Gunflame so strong is that all the crit/damage modifiers work together and you lose those modifiers if you chose to go with the defensive options in the berserker tree.

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1 minute ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

If you are building rifle berserker for anything other then max damage you wont see any crits above 6-7k, and thats in the best of circumstances.

What makes Gunflame so strong is that all the crit/damage modifiers work together and you lose those modifiers if you chose to go with the defensive options in the berserker tree.

Fair all I am saying is that you do have options aside from the heal buying you 4 seconds and normal endure pain. So time to kill on berserker is much longer than you would maybe expect. I had the marchup a lot when i was playing olfschool core warrior and having to close the distance and then quickly killing the berserker out of a teamight was pretty much impossible.

For any single person it is extremely dangerous to engage and try to kill such a berserker on its own if you mess up you could easily find yourself at low hp behind enemy lines and berserker getting away with superspeed

Like a lot of war build it is strong when it works out but sometimes you know its almost impossible to work based on the opponents comp alone. As for rifle berserker thief shuts it down like no other it badically can no longer participate when the enemy thief wont let it.

Then again that is a problem a lot of power based warriors have and the reason a lot of us are playing spellbreaker instead. Spellbreaker always has some use even if you get outplayed. Oh I hate spellbreaker... 

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Your teammates need to peel for you, which happens very rarely, otherwise if the enemy team is at least slightly capable they can quickly burst you down.
Complaining about sniping people from stealth is same as the scrapper cheese or mesmer mass stealth. Both are annoying but predictable.
Go play it against semi competent people and see for yourself how "good" that build is. Thief/Willbender will probably erase you before you even get the chance to do anything.
edit: Seeing all these likes makes me wonder how many people actually tried to play it, or pzerker in general in current meta.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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1 hour ago, Alabastrum.9361 said:

Fair all I am saying is that you do have options aside from the heal buying you 4 seconds and normal endure pain. So time to kill on berserker is much longer than you would maybe expect. I had the marchup a lot when i was playing olfschool core warrior and having to close the distance and then quickly killing the berserker out of a teamight was pretty much impossible.

For any single person it is extremely dangerous to engage and try to kill such a berserker on its own if you mess up you could easily find yourself at low hp behind enemy lines and berserker getting away with superspeed

Like a lot of war build it is strong when it works out but sometimes you know its almost impossible to work based on the opponents comp alone. As for rifle berserker thief shuts it down like no other it badically can no longer participate when the enemy thief wont let it.

Then again that is a problem a lot of power based warriors have and the reason a lot of us are playing spellbreaker instead. Spellbreaker always has some use even if you get outplayed. Oh I hate spellbreaker... 

But if your building defensive with a berserker you lose the ability to hit those 10+k crits, and its not an issue anymore that they hit that hard.
You can either have Max damage or Max defences, perfectly balanced like all things should be.

Problem solved!

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