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How many nerfs will we see tomorrow?


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  • Fixed a bug that Heat the Soul triggers of Firefield Ticks.
  • Reduced the Alacrity duration on Daring Dragon by 50%.
  • Removed the Daze from Gunflame.
  • Fixed a bug that Breaching Strike didnt do increased dmg against Boonless foes. ( Its actually not fixed)
  • Reduced the Burn duration from Last Blaze to 2 seconds.
  • Reduced the amount of firefields on Scorched Earth to 3.

Just feeling it in my Bones. 💀

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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I don’t want to think of nerfs, I want to think of buffs! Too much negativity irl, let’s all be positive until our hopes are dashed on the rocks of reality like the babies of our prehistoric ancestors during the winter solstice. 
Spell gets +50% damage vs boonless foes on breaching back! Or put on aura slicer where it should have been the whole time? 

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1 minute ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I don’t want to think of nerfs, I want to think of buffs! Too much negativity irl, let’s all be positive until our hopes are dashed on the rocks of reality like the babies of our prehistoric ancestors during the winter solstice. 
Spell gets +50% damage vs boonless foes on breaching back! Or put on aura slicer where it should have been the whole time? 

Isn't breaching using pve numbers again?

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5 hours ago, Viper.2436 said:

We got more DMG on Arc Divider 🙂

Funny, people were arguing "Hey bro, this is numerically a buff, bro. Look at these calcs, bro."

Anet: *buffs the numbers a few weeks later*

Just saying, they could have left AD alone and it might not have been ideal in some situations but that's fine too lol

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So fun how we got more damage instead of making Arc Divider FEEL good to use. The whole point of the ability was to wildly swing your greatsword in circles around you in zerker mode, not do a little swipe that is identical to Arcing Slice. Like what was the issue with the three swings and just balancing the damage?

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10 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

Funny, people were arguing "Hey bro, this is numerically a buff, bro. Look at these calcs, bro."

Anet: *buffs the numbers a few weeks later*

Just saying, they could have left AD alone and it might not have been ideal in some situations but that's fine too lol

Anyone with a sane understanding of the situation understood it was a nerf, especially for PVE.

Old AD hit for 55k, new one hit for 15k tops in PVE environments.  The new AD is honestly not buffed enough in my opinion to compensate for the damage lost on power berserker.
So they either buff the damage more or give it a reset on damage like decapitate does.

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No new nerfs for War which is a good thing... but they did some more back-end dx9 cleanup, and now my game is an oversaturated unplayable mess.  Until I can find a fix, or am willing to pony up for another new computer, I guess I'm not playing my warrior (or any profession) for the foreseeable future.  😞


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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34 minutes ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

No new nerfs for War which is a good thing... but they did some more back-end dx9 cleanup, and now my game is an oversaturated unplayable mess.  Until I can find a fix, or am willing to pony up for another new computer, I guess I'm not playing my warrior (or any profession) for the foreseeable future.  😞


Dont worry, you won't miss anything. 

When you come back, Warrior will still be bottom of the barrel. 


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