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devs threw scrapper a bone :)


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i like the blast gyro cool down reduction.. 25s to 20s

tips the benchmark closer to where everyone is.

sigh have had to accept the gyro changes and start working the blast/leap finishers for quick and....

it's growing on me 🙂

been pulling some good numbers while on quick/dps, rocket charge still frustrates me, but quick is fairly easy to generate when things go right.

i also dps on scrapper, and all that blast/leap finisher stuff has forced me to include rocket charge into the rotation, i rocket charge in lightning fields for the additional cc and maybe (extra damage? not sure.)

previously hammer 3 was never touched unless we were running past mobs.

just finished fast 5 strikes with a good group.. 24k on bone skinner is an improvement. reaper still had me beat for top dps though 😕

after doing the rounds on all the other classes, I have  come full circle and still like engineers lineup the best.

pfft, rambling..

quick scrapper ftw.


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it's good atm, ppl cry cuz thay need use 2 buttons (field+leap/blast finisher) insted of one (gyro)

it's skill issuse

thay blind for fact that quickness last x2 more, compare to before, and now with blast gyro buff, even 13 might from it last twice as much

with 100% concetration it's 29,5s

Playing quick heal scrapper never was easy as today compare to 1-2y ago, wher you was strugling on quickness, and needed position yourself good as you can't heal yourself with 1 on med kit, rapid regeneration carry you up


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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8 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

it's good atm, ppl cry cuz thay need use 2 buttons (field+leap/blast finisher) insted of one (gyro)

it's skill issuse


No not really.

When Herald can literally generate permanent quickness by doing nothing and with full berserker, this is no longer a "skill issue" this is a design issue.

People would not really be complaining about the way Scrapper generate quickness if other class had to go through the same effort to generate quickness except it is not. FB can just spam its mantra off CD just like how old Scrapper used to do. Herald and to an extend Harbringer provide quickness by literally existing with their spec mechanism. Scrapper has to pay attention and save its field combo to provide quickness. Whether you like it or not, the current version of quickness is "too demanding" for the role it is supposed to fill.

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On 7/20/2023 at 5:00 AM, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

Maintaining quickness isn't an issue, it's just the playstyle has changed so dramatically and just doesn't feel fun anymore. 


"too demanding"

is it? your just using 2 skills, throw mine + Rocked Charge

Here is paint version how you can group fields to make it easier for you :



Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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4 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

is it? your just using 2 skills, throw mine + Rocked Charge

Here is paint version how you can group fields to make it easier for you :


I understand how to play it, there's no reason to be condescending. I said it wasn't fun for me to play compared to how it previously played. 

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6 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

yeh knowing what combo field do on class that is about moving combo fields is "too demanding"


you literaly using water field +leap/blast to heal yourself or lighting field + leap to aoe daze mobs, so thay can't hit you, in open word/fractals 


And you're still missing the point.

Ok then let's just put it that way then : why would I bother playing a spec requiring to press 2 specific button in a defined order to grant a boon when other class can do the same job by pressing 1 button and the game does everything for the player ?

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Don't let this user drain you energy and attention... It is nice that they like the new scrapper (as far as I know they are the only one here) but they dont seem (want?) to understand what most of the scrapper community feels bad about. 

Let's use our effort to get heard by anet instead.

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


And you're still missing the point.

Ok then let's just put it that way then : why would I bother playing a spec requiring to press 2 specific button in a defined order to grant a boon when other class can do the same job by pressing 1 button and the game does everything for the player ?

Because it’s different and different flavors keeps things interesting.   

I find the new scrapper to be more fun but less comfy.  And if I were to want to steal anything from Herald it would be that boon radius.

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Ok then let's just put it that way then : why would I bother

For fun, i personaly like thinks more chalanging, and in my opinion new path rewarding me for that by having twice amount of boon duration compare to before

you can play other class if it's giving you more fun, it's totaly understendable

i just wanted point out it's not hard/demanding/clunky like other ppl says

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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2 hours ago, Crain.4789 said:

Don't let this user drain you energy and attention... It is nice that they like the new scrapper (as far as I know they are the only one here) but they dont seem (want?) to understand what most of the scrapper community feels bad about. 

Let's use our effort to get heard by anet instead.

I also like the new Scrapper in PvE. But only because I've played a lot of PvP where using blasts/leaps/finishers under pressure is mandatory. I also like combo field gameplay in this game. It's one of the reasons why I play Engi and Ele as much as I do. 

What really grinds my gears personally is Scrapper in PvP/WvW. Where it has to put in 3x the effort as everyone else to give inferior boons. They could've brought quickness back with this change, which was effectively a nerf. They decided not to for "balance" reasons. 

While conveiently ignoring Harb and Cata who give themselevs quickness for doing far less.


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4 hours ago, Crain.4789 said:

Don't let this user drain you energy and attention... It is nice that they like the new scrapper (as far as I know they are the only one here) but they dont seem (want?) to understand what most of the scrapper community feels bad about. 

Let's use our effort to get heard by anet instead.

Well look at you, I didn't know we had to deal with the official voice of all scrappers worldwide, totally not deforming the overall views of the recent change.

The change grew on me, I can get different utility skill configs and the uptime hasn't changed at all in the moments that matter. Infact, the way quickness is generated can potentially lead Scrapper back to not being a confusing wreck in WvW and PvP, maybe one day, implying of course that it stops being hit in the kneecaps.

Edited by MrForz.1953
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On 7/19/2023 at 5:08 PM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

it's good atm, ppl cry cuz thay need use 2 buttons (field+leap/blast finisher) insted of one (gyro)

it's skill issuse

thay blind for fact that quickness last x2 more, compare to before, and now with blast gyro buff, even 13 might from it last twice as much

with 100% concetration it's 29,5s

Playing quick heal scrapper never was easy as today compare to 1-2y ago, wher you was strugling on quickness, and needed position yourself good as you can't heal yourself with 1 on med kit, rapid regeneration carry you up


Exotic take.

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3 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

Well look at you, I didn't know we had to deal with the official voice of all scrappers worldwide, totally not deforming the overall views of the recent change.

I'm sorry it came across that way, because it wasn't meant so. I just didn't want the discussion to degenerate into an unhelpful tussle, as it already gave me the impression that there was a troll at work here with no real interest in a constructive discussion. But maybe I misinterpreted that. If that's the case, I'd like to apologize for it, because then my objection was not justified.

Of course I don't speak for all scrappers worldwide. To believe that would be completely insane. That's why I used "here" to refer to this subforum. That was obviously misleading and I will take better care in the future to express myself more clearly. Since English is not my mother tongue, there can be mistakes.

To say it again clearly: As I have already written several times in other posts, I'm honestly happy for every individual who takes a liking to the new scrapper. I myself wrote a few days ago that I can get used to the idea of quickness via combo fields and finishers, although not with jumps.
Despite everything, I still see a many users here (in the subforum) who are critical of the change. That's why it's important to me that Anet listens to all scrapper players, both those who like the changes and those who don't (although I doubt they do at the moment).

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7 hours ago, Jerus.4350 said:

Because it’s different and different flavors keeps things interesting.   

I find the new scrapper to be more fun but less comfy.  And if I were to want to steal anything from Herald it would be that boon radius.


5 hours ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

For fun, i personaly like thinks more chalanging, and in my opinion new path rewarding me for that by having twice amount of boon duration compare to before

you can play other class if it's giving you more fun, it's totaly understendable

i just wanted point out it's not hard/demanding/clunky like other ppl says


Fun is subjective and well...We've seen a lot of people's take on the current iteration of scrapper. I already said I personnally dont mind the change that much however I dont like how Anet applied this kind of changes only to Scrapper out of nowhere and then created something like Herald quickness.

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Fun is subjective and well...We've seen a lot of people's take on the current iteration of scrapper. I already said I personnally dont mind the change that much however I dont like how Anet applied this kind of changes only to Scrapper out of nowhere and then created something like Herald quickness.

haha i know right!.. just came from a bit of a run through t4's and then went and done a winter berry run on quick herald (full zerks), my goodness it's ez. decent dps. quickness is overcapped with no alac. when i was soloing the winter berrys, i was mostly capped at 29 sec quickness. i guess they will nerf that at some point as it seems the 1 sec tic has exploded the quick uptime now.

umm not that i hate the new quick herald.

i'm all for new people having access to useful ez to play builds.

so yeah not scrapper 😛

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14 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:



Fun is subjective and well...We've seen a lot of people's take on the current iteration of scrapper. I already said I personnally dont mind the change that much however I dont like how Anet applied this kind of changes only to Scrapper out of nowhere and then created something like Herald quickness.

You're 100% correct, everyone finds different things fun.  I just hope people give the new scrapper an actual chance.  I think there is a lot of misinformation that has been going around as well as a lot of knee jerk reactions.  It took like 5+ hours of gameplay over a week for the new pqScrapper to "click" with me.   The complaints I see about Hammer 3 are valid, but you can work around it with a combination of Blast Gyro and Healing Turret (I'd still recommend H3 in your Opener because the issues with it won't be present and gives you a solid starting point for quickness). 


This is me screwing around with a "minimal H3" rotation: https://dps.report/tGso-20230720-172512_golem

Obviously not perfect, but the best of 3 pulls, I imagine cleaned up it could push another few k DPS.  General idea is hit Function Gyro, Blast Gyro, and Throw Mine off cooldown, use Healing Turret to provide a field and additional blast when you don't have another field for Throw Mine.  Still using Hammer 3 in the opener like I mention above.  If you get off on your other blasts (delayed for mechanics or something) you can always ramp the quickness back up with a H3 and then go back to not touching it. (I had Diviner Hammer/Amulet for this to give more wiggle room).


And, personally Herald looks boring as heck to me, but again, I'll take that 600' boon radius.

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quickheal scrapper already wasn't best in slot, now its not even average and you're best off taking any other class. everyone who claims the new scapper works seems to be talking about quickdps scrapper, which wasn't even the main scrapper build in any game mode.


outside of a recent meta build in pve (and old flamethrower build in pvp), scrapper was always run as a healer.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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On 7/20/2023 at 9:34 AM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

For fun, i personaly like thinks more chalanging, and in my opinion new path rewarding me for that by having twice amount of boon duration compare to before

you can play other class if it's giving you more fun, it's totaly understendable

i just wanted point out it's not hard/demanding/clunky like other ppl says

Jadebot babysitter spec has gotten the *new* engineers into believing the class needs to be 1 button spam. I'm with you on saying I'd gladly play a more engaging spec like new qscrapper for the huge gains in quick application and dps. I love this change.

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now its not even average

 i runed today as qheal scrapper tank  with 1216t on w1-w4, whole squad did fine, we took evry boss first try, and deimos on secound try (on sec try i solo heal from 65% hp cuz ham commander yeet down) it was 500li+ squad, 0 comments or questioning given about my class pick/runes of pack

we did some cms, also i did tower as scrapper


 until you compare it to speedrun static wher you solo heal, and that heal is also cele for max dmg, qheal scrapper is not average, racher SS thier in terms how hard you can carry pug squad/party 


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10 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

Jadebot babysitter spec has gotten the *new* engineers into believing the class needs to be 1 button spam. I'm with you on saying I'd gladly play a more engaging spec like new qscrapper for the huge gains in quick application and dps. I love this change.

I hate a lot of what anet have done to engineer in general (espeically mechanist, god I hate the mechanist) but I've got to admit, I prefer the new version of quickscrapper. I mean, it's a guilty pleasure because everything about it is wrong. It works counter to their supposed aims for quickness builds and removal of spamming skills,. but it's fun.

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On 7/22/2023 at 8:12 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

outside of a recent meta build in pve (and old flamethrower build in pvp), scrapper was always run as a healer.

Just as a note, I really enjoyed my qdps scrapper. It was intuitive & fast (quick on a few abilities that all radiated from me and all sped me up), I could fire them all off quickly and focus on doing damage for 15s or so before refreshing. Boon duration mattered (take more = fewer gyros, take less = more gyros). Used it in T4's, strikes, raids, worked fine.  

I have two main beefs with the current QDPS scrapper: A- Leap finishers (give us whirl instead - makes more sense, synergizes better w/scrapper kit (Hammer 5->2, Heal->Shredder Gyro), and being forced to use movement skills in a rotation is awful) and B- The high duration w/o any concentration (bad design).   

I gather qheal is a bit more flexible, I didn't play a lot of it so I don't have a strong opinion.   

Edited by Gaeb.2837
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16 hours ago, wolfyrik.2017 said:

I hate a lot of what anet have done to engineer in general (espeically mechanist, god I hate the mechanist) but I've got to admit, I prefer the new version of quickscrapper. I mean, it's a guilty pleasure because everything about it is wrong. It works counter to their supposed aims for quickness builds and removal of spamming skills,. but it's fun.

It doesn't feel like "spamming skills" like before where you just spammed the gyros, I feel more engaged having to consider which field is down, for how much longer, and what blasts and when to execute them to provide the quickness without overcapping. In most group fights the fields are going down regularly, but its still a reactive thing rather than a same-y watch for cooldown of gyros and press them.

Despite not needing them to quick effectively - Leaps are overall annoying as hell and need to be looked at -  throwing yourself off the boss platform isn't good uptime 😛


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