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Dear Team,

Seriously, are you at the point you wanted to be? I like to doubt it.
I added it all up and you just left out over 790 pages of feedback.
I am not implying that you are stupid,
But I am implying that you are incompetent and ignorant.

At least one month after changing Arc Divider, your brain should understand that you should undo this change and do it immediately.
Increasing the damage does nothing, we told you, but you ****** do not listen.
Maybe you'll finally tell us the real reason why you didn't weaken this skill but destroyed it completely? Reaching you is impossible so my kind words for you also fail.

# give us back the Arc Divider

Edited by Viper.2436
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Hey, it's cool that you had the time to tally those. Do you really think somebody wants to end a hard day of work with that, considering most people are either parroting each other or insisting a differing opinion couldn't possibly be correct? Oh, and aren't all your insults just synonyms?

Again, not defending them since ArenaNet is still a corporation. I'm just saying expecting them to read through hundreds of pages of feedback isn't very realistic. Nor is expecting them to listen after insulting them several times. You probably could've just said that hundreds of people are complaining that Arc Divider isn't helpful even with the damage buffed. And then suggested reverting said changes.

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I have used warrior as pve main with greatsword since day 1 and accumulated 9600+ hours on it, but with every day found it increasingly harder to be wanted in fractal/raid/strike groups, who usually would prefer boon dpsers and other classes that bring extra support/synergy buffs to the group. Doing bosses you constantly have to move away from them in order to do certain mechanics and just a sitting duck doing nothing for half of the time. At this point the only viable option of using warrior was playing open world, but since you get punished everywhere for being a melee class, only okish dps was balancing it. But now there's absolutely not a single reason to be playing it. If you took a look, you'd realize that 90%+ of players are ranged classes. This said, melee in pve already was garbage due to many reasons that doesn't let you effectively deal constant dmg, so I personally switched to an mesmer last year and don't even regret it. Best choice I ever made in this game. It will obliterate everything on your screen with perm condi spam, especially if you learn to properly choose your targets (usually mobs that are way further) for that massive aoe dmg. Also it's super easy to play and it feels that my efficiency improved nearly double due to several abilities that lets you do much more for your team and actually being able to carry in many instances. GG anet for killing warrior just as you did support guard in wvw on which I got to 6k rank and never touched since that nerf. Keep it up!

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Unless the new expansion flops and all the pvers avoid buying it maybe anet would take the time and effort to balance weapons and traits effectively. But granted that sadly would be only for pve if we are to get anything in terms of.improvements. as a warrior main I feel like I'm on a roller coaster that just started going up 2 feet up the track and suddenly the entire system breaks and we are stuck on the side for hours upon hours waiting for maintenance to arrive. It has felt this way ever since the dreaded patch of 2020 and the destruction of crowd control damage. After 3 years of this kitten and being around for more then a decade to witness  their shenanigans anet may be better off just taking the game around back and disposing of it humanly rather then leaving classes rotting and festering due to issues that are often pointed out by its community but is not often directed to why these said issues occur and given that some have occured for a entire decade and have finally started to at least  be glanced at by the devs or another elite group of discord dwellers that base everything on a stationary golem. Honestly if they get yelled at the community like they did last time it would perhaps make quite a spectacle and all of us players can collect the devs salt for our popcorn as the tables turn 🤭🍿

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All the Warrior feedback that aims at making Warrior better simply doesn't align with the current design vision (or any of the design visions since launch).

And if the feedback doesn't align with the design vision, it doesn't get used.

It's time for you to let go of your anger, skip bargain and depression and go straight for acceptance.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Arc divider is my identity, my sole purpose in life and only what has been left from my enjoyment in the game.

Without arc divier spinning and hitting three times i can not enjoy the game anymore.

United we stand, divided we fall.

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On 7/23/2023 at 11:28 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

All the Warrior feedback that aims at making Warrior better simply doesn't align with the current design vision (or any of the design visions since launch).

And if the feedback doesn't align with the design vision, it doesn't get used.

It's time for you to let go of your anger, skip bargain and and depression and go straight for acceptance.

The design vision is to have a class with 3 pure dps elites in a game where every class is supposed to be able to do all roles?(from the devs mouth)

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5 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

The design vision is to have a class with 3 pure dps elites in a game where every class is supposed to be able to do all roles?(from the devs mouth)

As far as I am concerned, their design vision translates into "keep Warrior down and barely viable". And that's exactly what we see happen in the game.

On the other hand, most Warrior feedback aims to be better than barely viable and (seemingly) gets ignored.

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8 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

As far as I am concerned, their design vision translates into "keep Warrior down and barely viable". And that's exactly what we see happen in the game.

On the other hand, most Warrior feedback aims to be better than barely viable and (seemingly) gets ignored.

And yet certain content creators seem to think we're asking for completely OP and ridiculous changes.

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1. Do people play the class the amount Anet wants?

2. Does the class work the way Anet wants it?

If the answer is yes to those questions ... then we are in a 'good place'. Stop convincing yourself it's about you. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

And yet certain content creators seem to think we're asking for completely OP and ridiculous changes.

Because, apparently, learning and reacting to animations is too hard in the current swamp of particle vomit and AoE wastelands...

And then some people have unreasonable bias against Warrior "just because".

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3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

1. Do people play the class the amount Anet wants?

2. Does the class work the way Anet wants it?

If the answer is yes to those questions ... then we are in a 'good place'. Stop convincing yourself it's about you. 

Not only is that a false premise, but it literally ignores the argument of the other side. In case you're still confused, that means that people are saying there's a problem with both 1 and 2. Stop convincing yourself we are in a good place.

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1 hour ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Not only is that a false premise, but it literally ignores the argument of the other side. In case you're still confused, that means that people are saying there's a problem with both 1 and 2. Stop convincing yourself we are in a good place.

Nothing false about it ... those are literally at least 2 reasons Anet tells us in patch notes for many years as to why they make class changes. 

Again this isn't about me or you or any other player. It's not about me convincing myself of anything. It's about reading, understanding and believing when Anet tells us the reasons for the changes they are making. 

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20 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Can you link me to the reason they changed arc divider? 

If there is an explanation of that specific change, it's in the patch notes. If it's not there, I'm sure you will be OK not knowing. 

I mean, did you even attempt to think of a reason yourself why Anet made those changes or are you just another one of those people? The ones that convince themselves the game is about them and it should work the way they think. Not a good place to be as a player. 

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Nothing false about it ... those are literally at least 2 reasons Anet tells us in patch notes for many years as to why they make class changes. 

Again this isn't about me or you or any other player. It's not about me convincing myself of anything. It's about reading, understanding and believing when Anet tells us the reasons for the changes they are making. 

Clearly you don't understand my point regarding the logic in your post. Again, what you said is irrelevant if the premise is faulty from the start. A company (party A) executing their goals doesn't always mean those goals are good for its customers (party B).  So using that as example to say it's in a good place, because a company achieved what they wanted, is not proof nor is it a good argument in the first place.

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57 minutes ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Clearly you don't understand my point regarding the logic in your post. Again, what you said is irrelevant if the premise is faulty from the start. A company (party A) executing their goals doesn't always mean those goals are good for its customers (party B).  So using that as example to say it's in a good place, because a company achieved what they wanted, is not proof nor is it a good argument in the first place.

Except there is no premise and this isn't some argument. It's simply true. I'm stating some of the typical criteria that we KNOW Anet is using to determine whether or not classes are in a place they are happy with ("the good place"). That has nothing to do with what SOME customers think is good or not. 

People just can't get over the fact that IF the changes to Arc Divider work the way Anet wants and doesn't push warrior outside whatever Anet's 'good played' range is, it's likely here to stay ... UNLESS someone has some REALLY GOOD technical reason why the change was bad. Here is a opportunity ... what's the argument here for reverting the change other than 'don't like it"? I'm not seeing one, and we won't see one until people start to make suggestions that recognize some reasons the change was made in the first place. 

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25 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Except there is no premise and this isn't some argument. It's simply true. I'm stating some of the typical criteria that we KNOW Anet is using to determine whether or not classes are in a place they are happy with ("the good place"). That has nothing to do with what SOME customers think is good or not. 


Of course there's debate and argument lol, that's what the forums are for. So yes there is a premise considering you gave a reason why it's in a good place. I'm simply saying that reason is faulty. The debate isn't about whether Anet thinks it's good. It's about the customers that disagree, so framing your argument that way makes no sense.  I'm not sure what you're saying is "simply true" but if you mean your 2 reasons for saying everything is fine, then no it's not true.

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3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

The ones that convince themselves the game is about them and it should work the way they think. Not a good place to be as a player. 

I feel like making changes that make people less willing to interact with the content is as much about Anet as it is about the players but yknow


reading, understanding and believing when Anet tells us the reasons for the changes they are making. 


I'm sure you will be OK not knowing. 

kitten that's crazy 💀believe anet when they give us a reason and kitten off if they don't.

You can have the last word I don't care anymore~


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2 hours ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Of course there's debate and argument lol, that's what the forums are for. 

Sure if you want to debate the truth of what I'm telling you, you can, but it would still be true. The fact is that players opinions do not determine if something is in a good place. That's done with the criteria Anet sets for the classes, two of those criteria I stated.  how does we know that? Because Anet tells us. Again, not sure what you are going to argue with me about here ... I haven't given you my opinion if anything is in a good place and I won't be doing that, because it's irrelevant. 

I'm just telling you some criteria that Anet uses make that judgement themselves. Anet can see how the changes they make affect the game through data to determine that for themselves. There isn't a debate here; Anet told us these reasons many times in previous changes. 


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18 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I feel like making changes that make people less willing to interact with the content is as much about Anet as it is about the players but yknow

OK maybe, but I'm pretty sure Anet isn't just going to take players word for that before there is even a chance for people to experience it right? They are going to watch how players interact with the game as they make changes. If usage is affected too much, we know Anet ALSO makes changes to improve that as well because they told us they care about how much people play all the classes. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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