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Roaming Mesmer builds


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Can someone share some roaming builds for Mesmer? I’ve looked at guuldjen and metabattle just seeing what else is out there.  New to Mesmer coming from necro and warrior. Do not tell me class sucks blah blah every profession forum says there class sucks. I do not care. 

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Mesmer build: go duel and die a thousand times on Mesmer.   Step two: learn not to die. Step three: use the dark side to pommel your foes.   Step four: live through questionable nerfs aimed at your build and know only emptiness and pain. Step five: move on to a new game, Mesmer was the only good class in gw2.

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You got a few options. Virtuoso is your most simple straight forward spec but doesn’t really translate to the other specs because they don’t play the same. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABw+trlVwUZJsLGKm2XtxKA-zVhYVB5vFBjZ0TSYD1WwZkpqqXpgFnF9nBAA-w   If u want power just swap the middle trait in illusions either of the other options work, and you can drop scepter for gs. 
Chrono is probably your best 1vx at the moment. You can get perma improved alac with some diviners pieces, and with Inspi you can survive most cele players. This is what I mainly run 

The sigils are pretty interchangeable strength, draining, severance all work well

I’m not the best mirage player but I know most people run something similar to this.


mirage also plays a little different because you want to hold onto clones while you ambush with gs then shatter. 



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22 hours ago, Justine.6351 said:

Personally I prefer the higher potential of Chronomancer and I don't like Inspiration but for a new roamer Inspiration might be the better choice. Blinding Dissipation is a must however. It has a higher skill ceiling but Fencer's Finesse is pretty useless. And I would probably drop focus in favour of pistol or torch, but that may be personal preference again. It depends on the situation I guess.

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Well, im main chrono since close 8 years, the problem that has chrono compared to mirage or virtuoso is that the Blink's cd is too long, and now a days that for roaming everyone has superspeed and movility that is better you cant do too much. If you need like "a class" (sounds weird but you get it) 

Please, if any Anet worker see this, take a look on that, just on chrono, like when u change traits or cap them if u use it in WvW PvP or PvE

Edited by Giddona.1495
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Please take a defensive trait line,  you need something for condi clear every class and almost every spec has a cele build. Unless you just want to gank low ranks and people who are half afk, but is that really roaming? you need some form of condi clear.  Torch 4 and a cleansing sigil isn’t enough. 

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X2 sigil works just fine, maybe some hard learning curves but for the better.   Traits for it is a waste and you probably would have lost the fight even with all the conditions cleanse.   Work on a silky af rotation for burst and be aware of positioning.   S/S is optimal but again some learning curve.   Mesmer has a good set of off hands just use the one that fits best.

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28 minutes ago, dead.7638 said:

X2 sigil works just fine, maybe some hard learning curves but for the better.   Traits for it is a waste and you probably would have lost the fight even with all the conditions cleanse.   Work on a silky af rotation for burst and be aware of positioning.   S/S is optimal but again some learning curve.   Mesmer has a good set of off hands just use the one that fits best.


Mesmer never had good condi cleanse since the game released and people did just fine until now. In fact power mesmer was always played with dom/duel/illusion or two of these + elite.
Dodge better instead of facetanking everything and condis aren't a problem.

But if you enjoy dealing pathetic damage and stall matches be my guest.

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20 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:


Mesmer never had good condi cleanse since the game released and people did just fine until now. In fact power mesmer was always played with dom/duel/illusion or two of these + elite.
Dodge better instead of facetanking everything and condis aren't a problem.

But if you enjoy dealing pathetic damage and stall matches be my guest.

Inspi gives Mesmer some of the best if not the best condi clear in the game and has been like that for years. You dropping inspi to do more dmg does not make sense in a meta where everything applies weakness. Doesn’t matter how much dmg you do if off rip you have to stop mid burst to clear ur weakness with cleansing or if you full burst with weakness it’s a waste. 
  Mesmer is now one of the slowest classes in the game so you can’t kite. 
    You can’t dodge every condition applying skill and if you get condis on you and have to back off now you’re taking longer to kill a player than if you had just taken Inspi. 
     You still oneshot on Inspi you still oneshot on chaos, not everything but most things. 
 on top of it all, if you run into two players now you just die because of your build. 
 I understand running full glass is fun and it feels good to hit big numbers. Unfortunately the meta is cele with high mobility and a full glass build is just ineffective and being ineffective isn’t fun especially when a new player is trying to learn the class.  
 Maybe my idea of roaming is different. Maybe people don’t want to go out and try to 1v2,3,4 people. That’s just simply not something a full glass Mesmer can do anymore. 

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Dom/duel/mirage is fun, but worth having multiple templates to save being permanently on edge if solo, and eating dirt when you could otherwise avoid it - and as you've probably experienced, everyone dies on power mesmer to random bullkitten. Eg ambush/ports ooc, template swap to staff+sw/x hybrid or soon maybe axe/shield if in unfavorable situation, maybe allies arrive swap back to power etc.

Template swapping is the most useful thing to happen to wvw, if you can get out of combat to make use of it.

Edited by Curunen.8729
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12 hours ago, Delrago.2098 said:

Inspi gives Mesmer some of the best if not the best condi clear in the game and has been like that for years. You dropping inspi to do more dmg does not make sense in a meta where everything applies weakness. Doesn’t matter how much dmg you do if off rip you have to stop mid burst to clear ur weakness with cleansing or if you full burst with weakness it’s a waste. 
  Mesmer is now one of the slowest classes in the game so you can’t kite. 
    You can’t dodge every condition applying skill and if you get condis on you and have to back off now you’re taking longer to kill a player than if you had just taken Inspi. 
     You still oneshot on Inspi you still oneshot on chaos, not everything but most things. 
 on top of it all, if you run into two players now you just die because of your build. 
 I understand running full glass is fun and it feels good to hit big numbers. Unfortunately the meta is cele with high mobility and a full glass build is just ineffective and being ineffective isn’t fun especially when a new player is trying to learn the class.  
 Maybe my idea of roaming is different. Maybe people don’t want to go out and try to 1v2,3,4 people. That’s just simply not something a full glass Mesmer can do anymore. 

Power can't afford to waste traitlines in anything not related to damage, sustain damage is garbage and burst doesn't work if you spec inspi or chaos.
Regarding weakness, time your burst.

You can't dodge everything and mesmer has lack of swiftness, that's why positioning and kiting is so important.
Naah, you can't oneshot on inspi neither on chaos. By speccing either you'll lose vulnerability stacks and damage modifiers/damage on rupt or fury and damage modifiers or damage modifiers, crit chance increase on F1, shatter cds reduction.
By speccing one elite you're already dropping of one of these, by speccing inspi you're dropping a lot of damage.

Power mesmer is glass cannon and has been since release, with inspi is neither glass nor cannon.
1vs2 is totally doable with glass cannon, more than that it isn't but that's why you choose your fights.

On the opposite a new player should die a lot, to learn from the mistakes and learn to play efficiently without relying on crutches, it isn't fun but that's how you learn.
If a new player doesn't want to die just play celestial or condi.

Edited by Lincolnbeard.1735
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Yea, if you want to roam and do it effectively lose all crutches.   You will be able to xv1 but that will take a ton of practice on your part.   Start dueling anyone and everyone.   It’s the best way to learn is in a 1v1.  Mesmer is VERY telegraphed.   Bursting on a target that isn’t aware of you is a must if you want to be successful, or that person just doesn’t know how to dodge, cause honestly you can dodge through Mesmer burst every time if you know it’s coming.

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I mean, most efficient is to learn on power mesmer then just play eg cele mirage as it's objectively better apart from chase/securing a kill.

Nothing wrong with being dedicated power only, and I don't know how new mirage mantle + 2 nerfed dodges has impacted power mirage since that patch, will be interesting to see when able. I imagine it still scales badly in any disadvantaged situation - depends how much the OP can take, though seems like they are enjoying it.

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4 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Power can't afford to waste traitlines in anything not related to damage, sustain damage is garbage and burst doesn't work if you spec inspi or chaos.
Regarding weakness, time your burst.

You can't dodge everything and mesmer has lack of swiftness, that's why positioning and kiting is so important.
Naah, you can't oneshot on inspi neither on chaos. By speccing either you'll lose vulnerability stacks and damage modifiers/damage on rupt or fury and damage modifiers or damage modifiers, crit chance increase on F1, shatter cds reduction.
By speccing one elite you're already dropping of one of these, by speccing inspi you're dropping a lot of damage.

Power mesmer is glass cannon and has been since release, with inspi is neither glass nor cannon.
1vs2 is totally doable with glass cannon, more than that it isn't but that's why you choose your fights.

On the opposite a new player should die a lot, to learn from the mistakes and learn to play efficiently without relying on crutches, it isn't fun but that's how you learn.
If a new player doesn't want to die just play celestial or condi.

i mean are we playing the same game here? youre not timing ur burst around weakness is a 1v2, ur not winning a 1v2 on full glass mes unless the people are bad or are not paying attention. Even if you do win 1v2s you cant 1v3 unless u oneshot at least 2 in the first second of the fight. Forcing yourself to "choose your fights" because you die to half the meta off rip doesnt have anything to do with skill its your build.

no matter how perfect you play as soon as u fight some one with half a brain on a dom illu core chrono or virt build you are a free kill. Its not crutches if your self nerfing your ability to win anything. If you want to gank new players in under 10 seconds sure play this. If you want to roam actually improve and push power mesmer you need resustain. telling new mesmer players to play full glass in this meta is what makes people go straight to cele mirage. 

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45 minutes ago, Delrago.2098 said:

i mean are we playing the same game here? youre not timing ur burst around weakness is a 1v2, ur not winning a 1v2 on full glass mes unless the people are bad or are not paying attention. Even if you do win 1v2s you cant 1v3 unless u oneshot at least 2 in the first second of the fight. Forcing yourself to "choose your fights" because you die to half the meta off rip doesnt have anything to do with skill its your build.

no matter how perfect you play as soon as u fight some one with half a brain on a dom illu core chrono or virt build you are a free kill. Its not crutches if your self nerfing your ability to win anything. If you want to gank new players in under 10 seconds sure play this. If you want to roam actually improve and push power mesmer you need resustain. telling new mesmer players to play full glass in this meta is what makes people go straight to cele mirage. 

You're not winning 1vs2 unless people are bad period.

Best mesmer player on game plays dom duel mirage without any condi cleanse, heck, only guildjen and the cake dudes play crutches power mesmer. Any other power mesmer play glass.
Again without 2 of the 3 - dom duel illu you can't kill anything but baddies since you burst like a wet noodle, this combined with the awful sustain damage mesmer has makes anything with good sustain type /dance while you attack.

It's not about gank, it's about playing smart instead of trying to play the game of attriction.

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Saying you can’t xv1 is just not true while playing on full power.   I mean obviously you are going to have to juke tf out of them while bait dmg and position like with 100% certainty where you need to go.   Using terrain and los to your advantage, you’d be surprised, any class can do this.   This is what separate the top 10 from the rest.   

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15 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

You're not winning 1vs2 unless people are bad period.

Thats true, one of them kites you and the other goes full ape on you. If you are facing celestial, even 1x1 will be unwinnable/struggle.

15 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Best mesmer player on game plays dom duel mirage without any condi cleanse

The best msmer player...  I wouldnt be so bold when saying something like that.

15 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

Again without 2 of the 3 - dom duel illu you can't kill anything but baddies since you burst like a wet noodle, this combined with the awful sustain damage mesmer has makes anything with good sustain type /dance while you attack.

Indeed, you are setting yourself to fail against builds with high sustain, especially celestial builds, you are not gonna win that, ever, even going full zerk as mirage, most likely you are not winning them either. Roaming nowdays means "I hope to find opponent that are way worse than me" if you are playing something like power mesmer

12 hours ago, dead.7638 said:

Saying you can’t xv1 is just not true while playing on full power.   I mean obviously you are going to have to juke tf out of them while bait dmg and position like with 100% certainty where you need to go.   Using terrain and los to your advantage, you’d be surprised, any class can do this.   This is what separate the top 10 from the rest.   

Top10 what? Of ranked wintrading? What separate them from the rest is the ability to wintrade better than their collegues 😆

Most of times your "terrain" and "los" are not just not avail but easily bypassed by teleports or aoe's. 

You arent winning even 1x2 vs somewhat decent players, give them celestial stats and they will wipe the floor with you without even trying

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