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Roaming Mesmer builds


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Once you get enough of celestial/bunkers


I can describe this one in a few quotes: 

"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission"


A bit more "safe" and a bit more comfortable when encontering thieves with knight armor:


Or you always can go full marauder with eagle (~70% crit chance, with 25% crit chance from illusions your shatters will have 95% crit chance) 

Edited by semak.7481
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6 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Vague/superlative terms like "best," "someone," and "all known." Not a measurable, verifiable thing anywhere to be found. Subjective opinion, then. Check.

What did you expect tbh? Its all about opinions. Ofc I have my own opinion who is most likely to be the one

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13 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

What did you expect tbh? Its all about opinions. Ofc I have my own opinion who is most likely to be the one

Right, just making the point that there's simply no such thing as the "best" player. Which game mode/content? Which spec/build? Best at what, damage output, support, sustain, other? It's just an appeal-to-authority noise word meant to lend weight to whatever is being said.

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15 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Right, just making the point that there's simply no such thing as the "best" player. Which game mode/content? Which spec/build? Best at what, damage output, support, sustain, other? It's just an appeal-to-authority noise word meant to lend weight to whatever is being said.

Yea, whatever. Better rate my build and futurama memes (that perfectly describes it) 😄

Edited by semak.7481
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3 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Vague/superlative terms like "best," "someone," and "all known." Not a measurable, verifiable thing anywhere to be found. Subjective opinion, then. Check.

And Jazz is a complete meme, lol.  The bar set for "best" is quite low these days.

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14 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Sure best mesmer is so desperate that he need to abuse mirage. I am 100% sure that best mesmer play core.

Low quality trolling indeed 😆

Ofc depending on build but power mirage and power chrono both have a way higher skill cap than core power mesmer. Only virt is easier to play. Mechanical skill intensity has nothing to do with how weak something is. You can play mesmer with only one traitline and only one main hand weapon and it will be very hard if not impossible to win any fight but it still has near zero skill demand since its lacking any skillful tactical options to outplay opponents. 

Edited by Pretty Sirius.2374
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On 8/3/2023 at 10:05 PM, Pretty Sirius.2374 said:

Low quality trolling indeed 😆

Ofc depending on build but power mirage and power chrono both have a way higher skill cap than core power mesmer. Only virt is easier to play. Mechanical skill intensity has nothing to do with how weak something is. You can play mesmer with only one traitline and only one main hand weapon and it will be very hard if not impossible to win any fight but it still has near zero skill demand since its lacking any skillful tactical options to outplay opponents. 

Yes it can take more skill when you have like 10 x more tools than core, but it's sure easier win a fight. Like catalyst takes more skill than core ele because you need to think when to use those stupid extra fields and block utilities. Core ele is easier because it really doesn't have any tools to use. Actually when i start to think there really isn't any core spec that takes skill because all elite specs have more mechanics. 😁

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2 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Yes it can take more skill when you have like 10 x more tools than core, but it's sure easier win a fight. Like catalyst takes more skill than core ele because you need to think when to use those stupid extra fields and block utilities. Core ele is easier because it really doesn't have any tools to use. Actually when i start to think there really isn't any core spec that takes skill because all elite specs have more mechanics. 😁

Never said its only about numbers of mechanics. And also in terms of numbers there is a critical mass where more will be bad not good. Ofc its also about what kind of mechanics are added. For example it is also important that the mechanics add any complexity, more decision making etc and not just more spam or passive carry for no costs. And i already gave you an example where an elite is easier than core: Virtuoso. On purpose designed to be an easier and less mechanical complex mesmer (easier to play and to play against).  You can find other examples on other classes. 

Edited by Pretty Sirius.2374
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I think the sentiment that yes, using inspiration will keep you up longer to try and do dmg.   But honestly it boils down to if you can successfully burst your target or not.   And learning all the Mesmer weapons will pay off, not every situation plays out the same.   I’ll switch to focus just to pull people off walls and then switch back.   Switching elite skills and ults to cater to the situation.   Just spend time with the class, it’s fun you’ll enjoy especially if you put the time in to learn it.   Even Mesmer minor traits can play a big part in why you can spike someone efficiently.   That’s where adding in inspiration gets muddy.   You honestly need dom and dueling to pull the one shot burst off 90% of the time.   Just use defender runes while you learn with SoE for consistent healing.   Then when you no longer need the rune crutches go something with more dps like eagles scholars or fireworks/pack.

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4 hours ago, dead.7638 said:

Even Mesmer minor traits can play a big part in why you can spike someone efficiently.   That’s where adding in inspiration gets muddy.   You honestly need dom and dueling to pull the one shot burst off 90% of the time.   Just use defender runes while you learn with SoE for consistent healing.   Then when you no longer need the rune crutches go something with more dps like eagles scholars or fireworks/pack.

That's what I said in this thread, by giving up dom you're giving up vuln stacks, by giving up duel you're giving up fury and vigor, by giving up illu you're giving up damage modifiers, all these minors. You already need to give up one if playing an elite spec, imagine giving up on another to spec insp - you don't even have damage to down an afk celestial ele.

Edited by Lincolnbeard.1735
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On 8/3/2023 at 9:05 AM, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

I mean just play inspi and/or chaos and pretend you're good at mesmer. 🤷‍♂️

I mean just consider all Mesmer builds but the one you play less relevant as a defense mechanism. 🤷‍♂️ A bit like saying you're the best fighter but only ever participating in Karate tournaments. Then you get taken down in a real fight and all you do is scream "this guy isn't good because he doesn't do it like me!" 

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