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Map completion.

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19 minutes ago, Teinzo.4382 said:

I wonder how much time does it take to complete 100% map completion, I have done it two times, One with mounts other one without mounts but It was long time ago. So what is the average time to complete 100%?

Thanks to overlays like taco u can do it in 1 day. There many videos on YouTube that have full world map in 1 stream so is not that long

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2 hours ago, Teinzo.4382 said:

I wonder how much time does it take to complete 100% map completion, I have done it two times, One with mounts other one without mounts but It was long time ago. So what is the average time to complete 100%?

It depends if you have any Lounge passes, then you can fast open most cities and complete these and there from just use the built in compass (in Options set Content Guide to "Hide Events and Personal Story"  and it will show in what direction you need to go to finish Vista, Waypoints, POI and Hero Challenges. I find it faster to use then to use any map marker from BlishHUD add ons (module: Pathing).

With mounts this is a rather fast process. Just be aware that some POI can be hard find if they are on another level then your map is set to show. In that case use gw2 wiki (wiki can show which object (WP, POI, HC and Vista) that is supposed to to be in a area on map have links which describe how to get there) or any third party map marker to find out if you need to change view or use special path to get to it.

If you don't pick up any crafting material under the way from gathering nodes or anything else like doing events, then you should be finished rather fast with map completion.


(Taco's map marker can be download from Pathing module, so you don't need to download Taco standalone add-on. Look at video in that link and you will understand how to use it. There are several other map marker packages that can be better (especially for later content like HoT, PoF and EoD), then Taco as Taco dev stopped to develop his marker for some time ago.)

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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On the other extreme, the first time it took weeks for my wife and I. We explored every nook and cranny of the maps, found many caves, jumping puzzles, events, and wonderful views.  The completion was a nice side effect.

The way we approached it was to do a story chapter and then fully explore the maps that were opened by that chapter before going back to the next chapter.

Journey over destination kinda thing.

Edited by Drall.2419
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I've done 9 world completions at this point.  The first few were completing the maps as I did the stories.  If the story step would move me onto to another map, I'd complete the map I'm on first before doing the next one.

But more recently, whenever the gather resources was up, I'd take whatever character was working on world exploration to a new area of the appropriate regional maps and spend 15 minutes or so, doing the gathering, some hearts, and exploration.  With that, I think it took about half a year to do world completion.  The hearts tend to be the slowest process.  When I got to the point a map was 90% done, I'd just spend the time to finish off that map since depending on how well I explored it, since oftentimes that missing parts where not in 1 area of the map (missed a vista hear, or a hero point there, etc).

But doing it in small pieces was much more enjoyable than just slogging through it for hours at a time.


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7 hours ago, Teinzo.4382 said:

I wonder how much time does it take to complete 100% map completion, I have done it two times, One with mounts other one without mounts but It was long time ago. So what is the average time to complete 100%?

It's going to vary depending on having the routes planned and whether you obtain a lot of the items to complete many of the hearts beforehand.

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27 minutes ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

It's going to vary depending on having the routes planned and whether you obtain a lot of the items to complete many of the hearts beforehand.

Also some of the hearts would need preparation (i.e. I remember a few of the markers in BlishHud saying “spam with full inventory”). I guess you could use a bank access express to quickly fill and then empty your inventory, or use a lounge scroll if you don’t mind the loading screens, but you’d also need to know in advance that you’d need to have one available before doing the heart. I’m not going to map complete with a full inventory all the time just in case it speeds up one heart.

Edited by Manpag.6421
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7 hours ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Depends if you only count core tyria or every expansion map... 🙂 

Map Completion means for most people here to finish that achievement which give a title "Been There, Done That" and for getting Gift of Exploration for crafting Legendary weapon first generation.


World completion requires map-completing all the following zones:



Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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Realistically and not speedrunning with any kind of optimal build/taco etc I usually average around 30m per map, maybe 45m on the more boring/larger ones when I do exploration. Cities are much quicker. Skyscale can speed up some parts ALOT with shortcuts. Without a mount it used to be on the longer end as sheer PvE boredom with your brains bleeding out of your ears set in quite fast and made it sluggish. Back then it was more like 1h per zone I think. Now people just fart swiftness as they walk along, let alone the mounts.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Assuming a non-exploratory mentality with minimal event/node participation (though I think it makes sense to be an opportunist in those regards, and take advantage of decently profitable situations when you stumble upon them) and having mounts available... I agree with 30m average per map; rounding up to somewhere in the 15-20h for completion... 

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