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Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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17 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

@Rubi Bayer.8493 Is one of the 'daily objectives' simply logging into the game as the daily login reward system currently works?

Edited by Wolve.4576
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I find seasons passes to straight up be the devil, and the worst development ever for gaming (there is something so immensely scummy about charging money for rewards you might not even get if you don't finish), so I'm a little biased in how I feel about this announcement, but honestly with the several mentions that this will not include real money or gems in any way and that rewards stick around (albeit at a higher cost..) I'm feeling a little less critical of it. That being said, we have yet to see what is locked out from not owning SotO (they did mention some rewards would be), so I'm not quite yet at "removing yet another feature to try to sell it back to us by requiring to buy the new expansion" but we'll see in a week. My guess is that the locked rewards will be expansion only crafting mats so I'm hesitant but hopeful that it will be ok. Overall pretty neutral on this announcement until I see it in action, most of the questions I had have already been addressed.

Also curious about the impact the new legendary starter kits will have on the market (not sure how I feel about the rotating choice of 4 but maybe that will help keep it in check?)

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Just now, SnakeBite.8291 said:

So to sum that one up. We'll loose the daily (free) login stuff and it will be hidden behind the new reward system. All the good stuff (Laurel, MC, ...) is available in the new store but you need to complete quests now to get them, it's no longer just a login.

I guess guys, it's now time to buy all the mystic coins in the TP, they will skyrocket when the expansion comes out. 

PS. F... me, got 10 days left on the big chest. I guess the people with Multi Account are now cursing ANET, their investment is pretty much down the drain now 🙂

Exactly. Anet will see drop in daily logins and material cost will skyrocket (specifically mystic coins). If you planned making gen 2 legendary, good luck to you now.

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2 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

I find seasons passes to straight up be the devil, and the worst development ever for gaming (there is something so immensely scummy about charging money for rewards you might not even get if you don't finish), so I'm a little biased in how I feel about this announcement, but honestly with the several mentions that this will not include real money or gems in any way and that rewards stick around (albeit at a higher cost..) I'm feeling a little less critical of it. That being said, we have yet to see what is locked out from not owning SotO (they did mention some rewards would be), so I'm not quite yet at "removing yet another feature to try to sell it back to us by requiring to buy the new expansion" but we'll see in a week. My guess is that the locked rewards will be expansion only crafting mats so I'm hesitant but hopeful that it will be ok. Overall pretty neutral on this announcement until I see it in action, most of the questions I had have already been addressed.

Also curious about the impact the new legendary starter kits will have on the market (not sure how I feel about the rotating choice of 4 but maybe that will help keep it in check?)

not sure you can buy starter kits for gems or gold.

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Sounds good. From how I understand it this is a huge improvement to the daily rewards system. Achievement points cap probably will be the same - you won't lose anything if you maxed out there already from the old dailies. And the level 80 requirement should not be a big deal.

My only concern is the "login rewards" ... there it is mentiond that it replaces them as well. Will we get an equal amount of that "acclaim" for just logging it - so that in 30 days we could obtain the same stuff we obtained previously (at least in terms of mystic coins/laurals) + the daily achievements upping this a bit (where instaed of the usual trash we now also can buy useful stuff).

Or will in the end it be a bit less? I guess with more customization options there might be less in total. Same amount of coins and laurels at least ... and even more (if you decide to only go for them) - but less in total if you tried to replicated the old reward structure as close as possible. (Which probably no one would try to do. Lots of useless stuff - you get karma and exp from a ton of other sources already.)

Like the UI - it looks nice and clean. The weekly addition should offer a bit of more freedom. (Less tim pressure to get that additonal stuff.) I expect a lot of tweaks/balancing in the early stage - but looking forward to it. I just like good looking UI stuff a lot. 😄

Edit: The season pass thing needs a bit more clarification. I guess you can to all the dailies (more than the prevous 3/3 for 2 gold) to get the max amount of acclaim each day. The number in the top right is either the daily cap ... or a total max storage (can be maxed out over several days and then you'd need to spend stuff).

The "season" probably just rewards that change. (That might re-appear in the future or through other means. Like the statuettes vendor and blc chest that change content.) But can the currency be saved and carry over ot the next season? Or does unspent get lost?

Edited by Luthan.5236
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11 minutes ago, Sjentra.3409 said:

So how much of a nerf is this from the "current" login rewards of 20 mystic coins, 35 laurels and 7 mystic clovers every 28 days from just logging in?

Its going to be a 100% if i understand correctly? yes its been said 'well you can buy them now with currency from doing dailies'   but thats not the same as getting them for logging in is it?

The only way this isnt a nerf is if you still get something just for logging in, or the dailies choices are much quicker/easier to complete and provide more rewards than you would ususally get for completing them, including items or currency to buy those items, but the latter is still a fudge.

Basically we are getting less for adding to their 'people who logged in to play' stats, it didnt matter if you played for long or not, you still got the daily log in and they still got their player logged in stat, now its enforced dailies to get the same rewards?

Edited by Whirlygig.9685
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3 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

My only concern is the "login rewards" ... there it is mentiond that it replaces them as well. Will we get an equal amount of that "acclaim" for just logging it - so that in 30 days we could obtain the same stuff we obtained previously (at least in terms of mystic coins/laurals) + the daily achievements upping this a bit (where instaed of the usual trash we now also can buy useful stuff).

This is the question that needs answering...

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10 minutes ago, WRay.2391 said:

Exactly. Anet will see drop in daily logins and material cost will skyrocket (specifically mystic coins). If you planned making gen 2 legendary, good luck to you now.

I remember this being a big concern when they removed mystic coins from CM fractals and increased ways to get mystic clovers at the same time. And surprisingly the cost of MC went down. It's a valid concern and one that I have too but it would depend on if the buy for MC are one offs per season or unlimited.

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11 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

not sure you can buy starter kits for gems or gold.

I just mean from a precursor standpoint more than anything else. The achievements to get precursors was already a wash on material costs but I found them kind of fun, so even when I lost out by selling on the TP it didn't bother me. I wonder if these starter kits help towards the mats for these achievements, or if they are stages of the precursors themselves (like the T2 ones) for example.

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2 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

I remember this being a big concern when they removed mystic coins from CM fractals and increased ways to get mystic clovers at the same time. And surprisingly the cost of MC went down

IIRC There were a couple of things that happened at the time working against the coin price. As they removed CM fractal mystic coins there was a Black Lion Chest promotion that had mystic coins as one of the drop possibilities, it lasted i want to say a little more than a month before the release of EoD. They then crashed when EoD released and people did weekly strikes. 

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48 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

@Rubi Bayer.8493 If you're able to provide additional clarification, when you say "purchased" do you mean we'll need to use the currency for the Wizard's Vault to buy Gold, Laurels and Mystic Coins or are they rewards we can select from the chest/chests we get when completing the daily objectives?

Edited by FinalHope.2346
Just adding for visibility!
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Just now, vrauns.3215 said:

I will get a lot of bad reactions but it has to be said, people now have to do tasks to get rewards, no more getting it easy.

The problem it changes GW2 from casual MMO to regular grind based MMO. If you fine with this - that's Ok.

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