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Reward track potions gone?

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It was already pointed out that because they incorporated potion into skirmish and level up chest u get reward track much faster by active playing. If you spent same time as before on doing dailies but instead for example flip camps (which is basicaly pve) you will get more progress toward GoB.

They will add alternative ways of GoB just after they give other ways to get Gif of Explorations or collections for precursos in open world 😛 In other world time to get used to actual state. Doubt they will revert change.

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No where have i ever stated that it was a bad descission to increase the ammount of reward progression that you now get instead of potions. Every thing they did prior to that change also was a step in the right direction to make these game modes more appealing to the majority of players again.

but by taking away the freedome to farm GoB alternativeley or lets say Passivly its starts hurting other people.

just add potions let people have the choice of giving up some of their limited AA in order to have the same level of convinience as it was prior to the change.

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22 minutes ago, rawisz.6439 said:

You dont understand it, potions were rewards for doing wvw activity, not a way to avoid content. They didnt take away choice, they fixed unintended use of them.

If a Gift of Battle is the only reason you want to participate in WvW then it should be in every ones interest to make it possible for these people to skip out on it or atleast speed up the process.

it would be possible to limit the puchase of potions to a maximum of 40/60/80 per month or season and it doesent even have to be potions it could be instant progress you get right after buying the potion.

so there is no hoarding that could be done while at it.

saying that skiping content is a valid pro for the drastic change makes no sense in my optinion since we all skip content based on our time or liking on a daily basis and further more have allways had the option to buy the desired legendary wich would cause a skip on crafting and content at the same time.

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24 minutes ago, rawisz.6439 said:

You dont understand it, potions were rewards for doing wvw activity, not a way to avoid content. They didnt take away choice, they fixed unintended use of them.

To get potions , ppl had to do wvw activity

And lots of ppl are casual and only have time to play dailies every day , then log off .. they arent avoiding content , they dont have time to play the way you want

They did take away choice , for casual ppl

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3 minutes ago, Jura.2170 said:

And lots of ppl are casual and only have time to play dailies every day , then log off .. they arent avoiding content , they dont have time to play the way you want

They did take away choice , for casual ppl

why do casual players need the potion again? The GoB? That's for legendary weapons only. Legendary weapons aren't for casuals; they have no need for them.

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45 minutes ago, Jura.2170 said:

To get potions , ppl had to do wvw activity

And lots of ppl are casual and only have time to play dailies every day , then log off .. they arent avoiding content , they dont have time to play the way you want

They did take away choice , for casual ppl

Dont get your 'casual' argument, it takes less time to do wvw dailies then before, if u are lucky u finish all 3 just by taking over 1 camp. Its less then 5min of game time. If u spend the same amount of time in wvw as you were spedning before SOTO u will get more progress into GoB then before by playing activly.

Even if they would bring back potions for completing wvw dailies there is no more task like 'big spender' or 'veteran creature', so i dont know how would it help you. What you demanding right now is just nerf for reward track progression, nothing more.

Edited by rawisz.6439
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3 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Not really you dont seem to understand that all im asking for is to have the same amount of time management choices to get the Gift of Battle as it was before.

And if somone is willing to give up on AA in order to not play WvW that should be considered as a freedome of choice improvement for those poeple that want to craft legendarys.

you still have the option of buying legendary, so you are not excluded from anything. and if anything, the amount of time required to get GoB got drastically reduced ( by 40-60% depending on wvw rank)

its not about freedome of choice, you just refuse to do something to get reward and demand that game is adjusted to you. wvw players that want lege accessory have to do living world achievements and there is no "i want to buy it with my wvw currency, where is my freedome of choice", the intended way for getting lege accessory is by doing achievements and in the same way intended way of getting GoB is by playing wvw.

3 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

there is a big posibillity of people buing their legendarys from now on since they would have to keep their participation up at all times wich wasnt required back then you could kill a senty perhaps a veteran take the reward track potions and use them when you have 80 of them to complete the reward track of GoB THIS is how it ALLWAYS was before and it made life easier for every single legendary crafted this way untill the change. Jet people say play it as it was intended to be played.

i would argue that barely anyone did it that way. 30-40 days of doing wvw daily to craft single legendary seems like a complete waste of time. i know some people that regularly craft lege items for sell despite being low rank and not enjoying wvw at all. but they know that its just ~4h of camp flipping that can be done while working/watching tv etc.

3 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

im here to suggest improvements im not even talking for my self here i see a good reason in beeing worried after the change in how to obtain GoB from now on and dont meed to complain. 

wvw rewards got just improved by this change, maybe they could give us 1 more pipe and improve gold rewards in tracks, but thats it.

Edited by Nimris.3781
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3 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

you still have the option of buying legendary, so you are not excluded from anything. and if anything, the amount of time required to get GoB got drastically reduced ( by 40-60% depending on wvw rank)

its not about freedome of choice, you just refuse to do something to get reward and demand that game is adjusted to you. wvw players that want lege accessory have to do living world achievements and there is no "i want to buy it with my wvw currency, where is my freedome of choice", the intended way for getting lege accessory is by doing achievements and in the same way intended way of getting GoB is by playing wvw.

i would argue that barely anyone did it that way. 30-40 days of doing wvw daily to craft single legendary seems like a complete waste of time. i know some people that regularly craft lege items for sell despite being low rank and not enjoying wvw at all. but they know that its just ~4h of camp flipping that can be done while working/watching tv etc.

wvw rewards got just improved by this change, maybe they could give us 1 more pipe and improve gold rewards in tracks, but thats it.

Ill reply to your statements in order:


„you allways have the oppurtunity to buy a legendary“

i dont get how you can bring this up as an excuse to not having to play WvW in order to get a legendary while its clear that anet made steps in a direction to help people actually craft their legendarys more convenient at the beginning and removing potions along with it makes no sense in this particular case.


i would argue that barely anyone did it that way. 30-40 days of doing wvw daily to craft single legendary seems like a complete waste of time“ 

Your right casual people usually dont try to burn them out by beeing efficent and reach their goals slowly so wasting time is not an issue to beginn with any way…


„wvw rewards got just improved by this change, maybe they could give us 1 more pipe and improve gold rewards in tracks, but thats it“

thats your suggestion and a statment that basically has nothing to with what i was pointing out here idk why you had to qute me on that.

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Legendaries are end game content, everyone wants them. not everyone likes wvw. I have done wvw to get the gift of battle without potions. I did not enjoy it. I did it because i had to but then i discovered potions and started doing it that way.

you know who was happy that i did that? everyone:

me, because i didn't spend 15 minutes running across the map to a zerg where i would die in 10 seconds and have to waypoint back to start and try to get back again.
and the hardcore wvw players who didn't have to put up with my amateur pvp skills. 

I do not like wvw, and i would never enter it again if there was any other way to get the gift of battle. Its not a matter of "playing the game" its being forced to go into an environment that is toxic to me because i am not a good wvw player and have no desire to be. forcing me to do the game mode for the gift of battle will not make me like the mode or inspire me to get better at it. 

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5 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

It was already pointed out that because they incorporated potion into skirmish and level up chest u get reward track much faster by active playing. If you spent same time as before on doing dailies but instead for example flip camps (which is basicaly pve) you will get more progress toward GoB.

For me it's good that I now have more reward track progress, but the new system promotes camp flipping and spawn camping for exactly those players who otherwise collected the potions via daily but then immediately left and then no longer blocked a map slot. These players didn't really help the team, but at least they didn't bother for long and didn't block a map slot for long.


4 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

by playing activly

I see more idle spawn camping now. Spawn camping is not active gameplay. And it's blocking a map slot for others.

It's a recurring theme lately: "We're removing some of your previously existing choices about how to accomplish certain things because we're giving you a more rigid corset of how to play for certain things." In GW2 it was often also about giving the players several options to achieve a goal in many ways.


6 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

They will add alternative ways of GoB

Is this a confirmed statement by Anet or did you just make it up?

Of all the many problems that exist in WvW, Anet is making changes to the potions and removing them, even though they haven't caused any problems in WvW for the last several years.

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2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

For me it's good that I now have more reward track progress, but the new system promotes camp flipping and spawn camping for exactly those players who otherwise collected the potions via daily but then immediately left and then no longer blocked a map slot. These players didn't really help the team, but at least they didn't bother for long and didn't block a map slot for long.


I see more idle spawn camping now. Spawn camping is not active gameplay. And it's blocking a map slot for others.

It's a recurring theme lately: "We're removing some of your previously existing choices about how to accomplish certain things because we're giving you a more rigid corset of how to play for certain things." In GW2 it was often also about giving the players several options to achieve a goal in many ways.


Is this a confirmed statement by Anet or did you just make it up?

Of all the many problems that exist in WvW, Anet is making changes to the potions and removing them, even though they haven't caused any problems in WvW for the last several years.

Good post. Maybe I'm wrong, but was anyone complaining about the potions?

In other words, If it's not broke, don't fix it......

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3 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

For me it's good that I now have more reward track progress, but the new system promotes camp flipping and spawn camping for exactly those players who otherwise collected the potions via daily but then immediately left and then no longer blocked a map slot. These players didn't really help the team, but at least they didn't bother for long and didn't block a map slot for long

This is exactly correct. those who like wvw want the other players who like wvw to be in there with them. players like me don't want to be there and we are in and out as quick as we can be. go stand on a ruin for 30 seconds for master of monuments or purchase a piece of armor for big spender and i was gone. 

As has been said many times in this thread, give us any other way to get a gift of battle and this is a non-issue. i would rather do 100% world exploration for one than 2 hours of wvw

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10 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

Dont get your 'casual' argument, it takes less time to do wvw dailies then before

Maybe, but the new daily system practically guarantees that primarily PvE players won't have any WvW dailies. Change to daily system, and to potions, seem to be aiming at making sure that only full-time dedicated WvW/SPvP players will play those modes and that everyone else will not bother coming. This will significantly reduce already low influx of "new blood" into those modes. As such, i can't see this design as anything else than a plan to slowly kill off those modes by starving them of new players.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 8/23/2023 at 1:05 AM, senna.9563 said:

So is there no way to get the track potions anymore? Because if this is the case, then I'm so goddammit disappointed by this game. I hate wvw with a burning passion and do not want anything to do with that gamemode (nothing against ppl that like it, but I'm not one of them). And the only way I was able to get the gift of battle for my legendaries was to get in, do one or two easy dailies that I didn't need to actually do much for (sentry or veteran creature) and get out. Now I cannot do that, therefore I have no way to get the gift of battle. So I'm locked from crafting legendaries. Is this how it is now? Or have I missed something.....

We don't want you in WvW taking up space either! 🙂

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26 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Maybe, but the new daily system practically guarantees that primarily PvE players won't have any WvW dailies. Change to daily system, and to potions, seem to be aiming at making sure that only full-time dedicated WvW/SPvP players will play those modes and that everyone else will not bother coming. This will significantly reduce already low influx of "new blood" into those modes. As such, i can't see this design as anything else than a plan to slowly kill off those modes by starving them of new players.

I agree that that daily system has some issues in this regard, but i dont think that its that much problem. There always will be flow of new blood just because gift of battle exists. Adding alternative ways of acquiring it would bring few times more impact then this change in dailies.

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30 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Can you explain to me what you mean with that ? 

Of course, when you are trying to get your squad on map, you don't want 20 individuals, talking, afking, doing some non-sense PVE stuff and not participating in WvW, fighting, taking towers etc... taking up space.  Because you will be unable to get your people on the map.  Space on a borderland has a max number of people that it can hold. 

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I don't get why people are in here arguing with each other because Anet is forcing people into game modes they don't want to play. And just because one game mode has had it kitten for years on end (WvW) doesn't mean that another also has to have it shittier than it was before.

I doubt WvW commanders want unmotivated ppl taking up space on the maps because one grindy item forces them to be there. And if that's the only way to get new blood into your game mode then maybe your game mode is just kitten and needs to be worked on (this is directed at Anet, not ppl who like WvW).
I also think Anet should update their game properly and give each game mode their own way to get legendaries without having to dip into other modes. And to the people saying you have to earn your stuff; its a game, the only thing you should have is fun. I have raid armor, 7 legendary weapons and some trinkets. I ''worked for it''. Doesn't mean that I see any problems with making it more accessible to others and allowing people to play what they actually want to play.
I don't think forcing people to play something they don't want will get people excited for those game modes. Especially if nothing has been done to make said game modes more attractive. Maybe actually work on improving those game modes instead.


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I think some people might miss the point that the potions actualyl rewarded active players as well - as an additional goodie. (And even from the active ones not everyone might play for hours each day ... but still having enjoyed doing the dailies in between on less active days. For the potions and reward track progress.) For people playing only those game modes the reward tracks also are a big source for other stuff you usually only can get from PvE. (If you avoid dungeons - you can get dungeon tokesn from the reward tracks.)

This is not just people that do not want to play WvW - complaining they need to play it more now to get the Gift of Battle.

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3 hours ago, Areoh.7495 said:

We don't want you in WvW taking up space either!

Speak for yourself not "we". I'm a WvW vet and you don't speak for me.


2 hours ago, Areoh.7495 said:

Of course, when you are trying to get your squad on map, you don't want 20 individuals, talking, afking, doing some non-sense PVE stuff and not participating in WvW, fighting, taking towers etc... taking up space.

And that's the reason why you like a change by Anet that increases this problem even more? Because players who are only there for the GoB and who don't want to be cannon fodder or rallybots block a map slot for longer?

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