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Bring back the old Dailies [Merged]

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I also want the old dailies back, and if that's not possible, then at a MINIMUM we should have a choice (3 out of 5 was great) and you should be able to dailies with your friends. I'm not clear if the latter is already possible, but they should make that clear right away!

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I think people forget that a big chunk of people who play GW2 are fairly casual.  They just want to log in and get SOME progression.  That was the purpose of the daily, you could log in, get something done, some progression and some play, and then go take care of real life stuff.  By making the daily system cumbersome and difficult, now people don't feel like they even get that bit of progression.  They feel less a part of the game and might even start drifting toward other games as well.   

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Wow, you really screwed everyone over. Now I'm either forced to do pvp/wvw, which I HATE or I get 1 daily login reward of a pissant 5 asstral coins when the daily 2g cost 1000.  Special is locked if I don't own the expansion and the rest are "weekly" rewards that aren't going to reset "daily". Thanks for screwing the game over! Great Job!

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I liked having a large number of options available in all game modes. They at least need to put the old objectives into the new system and increase the amount of options you have to match the flexibility of the old system. This change is going to discourage people from logging in on a daily basis.

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4 minutes ago, SouthPaw.9705 said:

It's nice to see the weekly and monthly categories back

I'm good with this too, and even choosing/buying the "daily rewards" and only 1 gold etc. I just want to be able to choose what I want to do and have things on that list that you can do with a friend. 

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I think the new system has potential. I do like it, But they should add a couple more choices to choose from. A couple more dailies with a limit of 4 choices total would be better. That way if you get a daily like the spirit vestibule you can skip it as it can be tedious specially if you have never done it before. 

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4 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

My core-only alt accounts all got dailies.

Those accounts are core-only, so they only get core dailies.

But some people, who still play through core Tyria, already have the expansions added to their accounts. Thus, the game gives them dailies from the expansion regions, too.


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Just now, Fueki.4753 said:

Those accounts are core-only, so they only get core dailies.

But some people, who still play through core Tyria, already have the expansions added to their accounts. Thus, the game gives them dailies from the expansion regions, too.


I do not mind going to the desert and killing 10 foes but I did not pick WvW and PvP and I have a task in each for a daily 

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3 minutes ago, Doctor.1384 said:

They also need to keep the parkour puzzles in the rotation, as this keeps life in old maps and exposes new players to old content. 

It also gives mesmers something to do.  It is so nice to be thanked continuously for providing a portal to the top of a jumping puzzle.

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