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Valdhertz crypts (mini-dungeon) still bugged and is now a daily?

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I have this issue every day or so, it also has a bug that so far i've only experienced when I cc the last two mobs before they finish their lines. When this happens, I cannot hit the orb, they keep respawning over and over and it just won't let you progress to the chests room.

Even if I do it by myself, it bugs quite often. I really wish they would fix this, since you can't prevent other players from getting in if you already started it.

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Saturday, the 26th, still in the daily rotation, and still completely bugged.😒

EDIT: FINALLY got a working instance on the SEVENTH try. Feels more like a crapshoot than an achievement.🎲🎲

Edited by Xeno.1298
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This this this. I'm afraid the vast majority of us are screwed. I like anet but ya know, putting this into rotation when it's been known by the community to be broken in multiple ways on the regular is complete crap. At least in the old system you could choose another objective. I like this system a lot in some ways but the lack of choice in the dailies is really awful.

I will give them props to giving you pve/wvw/spvp choice, that is very good. However, if they were going to go with copying ESO's style of daily system they should have copied the 5 objectives but only being able to do 3 total, so we had more options. This leaves no room for bugged stuff.

In the case of this one, you got buggy puzzles that often times don't award all participants the prize, but more importantly on my world's instance it's just... broke. The bosses at the end are stuck because they always become vulnerable and die to too many people in an event like this before the sequence plays out and it just breaks everything and now literally no one on this instance can do it and there's no way for players to manually reset an instance so we're kinda screwed over here.

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On 8/23/2023 at 11:17 PM, Paradoxium.6375 said:

I tried 3 times to complete this daily and it bugged out each time, I see 3 problems here.

1, It breaks easily, especially when there are a bunch of people trying to do it - and it was never fixed.

2, It is now a daily and that guarentees number 1.

3, There are only 4 tasks to open the 4 daily chest, meaning I cannot skip it and do something else to complete my daily.

I cant see anyone else bringing this up so here is the post saying it is a problem and your letting everyone who goes there down.

Thank you! I specifically came here to say exactly this! Not only is it a PITA and still bugged, it is something you can't even access unless you've unlocked a HIDDEN ACHIEVEMENT collection. That makes this in a daily and weekly rotation asinine. Especially considering that we want to do the xpac content, not buggy EoD stuff. 

I really like the Wizard's Vault system as a concept, but not giving us more than 4 choices for dailies is a problem. It used to require 3 for Daily Completionist, and we had a choice of 9 to do, not 4. Having not only to do another one, but to have to do ALL of them to get the 10AP and 1g, is frustrating and unfair.

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Yeah, 3 times so far we tried and all 3 times it bugged out.  Really not fair to folks who never did EoD either to give them a place they can't even get into.

Give us more options for dailies.  Locking us to 3 total makes this an unfun and possibly impossible affair.

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As for the chests, do your best to actually participate in any of the events along the way, zero participation does equal zero reward. However, participating at all, does NOT get you all the boxes, however only one is necessary for the daily. So be sure to check all the boxes before you give up on a run. I will say I have never, ever, been allowed to open all the boxes on this event, if I was not the sole, solo, person running the whole dungeon so you won't get them all either, that much is a guarantee with this many people around.

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Please stop adding these mini-dungeons to mandatory daily, especially as everything is broken.

Three different maps, nothing works. Events finished but "cannot open chest", and then it resets


p.s. fourth map finally worked, with events properly registering and then one of the final chests opening. This took about 35 minutes 😞


Edited by Bugabuga.9721
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I didn't notice this was posted but yea having this issue and made my own post.. People are saying its been bugged since EoD release, I've only been playing  a year and have noticed bugs, mentioned them and was told "oh yea thats been a bug for 7 years"...

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24 minutes ago, Bugabuga.9721 said:

Please stop adding these mini-dungeons to mandatory daily, especially as everything is broken.

Three different maps, nothing works. Events finished but "cannot open chest", and then it resets


p.s. fourth map finally worked, with events properly registering and then one of the final chests opening. This took about 35 minutes 😞


Even if events finish you have to actualy kill something or complete one of the puzzle pieces for it to count for you.

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These things wouldn't happen if people could simply choose from a list of like 7 dailies and just pick three. I thought that the idea of picking a gameplay style for dailies was brilliant-- it never occurred to me that they'd only be giving you 3 mandatory dailies and no list to choose from. I understand the concept of "well then people would only do the 'dodge 10 times' dailies" and to that i say: If those types of dailies are going to be a thing, limit those easy combat-types to one or two on a list of 7 dailies that can be chosen from. I imagine PvE players are suffering the most from the new system because it's probably easier and less buggy to rely on your own skill in PvP or WvW-- in PvE we are at the mercy of events being completed and bugs not happening. Is there an official forum for leaving feedback on this new daily system???

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Thing is we probably don't get anything until monday unless they magically work late or on weekends.

This is absurd doing minidungeons and they don't fix bugs and leave it. I hope they compensate for the 10 lost of AP and other stuff for this daily or at least give us more options to do 4/4 dailies rather just hardstuck 4 terrible dailies.

Edited by oCynder.5136
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1 minute ago, oCynder.5136 said:

Thing is we probably don't get anything until monday unless they magically work late or on weekends.

This is absurd doing minidungeons and they don't fix bugs and leave it. I hope they compensate for the 10 lost of AP and other stuff for this daily or at least give us more options to do 4/4 dailies rather just hardstuck 4 terrible dailies.

100% they don't work weekends which is why I was pushy on getting a time on the broken skyscale before all of this.. if I don't get some type of reward for having to deal with multiple year old bugs I sure in the hell won't send any money their way anymore.

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