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I demand my Inquest Mark I Golem back

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

I rather hope for some interesting, new and innovative relics instead of these ‘summon’ relics. 

Yes, like different kind of summon relics than those ones. Demons, Imps, Tentacles, Fancier Golems, Wolves and etc that do interesting new and innovative actions as they help us. Good idear.

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19 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

A first step would be to read the posts in this thread instead of just crying. They offer a lot of advice. 

Your advice is "work hard, study hard." Sorry, but I already have a job. I don't play the game to do extra work there. I bought a game that was supposed to be casual friendly. The game was hard but I managed with my golem somehow, now it's very hard for me. I don't want a challenge, I want it to be easy, or at least tolerable.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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13 minutes ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

hey OP what stats are you using on your deadeye?

Inquest armor (medium), Berserker's, 2x inquest pistols swap 2x inquest daggers, also PPF. And no I don't want change my weapons

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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24 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

And your solution is “cry hard”? 

No, my solution was suggested to me by game support. They said there was nothing they could do but encouraged me to post my ticket as a forum post for the developers to see as they apparently read the forum

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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2 minutes ago, Excelsis.5207 said:

At this point I am pretty sure he (or she) is just trolling. You got the attention you wanted. Now it is time to move on. And I don't care about being reported, go ahead.

Very funny. I'm not interested in your attention. I want the developers to give me back my golem

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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Just now, Darves.6798 said:

Inquest armor (medium), Berserker's, 2x inquest pistols swap 2x inquest daggers, also PPF. And no I don't want change my weapons


To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


i'm not gonna ask you to swap your weapons, but what about your traits, utility bar and your stats? berserker is notorious for doing a good amount of damage but leaving no survivability, i personally use crusaders to get a decent amount of protection in. less damage, sure, but it also provides a hefty boost to defense and healing. An alternative i use is celestial to get a decent boost to every stat. Celestial would probably fit your build better, considering daggers are condi weapons and beserkers doesn't boost condi damage at all, but pistols aren't condi weapons and benefit more from berserkers, while also giving you defensive boosts as well.

i'd probably recommend the relic of durability, for extra defense and health regen, if you haven't already chosen that.

If youre comfortable with it, i'd also suggest maybe using the thieves guild elite for npc allies since there isn't a golem summon relic for the moment and using shadow arts and acrobatics for more defensive traits to survive longer. But if you swap to celestial you might not even need to change your traits or utility bar at all. as for deadeye traitline, my suggestion would be one in the chamber (gives you a new stolen skill when you use a cantrip), payback (slightly recharges healing, utility and elite skill recharges), and malificent seven (which gives you a ton of boons if you reach seven stacks of malice, good for defense and offense). that payback/one in the chamber feedback loop would probably help a lot, especially in a fight with a lot of adds.


I hope you've found something helpful here.

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As a roleplayer, I demand only mechanists should be allowed to have a golem, i'm 100% against this tread.


To the developers, I demand the golem stays dead.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be welcome.

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6 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

No, my solution was suggested to me by game support. They said there was nothing they could do but encouraged me to post my ticket as a forum post for the developers to see as they apparently read the forum


To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


for developers to see? you do know your post comes off has rude right?  if thats what they told you to do  then you should take the advice i gave to you in my first comment very seriously

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12 minutes ago, trunks.5249 said:

for developers to see? you do know your post comes off has rude right?  if thats what they told you to do  then you should take the advice i gave to you in my first comment very seriously

No it's not rude. I don't offend anyone. You read my post again carefully and thoroughly. Criticism and dissatisfaction do not equal rudeness. And as a customer, I don't have to grovel and beg, I have the right to demand as well.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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7 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

No it's not rude. I don't offend anyone. You read my post again carefully and thoroughly. Criticism and dissatisfaction do not equal rudeness. And as a customer, I don't have to grovel and beg, I have the right to demand as well.


To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


well its your post at the end of the day. i can tell you this. if they see your post  odds  are they will not give it a second  thought. demanding something is rude. you ask politely 

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1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

I bought a game that was supposed to be casual friendly.

And it is.


but now without the golem I'm still dying. How am I supposed to adapt?

Adapting in this case would mean understanding how the game works and adjutsting your gameplay to not keep dying in story missions. Pet gameplay is still available on other classes, the most obvious one would be ranger, so if you want "I'll stand behind my pet" gameplay, it's still available. If you don't want to use that then I guess it's not about gameplay, but about covering your ears and repeating "no no no". At that point: good luck.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And it is.

No, it's not.


9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Adapting in this case would mean understanding how the game works and adjutsting your gameplay to not keep dying in story missions. Pet gameplay is still available on other classes, the most obvious one would be ranger, so if you want "I'll stand behind my pet" gameplay, it's still available. If you don't want to use that then I guess it's not about gameplay, but about covering your ears and repeating "no no no". At that point: good luck.

I've been playing for about than 2 months and took that time to complete the main story, LW1 and started LW2. I'm not going to start over and waste all the time I've spent. I want to play my thief and yes I want to hide behind my pet because otherwise my character dies. So it's not available

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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2 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I want to play my thief and yes I want to hide behind my pet because otherwise my character dies. So it's not available


I mean, i did offer alternatives for your thief character, including a handy dandy temporary pet elite skill that thieves have access to plus changes to stats and traits to make your thief more able to survive. And you haven't commented on it. I'm not sure if you missed it or not but there are alternatives out there without relying on a pet golem.

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28 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

No, it's not.

How so?

28 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I've been playing for about than 2 months and took that time to complete the main story, LW1 and started LW2. I'm not going to start over and waste all the time I've spent. I want to play my thief and yes I want to hide behind my pet because otherwise my character dies. So it's not available

I don't think you need to start over in order to start playing lw2 or 3 on another character. You can probably just open journal and start from those seasons. And yes, that gameplay is still available, you've been told how. Covering your ears and repeating "no no" won't change that it is still available and basically a main theme of one of the classes. Your refusal to play it doesn't make it unavailable.

The game has short descriptions of the classes in character creation.
For Thief it's: Favors melee / stealth and evasion / acrobatic combat
(...) What they lack in defense, they make up for with skills to debilitate, teleport, or vanish from sight.
Here's Ranger: Favors ranged / pet companion / naturalist
Rangers tame a variety of pet companions to complement their fighting style. (...)

If you wanted ranged/pet play, you should have picked better.

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3 hours ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

Play how you want doesn't mean succeed how you want. It just means you have the option to play a bad build which the game absolutely allow you to. You can play a full shaman power deadeye with scepter if you want, that is definitely play how you want. It doesn't mean the game will cater you to the point that you can do literally anything and still succeed. What if I want to play a pure water ele and only use water skills because is my RP? I can definitely do that. Would it be a bad build especially if I can't handle it? Yeah. Would people laugh at me because I demand they make it work since I am sticking to my RP build. I mean yeah probably.

tl;dr: Be better or play a tankier build. Play how you want doesn't mean succeed how you want.

Umm...don't look at me. 😐 Nothing to see here. 😎😁

Funny you should mention Ice Elementalists. What with the ice chair, ice glider, snow diamond infusion and ice armor...who would play such a thing..?

Not like we have a molten chair, a geomancer (fire ball?) glider, molten infusion or fire armor...or...doooo weeee..? 🤔😁 Though personally, I'm partial to ice. I wish our gear tabs included such things as gliders and colors.

It's good to have  multiple tools in one's toolbox for dealing with all manner of things (dual dagger fire rocks). I just wish there were more elemental or condition weaknesses in the game to make things more interesting. Maybe let elementalists buff other players with elemental damage. But that's just my opinion.

Improvise, adapt and overcome.

With regard to missing...relics (golems?), wasn't it mentioned someplace that not all rune bonuses (relics) were released at launch? I should think that these would be coming back eventually.

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2 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

I'll give you an example, someone takes your car and you adopt, you'll walk now, you ask him politely if he's going to give it back to you and thank him again, that's your advice.

I think this is where you're losing people - what a lot of folks are trying to say is that the extent of the adaptation you need to make your thief able to clear story missions is nowhere near as onerous as walking everywhere you once drove your car. As others have (civilly) noted, we're really not sure when these summons are coming back (if at all), so adapting on your character seems wiser than expecting Anet to give something back.

That being said, I agree that the fact that we need to make this adaptation at all is a problem. Anet wanted to separate the 6th rune bonus from the 6pc rune sets - fine. What they should have been prepared to do is, you know, actually make the relic system give back the 6th rune bonus. Instead, Anet pulled another Anet and decided to "improve" the system with a bunch of relics nobody really has much use for, and just added a handful that everyone needs to use to make up for lost performance.

While SotO has largely exceeded my expectations, I am still very perturbed by the relic system. I still believe it is a terrible precedent for Anet to touch such a core system, to just straight up take away a key piece of gameplay/progress, then force players to grind a half-assed version of that progress back. Yes, they promise they'll be adding more relics back, but even if every single one comes back, I think it's still stupid that they were removed in the first place.

Yes, it's true that Anet owns the game and gets to determine how the game works, and we just have to live with it (or quit). Expectations are a real thing though, and just because you have the right to alter your product doesn't mean it's actually a wise decision that your customers have to accept. There's a line somewhere, and if you cross it, you start losing people. The relic system, in my opinion, represents a very large step closer to that line. I'd prefer that they never consider a similar tinkering ever again.

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33 minutes ago, castlemanic.3198 said:

I mean, i did offer alternatives for your thief character, including a handy dandy temporary pet elite skill that thieves have access to plus changes to stats and traits to make your thief more able to survive. And you haven't commented on it. I'm not sure if you missed it or not but there are alternatives out there without relying on a pet golem.

Thank you and I appreciate the help. However, do you know how much it costs e.g. full celestial gear (what you propose) plus 2x pistols, 2x daggers and sigil relics or so on. I looked briefly at the trading post, it all costs about 100 gold. Firstly, I don't have that kind of money, secondly, even if I did, why should I be harmed by changes in the game?

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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24 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

I think this is where you're losing people - what a lot of folks are trying to say is that the extent of the adaptation you need to make your thief able to clear story missions is nowhere near as onerous as walking everywhere you once drove your car.

I think that's a good analogy. Adaptation in this game is not free, I can't change gears and weapons for free to make them fit better, I can't exchange sigil runes and relics for free, I can't change skill points I've invested, etc. So the car example is a good one. I would like to remind you that I only play story quests in order. However, I mostly agree with what you wrote

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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33 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

Thank you and I appreciate the help. However, do you know how much it costs e.g. full celestial gear (what you propose) plus 2x pistols, 2x daggers and sigil relics or so on. I looked briefly at the trading post, it all costs about 100 gold. Firstly, I don't have that kind of money, secondly, even if I did, why should I be harmed by changes in the game?

i don't think spending gold to change your build is a harm. Everyone who's played gw2 has had to make adaptions to skills, traits and stat modifications over the years because of various balance changes and changes to core systems (you specifically darves won't remember this, but in the first couple of years we had a completely different trait system to the one we have now). This is another one of those changes. I understand you are frustrated with the lack of a summon relic in gw2 right now, this is one of those changes that baffles me to be completely honest, i'm not entirely sure what the developers were thinking by removing so many choices people were looking forward to keeping. But changing gears by buying stuff off of the trading post or crafting them yourself isn't a harm by any means. An adaption, yes. and it will cost time and gold to readjust your build, which i understand is frustrating. Ultimately we do not know if there will be summon relics coming back to gw2, whether in the near future or farther away. So my suggestion is to find a way to adapt with the tools that you have at your disposal.

And we can start by assessing your gold budget. how much gold do you have?


Also, are you on the EU server or NA server?

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