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I just had the most uncomfortable experience in GW2 since game launch


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18 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

Its pointless debating something if you are going to skim and not read properly.    If there is requirements that they fail to meet or they are badly behaved then kick away.  if  someone satisfies the requirements and are not badly behaved then kicking is toxic.  Simply put, be respectful to people and don't shift the goal posts.

Anyway this debate turns into an 'get gid' chat which goes nowhere so dropping out. cheers.

What is the "requirements" for "do DPS"?

What is the requirements for someone who joined as a boon, while not providing said boon, but doing DPS? Do the "do DPS" requirements apply to this person, or did he somehow find a super secret loophole that makes him unkickable because he didn't join as a DPS? Is it OK to kick him instantly if he isn't a boon, if he joined when team was looking for boon?

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So you do less dps than supports.

You don't know what your dps actually is so you're coping that 'it must be fine since people usually let me leech.'

And when someone privately tells you to stop leeching you cause drama.

You're the reason people ask for 250LI killproof for easy strikes.

Edited by Zyhot.9851
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19 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

 If there is requirements that they fail to meet or they are badly behaved then kick away.  if  someone satisfies the requirements and are not badly behaved then kicking is toxic. 

Absolutely NOT. If I satisfy every entry requirement (let's say something like "LF 1 qhealer") and then proceed to continuously grief my group by not doing mechanics properly, not providing boons if I am a boon giver, running over people with damaging mechanics, should I not be kicked just because I joined on a qhealer?

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On 8/26/2023 at 7:19 PM, Kovac.4372 said:

Today has been a bit slow getting an IBS 5 group going. Been waiting alone advertising my group for some 5 minutes. So I take another look at the tab and notice another 1/10 group for IBS 5 + DS, decide to join them.

Group starts filling up. We're in Shiverpeaks Pass. Commander asks me for my role. I'm on my soulbeast, so I say dps. Commander gets mad at me because group advertised qdps and alac. I say I joined when it was 1/10, you don't need a whole squad full of qdps alac do you? Plus this is strikes, not raids, it's a breeze. I get berated like "if everyone thought like you blablabla". I'm like whatever, didn't reply..

Strikes go fine. My damage is good. At last one, Boneskinner, I get a whisper from commander saying I shouldn't say I'm dps when my dps is lower than some alac in the group. I figure the guy is looking at some of those dps tracking mods and comparing me to a probably better player. But like, I know I'm doing good, the dude is being pedantic, and at this point very annoying considering I've done a bazillion strike runs and never had any issues. Boneskinner goes well, no problems from me, good damage, didn't down once, helped rez downed players, Boneskinner dead fast.

I enter DS, decide to whisper back to the commander - "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"

Commander kicks me out of squad.

"Case and point" I send them.

And this is a prime example of how Wow got screwed up. GW2 is on the same trail.  Alac and Quick need to be gone, ARCdps needs to be gone, this commander seemed to miss the comment that said when using ARC, dont be a d#$#$#@.  

This has spread among Wvw as well, this quickness alcac bullcrap.  Builds that are substandard for people who dont know how to play the game PVE or WvW.  

Make me Angry LOL

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50 minutes ago, Areoh.7495 said:

And this is a prime example of how Wow got screwed up. GW2 is on the same trail.  Alac and Quick need to be gone, ARCdps needs to be gone, this commander seemed to miss the comment that said when using ARC, dont be a d#$#$#@.  

yes weapons needs to be gone as well. lets give everyone stick and block usage of utilities while equipped with stick so that you cannot fail your rotation.


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On 9/5/2023 at 2:07 AM, Urud.4925 said:


since I injured my wrist/right hand and couldn't play much GW2, I spent some time making a tabletop game, named "I am meta!".

The rules, in short, consist in choosing a profession (that comes with its own card and set of 6 skills) and fight 1 random boss (out of 18. I tried to make them similar to the actual fights). Both the players and the boss have their own skills (the players can choose which one to use, while for the boss you roll a d6). You can inflict conditions (only 1 for now, to make things easier), cleanse them, block and evade attacks, and heal yourself. There is some strategy involved, as the skills/blocks have a cool-down, but also some luck, for example to stun break a knockdown. The player who deals more damage when the boss dies, wins.

It only has the core professions for now. In case people are interested, I might add some elite spec and add also new boons like quickness and alacrity. But for now I made it simple (balancing the professions is not that easy, and every match took me 4-5 hours). Suggestions are welcome.

The pdf with the full rules can be found here: https://lfp.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/I-am-meta.pdf

While the .zip with the material to print can be found here: https://lfp.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/I_am_meta_pack.zip

Have a good time!


7 hours ago, Lilas.3648 said:

Absolutely NOT. If I satisfy every entry requirement (let's say something like "LF 1 qhealer") and then proceed to continuously grief my group by not doing mechanics properly, not providing boons if I am a boon giver, running over people with damaging mechanics, should I not be kicked just because I joined on a qhealer?

Says it all really.  They are not 'griefing' your group., that's a story you told yourself to justify booting a weaker player that met your entry requirements.  'Get gud'.  Here is the evidence it is toxic, if that was a casual guild run  (i..e equivalent to a pug not a progression run) and 1 player was underperforming I guarantee you would not 'kick' them because it would not be socially accepted.  However some people seem to think they can treat pug players differently because there is no social consequence.

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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On 8/26/2023 at 4:19 AM, Kovac.4372 said:

Today has been a bit slow getting an IBS 5 group going. Been waiting alone advertising my group for some 5 minutes. So I take another look at the tab and notice another 1/10 group for IBS 5 + DS, decide to join them.

Group starts filling up. We're in Shiverpeaks Pass. Commander asks me for my role. I'm on my soulbeast, so I say dps. Commander gets mad at me because group advertised qdps and alac. I say I joined when it was 1/10, you don't need a whole squad full of qdps alac do you? Plus this is strikes, not raids, it's a breeze. I get berated like "if everyone thought like you blablabla". I'm like whatever, didn't reply..

Strikes go fine. My damage is good. At last one, Boneskinner, I get a whisper from commander saying I shouldn't say I'm dps when my dps is lower than some alac in the group. I figure the guy is looking at some of those dps tracking mods and comparing me to a probably better player. But like, I know I'm doing good, the dude is being pedantic, and at this point very annoying considering I've done a bazillion strike runs and never had any issues. Boneskinner goes well, no problems from me, good damage, didn't down once, helped rez downed players, Boneskinner dead fast.

I enter DS, decide to whisper back to the commander - "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"

Commander kicks me out of squad.

"Case and point" I send them.

So let me get this thread straight.

Group asks for quickness and alac, you join without it.

You then say you are dps which nobody asked for.

You don't actually do any dps.

What are you doing?

Just tell them your role is to be completely useless next time and you are only here for the rewards. May get some laughs for honesty, if the content is easy enough.

Honestly, when I read these threads, I would just kick these people for their posts because it sounds so annoying already, even if they do 1 million dps. Imagine actually playing with these people.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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39 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

Here is the evidence it is toxic, if that was a casual guild run  (i..e equivalent to a pug not a progression run) and 1 player was underperforming I guarantee you would not 'kick' them because it would not be socially accepted. 

When you're doing your guild run, and make a mistake, and the commander tells you that you made a mistake, is your response to them: "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"?


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5 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

yes weapons needs to be gone as well. lets give everyone stick and block usage of utilities while equipped with stick so that you cannot fail your rotation.


Yea but then sticks would be elitist.

I don't mind people not running stuff because they don't like it, but it almost feels like people are actively opposed to running anything in the off chance that it may actually be useful to someone else.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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5 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:


Says it all really.  They are not 'griefing' your group., that's a story you told yourself to justify booting a weaker player that met your entry requirements.  'Get gud'.  Here is the evidence it is toxic, if that was a casual guild run  (i..e equivalent to a pug not a progression run) and 1 player was underperforming I guarantee you would not 'kick' them because it would not be socially accepted.  However some people seem to think they can treat pug players differently because there is no social consequence.

First, if it's a casual GUILD run then it will never be equivalent to a pug run.

Second, kicking weaker players that are not performing up to par is NOT toxic. People have differing skill levels, and that's fine, but if you're clearly the blockade that's actively preventing your group from clearing content, then you should be removed. I've been part of raid statics in other games (namely FFXIV, where one mistake can wipe your entire group) where there were one or two players that were just clearly lagging behind the rest and killing us constantly due to failing mechanics, but they were never removed and the static just ended up falling apart because well we just couldn't progress because of them. And I've also been a part of raid statics that would remove players quickly if it was evident that they couldn't keep up, and let me tell you, the experience and general vibes in those groups are WAY better than groups that refuse to remove weaker players.  

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12 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:


Says it all really.  They are not 'griefing' your group., that's a story you told yourself to justify booting a weaker player that met your entry requirements.  'Get gud'.  Here is the evidence it is toxic, if that was a casual guild run  (i..e equivalent to a pug not a progression run) and 1 player was underperforming I guarantee you would not 'kick' them because it would not be socially accepted.  However some people seem to think they can treat pug players differently because there is no social consequence.

Lets say you have project to do in work in 10ppl team. There is lots of time, so for sure you will finish it ahead of time. Everyone do their part but there is this one guy who doesnt show up, does almost nothing, and if he does sth its full of mistakes and rest have to fix it. On top of it he acts like his behaviour is good and doesnt plan to change it. Of course everyone get the same payment for finishing this project. Tell me, do you want to continue work with him? Is it toxic to remove him from your team? Why in real life its perfectly acceptable to fire that guy but in game you try to convince us that its toxic?

Why do you say that its ok to kick healer if he doesnt do his job, its ok to kick boondps if he doesnt provide enaugh boon uptime, but if dps doesnt do his job you cant kick him beacuse he is just weaker player and it would be toxic? You seems to have double standards who you can and who you cant kick.

Causual guild is in no way equivalent to a pug, in your guild run ppl know before joining party that their will be someone underperforming and accept it. In pug ppl assume that others know what they are doing and are not obliged carry some random strangers.

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14 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

Says it all really.  They are not 'griefing' your group., that's a story you told yourself to justify booting a weaker player that met your entry requirements.  'Get gud'.  Here is the evidence it is toxic, if that was a casual guild run  (i..e equivalent to a pug not a progression run) and 1 player was underperforming I guarantee you would not 'kick' them because it would not be socially accepted.  However some people seem to think they can treat pug players differently because there is no social consequence.

I have a rule I keep to in my squads. 
If a DPS does subpar damage(close to boonDPS level) I ask them to pick up the damage, if they don't, kick.
If a DPS does healer damage I ask if they want to swap with me so I'll be DPS and they'll heal, otherwise kick.

Simple, if you join an experienced group as DPS and don't do damage, which is pretty much your only job as a DPS you're out.

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5 hours ago, rawisz.6439 said:

Lets say you have project to do in work in 10ppl team. There is lots of time, so for sure you will finish it ahead of time. Everyone do their part but there is this one guy who doesnt show up, does almost nothing, and if he does sth its full of mistakes and rest have to fix it. On top of it he acts like his behaviour is good and doesnt plan to change it. Of course everyone get the same payment for finishing this project. Tell me, do you want to continue work with him? Is it toxic to remove him from your team? Why in real life its perfectly acceptable to fire that guy but in game you try to convince us that its toxic?

Why do you say that its ok to kick healer if he doesnt do his job, its ok to kick boondps if he doesnt provide enaugh boon uptime, but if dps doesnt do his job you cant kick him beacuse he is just weaker player and it would be toxic? You seems to have double standards who you can and who you cant kick.

Causual guild is in no way equivalent to a pug, in your guild run ppl know before joining party that their will be someone underperforming and accept it. In pug ppl assume that others know what they are doing and are not obliged carry some random strangers.

haha BS.  Everyone has different values, how you use them to succeed as the commander is up to you.  Bonuses are given for exception performers. no one needs to be kicked unless IMHO you are a newb supervisor or commander. 

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This is why i run both dps and alac sets on my character. I join early and always say '' Can adps or dps, either one is ok but would like to be pure dps the most'' and a lot of the time comms just let me as dps with no problems. If i get to be adps is ok too. If you join a squad early be prepared to be more than one role.

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4 hours ago, Areoh.7495 said:

haha BS.  Everyone has different values, how you use them to succeed as the commander is up to you.  Bonuses are given for exception performers. no one needs to be kicked unless IMHO you are a newb supervisor or commander. 

So your ok with loot being % based instead of equal like it is now?

You do crap you get less loot.

Yea that will certainly make the dps people do mechanics or revive some unskilled person of the floor forging their loot much more likely then what we have now.


I can see it now opener crap dps gg forcing the rest of the squad to gg.

Commander dies forces rest of squad to gg or s/he leaves

Edited by Linken.6345
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5 hours ago, Areoh.7495 said:

haha BS.  Everyone has different values, how you use them to succeed as the commander is up to you.  Bonuses are given for exception performers. no one needs to be kicked unless IMHO you are a newb supervisor or commander. 

If the game actually rewarded based on performance people with this idea would be among the first one to complain that doing less gets them less. 

Right now the DPS doing 35k gets the same rewards as the DPS doing 5k. So.. if we don't kick the people not doing adequate damage is actually rewarding the underperformers with getting carried. 

You're doing your role at an atleast acceptable level? Good, your bonus is staying in the squad.

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On 8/26/2023 at 2:27 PM, Omega.6801 said:

Then, if your dps actually was lower than that of a support class, you didn't play your role, so I'd say they were right about kicking you from the group

Nah , wispering and saying " I shouldn't say I'm dps when my dps is lower than some alac in the group" is 100% toxic behaviour and there is no justification for that.


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On 8/26/2023 at 7:19 PM, Kovac.4372 said:

Today has been a bit slow getting an IBS 5 group going. Been waiting alone advertising my group for some 5 minutes. So I take another look at the tab and notice another 1/10 group for IBS 5 + DS, decide to join them.

Group starts filling up. We're in Shiverpeaks Pass. Commander asks me for my role. I'm on my soulbeast, so I say dps. Commander gets mad at me because group advertised qdps and alac. I say I joined when it was 1/10, you don't need a whole squad full of qdps alac do you? Plus this is strikes, not raids, it's a breeze. I get berated like "if everyone thought like you blablabla". I'm like whatever, didn't reply..

Strikes go fine. My damage is good. At last one, Boneskinner, I get a whisper from commander saying I shouldn't say I'm dps when my dps is lower than some alac in the group. I figure the guy is looking at some of those dps tracking mods and comparing me to a probably better player. But like, I know I'm doing good, the dude is being pedantic, and at this point very annoying considering I've done a bazillion strike runs and never had any issues. Boneskinner goes well, no problems from me, good damage, didn't down once, helped rez downed players, Boneskinner dead fast.

I enter DS, decide to whisper back to the commander - "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"

Commander kicks me out of squad.

"Case and point" I send them.

i agree that strikes are easy and i personal don't care dps meters

but u come along very entitled. first u just join when a specific role is asked. small issue bcs 1/10 but it seems u didn't mention u dps after join so commander thought u are qdps, what will mess up his planing.

second u do low dps again i personal don't care dps but when u be noticed about u just say u do good.

u life in a bubble where u may overestimate urself.

i side with the commander here even tho if i where the commander of the squad i would not had cared since 1 or 4 ppl can be carried.

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On 8/26/2023 at 2:19 PM, Kovac.4372 said:

Today has been a bit slow getting an IBS 5 group going. Been waiting alone advertising my group for some 5 minutes. So I take another look at the tab and notice another 1/10 group for IBS 5 + DS, decide to join them.

Group starts filling up. We're in Shiverpeaks Pass. Commander asks me for my role. I'm on my soulbeast, so I say dps. Commander gets mad at me because group advertised qdps and alac. I say I joined when it was 1/10, you don't need a whole squad full of qdps alac do you? Plus this is strikes, not raids, it's a breeze. I get berated like "if everyone thought like you blablabla". I'm like whatever, didn't reply..

Strikes go fine. My damage is good. At last one, Boneskinner, I get a whisper from commander saying I shouldn't say I'm dps when my dps is lower than some alac in the group. I figure the guy is looking at some of those dps tracking mods and comparing me to a probably better player. But like, I know I'm doing good, the dude is being pedantic, and at this point very annoying considering I've done a bazillion strike runs and never had any issues. Boneskinner goes well, no problems from me, good damage, didn't down once, helped rez downed players, Boneskinner dead fast.

I enter DS, decide to whisper back to the commander - "I'm doing fine, you've got some issues friend"

Commander kicks me out of squad.

"Case and point" I send them.

Is this a troll post? There's so much wrong with this post i cant even... 

Firstly, how do you know your DPS is fine if you arent even using a so called "tracking mod"? You know you're good? How? Commander literally told you you are doing lower dps than alac players, so how did you arrive at that conclusion that you're doing good? I dont see anything pedantic in this situation, commander only wants to build a decent squad and have a quick and smooth strike clear. 

Secondly, YES, if Comm is looking for support players first, it's very annoying when DPS players start to join and fill the spots, if everyone would do it like that it would be so hard for commanders to organize a squad. It already is quite stressful to command a squad, no need for further complications. I suggest go buy a comm tag and try it yourself. See how cool it is when you are looking for something specific, but dps people start to fill your squad saying "hey, u still got empty spots so ill just hop in".

Anyway, i'll just assume this is a troll post, since you mentioned you've done strikes bazillion times, you should be an experienced "veteran" player. 

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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