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Astral Acclaim limit of 1300 in Wizard's Vault [Merged]


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13 minutes ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

30 seconds?  It takes no time at all to decide to wait to click the 500 reward...  It does take awareness, willingness to defer gratification and self-control, though... OK, maybe a big ask.

In your scenario you where AA capped. So if it takes awareness, willingness and self-control to click something you know you cant... suuuuuure... 🤔

I get the feeling you are not interested in any answer to the non existing "problem" you yourself created by overcomplicating something incredibly simple.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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It's really not complicated at all.  You have two choices:
1) Buy some low AA stuff now to make room to accept the large AA reward now
2) Wait until you earn some smaller AA rewards so you have enough to buy something bigger, then accept the large AA reward

If we had no cap and people could spend half the AA they earn in a quarter and hoard the rest, wouldn't they just end up with and ever increasing amount of extra AA that they will never use?  It might be too soon to say for sure.  We'll have to see what the rewards list and prices look like over the next several quarters.

I have no problem with the existing AA cap but I wouldn't mind if they increased it.  It will be interesting see how far I get in the AA rewards in this quarter.  I feel like I'll have no trouble getting the things I really want and probably some things I only kinda want.  Beyond that I'll just buy 1G for 30 AA as needed.

There's nothing wrong with asking for higher AA cap but I think it's clear they want people to use it as they earn it, not hoard it and build up a large stockpile.

Why is the Large Crafting Bag 5x the price of the Heavy Crafting Bag?

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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

In your scenario you where AA capped. So if it takes awareness, willingness and self-control to click something you know you cant... suuuuuure... 🤔

I get the feeling you are not interested in any answer to the non existing "problem" you yourself created by overcomplicating something incredibly simple.

Wait, what?  I didn't create a problem.  Though apparently my efforts to solve one are too subtle...

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On 8/30/2023 at 4:35 PM, PyaKura.4895 said:

That's the point though, they don't want you to hoard AA indefinitely so you have to actually engage with the system and keep playing to obtain the rewards you want for any given quarter.

No offence to you specifically, and the new rewards system definitely needs to be improved upon, but I find it funny that many arguments and complaints on these forums seem to promote as much inactivity as possible instead of just playing the game.

It is player's "HOARDING" behaviour that is keeping the players playing. I like having stacks of currency and stacks of potion and 4k + of transmutation charges that I can ping to showoff in chat. the limit of 1300 is ridiculous, and I have already put that in Quality of Life. 

Edited by babana.7521
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The number of times I'm hitting cap since xpac launch makes me think this limit is in need of a minor adjustment; say increase the limit to 2000 or 2500K

Enough that you can complete a few weeklies, and/or some special objectives, without being forced to purchase some rewards all the time. Seeing as the Wizard's Vault is supposedly not going to be subject to FOMO because legacy rewards will still be around; you don't need to force players to spend on the other hand either. I can get that they don't want players to save up 5K and get EVERYTHING in next cycle of items offered in a heartbeat when it launches; but I'm sure Anet can find a middle ground there.

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10 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

The number of times I'm hitting cap since xpac launch makes me think this limit is in need of a minor adjustment; say increase the limit to 2000 or 2500K

Enough that you can complete a few weeklies, and/or some special objectives, without being forced to purchase some rewards all the time. Seeing as the Wizard's Vault is supposedly not going to be subject to FOMO because legacy rewards will still be around; you don't need to force players to spend on the other hand either. I can get that they don't want players to save up 5K and get EVERYTHING in next cycle of items offered in a heartbeat when it launches; but I'm sure Anet can find a middle ground there.

I'm a very casual player and even I've come up against the cap more than once.  Yeah, some adjustment needs to be considered.

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4 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

The number of times I'm hitting cap since xpac launch makes me think this limit is in need of a minor adjustment; say increase the limit to 2000 or 2500K

Enough that you can complete a few weeklies, and/or some special objectives, without being forced to purchase some rewards all the time. Seeing as the Wizard's Vault is supposedly not going to be subject to FOMO because legacy rewards will still be around; you don't need to force players to spend on the other hand either. I can get that they don't want players to save up 5K and get EVERYTHING in next cycle of items offered in a heartbeat when it launches; but I'm sure Anet can find a middle ground there.

I don't see how getting near the cap is somehow supposed to be problematic here. Just buy what you want and move on.

The "FOMO" comment is a bit weird, in this case the mention of fomo was applied to people not being able to play the game but still wanting the "seasonal/limited" skins, so you can get back to playing and still get them at later date. It was NOT about somehow being able to hoard thousands of currency, this has nothing to do with mentioned there fomo, so I'm not sure how you're trying to use it as a reasoning for anything here.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't see how getting near the cap is somehow supposed to be problematic here. Just buy what you want and move on.

The "FOMO" comment is a bit weird, in this case the mention of fomo was applied to people not being able to play the game but still wanting the "seasonal/limited" skins, so you can get back to playing and still get them at later date. It was NOT about somehow being able to hoard thousands of currency, this has nothing to do with mentioned there fomo, so I'm not sure how you're trying to use it as a reasoning for anything here.

I'm saying that since the vault is setup as being so that there is no FOMO - you can always find older rewards in the legacy rewards shop, as I understand it, so there is no urgency on players to actually spend their AAs. But at the same time, they have this 1300 AA cap so you are instead forced to spend anyway - and my argument is then that they could at least increase the AA cap to 2K or 2.5K because you will still hit cap several times within a month and then be "forced" to spend AAs anyway, but at least you don't have to do it as often as now.

It's no biggie, I've purchased legendary starter kits, gold, MCs, etc. to get my AA currency down again, but I have hit cap 2-3 times already, and I just think it'd be nicer on players to just let them play and accumulate a bit more AAs before they have to make new purchases.

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1 hour ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I'm saying that since the vault is setup as being so that there is no FOMO - you can always find older rewards in the legacy rewards shop, as I understand it, so there is no urgency on players to actually spend their AAs. But at the same time, they have this 1300 AA cap so you are instead forced to spend anyway - and my argument is then that they could at least increase the AA cap to 2K or 2.5K because you will still hit cap several times within a month and then be "forced" to spend AAs anyway, but at least you don't have to do it as often as now.

The fomo means you don't need to log in these 3 months (or maybe in case you'll be missing AA to get what you want) to still have access to some of the rewards from these 3 months and NOT that you can freely farm currency without spending it. The fomo they were talking about doesn't mean what you apparently think it means. It's NOT "I can farm now and then get rewards for the next year without playing", it's "I can start/continue playing later and still have access to past reward sets". Cap has nothing to do with it.

There is ""urgency"" (if clicking on something within 3 months can be called that) since moving rewards to the legacy tab means they cost more. If you want something and have currency, there's no reason to not get it now. There's no need to increase the cap, if you want any of the current skins, just get them now instead of pointlessly hoarding currency.

1 hour ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

It's no biggie, I've purchased legendary starter kits, gold, MCs, etc. to get my AA currency down again, but I have hit cap 2-3 times already

So did I and without change, I don't see how this is supposed to be an issue in any way. (except first I went for griffon skin and emote, then 9 weapon skins, then second half of weapon skins, now followed by armor skins)

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I don't see why people don't just spend their AA. I've made a mental list of what I want, and I buy more of that every time I get around 800 AA, because spending a small amount every day is a waste of time.  I know that if I keep up with dailies/weeklies, I'll end up with thousands I'll only be able to use for expansive gold bags, and I'll do that when the time comes. I can't even imagine why people would hang on to it, except for the obsessive urge to hoard.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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4 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I don't see why people don't just spend their AA. I've made a mental list of what I want, and I buy more of that every time I get around 800 AA, because spending a small amount every day is a waste of time.  I know that if I keep up with dailies/weeklies, I'll end up with thousands I'll only be able to use for expansive gold bags, and I'll do that when the time comes. I can't even imagine why people would hang on to it, except for the obsessive urge to hoard.

Because if 1300 can roll over (I don't know if we got confirmation one way or another on that yet), then you can immediately buy a big ticket item on the next cycle. I agree with your point in general though.
So far, I've spent almost 4k AA and expect to earn another 9k or so more over the course of the cycle. There's no reason not to spend it.

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9 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Because if 1300 can roll over (I don't know if we got confirmation one way or another on that yet), then you can immediately buy a big ticket item on the next cycle. I agree with your point in general though.
So far, I've spent almost 4k AA and expect to earn another 9k or so more over the course of the cycle. There's no reason not to spend it.

Well, the way I see it, if it doesn't roll over, spending it is the only way to go. If it will roll over, assuming you keep up with dailies/weeklies, you only need to start saving for the next season about 2 weeks in advance. Eight weeks in advance is a bit premature.

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40 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The fomo means you don't need to log in these 3 months (or maybe in case you'll be missing AA to get what you want) to still have access to some of the rewards from these 3 months and NOT that you can freely farm currency without spending it. The fomo they were talking about doesn't mean what you apparently think it means. It's NOT "I can farm now and then get rewards for the next year without playing", it's "I can start/continue playing later and still have access to past reward sets". Cap has nothing to do with it.

If you read my post closely, I know full well that the FOMO means just that... the rewards will remain available later, if I cannot be around to play for a while. And I also said that the cap is in place probably because they don't want you farming currency now and then getting everything from next quarterly release on release day.

But I still think they can fine tune the cap of 1300, just by making it 2000, there'd still be a cap and I will hit that too, just not as frequently as I'm now forced to go spend in the Vault shop.

28 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I don't see why people don't just spend their AA. I've made a mental list of what I want....

And others have made mental lists of what they want, which might be a much shorter list than the items you want.

Why should they be forced to buy gold, laurels, MCs, legendary starter kits, etc. if they already have more than they need?


if you make 65 dollars per day and 770 as a weekly bonus that will net you 1225 dollars for a week.

During that week, someone offers you an extra job worth 300 dollars. But then they won't pay you until you've spent 225 dollars, because you're not allowed to have more than 1300 dollars in your wallet.

Still happy? 😄


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Just now, Dondarrion.2748 said:

And others have made mental lists of what they want, which might be a much shorter list than the items you want.

Why should they be forced to buy gold, laurels, MCs, legendary starter kits, etc. if they already have more than they need?


if you make 65 dollars per day and 770 as a weekly bonus that will net you 1225 dollars for a week.

During that week, someone offers you an extra job worth 300 dollars. But then they won't pay you until you've spent 225 dollars, because you're not allowed to have more than 1300 dollars in your wallet.

Still happy? 😄


If you have no use for what AA can buy you, why would you even care to accumulate more? Is that the obsessive hoarding urge I mentioned?

That real world simile is just silly. Real life isn't a game with balancing rules.

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18 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

If you read my post closely, I know full well that the FOMO means just that... the rewards will remain available later, if I cannot be around to play for a while. And I also said that the cap is in place probably because they don't want you farming currency now and then getting everything from next quarterly release on release day.

But I still think they can fine tune the cap of 1300, just by making it 2000, there'd still be a cap and I will hit that too, just not as frequently as I'm now forced to go spend in the Vault shop.

Ok, so if you know what fomo is then you should understand that bringing it up as some kind of leverage for cap increase doesn't make much sense -and that's the point here. 😉 

Nothing about raising cap from 1300 to 2000 is somehow "fine tuning" anything here. It's just -pretty much randomly- raising the cap for unrelated reasons. If you want something from the store now then buy it now. If you can't (because you can't/don't want to play now) then you'll be able to buy it at increased price from legacy tab. Not sure if something from my previous post is unclear since you didn't really address what i wrote as far as I'm aware?

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10 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

If you have no use for what AA can buy you, why would you even care to accumulate more? Is that the obsessive hoarding urge I mentioned?

That real world simile is just silly. Real life isn't a game with balancing rules.

I'm talking about others, guildies and people in chat on streams I follow, who've also made the same comments about the cap... for me, there's stuff I'd like, but also stuff I'd like to buy at my own leisure, and not hit that road bump that the low cap is for me right now.

As for your continued digs at hoarding as an obsessive urge, why, do you have a problem with people saving and spending more wisely, rather than just throwing away all the time?

But I think we'll lay the discussion to rest as we just disagree on this, and that's fine.

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1 minute ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I'm talking about others, guildies and people in chat on streams I follow, who've also made the same comments about the cap... for me, there's stuff I'd like, but also stuff I'd like to buy at my own leisure, and not hit that road bump that the low cap is for me right now.

As for your continued digs at hoarding as an obsessive urge, why, do you have a problem with people saving and spending more wisely, rather than just throwing away all the time?

But I think we'll lay the discussion to rest as we just disagree on this, and that's fine.

I'm having these digs because hoarding in this instance is irrational and pointless, and some people apparently need that pointed out.

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3 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

As for your continued digs at hoarding as an obsessive urge, why, do you have a problem with people saving and spending more wisely, rather than just throwing away all the time?

Nothing about keeping the currency until the items go to another tab at increased price is somehow "spending more wisely". At this point you're just trying to sound nice, but what you're writing doesn't have much to do with the situation/system we're talking about here.

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you want something from the store now then buy it now.

The special category, I think, lists something about it being 66 days until next update or whatever. I will buy stuff from the vault shop - but I have an issue with the game dictating me to buy now - now - now - as opposed to just letting me play for a bit longer, then make my purchases when I want to set aside time for it.

I want to play the game, do dailies, weeklies, special objectives, play strikes / raids, hunt rifts, get achievements done - not stop by the vault shop every time I hit that cap. But I will be hitting that shop several times before the next update - otherwise it just becomes impulsive purchases for the sake of reducing my AAs as opposed to getting something I'd really like.

But again - as with Manasa Devi here, we'll just leave it there and agree to disagree.

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

-snip-. If you want something from the store now then buy it now. If you can't (because you can't/don't want to play now) then you'll be able to buy it at increased price from legacy tab. Not sure if something from my previous post is unclear since you didn't really address what i wrote as far as I'm aware?

Just want to point out that Anet only promised (mentioned?) cosmetic rewards, as far as I know, being moved to the legacy reward closet. I wouldn't assume rewards such as ascended armor or legendary packs would always be available.

Or did I miss a more in depth explanation of what will be moved to the legacy tab?

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12 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

The special category, I think, lists something about it being 66 days until next update or whatever. I will buy stuff from the vault shop - but I have an issue with the game dictating me to buy now - now - now - as opposed to just letting me play for a bit longer, then make my purchases when I want to set aside time for it.

You can already see the items, there's no reason to hoard 326k of currency to buy everything at once. Buy what you want when you can buy it. Or when you're nearing the 1,3k cap, w/e. Still no reason to do what you're talking about here.

12 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I want to play the game, do dailies, weeklies, special objectives, play strikes / raids, hunt rifts, get achievements done - not stop by the vault shop every time I hit that cap.

You'll be nearing the cap about once a week if you complete every daily and weekly there is (outside of rare occasions when you're completing the specials), nothing here somehow stops you from playing and completing dailies, weeklies or specials. But absolutely please share your wise spending plan so we can understand your situation better?

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6 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Just want to point out that Anet only promised (mentioned?) cosmetic rewards, as far as I know, being moved to the legacy reward closet. I wouldn't assume rewards such as ascended armor or legendary packs would always be available.

Yes, as far as I'm aware that's what it will be. But don't quote me on that 😅  (there's no much "fomo" in regards of other stuff since there's plenty of ways to get those. The "seasonal skins" are the ones that were at risk of completely missing them if you're not playing at their respective "seasons")

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You can already see the items, there's no reason to hoard 326k of currency to buy everything at once. Buy what you want when you can buy it. Or when you're nearing the 1,3k cap, w/e. Still no reason to do what you're talking about here.

You'll be nearing the cap about once a week (outside of rare occasions when you're completing the specials), nothing here somehow stops you from playing and completing dailies, weeklies or specials.

I'm not asking for uncapped, nor 300K to buy everything at once... just that 1300 is a tad low for my personal preference as to how often I need to go into the shop to purchase stuff.

And we're talking opinions here; so whatever reasons to do something or not... just because you like to go spend all your money straight away, doesn't mean everyone else has to like that.

Heck, for all I care, make it so that none of it carries over when the vault shop refreshes.

Anyway - I'm done here 😄

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11 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I'm not asking for uncapped, nor 300K to buy everything at once...

I didn't say anything about uncapped. And for now 345k is as much of a random number as your brought up 2k cap (which I also said in my previous post, but you didn't even quote it, let alone respond to it). The point of what I wrote there remains unchanged as far as I understand.

11 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

just that 1300 is a tad low for my personal preference as to how often I need to go into the shop to purchase stuff.


20 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You'll be nearing the cap about once a week if you complete every daily and weekly there is (outside of rare occasions when you're completing the specials), nothing here somehow stops you from playing and completing dailies, weeklies or specials. But absolutely please share your wise spending plan so we can understand your situation better?

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So did I [hit the cap] and without change, I don't see how this is supposed to be an issue in any way. (except first I went for griffon skin and emote, then 9 weapon skins, then second half of weapon skins, now followed by armor skins)

I don't see how this is low and why we'd need it to be higher and somehow you still didn't explain it outside of vague "I want to spend wisely" or sth. Are you seriously just stalling here until you come up with some actual reasoning or what is this supposed to be? 😄


11 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

And we're talking opinions here; so whatever reasons to do something or not... just because you like to go spend all your money straight away, doesn't mean everyone else has to like that.

I'm not "spending all my money right away" and I already told you that. Conveniently enough, it's quoted again right above, in this post. Sure, we're talking about opinions but you still didn't explain anything about why you need the increased cap here. And even though you vaguely mentioned something about "wiser spending", you still didn't explain how hoarding more aa makes any subsequent spending "wiser" here.

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On 9/1/2023 at 6:29 PM, Linken.6345 said:

You got 3 months to buy the big ticket items, buy some 6 aa gold bags until you can claim your weekly chests buy 1k item and save up for the other 1k item next week its quite simple.

I am not sure why you thought I didn't already know that, but I noticed you did not make an argument in favour of needlessly complicating things with a cap that is 149 acclaim points too low to avoid such inconveniences, so I am pretty sure your reply doesn't address my opinion on the acclaim cap at all..

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