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no login rewards anymore?

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Hi. I have about 2600 hours of play and stopped playing the game many years ago. (only played the first addon). Sometimes I still logged in to get the login rewards. but are they gone now with the new addon? (I can't get them anymore?!). Those were the only reasons why I was still logged in at all.

Edited by GaydrusLGBT.6350
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Login rewards, and the old Dailies system, have been replaced with the Wizard's Vault. You can still just log in and claim the free 5 astral acclaim (new currency) reward, which lets you choose what you wish to spend it on.

Doing so will certainly not be as rewarding as it was previously. You need to do some dailies or weeklies for better rewards.

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34 minutes ago, GaydrusLGBT.6350 said:

Hi. I have about 2600 hours of play and stopped playing the game many years ago. (only played the first addon). Sometimes I still logged in to get the login rewards. but are they gone now with the new addon? (I can't get them anymore?!). Those were the only reasons why I was still logged in at all.

If you don't intend to log in and play for a while, it really isn't worth logging in just for the daily reward anymore. That's kind of where things are at at the moment.

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This is a good thing. Don't be lashed to a game purely for a piddling log-in reward, just to quit moments later. That behaviour serves you not at all if you don't plan to use the content. Play the game because you actually want to log in and play. The rewards for dailies are unquestionably better now, so try to play a bit more if you can, and hopefully have fun.

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If you were only using 1 account, logging in every day for a year would not even be $50 worth of gem>gold

I'd say it's not worth it at all anyway if you're not actually playing the game

That's a job with horrible play


This will either free up more time for you in you day or make you play the game again. Will need to play now to get good rewards.

The new rewards are much better now btw.

Might be worth a look 🙂

Edited by jokke.6239
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23 minutes ago, Kalibri.5861 said:

This is a good thing. Don't be lashed to a game purely for a piddling log-in reward, just to quit moments later. That behaviour serves you not at all if you don't plan to use the content. Play the game because you actually want to log in and play. The rewards for dailies are unquestionably better now, so try to play a bit more if you can, and hopefully have fun.

It isn't a good thing for everyone though. Lots of players would log on for the login reward during the week and then play for a couple of hours on the weekend. Those players are disincentivized from bothering during the week and are less likely (I would think) to put in the time on the weekend now.
I get why anet made this change, but to say it is purely a good one ignores how a lot of people were playing the game for the last couple of years, at least.

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48 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

It isn't a good thing for everyone though. Lots of players would log on for the login reward during the week and then play for a couple of hours on the weekend. Those players are disincentivized from bothering during the week and are less likely (I would think) to put in the time on the weekend now.
I get why anet made this change, but to say it is purely a good one ignores how a lot of people were playing the game for the last couple of years, at least.

agreed. Also for me it was a nice workaround to having days I could still log on, but too sick to play in any meaningful way. I still get something for feeling connected to the game, you know? 

Of course you're right also that players' milage will vary. 

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I didn't say it's purely good. Obviously there are different perspectives on everything. But this person said they haven't actually played in years, nothing beyond Heart of Thorns, and all they ever do is the login, so given that context, I think that, philosophically, decoupling yourself from that sort of behaviour is healthy. It seems otherwise drab and borderline sort of habit-based/addictive to me. You could do something else with that brain time.

Obviously to each their own, but my opinion is that the old login reward system was not healthy. Not for players and not for the game. I don't think it actually accomplished the goal of rewarding people for playing, which is what it should do, and which is what the new system does better.

Again, my feel, but - play the game. Logging in just to quit is not a game. Play the actual game. 🤷

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18 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

If you were only using 1 account, logging in every day for a year would not even be $50 worth of gem>gold

I'd say it's not worth it at all anyway if you're not actually playing the game

It was the most efficient way to make gold and was even more profitable if you included ascended material crafting when they were valuable.  Someone years ago claimed that they made over 10K gold per month before LS3 between login rewards and ascended crafting.  This was with 30 accounts. 

Edited by enigmatic.3576
added clarification that it was with 30 accounts
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8 hours ago, Kalibri.5861 said:

This is a good thing. Don't be lashed to a game purely for a piddling log-in reward, just to quit moments later. That behaviour serves you not at all if you don't plan to use the content. Play the game because you actually want to log in and play. The rewards for dailies are unquestionably better now, so try to play a bit more if you can, and hopefully have fun.

Not really. The old log-in rewards were a great incentive for players to not completely forget about GW2.

I quit GW2 a few years ago, but instead of completely uninstalling, I still logged on regularly on all my accounts for the log-in rewards, which kept me from completely forgetting about the game. After over a year, I had enough mystic coins and laurels to make several legendaries, which was a good incentive to return to the game, so I returned to the game for 6+ months to make several legendaries.

The next time I quit, there will be less incentives to return. Worthwhile in-game rewards and log-in rewards are not mutually exclusive; you can have both.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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5 hours ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

It was the most efficient way to make gold and was even more profitable if you included ascended material crafting when they were valuable.  Someone years ago claimed that they made over 10K gold per month before LS3 between login rewards and ascended crafting.  

Not with a single account, they didn't. And if it was years ago, we're likely talking about that one guy that got banned for item duplication exploits - his claims were merely a cover to where he really was getting his gold from. The multiaccount farms some people made using free Heroic Edition codes are a bit more recent issue.

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OP has 2600 hours in game, and 1 post on forum, and just happens to only now discover this and then makes another of thread on login rewards being gone... is it just me finding all of this a bit suspicious?

As someone else suggested, consider it Anet's parting gift, if you only stayed for login rewards, now you get a clean break and can finally move on to other pastures. Login/logout is no reason to play a game.

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1 hour ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

The next time I quit, there will be less incentives to return. Worthwhile in-game rewards and log-in rewards are not mutually exclusive; you can have both.

But you still get both. You get 5 AA each time you login. But you'll get more if you actually play the game. As it should be.

Cycling through 40 accounts with launchbuddy shouldn't net you tons of gold, laurels, mystic coins, etc.

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8 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

It isn't a good thing for everyone though. Lots of players would log on for the login reward during the week and then play for a couple of hours on the weekend. Those players are disincentivized from bothering during the week and are less likely (I would think) to put in the time on the weekend now.
I get why anet made this change, but to say it is purely a good one ignores how a lot of people were playing the game for the last couple of years, at least.

Just for reference, described behavior will grant you the following :

25 (5aa for login * 5days) + 65*2 (full daily) + 690 (weekly at 6/8) * 11 (total weeks for the vault)= 9295 AA out of the total 14740 available

It's more than enough to take everything valuable in the vault + some extra.

The system is actually pretty "busy people" friendly

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Logging in for 1 minute every day doesn't take much time and isn't exhausting. I loved GW2 very much and have often thought about starting over.

About a year ago I bought the Path of Fire and End of Dragons expansions, but have barely started Path of Fire and never started End of Dragons.

I stopped playing GW2 back then, because the game was too difficult for me and I died permanently.

 I think I stopped playing at Living Story Season 3 Episode 3, because I have no progress in any other living story content.

And before I started Hearth of Thrones, I also had a break for years.

4 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

OP has 2600 hours in game, and 1 post on forum, and just happens to only now discover this and then makes another of thread on login rewards being gone... is it just me finding all of this a bit suspicious?

because I had used the old forum, which was archived in year 2017. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/ArenaNet-Launches-New-Forums Also, not everyone who plays a game, uses the official forum or other platforms like Reddit, Twitter, etc. 

It was also great that you could get living story parts for free from logging in, if you want to start playing again one day, because you wouldn't have to buy them later in the shop (which I once did for some parts). sorry for my bad english.


Edited by GaydrusLGBT.6350
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6 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Just for reference, described behavior will grant you the following :

25 (5aa for login * 5days) + 65*2 (full daily) + 690 (weekly at 6/8) * 11 (total weeks for the vault)= 9295 AA out of the total 14740 available

It's more than enough to take everything valuable in the vault + some extra.

The system is actually pretty "busy people" friendly

I agree, it can be.

But...this assumed the weeklies get done and the dailies as well on the weekend. If a person has 2 hours to play for 2 days a week, the chances of them doing "mandatory fun" instead of chosen tasks are much less.
So while you numbers are possible, those people who are just sitting down for a couple of hours to gaming, (I would think) are less likely to want to do assigned tasks for the duration of their playtime.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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10 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Not with a single account, they didn't. And if it was years ago, we're likely talking about that one guy that got banned for item duplication exploits - his claims were merely a cover to where he really was getting his gold from. The multiaccount farms some people made using free Heroic Edition codes are a bit more recent issue.

Yeah. I accidentally left out that they had 30 accounts. I’ll fix my post. Thank you for catching that. 

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10 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Cycling through 40 accounts with launchbuddy shouldn't net you tons of gold, laurels, mystic coins, etc.

But how are we supposed to get our daily recommended exercise if we stop cycling with a buddy? 😉

I'd agree that while this diminishes the value of the multi-account/login reward model, over all this is both healthier for the game and better for players. I'd much rather actually be rewarded more for playing content in game on a single main account than to be rewarded for how quickly I can swap characters and press F and then change accounts to do it again. 

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21 hours ago, Kalibri.5861 said:

I don't think it actually accomplished the goal of rewarding people for playing, which is what it should do, and which is what the new system does better.

Its called log-in reward for a reason, which means you are rewarded for logging in only. Rewarding for playing are the dailys, both are 2 different things. I wish they'd bring the log-in reward back, I log in every day to get my log-in reward and log out until I am able to play again.

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22 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

If you were only using 1 account, logging in every day for a year would not even be $50 worth of gem>gold

1 account or 10 accounts, the idea is obtaining the rewards for login in every day until the player is able to invest more time in the game, people seem to confuse daily with log-in rewards so many times, I agree with OP,  they shouldn't have removed the log in rewards, the new dailies are fine although need adjustments am sure they will work in it, the login rewards, however, is sadly gone...

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17 minutes ago, Kendahna.9542 said:

Its called log-in reward for a reason, which means you are rewarded for logging in only. Rewarding for playing are the dailys, both are 2 different things. I wish they'd bring the log-in reward back, I log in every day to get my log-in reward and log out until I am able to play again.

Your saying 5 aa is not enough to get you to login?

Then dont do it.

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8 hours ago, Kendahna.9542 said:

Its called log-in reward for a reason, which means you are rewarded for logging in only. Rewarding for playing are the dailys, both are 2 different things. I wish they'd bring the log-in reward back, I log in every day to get my log-in reward and log out until I am able to play again.

And you get 5 AA every day just for logging in... do that a whole month and you will have 150 AA, which will be enough to get gold and MCs etc like you did before.

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9 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

And you get 5 AA every day just for logging in... do that a whole month and you will have 150 AA, which will be enough to get gold and MCs etc like you did before.

Which honestly could go away, just delete those 5AA from daily log ins and maybe give each other daily 15AA instead so all rewards would be from only active gameplay. 

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