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General opinions toward the state of warrior


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1 minute ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125why? if you make a weapon on warr that is very similar in power to rev's weapon warr is gonna get more value out of it than rev. things such as :adrenal health or healing skills being prob best ones in the game makes warr more durable. And things dat rev gets from legend swapping or energy usage is not amazing in comp to what warr gets from hitting burst. If you believe your own words that rev gets insane things from them that are game changing you're wrong. Warr has it.

Key thing to consider here; "from hitting burst" most everything is tied to this for Warrior. How easy do you think it is for Warrior to hit with their burst skills?

Yes, Adrenal Health can be strong enough if a burst hits. Yes Magebane Tether can be strong if a burst hits. Yes, Cleansing Ire can be strong if a burst hits. Yes, Burst Mastery can be strong if a burst hits. Yes, Berserker's Power can be strong if a burst hits.

That is the issue the class runs into; its all tied to actually landing a burst skill. You won't get these triggers if it gets blocked, dodged, evaded, blinded or invuln'd. All of which have a high probability of happening because these burst skills are very highly telegraphed and often times those previous effects are very instantaneous and can be used as a reaction mid animation of these burst skills.

Its different on Revenant because it has multiple avenues to take advantage of its profession mechanic (as do basically every other class) and can get multiple benefits from multiple things from it. Upkeep, Energy spending, and invoking legends. Warrior has one avenue. Hit with burst skill. Deny that and they are forced into falling back onto Utility skills and while Mending can be strong, it doesn't fully compensate for losing the other sources of sustain Warrior has access to if it can't hit with a burst skill. Shout healing got nerfed heavily because Bladesworn had unhealthy levels of sustain because of it, MMR has been nerfed numerous times because of builds long gone from past expansions that had unhealthy levels of sustain. So Warrior is forced into Utility skills like Endure Pain, Shake It Off and Balanced Stance to try and mitigate pressure while waiting to yet again build Adrenaline and try once more to actually land the burst skill. And the consistency of Bull's Charge or other forms of CC in its builds are all meant as set up to actually try and land a burst skill but the majority of classes have some semblance of consistent access to Stability, multiple stacks usually, or if not that they have an arsenal of other things like blinds, blocks or invulns to just activate the moment they see that big wind up of a burst skill or Shield Bash or Bull's Charge, or the very visible leap of Stomp or most anything else.

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3 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125Now add to burst skills such as arcing slice rev gs kit or to hammer untamed kit.


I'm confused as to what you're getting at with that? Implying that if they were to instead have Revs GS skills or Untamed's Hammer skill that it would be, what? Too much? Or is the suggestion that it would be better if Warriors weapon skills were altered?

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9 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Fueki.4753we're by default more durable than rev.

In the early years of the game, this may have been true. But those times are long gone.

With the powercreep and active defence buffs that continuously occur since at least HoT, passive defences get marginalized and thus hardly are a factor anymore.

If anything, that kind of argumentation would put Warrior at an disadvantage, if the developers used that as an argument excuse to keep Warrior down. Warrior's passive defences simply don't compare to the amount of active defences of other professions.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I will give my personal opinion after playing every single class for 10 years, while having mained warrior for 2 years, (all of us have a bit of ADHD on a spectrum, i do switch favourites). 

Warrior helped my unlock my pvp leggy, and is always going to be regarded as a competitive class to me. As highlighted by some members, being viable is not the issue, having choice is the issue.

So lets at least mention some advantages. The reason why people aren't happy is because they care enough, and they care enough because there is still some good in warrior. If warrior totally suck balls, then nobody would be playing it and people won't be arguing in the forums.

PVE and most general content
PVE wise, I mained warrior during the lull point when spellbreaker was not viable in PVE, and yet there are good reasons to play warrior. I was training players in raids in my guild and what really helped a lot were the simplicity of the rotations. Don't look at SnowCrows or other benchmarks. 10k dps is able to clear almost everything, and 20k is the expected to clear all content even the most difficult ones. As a trainer, I am very very happy to welcome warriors into the team and play a warrior myself where the situation requires it.

The easiest classes to hit 20k (without using utility or weapon skills) for new players were engineer, warrior, guardian (hammer), thief and ranger (google xellink 20k challenge). Why do I say without utility or weapon skills, that is because utilities and other skills are needed to ensure that we end the day with a dead boss lying on the floor. I get really disappointed when dps classes can't outperform boon DPS classes. Warriors are always somewhere in the middle zone in terms of damage output and rarely rarely pisses me off.

Many new players often trap themselves into animation locks, which arent exactly transparent in the tool tips. I hate reapers who tunnel vision into a fight, I have seen too many of them without the self control to withhold damage. I have seen many guardians and virtuosos killing themselves on gorse. Warrior doesn't have those. Its precise military actions is easy to control with smooth animations, unless you choose to put yourself in that animation lock (bladesworn). If you hold f1 during the autoattack while skills are in cooldown, it doesn't interrupt your skills but reliable queues F1 after the autos (see the video). This is especially useful in fights with clearly defined burn phases that favour power dps (KC and CA).

The easiest class to survive fractals on full berserker or full vipers armor is warrior. For other classes, it could be a very steep drop in hp just being hit once or twice (like guardian). But fractals is old age content. Some of that survivability translates to newer encounters too, like boneskinner. Warriors have very reliable CCs and reliable boons. They can even put up perma stab with just one trait on PVE. I have seen more dead guardians than dead warriors and a dead DPS is no DPS.

Bladesworn has one of the widest range of alac, being able to spread alac out to even the flak kiter on Sabetha, while mechanists can keep blaming their mechas for poor uptime despite also having 600 range. I also understand the difficulty of harbinger and scourge and other short range boon providers having difficulty, but they don't annoy me like a 20% boon uptime mecha does.

Lack of niche utilities
What warrior really has problem with are lack of options or weaker options, both in the high intensity and the low intensity zones. Its very easy to be an 'average' warrior dps scrub, but when asked to bring the utilities that is NEEDED, eg, group blocks or hand kite (W1 Deimos), reflects (W2 Matthias), towers (W3), SH pusher (W5), Q1 Kiting (W6 Qadim), group stab, projectile blocks (AH CM), etc, the list is non-exhaustive, its just completely missing from the kit. Most of these have more than 1 option, and warriors seem to be excluded from the party. 

Comparatively better options
I also feel that despite being viable, people also look at the 'equivalents' and warrior tends to suffer from equivalent builds. Eg. bleeding hybrid builds that don't rely on expertise.
Warrior uses Bloodlust (Arms)/Body Blow (Strength) <<< obviously no synergy
Mesmer uses Jagged Mind (Virtuoso)/Sharper Images (Dueling)
Ranger uses Sharpened Edges (Skirmishing)/Oppressive Superiority (Soulbeast)
These are effectively the same skills, clones of each other.

Eg. Sword warrior on Grieving/Sinister produces the best outcome which is moderately low. This does not compete well with Virtuoso (Rampager's) or Soulbeast (with any combination) which is much cheaper to gear for new players. The question is why doesn't it work? Because sword sucks and the traits are all over the place! It's difficult to align all the synergised traits because they belong in different specialization lines. Sword autos are really strong but to make them strong you have to pick traits that don't benefit sword. This is just one example, but every equivalent also leads to the same conclusion. 

I think warrior can function well as a side noder or in group play, but it cannot do both at once. There's also the issue on certain maps where players can zip to locations where warriors cannot access with melee sets. That doesn't mean warrior is bad in PVP. The longer you can stay and stall a fight, the stronger your warrior becomes. Warrior can 1v1 many classes without losing, especially if you manage to stunlock your foe (hammer breaker) and there are some irritating builds that have a lot of sustain (condi breaker). Warrior does fall short of some overpowered cases that can side node, roam and group play all at once, such as Spectre.

Lack of options
Again, lack of options is also due to comparatively better options being available. I have touched on this during the PVE section. However, this is highly impactful in PvP because people can now guess your build and playstyle from a narrower range of options, reducing room for surprise and tactical maneuverability. 

Rotation into Meta
Every class and espec will eventually have its espec run into the PVP meta. However, warrior has had its chance for a short while (spellbreaker then nerfed like kitten) then bladesworn, and back to spellbreaker and even now I'd argue bladesworn might have come back. None of these iterations were terribly fun to play nor were they terribly overpowered despite being meta. Nobody wants to play with handcuffs or jump hoops to get rewarded. I want to press buttons to deal damage and see people die.

Its honestly has never been worthwhile to play since WOD got nerfed. This is just class hate from Anet who wants to protect their boon balls. That being said WvW side, as a roamer, all the warrior espec builds are able to solo cap camps much more easily than other classes as compared to... deadeye for example. Nobody plays deadeye in WvW, better to go spectre or DD. 

Edited by xellink.7568
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@Fueki.4753it is still relevant in balancing that's why warr becomes broken or unviable. Traits rework etc. w/o balancing mending and others rly strong options.

@KryTiKaL.3125because most ppl try to make mending/CI/adrenal health like it doesn't exist -sure, it is sometimes hard to hit with burst, but those things are extremely powerful IF you hit consistently with your burst and will put you most likely at advantage. And by that statement I was referring to lots of warrs making arguments about our weapon skills being on the same level as something like rev gs. Which shouldn't happen. For me if warr gonna get ports/strong blocks etc. sustain needs to be gutted 1st. And I don't think most warriors here wants that.

@xellink.7568bladesworn was disgustingly OP, condizerker was and prob still is the best sidenoder in the game, hammerbreaker was really really good too. They were very powerful, some of them like condizerker and bsw still are. And technically it's because anet made some reworks here and there without taking mending/AH/CI or reworked traits seriously.  (PVP)



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4 hours ago, xellink.7568 said:

Lack of niche utilities
What warrior really has problem with are lack of options or weaker options, both in the high intensity and the low intensity zones. Its very easy to be an 'average' warrior dps scrub, but when asked to bring the utilities that is NEEDED, eg, group blocks or hand kite (W1 Deimos), reflects (W2 Matthias), towers (W3), SH pusher (W5), Q1 Kiting (W6 Qadim), group stab, projectile blocks (AH CM), etc, the list is non-exhaustive, its just completely missing from the kit. Most of these have more than 1 option, and warriors seem to be excluded from the party. 

This is definitely a huge sticking point for me. The access to utility (to provide more value to the team than just DPS) is just largely absent from Warrior. 

The general community might be terrible at expressing why anything is too strong or too weak, but I think that people (easily) intrinsically understand that something IS too strong/weak. And you will find that repeatedly in GW2's PVE history, the most popular builds aren't the ones that push the most DPS, but the ones that push good DPS while being able to provide a lot more to the team like Firebrand, Scourge, and Mech. 

Case in point, very recently, right before SOTO launch, Condition Berserker was the #2 highest benching DPS class on SC's website. Yet you will find that it only achieved a sub 1.5% play rate despite clearly being "strong". 

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57 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

This is definitely a huge sticking point for me. The access to utility (to provide more value to the team than just DPS) is just largely absent from Warrior. 

The general community might be terrible at expressing why anything is too strong or too weak, but I think that people (easily) intrinsically understand that something IS too strong/weak. And you will find that repeatedly in GW2's PVE history, the most popular builds aren't the ones that push the most DPS, but the ones that push good DPS while being able to provide a lot more to the team like Firebrand, Scourge, and Mech. 

Case in point, very recently, right before SOTO launch, Condition Berserker was the #2 highest benching DPS class on SC's website. Yet you will find that it only achieved a sub 1.5% play rate despite clearly being "strong". 

Yeah, this is part of why I hated when they took the banner bundles away instead of making them better. You've hammered on this point yourself, but if my build is stapled with required utlities to max DPS that add no other value *cough* Berserker, Bladesworn *cough* then that means that the rest are de facto useless. I think that is part of the desire also for a proper support build.

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6 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Fueki.4753it is still relevant in balancing that's why warr becomes broken or unviable. Traits rework etc. w/o balancing mending and others rly strong options.

@KryTiKaL.3125because most ppl try to make mending/CI/adrenal health like it doesn't exist -sure, it is sometimes hard to hit with burst, but those things are extremely powerful IF you hit consistently with your burst and will put you most likely at advantage. And by that statement I was referring to lots of warrs making arguments about our weapon skills being on the same level as something like rev gs. Which shouldn't happen. For me if warr gonna get ports/strong blocks etc. sustain needs to be gutted 1st. And I don't think most warriors here wants that.

@xellink.7568bladesworn was disgustingly OP, condizerker was and prob still is the best sidenoder in the game, hammerbreaker was really really good too. They were very powerful, some of them like condizerker and bsw still are. And technically it's because anet made some reworks here and there without taking mending/AH/CI or reworked traits seriously.  (PVP)



I would agree with you were Warrior's profession mechanic not what it was. If its profession mechanic got reworked to something that could more consistently provide these benefits we would normally get on hit then I could see an argument being made for toning them down because they would be available consistently enough to warrant it.

However with the way things are currently if they were to, hypothetically, give Warrior say similar abilities to Revenant GS skills while maintaining the profession mechanic as it is then it probably wouldn't see much difference in anything outside of no longer having to be rooted in place for one of its biggest hitting abilities; i.e Hundred Blades vs Eternity's Requiem. That would be greatly helpful, wouldn't be anything overtly crazy, though because Warrior would still run into the issue of its benefits only come from the one thing; hitting with a burst skill.

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6 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125 most of the arguments sadly comes from the fact there is just way too little patches done. I think because of that we have to predict sort of what certain changes may or may not cause. If we just say there's not gonna be much difference it also may lead to another stupid bs build for a very long time...

ANet would also first have to be willing to make such a drastic change to something that exists in the "core" game, which they seem somewhat willing to do (at least with Runes > Relics) but a full rework to a 11 year old profession mechanic might not be something they are comfortable doing. However like you said there is such a span of time between balance patches, which means players sit on unhealthy changes for up to 6 months or more and more often than not the method they take to address it either makes it worse or completely neuters something making other builds worse by proxy.

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Lowest represented class in any endgame content (unsurprisingly) because it got literally nothing with the expac. Condi berserker being the exception, just like any other condi build that overperforms right now because of the trapper rune and relics.

It doesnt matter if the dps of czerker is high. The way it plays is still clunky and bad for real encounters which are not golems the entire fight or hardly have phases/invulnerability. Currently it still has highest the quickness dps. Does anyone play it? Of course not lol. The uptime is extremely tight, you have no other boons/support. Dps rampup is still bad, the moment you range, you loose too much dps or berserker uptime which is again a dps loss.

Bladesworn just fell behind everything because of powercreep. Power berserker has no burst which makes it kind of useless in any scenario you might want to have a pdps. Spellbreaker is decent but thats it. Better play weaver, soulbeast or  even herald. 

Alac Bladesworn only exist because of its absurd default duration. Still useless though.

No real utility, no real support. And even if by a miracle staff is a support weapon, I cant see it being good (enough). All its utility would have to be on skill 1-5 since your burst gets affected by adrenaline spent or having a burst in the first place. What would the primal burst even be if its a support weapon lol? Not even mentioning that you still only have 1 traitline for support which is a mess and overlapping utilities. Also banners being kind of useless again..

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34 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:


Lowest represented class in any endgame content (unsurprisingly) because it got literally nothing with the expac. Condi berserker being the exception, just like any other condi build that overperforms right now because of the trapper rune and relics.

It doesnt matter if the dps of czerker is high. The way it plays is still clunky and bad for real encounters which are not golems the entire fight or hardly have phases/invulnerability. Currently it still has highest the quickness dps. Does anyone play it? Of course not lol. The uptime is extremely tight, you have no other boons/support. Dps rampup is still bad, the moment you range, you loose too much dps or berserker uptime which is again a dps loss.

Bladesworn just fell behind everything because of powercreep. Power berserker has no burst which makes it kind of useless in any scenario you might want to have a pdps. Spellbreaker is decent but thats it. Better play weaver, soulbeast or  even herald. 

Alac Bladesworn only exist because of its absurd default duration. Still useless though.

No real utility, no real support. And even if by a miracle staff is a support weapon, I cant see it being good (enough). All its utility would have to be on skill 1-5 since your burst gets affected by adrenaline spent or having a burst in the first place. What would the primal burst even be if its a support weapon lol? Not even mentioning that you still only have 1 traitline for support which is a mess and overlapping utilities. Also banners being kind of useless again..

What really grinds my gears about Alac Bladesworn is the forced trait option in the same slot as Unyielding Dragon which is basically Bladesworn's only form of utility. So the offensive support build for Bladesworn is actual garbage in terms of utility.

What's even worse is Daring Dragon doubles flow costs for Dragon Slash so you are forced to use all the same utilities as the DPS version for absolutely no reason other than to restrict your utility slots. What the hell?

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1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

What really grinds my gears about Alac Bladesworn is the forced trait option in the same slot as Unyielding Dragon which is basically Bladesworn's only form of utility. So the offensive support build for Bladesworn is actual garbage in terms of utility.

What's even worse is Daring Dragon doubles flow costs for Dragon Slash so you are forced to use all the same utilities as the DPS version for absolutely no reason other than to restrict your utility slots. What the hell?

Ah come on dont be like that..

It does (did) high damage! What more could you possibly want? 

Still no clue how anything of bladesworn or daring dragon screams alacrity. Heat the soul on berserker is already pushing it for me. 

Then again.. boon application for quickness and alacrity is a complete joke most of the times. Everything is passive and instant cast.. lame

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12 hours ago, anbujackson.9564 said:


Lowest represented class in any endgame content (unsurprisingly) because it got literally nothing with the expac. Condi berserker being the exception, just like any other condi build that overperforms right now because of the trapper rune and relics.

in any content, i lead lots of open world metas everyday, rarely i see 1 warrior. warrior is more niche than heal druid.

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warrior isnt evolved like revenant, thats the problem with it. herald gave revenant immediate flexibility right off the bat, due to glint and facets ALL being viable with every other stance. 90% of warrior utilities are useless even with zerk n sbreaker. Berserker wasnt an evolvement for the class as much as spellbreaker, but the most recent adjustments to strength and defense make core builds and old weapons still the best. if this werent true bullscharge among others wouldn't still be mandatory throughout every build. you can play without discipline now for the first time, with more sustain dps might generation , but hammer/longbow still hones the most aggressive playstyle since launch. but unless you like greatsword and warrior in general or good on it, no rework will suffice over what its intention does (100b). warr gs still dominant ..not much needs adjusting. its not a free spin to win guardian greatsword. Likewise its not a ranger or reaper gs either. 

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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On 9/10/2023 at 7:51 AM, anbujackson.9564 said:


Lowest represented class in any endgame content (unsurprisingly) because it got literally nothing with the expac. Condi berserker being the exception, just like any other condi build that overperforms right now because of the trapper rune and relics.

It doesnt matter if the dps of czerker is high. The way it plays is still clunky and bad for real encounters which are not golems the entire fight or hardly have phases/invulnerability. Currently it still has highest the quickness dps. Does anyone play it? Of course not lol. The uptime is extremely tight, you have no other boons/support. Dps rampup is still bad, the moment you range, you loose too much dps or berserker uptime which is again a dps loss.

Bladesworn just fell behind everything because of powercreep. Power berserker has no burst which makes it kind of useless in any scenario you might want to have a pdps. Spellbreaker is decent but thats it. Better play weaver, soulbeast or  even herald. 

Alac Bladesworn only exist because of its absurd default duration. Still useless though.

No real utility, no real support. And even if by a miracle staff is a support weapon, I cant see it being good (enough). All its utility would have to be on skill 1-5 since your burst gets affected by adrenaline spent or having a burst in the first place. What would the primal burst even be if its a support weapon lol? Not even mentioning that you still only have 1 traitline for support which is a mess and overlapping utilities. Also banners being kind of useless again..

Warrior is a melee class, exclusively, ppl that play GW2 forget what that means , or whats required to succeed that way so they range everything in fear.  Warrior the only class that hasnt lost its defined role since launch in some manner - you dont understand the game you play which is sad  , melee emphasis was largely ignored by arenanet so naturally ppl want the easiest classes to play.  warrior has its boon and group support always has, withorwithout banners. but since gw2 players arent good gamers running is more appealing than fighting; making melee too scary to the best firebrand deadeye weaver in the game... if you only pve youll never figure it out.

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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2 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

Warrior is a melee class, exclusively, ppl that play GW2 forget what that means , or whats required to succeed that way so they range everything in fear.  Warrior the only class that hasnt lost its defined role since launch in some manner - you dont understand the game you play which is sad  , melee emphasis was largely ignored by arenanet so naturally ppl want the easiest classes to play.  warrior has its boon and group support always has, withorwithout banners. but since gw2 players arent good gamers running is more appealing than fighting; making melee too scary to the best firebrand deadeye weaver in the game... if you only pve youll never figure it out.

If they'd make the game less punishing for melee players id say its ok.
Right now though, Anet seem to be making content that heavily leans in favor of ranged gameplay mechanics.

If warrior is to be a melee oriented profession then we need to be given the tools to play as a melee oriented profession.

A lot of our highest output abilities root us in an era where moving is the key to survival.

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

If they'd make the game less punishing for melee players id say its ok.
Right now though, Anet seem to be making content that heavily leans in favor of ranged gameplay mechanics.

If warrior is to be a melee oriented profession then we need to be given the tools to play as a melee oriented profession.

A lot of our highest output abilities root us in an era where moving is the key to survival.

warrs are given the tools since day 1 its always been the best n hardest class to play , but more classes were favored ranged to start. ....and thats the root of the issue, for 11 years gw2s content HAS always favored ranged gameplay, n why balance has been the #1 consequence of their competetive pvp .....sicem rangers with 1200range longbows existed longbefore an influx of deadeye thieves, likewise mesmer greatsword, arenanet had 400 ppl on gw2 development so huge main issues ...went out the window lol. a caster shouldn't be able to main a greatsword with range makes 0 sense. any logic feedback to the contrary angers the transgender mesmers or whatever 100 other reasons. consequentialy ppl quit n game goes f2p .....community is largly ignored in regards to comp format balance 0 balance to start, the trends ongoing. now theyre addressing it ....somewhat.

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

If they'd make the game less punishing for melee players id say its ok.
Right now though, Anet seem to be making content that heavily leans in favor of ranged gameplay mechanics.

If warrior is to be a melee oriented profession then we need to be given the tools to play as a melee oriented profession.

A lot of our highest output abilities root us in an era where moving is the key to survival.

Like for instance the most important boon to counter ranged gameplay on warrior, is stability which is available in abundance now before it wasnt, sword 2 and strength/ defense traitline , but good players knew how to capitalize on bad ranged players, with bullscharge timing + hundred blades + many other tools....pvp doesn't support warrior skill as much as wvw , core warrior is hands down amazing atm, it just lacks understanding in favor of ranged per usual, and theres not enough ppl that even bother with melee ranger . Melee options r growing exponentially atm.

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For me warrior seems like it gets shafted for a few reasons.

1- it's core weapon animations need revamps badly, a lot of tge skills/animations have 0 imaginative design behind them, as example take sword......could it have more of a boring animation set.

2- the utility skills across all of warrior and its specs seem embarrassing compared to other classes, some are very useful and are almost always chosen while 90% of the possible utilities skills sit and rot.

Bladesworn seemed like it was going to add some flashy, imaginative design to the class finally but ended up feeling half done, can't even stow blade, no other visual options other than the gunblade monstrosity.....  needs skins asap. 


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On 9/4/2023 at 9:57 AM, Arklite.4013 said:

I know forums are similar to restaurant/google reviews, where generally people go to express frustration and disdain rather than praise, which is why the community's outlook on the class seems so negative. That being said, I still run into a TON of warriors in every game mode, and surely not everyone playing the class is doing it purely from a loyalty standpoint. Personally, as a diehard GS spellbreaker player, I'm pretty happy with the state of warrior, especially in OW and sPvP. Warriors on the forums seem to possess such negative opinions on their class compared to other classes. Can anyone enlighten?

largely due to discontentment in other areas of life, the 50yr old ungrateful so called warrior mains have since day 1 refused light at the end of all tunnels , finding reasons to complain about a game supposedly so loyal to. I mean honestly now im surprised to see ppl not praising good changes to a class virtually unaddressed the longest...warriors stayed true to itself sadly while arenanet deliberately forced other classes into  something almost contrary to what the originally were. unidentifiable. that and 90% of the playerbase just sucks at the game, endless stream of toxicity generally precedes being ignorant and never learning warrior.

Edited by cjttruelife.9172
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