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Do Laurel Merchants need to have their laurel prices adjusted?


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1 minute ago, Aravind.9610 said:

You still get 10 laurels per week from the weekly yes? Don't see why price should be adjusted since you get more laurels than you did before. Or did you want an increase in price?

Depending on how they are spent, and considering the need for the other items as well

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23 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Dont waste your time. OP is just another one who read somewhere that the rewards got worse with the new daily system without checking if it's true or not. 


whether rewards are better or worse vary. I am not getting many rewards under the new system. I do know other people have different experiences compared to me. But I have a different experience compared to you also.

Edited by willow.8209
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1 hour ago, Manifest.8417 said:

Given the changes to the daily login rewards, of course

no it don't need change anything.

but if was the case:

why are you so worried if ppl bought the LS1 items more cheaper for laurels? or these trinkets? it will destroy your game? you walk around LA showing up your "ascedend ring of red death" as prestige item?

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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20 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

whether rewards are better or worse vary. I am not getting many rewards under the new system. I do know other people have different experiences compared to me. But I have a different experience compared to you also.

How exactly do you know that your experience is different than mine when I never said what my experience is? 


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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

How exactly do you know that your experience is different than mine when I never said what my experience is? 


Asuming law of probability, the chance of you both having same expeirence is like both of you having same favourite number out of infinity 

So technicly his right on 99,9*% 🤓

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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14 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

How exactly do you know that your experience is different than mine when I never said what my experience is? 


by you saying:

14 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Dont waste your time. OP is just another one who read somewhere that the rewards got worse with the new daily system without checking if it's true or not. 


I assumed you meant to say you made or read some calculations that suggested new system gives better rewards.

And I assumed you meant that this fit with your experience.

My experience is different from new system has better rewards. It's a little complicated why: some of it is a general experience that many (not all) players have had where a specific objective is bugged, making it incompletable or take forever (many hours, and maybe still not completable after such a dedicated try).

Some of it is different from that but still not exactly niche experience, as many gamers have chronic illness and disabilities that interfere with efficient gaming or with being able to do any particular objective on a specific given day. (Maybe we can do it a different--random--day, but the stars need to align in order for a good health day for doing x, to match up with x is daily.)

Yet other players don't have a specific illness/disability reason why not, but just don't like x content and would rather not do it, even for AA. 

However these different experiences for some gamers is different from "new system is working great, better rewards" which is what I interpreted you as meaning. If you don't mean that, can you try to be more specific. 

Better rewards assumes everyone can (and wants to) consistently do all the assigned things each time. (I'm assuming that everyone could find enough things they could or wanted to do under the old system where there were always lots of choices--multiples of how many were required for the daily chest, or if they could not it was an issue unrelated to the design of the daily system).

In fact however, not everyone can play x content during a specific day's gaming session just because it's daily today. And not everyone wants to play x content, whether just not in the mood today or just really not ever. 

While some things are hard to generally everyone, other things can be harder or easier for different people, or for some of us harder or easier at different times. 

That's why not having a dozen choices is inaccessible/excludes some gamers from the new system.

It's like, to use an analogy, we used to have a ramp into the GW2 daily rewards/login rewards buildings. But when they remodeled, they replaced the ramp with marble stairs. Of course many people like the marble stairs. But people who can't take stairs are now excluded.

Edited by willow.8209
add note about login chest, remove personal info, clarify
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3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

How exactly do you know that your experience is different than mine when I never said what my experience is? 


Because he is not you. And because you did say what your experience is, by suggesting OP is mistaken about rewards being worse, while he said that for him they were worse.

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Considering that you can earn 14,760 Astral Acclaim and 110 laurels in the 77 day rotation and it only costs 1,500 to purchase all 150 additional Laurels I highly doubt that anyone is struggling enough with dailies and weeklies to miss so many points as to not earn at least as many laurels as they would have under the old system.

For reference under the old system you could earn 55 per month for a total of 165 in the same time period as the new system rotation.

It is more than easily possible to earn 260 laurels in the wizards vault during the 77 day rotation.

So we should increase laurel vendor prices?

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8 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Holy wall of text batman. 

I will read that when I feel like it. 


You implied that better rewards matched your experience.

Better rewards doesn't match mine, because the no/few choices (non-deliberately I'm sure) excludes some gamers from the new system of dailies, plus with reduced rewards just for logging in. Especially it excludes gamers with chronic illness/disability, such as myself. 

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10 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I highly doubt that anyone is struggling enough with dailies and weeklies to miss so many points as to not earn at least as many laurels as they would have under the old system.

I already said that I did struggle like that. This is my experience, and it seems to resonate with some other players. It is not a universal experience.

Edited by willow.8209
information too personal, changed my post entirely
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Bear in mind the laurel vendor prices were set when laurels were first introduced, back when you could only get a maximum of 40 laurels every 30 days. You could only get that many if you did all 5 dailies every day (there was no choice in which ones you did and very little variation in the ones available) and 4 monthly achievements. (Completing all the dailies gave 1 laurel, the monthlies gave 10.)

The prices weren't adjusted during any of the previous updates to the system so I think it's unlikely they'd be adjusted now we're back to something close to what it used to be and if they were adjusted it would almost certainly mean increasing the prices since it's now possible to get more laurels.

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3 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

I got the daily chest exactly 2 times the first week. And about 2 times this week also. I got the weekly chest once so far.

You have 77 days to earn 1,500 of the 14,760 possible points. If you can't manage that then I really don't know what to suggest, but lowering laurel prices isn't the answer.

The system as a whole is better than the old one, it is actually possible to earn more of a given resource if you focus on just one. It also allows you that focus to prioritise and achieve the result sooner. It is possible to earn all of those laurels within just a couple of weeks, something that would have taken you 3 months under the old system.

What I do agree with is that it is annoying that some tasks are bugged making it impossible to earn the maximum acclaim for the quarter, especially given that you can't purchase everything that is available as you would need about 18,975 to do that.

It would be nice to be able to reroll some daily/weekly tasks once or twice per day/week in the event you get something you don't want to do, or that is bugged.

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4 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

whether rewards are better or worse vary. I am not getting many rewards under the new system. I do know other people have different experiences compared to me. But I have a different experience compared to you also.

Log in rewards have always been too valuable and people like me with mulitple accounts made a killing because of it. I'm glad they changed it, to be honest, because it's better for the game.

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20 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

This is a you problem. Everyone who plays the game and does the dailies and weeklies gets better rewards and can even choose what rewards he gets. 

I think you probably have not understood (if you did understand, maybe look up regulations on excluding people on the basis of disability this might be informative)

I am only asking for choices, so I can chose the dailies I can actually do at the time.

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5 minutes ago, willow.8209 said:

I think you probably have not understood (if you did understand, maybe look up regulations on excluding people on the basis of disability this might be informative)

I am only asking for choices, so I can chose the dailies I can actually do at the time.

I agree with you on this one. More choice of dailies would most likely be welcomed by all.

I think maybe you have an issue with the implementation rather than the overall system.

The system itself is an improvement, the implementation with the bugged and/or difficult challenges is a bit of a miss on Anets part, in my opinion.

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The new system feels more rewarding to me even if I get less overall because I can choose to prioritise the things I want and miss the things I don't care about. I can tell you now I'm going to get a lot less luck and less Tomes of Knowledge than I did from login rewards, but that's because I'm not going to choose those unless I'm running out of things to buy and given how many of the achievements I've already missed that's not going to happen.

Login rewards were ok because they usually required little to no effort to get but they also gave me a lot of things which were ok because they were easy to get rid of or could stack up indefinitely until I found a use for them, not things I actually wanted.

Clarification on 'little to no effort' since I know someone will query it either way:


Obviously all you had to do to get login rewards was log in once each day. But for me that meant there were 3 'tiers' of effort to get them:
1) Days I was going to play GW2 anyway - no effort. I'd log in regardless so I didn't have to do anything for the login reward specifically.
2) Days I was on the computer but not planning to play GW2 - minimal effort. I'd log in just to collect them, which took a few minutes of my time and was specifically for the login reward.
3) Days I was home but had too much else to do and wouldn't normally even turn the computer on (usually this was days I woke up, finished packing for a trip and then left, or days I got home from a trip just before going to bed). I'd have to make time to turn the computer one, wait for it to start up, log into GW2 and then reverse the process - closing the game down and turning the PC off. It still only took about 10 minutes in total and I could do some other things while waiting, but it's still going out of my way to get them, much more so then when I'd log in anyway.

There were (and are) also days I wasn't home at all and couldn't log in even if I wanted to so I missed the login reward entirely.

I don't think I can do a 1:1 comparison of what I get from the new system compared to what I typically got from the old one because I've chosen a lot of things which had no equivalent in login rewards, like the griffon skin and armour skins. But I do know that in spite of missing several of the achievements I've already reached a point where I've got all my 'must have' items and I'm now starting to use AA to get currencies which might be useful. I'm not going to be able to clear that list and start on things I don't really want but can store or get rid of easily just to use up AA, but that's not a problem for me.

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29 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

This is a you problem. Everyone who plays the game and does the dailies and weeklies gets better rewards and can even choose what rewards he gets. 

Everything in this game is a "you" problem, with the only difference being who that "you" definition in each specific case covers.

Also, a hint: if you need to follow the word "everyone" with several qualifiers that significantly narrow that group down, you probably did not really mean "everyone".

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