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Fully melee pistol was like a bad joke


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Giving a class that desperately needs good ranged weapons, a melee pistol, was like a terrible joke, hope i'm wrong but this only shows the big lack of knowledge that ANet has on warrior's issues, seems like there's a dev in ANet that is obsessed with the idea of giving warrior bad/slow/wacky ranged resources, like warrior's rifle, this thing is depressing compared to ranger's longbow (a bow with more range and faster projectiles than a rifle 💀)

In a couple months, this is gonna be the ONLY class without a ranged 1 handed weapon, and the only class with a melee pistol...

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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This is what ive been saying for years now. It gets painfully obvious when you enter into PvP matches with many situations which arise were mid ranging would be more suitable than being in melee or at full range.
Then again in PvE and WvW one handed rangerd weapons are massivily missing, something that would actually allow support builds to flourish.

If anet actually gets around to making a one handed ranged pistol for mainhand it would be acceptable to keep the current offhand as it is.

Now I know many people will come in and state 'nOt EvErY cLaSs NeEdS tO dO tHe SaMe ThInGs'. Now, 10 years ago, we'd agree... however since this is now the ONLY class that can not use 1 handed ranged weapons and the ONLY class that can not create AOE's via Utilities and the ONLY class with very limited damaging utility skills with also the least amount of options to be able to support and aid fellow team members, it starts to become obvious that Warrior as a whole needs a whole catchup rehaul balance. (classes lost their uniqueness long ago with the introduction of elite specs, it is not fair for all but one class to gain the tools and skills to be at the fighting edge.)


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1 hour ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

This is what ive been saying for years now. It gets painfully obvious when you enter into PvP matches with many situations which arise were mid ranging would be more suitable than being in melee or at full range.
Then again in PvE and WvW one handed rangerd weapons are massivily missing, something that would actually allow support builds to flourish.

If anet actually gets around to making a one handed ranged pistol for mainhand it would be acceptable to keep the current offhand as it is.

Now I know many people will come in and state 'nOt EvErY cLaSs NeEdS tO dO tHe SaMe ThInGs'. Now, 10 years ago, we'd agree... however since this is now the ONLY class that can not use 1 handed ranged weapons and the ONLY class that can not create AOE's via Utilities and the ONLY class with very limited damaging utility skills with also the least amount of options to be able to support and aid fellow team members, it starts to become obvious that Warrior as a whole needs a whole catchup rehaul balance. (classes lost their uniqueness long ago with the introduction of elite specs, it is not fair for all but one class to gain the tools and skills to be at the fighting edge.)


Yes, the "That would homogenize classes too much" or "Class identity is a good thing" is a repeated argument I keep seeing. Were we still in the HoT era of the game I'd agree with them, but we aren't and ANet has shown countless times now with the countless balance updates that they have moved more and more towards homogenizing the classes through things such as boons and access to "tools".

Now pre-EoD I'd have said Warrior and Thief were the only two that have been left out in the cold in this area which is why people got so frustrated playing either one against basically any other class, but since Specter has rolled onto the scene it really just leaves Warrior in the lurch. No one can really claim it is a "class identity" thing when ANet is very visibly not adhering to that in terms of accessibility to tools; boons, mechanics, etc.

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12 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I laughed really hard when the pistol was a melee weapon on the non magic class

You'd imagine something like that on rev but alas, lmao

It kinda fits as to how pistol was often used in historical sword-and-pistol fighting. You wanted to make that shot count, and early pistols were pretty inaccurate so shooting at someone more than a pike's length away meant a good chance of missing.

A mainhand pistol really should be ranged, though, on the basis that the pistols aren't really meant to be used together, but that the mainhand pistol is paired with a defence or support offhand like shield or warhorn.

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On 9/16/2023 at 5:03 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

Giving a class that desperately needs good ranged weapons, a melee pistol, was like a terrible joke, hope i'm wrong but this only shows the big lack of knowledge that ANet has on warrior's issues, seems like there's a dev in ANet that is obsessed with the idea of giving warrior bad/slow/wacky ranged resources, like warrior's rifle, this thing is depressing compared to ranger's longbow (a bow with more range and faster projectiles than a rifle 💀)

In a couple months, this is gonna be the ONLY class without a ranged 1 handed weapon, and the only class with a melee pistol...

you dont understand how to play warrior it doesn't need a pistol , and it isnt melee either the 2 skills r neglible throughout 99% of the game, its longbow and rifle are still 2 of the best ranged sources in game on a melee exclusive profession.


On 9/16/2023 at 6:44 PM, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Yes, the "That would homogenize classes too much" or "Class identity is a good thing" is a repeated argument I keep seeing. Were we still in the HoT era of the game I'd agree with them, but we aren't and ANet has shown countless times now with the countless balance updates that they have moved more and more towards homogenizing the classes through things such as boons and access to "tools".

Now pre-EoD I'd have said Warrior and Thief were the only two that have been left out in the cold in this area which is why people got so frustrated playing either one against basically any other class, but since Specter has rolled onto the scene it really just leaves Warrior in the lurch. No one can really claim it is a "class identity" thing when ANet is very visibly not adhering to that in terms of accessibility to tools; boons, mechanics, etc.

ppl get frustrated playing high skill classes cause they want everything to be easy and free..there is skill in the game none of which ppl on these forums know where to find

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2 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

you dont understand how to play warrior it doesn't need a pistol , and it isnt melee either the 2 skills r neglible throughout 99% of the game, its longbow and rifle are still 2 of the best ranged sources in game on a melee exclusive profession.

I dont get it, is this a "warrior is just melee on rpgs" argument?

Or are you saying that pistol "isn't melee"?

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1 hour ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

I dont get it, is this a "warrior is just melee on rpgs" argument?

Or are you saying that pistol "isn't melee"?

im saying pistol OH is 2 skills its irrelevant for that reason so much so that even if it does get attention itll still remain counterproductive to the profession 9/10 fights...versus how rifle warrior burst is still even stronger in 2k23.  take thief pistols , as much as i dont like pistols having 2 on an assasinesque profession fulfills the roleplay ...on that profession. every other new n old weap choice for war outclasses a pistol, i forget it exists. despite pistol 5 being sick pointblank dps, its better than sword offhand or mace mainhand that while melee, arent bursty or remotely effective.      pistol on warrior is like greatsword on mesmer, ...why should a caster get a greatsword that isnt melee, but ranged. illogical unexplainable trends in gw2. that will never get changed fueling ongoing imbalance . weapons are 90% give or take the main problem with balance lol, its all arbitrary ...berserkers get 1 torch with HoT chrono a shield, whilest scrapper and necro and daredevil get insane2h weapon options ..class synergy is 1 thing, but crumby weapons makes or breaks the best build anyways,  if 1 class has crumby weapons its shitt outt luck, According to anet.

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8 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

longbow and rifle are still 2 of the best ranged sources in game on a melee exclusive profession.

Yet they are half as good as every other classes ranged options.

Rifle's reworks never fully landed, we have 3 skills that do next to the same thing(one of the most bland and boring weapons to use as a result), a melee knockback and an evade into the worlds longest attack cast. While we have Ranger rocking a rapid fire burst causing vulnerability, a ranged knockback, stealth on demand and an additional AOE attack, all while having a pet attacking for you (some pets damage is not laughable in the least (5-9k hits).  Warriors rifle feels like its trying to be Rangers longbow yet it falls short.

longbow still feels stuck in 2013 with its Arcing Arrow, while we have skills in the game such as Dragons Tooth, changed from targeted to locked on. Compaired to lets say Guardians longbow, honestly I would rather that longbow on warrior over the current 2013 longbow we still have. Guardians longbow comes equiped with two CC skills and multiple AOE attacks while still having a single target burst on a 4s cooldown.

The utility and skills that come with other classes weapons far outweighs the warriors weapons, it always ends up feeling like warriors weapons are given the bareminimum with the arguement of 'its a high hp class' (as we have learnt HP means nothing when you can get protection on demand, regeneration and multiple other boons to be more useful than raw HP.)

Every class in the game has access to a 2 handed ranged weapon, every class has access to a 2 handed melee weapon, every class has access to a 1 handed melee weapon, so why is every class apart from one able to use a 1 handed ranged weapon? Warrior did not lack offhand weapons.. if anything it has too many! Most of the offhand choices are garbage to use due to the lack of synergy with the mainhands we currently have. Throwing a mainhand pistol into the mix would change this factor, you'd see the use of sword offhand, you'd potentially see the use of mace as a means to knockdown at range for those getting too close. The build options and playstyles would massively open up for warrior with a 1 handed mainhand pistol. 

It tires me to use the same mainhand weapons in this game changing nothing in how you play. For PvE (power) you'll see Axe or Sword with the rare case of Dagger, which essentiall plays like sword with a mace twist. For offhands you'll be playing Axe or Pistol (depending on the elitespec used for the explosive traits), both weapons do the same thing, one spins while one annoyingly knocks you back away from your target.

Warriors playstyle has been stuck in a predicatable cycle of being in melee and open to being AOE spammed on point, 1 handed ranged pistol would change this and no longer can you be kited around with little means to attack back.

I honestly dont know how many times it has to be said till its done, but warrior needs a 1 handed ranged weapon. (even more so now since its about to become the ONLY class in the game without one.)

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14 hours ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

you dont understand how to play warrior it doesn't need a pistol , and it isnt melee either the 2 skills r neglible throughout 99% of the game, its longbow and rifle are still 2 of the best ranged sources in game on a melee exclusive profession.


ppl get frustrated playing high skill classes cause they want everything to be easy and free..there is skill in the game none of which ppl on these forums know where to find

Are you okay? I'm sure there was a perspective or point here, maybe you might want to take another moment to flesh it out a little more.

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1 minute ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

yea warrs dont need more range weapons essentially, so why discuss a pistol thats 50% or no use anyways..arenanet just does whaf they want , the games f2p condition exists forcs reasom byt should reflect all new content 

It kind of does. There is a reason why Longbow is only now seeing any use in competitive modes, because Condi got in general overtuned on everything the the introduction of Relics, and it still sees no use in PvE. Rifle sees no use in PvE and no use in competitive modes because it just isn't strong enough or have enough tools at its disposal and they have even tried reworking it a couple of times already to change that and yet it hasn't done much.

Warrior in general is just lacking tools that other classes have access to which shoves into an exclusively DPS role in PvE content, and one that doesn't even provide things like group Alacrity or group Quickness. If you want those things as well as top tier DPS you just bring other classes.

Warrior does have a steeper learning curve in competitive modes, but that doesn't serve it very well because you hit a hard limit of how far you can even climb that curve due to just a complete lack of access to things that ANet has essentially just declared as basic tools with the changes and balance updates they have made to the game over the years; namely boons.

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7 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

Yet they are half as good as every other classes ranged options.

Rifle's reworks never fully landed, we have 3 skills that do next to the same thing(one of the most bland and boring weapons to use as a result), a melee knockback and an evade into the worlds longest attack cast. While we have Ranger rocking a rapid fire burst causing vulnerability, a ranged knockback, stealth on demand and an additional AOE attack, all while having a pet attacking for you (some pets damage is not laughable in the least (5-9k hits).  Warriors rifle feels like its trying to be Rangers longbow yet it falls short.

longbow still feels stuck in 2013 with its Arcing Arrow, while we have skills in the game such as Dragons Tooth, changed from targeted to locked on. Compaired to lets say Guardians longbow, honestly I would rather that longbow on warrior over the current 2013 longbow we still have. Guardians longbow comes equiped with two CC skills and multiple AOE attacks while still having a single target burst on a 4s cooldown.

The utility and skills that come with other classes weapons far outweighs the warriors weapons, it always ends up feeling like warriors weapons are given the bareminimum with the arguement of 'its a high hp class' (as we have learnt HP means nothing when you can get protection on demand, regeneration and multiple other boons to be more useful than raw HP.)

Every class in the game has access to a 2 handed ranged weapon, every class has access to a 2 handed melee weapon, every class has access to a 1 handed melee weapon, so why is every class apart from one able to use a 1 handed ranged weapon? Warrior did not lack offhand weapons.. if anything it has too many! Most of the offhand choices are garbage to use due to the lack of synergy with the mainhands we currently have. Throwing a mainhand pistol into the mix would change this factor, you'd see the use of sword offhand, you'd potentially see the use of mace as a means to knockdown at range for those getting too close. The build options and playstyles would massively open up for warrior with a 1 handed mainhand pistol. 

It tires me to use the same mainhand weapons in this game changing nothing in how you play. For PvE (power) you'll see Axe or Sword with the rare case of Dagger, which essentiall plays like sword with a mace twist. For offhands you'll be playing Axe or Pistol (depending on the elitespec used for the explosive traits), both weapons do the same thing, one spins while one annoyingly knocks you back away from your target.

Warriors playstyle has been stuck in a predicatable cycle of being in melee and open to being AOE spammed on point, 1 handed ranged pistol would change this and no longer can you be kited around with little means to attack back.

I honestly dont know how many times it has to be said till its done, but warrior needs a 1 handed ranged weapon. (even more so now since its about to become the ONLY class in the game without one.)

ppl talk like a decade is a long time, NEW weapons need to enter the game, not old weapons on new professions.... does war fit with the lore of engineer? No. im suprised it was given a high burst rifle to begin with yrs ago, they may need more melee options ; polearms whatever ...aquatic weapons on land.  lotta ideas not considered sall good who knows


Edited by cjttruelife.9172
being a jerk
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28 minutes ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

It kind of does. There is a reason why Longbow is only now seeing any use in competitive modes, because Condi got in general overtuned on everything the the introduction of Relics, and it still sees no use in PvE. Rifle sees no use in PvE and no use in competitive modes because it just isn't strong enough or have enough tools at its disposal and they have even tried reworking it a couple of times already to change that and yet it hasn't done much.

Warrior in general is just lacking tools that other classes have access to which shoves into an exclusively DPS role in PvE content, and one that doesn't even provide things like group Alacrity or group Quickness. If you want those things as well as top tier DPS you just bring other classes.

Warrior does have a steeper learning curve in competitive modes, but that doesn't serve it very well because you hit a hard limit of how far you can even climb that curve due to just a complete lack of access to things that ANet has essentially just declared as basic tools with the changes and balance updates they have made to the game over the years; namely boons.

hambow has been the goto combo for years in comp modes

i think new weapons should enter the game, not old for new profs kinda thing,  but new. simply cause gw2 is a big  enough makes no sense to the contrary.  time ll tell, weapontraining thus far and reverting unnerfing past traits is a huge step in the balance direction , daredevil with 1200 range steal again...things of that nature.


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Just now, cjttruelife.9172 said:

hambow has been the goto combo for years in comp modes

i think new weapons should enter the game, not old for new profs kinda thing,  but new. simply cause gw2 is a big  enough majes no sense to tge contrary.  time ll tell, weapontraining thus far and reverting unnerfing past traits is a huge step in the balance direction 

Hambow has not been the go to in competitive modes in literal years. That is literally the oldest "meta" build in existence and it doesn't hold up anymore in competitive modes because it sustained itself off of CC skills still doing damage (which they don't anymore) as well as Longbow Burst skill proccing Adrenal Health stacks while stacking with Healing Signet and the passive procs from the old Endure Pain and Balanced Stance traits which also no longer exist in that form. I don't know what year you're thinking it is, but this is not 2012/2013, Hambow has not been a competitive mode "staple" build for a decade. Which, also, yes 10 years is a long time. Literally the difference between someone being a 20 year old and a 30 year old. A lot can happen in that span of time. Not sure if what you said in that other post was maybe a typo or something.

I don't disagree that new weapons should enter the game (would not mind a 2h axe, or just Spear on land), if only for ANet to actually just be iterating on "core" elements of their gameplay, but that is a big ask for them to do when they can barely lock in on good balance with the existing weapons at Warrior's disposal.

You have got to spend more time curating your posts, I feel as if you may not be properly communicating what you're trying to assert here.

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1 minute ago, cjttruelife.9172 said:

ppl talk like a decade is a long time, NEW weapons need to enter the game, not old weapons on new professions....why does warrior NEED a 1 handed ranged weapon? youre the furthest thing from a gamer or developer, di you play competetive modes , does war fit with the lore of engineer? No. im suprised it was given a high burst rifle to begin withh yrs ago, they may need more melee options ; polearms whatever ...aquatic weapons on land. understanding the class. gw2 lore isnt even accurate to medieval Renaissance style weaponry anyways, but its implementation to what profession gets what is the largest factor of imbalance, if youve never been exposed to better arsenol of weapon availability in other games how would know what weapon to advocate for, id like to not troll or make fun of you but pistols especially on warr profession is the least IF at all desirable weapon.

As we have all come to realise with the hopes of a new weapon to be released, it is highly unlikely anet will ever produce a new weapon type due to the risk of breaking code, or so they have stated.
I have played this game for a long long time, I've put many hours into PvP, PvE and some into WvW and I stand by what Ive stated many times, Warrior lacks a 1 handed main hand weapon. Without this weapon type the warrior is limited in how it approaches combat. I wont toy into teleports which every class seems to get as well bar warrior, however when you get into situations where one can teleport away onto a ledge and you only have melee weapons, how are you meant to engage at that point? Lose half your health trying to get up and engage? Disengage and run away? Having an ability to be able to attack what would have been out of range puts the preasure back onto the one who teleported away, meaning they now have to make a move instead of you.

If your issue is Pistol doesnt fit the theme of warrior, I put this to thee. A warrior of current uses a rifle, as a secondary they have... a pistol (depending on rank of course). A warrior 100-200 years ago also used a rifle and a pistol. A warrior is a bland term of saying 'fighter', an expert in the art of war able to yeild many weapons at their disposal. As the quote goes:

"Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become. "
Which unfortunatly led us to a great joke with the recent expansion weapon mastery system. (other classes are just better at being masters of weaponry) As many of us took away from this term pre expansion, master of weaponry for warrior meant all mainhand weapons that can be used in the offhand can also be used in the mainhand, which begs why did they not make the pistol mainhand as well?

To quite a few people pistol is very desirable for warrior, a weapon that has performed very well on multiple classes, a weapon that has been granted to guardian offhand and mainhand (which i have prepped a guardian for to use.) I couldnt think of a more fitting weapon for warrior, the ultimate support weapon, flanking or kiting weapon. I wouldnt go about slapping your own opinion in as global fact when it is just your view that pistol is not desireable.

As you may already be aware warrior is getting an additional weapon, land stick. A weapon that has a high chance of being another melee weapon, which begs the question why? Warrior does not lack in the melee weapons department, it lacks in the range department, something that would have bought it back to scratch with the other classes.

I can see you do have a very strong bias against pistol, may I ask why? All you've explained in your answers to others is 'you dont know your class'.

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1 hour ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

As we have all come to realise with the hopes of a new weapon to be released, it is highly unlikely anet will ever produce a new weapon type due to the risk of breaking code, or so they have stated.
I have played this game for a long long time, I've put many hours into PvP, PvE and some into WvW and I stand by what Ive stated many times, Warrior lacks a 1 handed main hand weapon. Without this weapon type the warrior is limited in how it approaches combat. I wont toy into teleports which every class seems to get as well bar warrior, however when you get into situations where one can teleport away onto a ledge and you only have melee weapons, how are you meant to engage at that point? Lose half your health trying to get up and engage? Disengage and run away? Having an ability to be able to attack what would have been out of range puts the preasure back onto the one who teleported away, meaning they now have to make a move instead of you.

If your issue is Pistol doesnt fit the theme of warrior, I put this to thee. A warrior of current uses a rifle, as a secondary they have... a pistol (depending on rank of course). A warrior 100-200 years ago also used a rifle and a pistol. A warrior is a bland term of saying 'fighter', an expert in the art of war able to yeild many weapons at their disposal. As the quote goes:

"Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become. "
Which unfortunatly led us to a great joke with the recent expansion weapon mastery system. (other classes are just better at being masters of weaponry) As many of us took away from this term pre expansion, master of weaponry for warrior meant all mainhand weapons that can be used in the offhand can also be used in the mainhand, which begs why did they not make the pistol mainhand as well?

To quite a few people pistol is very desirable for warrior, a weapon that has performed very well on multiple classes, a weapon that has been granted to guardian offhand and mainhand (which i have prepped a guardian for to use.) I couldnt think of a more fitting weapon for warrior, the ultimate support weapon, flanking or kiting weapon. I wouldnt go about slapping your own opinion in as global fact when it is just your view that pistol is not desireable.

As you may already be aware warrior is getting an additional weapon, land stick. A weapon that has a high chance of being another melee weapon, which begs the question why? Warrior does not lack in the melee weapons department, it lacks in the range department, something that would have bought it back to scratch with the other classes.

I can see you do have a very strong bias against pistol, may I ask why? All you've explained in your answers to others is 'you dont know your class'.

 ive no issues with ppl, but in your last post you said warriors ranged options are half as good as what other classes get , cause you fail to see how arenanet views warrior and gw2 roles in general..... warrior is lucky to get ranged options at all.

 its not a caster or a ranged sceptor spamming profession ...and has not diverted to any diff playstyle since launch. play it in its current state as a melee prof .  as it gets stronger or not at all, if a rifle deadeye focus kills you 24/7 ...rethink your SKILL lol and strategy to fights, if everyone plays rifle deadeyes does that mean warrior sucks now? either get on the deadeye bandwagon, enjoy warr for what it is, adapt, or quit the game.  



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17 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

When I saw that a none Pic users left a comment, I knew I was in for some bad takes but nothing prepared me for this nonsense. 

Anyway, how about making Rifle not so bad? 

Im not even going to respond to them any more with all the made up scenarios and belief of this 'anet intended warrior to be only melee'.
Warrior players want the role to actually be more enjoyable to play, to keep up with the curve and not be left behind it. This kind of thinking posted above is equivilent of saying 'Back in my day we didnt have computers and I dont want to improve to use them'. 'Back in core days, warrior didnt really have many options, now I dont want to improve to expand them.'

Edited by Smoosh.2718
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13 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

Im not even going to respond to them any more with all the made up scenarios and belief of this 'anet intended warrior to be only melee'.
Warrior players want the role to actually be more enjoyable to play, to keep up with the curve and not be left behind it. This kind of thinking posted above is equivilent of saying 'Back in my day we didnt have computers and I dont want to improve to use them'. 'Back in core days, warrior didnt really have many options, now I dont want to improve to expand them.'

It's also akin to the 'why would you want range, endgame is all boonball anyway' argument, with the same counter: the developers have shown an increasing trend toweards designing encounters that handicap melee-only builds. Which isn't a bad thing, but it does require that all professions have the tools to do well there.

Not to mention that 'warrior is supposed to be melee' goes against what ArenaNet said in GW2's marketing. It prefers melee, sure, but every profession is supposed to be able to do melee or ranged when needed. Warrior should, at least, be comparable to other heavy armour professions.

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3 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

It's also akin to the 'why would you want range, endgame is all boonball anyway' argument, with the same counter: the developers have shown an increasing trend toweards designing encounters that handicap melee-only builds. Which isn't a bad thing, but it does require that all professions have the tools to do well there.

Not to mention that 'warrior is supposed to be melee' goes against what ArenaNet said in GW2's marketing. It prefers melee, sure, but every profession is supposed to be able to do melee or ranged when needed. Warrior should, at least, be comparable to other heavy armour professions.

There is also the issue where other classes are simply doing melee better than Warrior as well. Guardian, Revenant, Ranger, Engineer and even Elementalist since CMC very visibly brought D/D ele back into competitive modes along with just Hammer on ele now. They just have far more tools to facilitate it and keep pressure, and far more consistent access to just their entire profession mechanic, whereas you have Warrior over here with everything tied behind "on hit".

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You don't have remote bombs - the cartridges effect is more of a "you can attach them to other explosives or just throw them on the ground and blow them up immediately" thing.

The really odd thing from that perspective is that the pistol-sized gun attached to the gunsaber has longer range even when being swung around like a sword.

I think offhand pistol does work as it is, in context. Problem is the lack of a (more conventional) ranged mainhand pistol.

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